Teaching Project Worksheet(1)

Teaching Project Worksheet
Define the population and describe the
population using appropriate data from
reliable resources
Health need
Relate this to findings from your
windshield survey and/or community
Knowledge deficit related to ____
(i.e. the need for flu shots on an annual basis,
limited experience with disabled adults in the
community, etc.)
Title of the educational program
 Your title should be attractive and
appropriate to the target audience
Describe your target audience
(i.e. worksite employees at X location, adults
attending PTA conferences, etc.)
Identify learning activity outcomes
 At the completion of this activity, the
learner will be able to…
Complete this column with information about
your plan
The target population is children that ride in their cars
ages infant to 18years of age and the adults that are
responsible for them. In 2005, seat belts, air bags,
and child safety seats saved over 11,000 lives in the
U. S. alone; unfortunately nearly 10,000 more lives
could have been saved if all passengers’ vehicle
occupants had buckled up (NHTSA, 2011).
More from my experience then windshield survey.
Working in the ER just this week I had an 11 year
who had abdominal injuries from a seat belt
following a major motor vehicle Crash. This could
have been prevented with proper restraint being
used for his age weight and height.
Knowledge deficit related to Child Safety: Proper
installation and appropriate use of child safety seats
and recommended safety guidelines provided by
the National Highway and Safety Administration.
Child Safety Seat Check Event
The target population is children that ride in their cars
ages infant to 18years of age and the adults that are
responsible for them.
At the completion of the this activity,
 The adults will learn how to choose the
appropriate car seat for the child they are
transporting in their car.
 The adults will learn about the car seat and
how it installs in the car along with the
proper fit of the child in it.
 The adults and children will learn the
importance about car seat safety and how to
safely ride in a car.
Identify Healthy People 2020 related
goals and specific objectives (list both
the number and title of the goals)
For example:
 Goal: Increase immunization rates and
reduce preventable infectious diseases.
 Objective: IID-12.5 - Increase the
percentage of noninstitutionalized adults
aged 18 to 64 years who are vaccinated
annually against seasonal influenza
Goal: The Use of Child Safety Seats:
Distribution and Education Programs—
Recommendations to reduce injuries to motor
vehicle occupants: increasing child safety seat
Use, increasing safety belt use, and reducing
alcohol-impaired driving. (Community
Prevention Task Force, 2001).
Objective: ECBP-10.1 Increase the number of
community-based organizations (including
local health departments, Tribal health
services, nongovernmental organizations, and
State agencies) providing population-based
primary prevention services injury (Healthy
People 2020, 2015).
Health teaching
Identify interventions used from the
Public Health Nursing Intervention
 We will communicate facts and ideas about
safe travel in motor vehicles.
 Describe how your project used each
 We will teach skills to adults to safely
intervention you chose
transport children when riding in a car
 We will change attitudes, beliefs, and
behaviors towards using appropriate child
safety seats and seat belts when traveling in a
 We will advertise in the local paper and
daycares along with churches and schools to
reach the population we seek.
 We will offer dates for services that are
available for the upcoming local event and
also other events offered in the next
Describe teaching strategies to be used
(i.e. Lecture, Community Forum, Bulletin
Board, Newspaper article, etc.)
Newspaper article to advertise event along with
written materials that will be handed out at the
event and one on one education provided by a
certified car seat technicians. Don’t put your child
at risk buckle up the right way on every ride (Safe
Kid, 2007).
Working one on one with each family we incorporate
the three different learning techniques of cognitive,
affective, and psychomotor. Understanding these
three learning domains is crucial in providing
effective health education (Stanhope, & Lancaster,
Approval process
 Identify who and where the approval
was obtained
 Include email/notice/letter granting
Judy Bohrs Director of Nursing Seward Memorial
Hospital. (meeting in person)
Roger Reamer CEO of Seward Memorial Hospital
(Judy has email)
James Kimsey Fire Chief of Seward Volunteer Fire
Department. (verbal phone call)
Plan for delivery of the educational
activity (date & time, length/time allocated, ,
location of project, etc.)
Delivery will take place Spring of 2015 we are
waiting on conformation from a Car Seat Instructor
to be present at the event. The event will take place
at the Seward Fire Department from 8am to noon
and will be a first come first serve basis.
Provide a detailed outline of your
presentation (a step-by-step plan)
See Page 5.
Audio-visual materials to be used
 Attach a copy of anything used
and/or developed
Basic Car Seat Safety Pamphlet (Safe Kids, 2007).
Highway Safety The Click does the Trick (NHTSA,
How will you know the learning
outcomes were met? (Survey, numbers
attending, results of activity, etc.)
List the resources used that supported
your educational activity plan (minimum
of four references not including the textbook)
Learning outcomes will be met by the parents or
guardians actively participating in the instillation of
the proper car seat for the child and the one on one
education provided by the car seat technician that
allows open communications and observed
understanding. We will keep a total of the
participants and review the survey forms completed
by the adults along with participants of the event.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA) , 2011. Highway Safety: The Click Does
the Trick. Educational Specialty Publishing.
Metairie, LA. PBPS41
Community Prevention Task Force, 2001.
Recommendations to reduce injuries to motor vehicle
occupants: increasing child safety seat use, increasing
safety belt use, and reducing alcohol-impaired
driving. AM J Prev Med.
Healthy People 2020, 2015. Use of Child Safety
Seats. U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services. Retrieved 2/1/2015.
Safe Kids Worldwide, 2007, Basic Car Seat Safety,
Washington, DC. www.safekids.org No. 3227
Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J., (2014), Foundations
of Nursing in the Community: Community-Oriented
Practice, 4th Ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Child Safety Seat Check Event
a. We identified the need for a car seat check station in Seward, NE
b. This is a pedagogy and andragogy educational project.
c. Gathered all the Car seat techs that are available in Seward total of 5 participants
d. Identified and Confirm Memorial Health Care, Seward Fire and Rescue, and
Nebraska Safe Kids as the sponsors to the event
a. Initial Meeting 10/2014 several dates identified for event
b. Seward Fire and Rescue called and will use the Fire Barn for event.
c. Team member to contact Safe Kids instructor to attend event
1. Date will be decided at this time.
2. See if the Safe Kids van is available that has supplies listed below.
d. Identified items needed for event and purchases that need to be made
1. Car seats
2. Clip boards/forms/pencils
3. Orange cones
4. Pamphlets/Brochures
5. Water/snacks for car seat techs and volunteers
6. Number of volunteers
a. Advertisement in local paper, day care, and schools with date time of event
b. Gather supplies and take down to Fire Station
c. Identify volunteers and organize duties and itinerary
d. Plan for cut off time if well attended along with alternative events for those who
are turned away
a. Create a survey for Adults to fill out after using event
b. Keep track of participants
c. Follow meeting with techs and volunteers to identify positives and needed
changes for next event.
Pamphlet/Brochures that will be used during the event for educational materials