EUROPE & RUSSIA: Renaissance and Revolution Chapt 15, Sect 2

EUROPE & RUSSIA: Renaissance and Revolution
Chapt 15, Sect 2
Why did Europeans begin to look outward to other continents?
Europeans’ desire for wealth led to voyages of exploration. They sought shorter
routes to India, China, Japan, and the Spice Islands; they wanted new sources of
raw materials, workers/salves, and exotic goods to trade.
How did the Age of Revolution change science and government?
Government became more representative, with a loss of power among monarchs.
Science began to base theories on observations and facts rather than religious
king of queen in control; other titles might be emir, czar, emperor
middle class
group between the poor and the rich
period of rebirth of the arts and learning
approach to learning based on Greek and Roman thinkers
far-reaching change
elected legislature
Scientific Revolution change from belief-based to fact-based scientific theories using observation and proof
Marco Polo
Italian who journeyed to the Spice Islands at the end of the 13 th century
Louis XIV
King of France who believed his power was given to him by God; heavily taxed French
citizens to pay for his lavish lifestyle
Marco Polo traveled to the Far East in the late 13th century (late 1200s) and brought
back spices and exotic goods. For centuries after, explorers search the globe for
routes that would lead to more riches.
Columbus was inspired by Marco Polo’s adventure, believing that if he sailed west he
would find a new route to the Far East.
While Columbus was sailing across the Atlantic to claim the new world for Spain,
Portuguese sailors were making their way down the western coast of Africa. They
traded in gold, ivory, and slaves.
Other European nations were quick to send explorers to faraway lands hoping to find
riches to bring back. This AGE OF EXPLORATION made European monarchs very
Traders and merchants got rich, too, and became the new MIDDLE CLASS. With
taxes from the middle class, Monarchs no longer needed the support of feudal lords,
and feudalism began ti disappear.
The middle class often used their money to support artists and scholars, as they
now had the time and money to enjoy art and learning.
This RENAISSANCE, or rebirth of learning and the arts, began in Italy in the
During the Renaissance, people focused on improving this world rather than hoping
for a better life after death. This was called HUMANISM.
EUROPE & RUSSIA: Renaissance and Revolution
Chapt 15, Sect 2
1. Inspired by Marco Polo
2. Wanted to get rich!
3. Looked for short cuts to the Far East
1. Explores and monarchs got rich!
2. Columbus discovers the New World
3. Slave trade begins
1. Heavy taxes on the poor
2. Tired of unlimited government
3. Refusal of monarch to share power
through Parliament
1. New, democratic governments
2. Inspired revolutions in Caribbean,
South America
3. People wanted LIMITED government
Nuggets (continued):
Age of Revolution
o In Government: many monarchs, like Louis XIV, heavily taxed their citizens
to pay for their lavish lifestyles. Citizens resented this type of unlimited
power, and began to overthrow the monarchies.
o In Science: At the time of the revolutions in government in the 13 North
American colonies and in France, there was a revolution in the way we
thought about science. For centuries scientists studied nature to see how it
fit in with their religious beliefs; in the Scientific Revolution, they based
their theories on facts and observations. Scientific Methods included
experiments and observations. Scientists used a new type of math,
CALCULUS to study the moon and the planets.
SUMMARY: As explorers’ knowledge of the world changed, so too did cultural expression, people’s ideas, and
the powers of competing nations.