Leadership Education and Development Certificate Program (LEAD) GENERAL DESCRIPTION The LEAD certificate program exists to develop educational leaders in academic medicine through evidence-based, collaborative learning and reflective practice. In particular, LEAD is cohort-based certificate program that fosters practical knowledge drawn from recognized theoretical models and best practices of effective leadership that are relevant to medical education organizations and processes. The LEAD program was created in 2009 within the AAMC-Southern Group on Education Affairs (GEA) to address a professional development gap in educational leadership training and professional development for early to mid-career medical educators and professionals who are aspiring to or already in leadership roles in academic medicine. The LEAD curriculum reflects a transformational leadership conceptual framework that encompasses four major themes: 1) Setting Direction and Vision; 2) Developing and Maintaining Organizational Efficiency (i.e., administration and management); 3) Leading by Developing Others, and 4) Leading by Developing the Organization. The LEAD certificate program is available to interested faculty and professionals in academic medicine through two primary venues: 1) one -year, cohort-based program piloted in the SGEA, and 2) one-year institution-based and sponsored program. Participation is by application and enrollment is determined by peer review. The SGEA regional director and faculty are selected by an application and peer-review process. They undergo initial and periodic training and professional development relative to the LEAD curriculum and program components. In the institution-based program, Program Directors and/or other designated LEAD faculty conduct and facilitate implementation with a cohort of no more than 16 Fellows and the assistance of a local program coordinator. Institutions interested in this model should contact either Sheila Chauvin or Britta Thompson directly for details and the application process. The LEAD certificate program is a multi-faceted leadership development model that includes the following primary components: 1) face-to-face workshops targeting each of the predominant curriculum themes (two at the 2016 spring SGEA meeting (Austin TX) and two immediately adjacent to the September 2016 national medical education meeting (Orlando FL); 2) mentoring by a LEAD Faculty Advisor and coaching by a Fellow-identified Local Coach; 3) quarterly intersessions via teleconference and independent learning and reflective practice through structured learning activities that occur before and after workshops, 4) real-life application through an Applied Leadership Focus; and 5) engagement in a professional learning community through formal and informal LEAD activities that include electronic communications and quarterly teleconferences. Tuition for the one-year program is $950 (one-time payment) and LEAD Fellows are responsible for their own travel expenses. PROGRAM GOALS: Upon completion of the LEAD certificate program, graduates have enhanced their abilities to: Apply relevant theoretical frameworks to guide their ongoing leadership development and actions in various situations Provide a solid rationale for using leadership theories to guide practice; Differentiate administration, management, and leadership, and explain the contribution of each to performing as an effective educational leader; Demonstrate leadership behaviors that include effective communication, supervision, strategic planning, and organizational development (e.g., creating a shared vision, developing people and capacity, facilitating effective change); and Use reflective practice and feedback to develop and continuously refine their personal leadership style and effectiveness. Develop a cohort of other medical education leaders to support his/her career aspirations. For more information, please contact: Dr. Sheila Chauvin at schauv@lsuhsc.edu Dr. Britta Thompson at bthompson@hmc.psu.edu Thank you for your interest in LEAD! Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Certificate Program in the SGEA (2016-17) Fellow Application First Name: Last Name: Credential(s): Email Address: Campus Telephone (including area code): Other Telephone (including area code): Current Position/Title: Primary Academic Department: School: Institution: Mailing Address: City: Current faculty rank (double-click one box and select “checked”): Instructor Is this a tenure-track appointment? State: Assistant Professor Yes No Associate Professor N/A Tenured now? Zip Code: N/A Professor Yes No N/A List two professional references other than the author of your support letter who may be contacted, as needed, in reviewing your application: Telephone Number Name / Institution / Department Position / Role Email Address (include area code) 1. 2. Please read carefully each of the following attestations and check the corresponding boxes to indicate your agreement, then and sign and date in the appropriate spaces. (To check each box, double click and select checked.) Attestation Initial I have personally assembled this application as an accurate representation of my involvement in academic medicine. I have read and understand the role and expectations of the LEAD Fellow. If selected as a LEAD Fellow, I agree to fulfill the participation expectations (e.g., attend and participate actively in all workshops, intersessions, mentoring and coaching activities, complete individual learning activities, complete an Applied Leadership Focus activity, present the ALF, and participate in graduation at the regional GEA meeting). Please continue to the next page to complete your application. Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Certificate Program Fellow Application DIRECTIONS: To complete this form, please type your responses in the appropriate cells. These will automatically expand to accommodate your responses. Please be concise and specific to the question/prompt. Thank you! Question/Prompt Please describe your academic medicine and any leadership roles and activities (formal and informal) within the past five years. Response Right now, what do you perceive to be your leadership strengths? If you are accepted into the LEAD program, please describe any particular leadership capabilities that you want to address for your own professional development? Please describe any opportunities or situations, formal and informal, in which you can apply what you are learning in the LEAD program. As you envision your career as a medical educator, please describe your educational leadership aspirations (e.g., in specific area of medical education, particular position/role). Please describe your specific learning and professional development goals and motivation for participation in the program. ___________________________________________________ Signature ___________________ Date To submit your application. . . . Add your CV to this form; Add your letter of support from your direct supervisor Create a single PDF of your materials; and Send the PDF as an email attachment to schauv@lsuhsc.edu no later than Monday, January 22, 2016. If chosen as a participant, a one-time tuition payment of $950 will be due. Sample letter from Direct Supervisor [Date] LEAD Steering Committee c/o Sheila W. Chauvin, PhD, MEd schauv@lsuhsc.edu Dear LEAD Steering Committee Members, I am writing in support of [name of applicant] as a candidate for the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Certificate Program. [Name of applicant] has shown promise as an up-and-coming medical education leader, and [he/she] will benefit from participation in this program, both in terms of [his/her] development as a leader as well as to current and potential areas of leadership. [The supervisor might consider including a few examples of current observations and potential opportunities for the candidate being able to advance involvement in educational leadership.] I recognize that the LEAD program has been developed as an intensive training opportunity, with opportunities for [name of applicant] to apply what they are learning to our own institution. I support 0.05 FTE to support for [name of applicant] for program activities such as completing four face-to-face workshops, participating in the LEAD quarterly teleconferences, completing independent learning activities, and an individual Applied Leadership Focus that affords application of LEAD content to real-life application and professional reflection. I know that [name of applicant] will also choose a Local Coach to work with to enhance [his/her] knowledge and understanding of effective leadership to real-life situations in our institutional setting. I have discussed with [name of applicant] this opportunity, and look forward to the enhanced leadership knowledge and skills that this will afford [him/her]. Sincerely, Signature of Supervisor