Drama Unit Planner Year 4 Term 2 Teacher: N Mackereth Duration: Unit/Topic/Theme Fertile Question How could I create the world of a story? Dramarama Achievement Objective Level Practical Knowledge 2 Students will explore and use elements of drama for different purposes Developing Ideas 2 Communicating & Interpreting 2 Understanding & Context 2 Students wil develop and sustain ideas in drama, based on personal experience and imagination Students will share drama through informal presentation and respond to elements of drama in their own and others• work. Students will Identify and describe how drama serves a variety of purposes in their lives and in their communities Elements Role Time Space Action Tension Focus Techniques Voice Body Movement Gesture Learning Outcomes Facial Expression Students will: 1. Look at the different ways and purposes in which life is lived on the sea in the past to today. 2. Experiment through various drama games, with: role, time, place, action, tension, focus, choral movement and speaking, hot seating, improvisation, voice, movement, space and gestures. 3. Create a prepared improvisation based on a real life experience of someone experiencing life on the sea- reflecting the purpose and hardships of their experience. 4. Maintain a planning sheet that reflects on the process they go through to prepare their story as well as identifying and reflecting on how the elements are used in their performances and that of others. Conventions Mime Flashback/Flashforw ard Freeze-frame image Narration Movement piece Soundscape Parallel play Repetition Ritual Slow motion Chorus of voices/movement Spoken thoughts Voices in the Head Summative Assessment Opportunities In small groups of 4 students will create a 1-2 minute drama based on a day in the life of a someone living out to sea. Reflective planning sheet Key Competencies Relating to Others Thinking Managing Self Using language, symbols and text Participating & Contributing Values Excellence Innovation Inquiry Equity Diversity Curiousity Integrity Respect Community & Participation Ecological Sustainability Peer assessment of others dramatisations Collaboration with Other Learning Areas Dance Visual Art Music Literacy Social Studies/History Resources / Materials Tonight on the Titanic by Mary Pope Osborne (literacy activities, comp questions vocab focus) Lesson plan on Scholastic.com ‘Summing up the Disaster’ – write a newspaper article for a class newspaper on the Titanic disaster http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ xpeditions/lessons/17/gk2/piratelife. html http://www.scu.edu/scm/spring2007/ feature1.cfm Teaching Learning Sequence Explore the Elements and Techniques using warm-up games. Key questions Role = WHO? Role involves stepping into the space of another prerson, representing that person’s relationships and point of view. Time = WHEN? Time is when the drama is set. Place = WHERE? Place is where the dramatic action takes place. It refers both to the imagined place of the dramatic action and the physical space that the students have to work in. Action = WHAT? Action is what each person in role is doing and thinking alone and with others. It’s what happens in the drama. Tension = is the force that drives the drama. It’s created by obstacles that those in the drama have to overcome. Symbol = Where an object or action in a scene means more than it is. Mood = the atmosphere of the piece. Focus = the point that demands the audience’s attention. It is the central event, character, theme, issue or problems of a drama. (See ‘Drama Handbook’). 1: Brainstorming- purposes, reasons, ways people have lived at sea Create a timeline Looking at the elements- rubric handouts for Inquiry books Why do people live at Sea? Week 3/4: Developing character- Pirates http://www.nationalgeographic.com/xpeditions/lessons/17/gk2/pirate life.html http://www.scu.edu/scm/spring2007/feature1.cfm Wallwisher- what do we think a pirate looks like, sounds like,, feels like? Why Who were real pirates? Pirate exhibition video and powerpoint. Photo-analysis – Pirates Walk like/ sit like/sing like a...Pirate game Name game warm-up Create a shape – sea theme -Case study the National Geographic exhibition sunken pirate ship ‘The Whydah’- the slave & trade routes, - the crew of the ship What are pirates like? Why do people think pirates are like that? -Pirates- what was their life like? Hardships, Fun Photoanalysis PMI done on a pirates life Hot seat- my created Pirate character (using character profile sheets) 4 & 5: Emigrants- on board the Bombay Examines each social class, the difference between them and what they would have been doing on board the ship of emigrants. Timeline – http://themes.pppst.com/disasters.html (Disasters) Freezeframe- a scene on board an emigrant ship 6&7 ExplorersWho were they? Maori, Christopher Columbus, Captain Cook research an explorer. Venn Diagrams- compare Tane and _____ voyages Freezeframe and Spoken thoughts aloud- the explorers leading their crew into the unknown- a moment of fear/ doubt 10&11 Inquiry: fertile Question – How do I create the world of a story? Students create their own worlds and demonstrate through a skit performed in front of class