Facebook Tutorial - StudentAffairs.com

StudentAffairs.com Virtual Case Study
February 19, 2006
Image ©2006, www.Facebook.com
Building Online Communities:
A Case Study of Facebook.com
Karen Eilers
Scott Graves
David Merry
The University of Iowa
Presentation Overview: Slide Colors
Discussion of Student Affairs and Online
 Discussion
designated by blue slide accents that
appear throughout the presentation
Proposed Orientation Session
 Session
mock-up designated by red slide accents
Proposed Online Tutorial
 Tutorial
mock-up designated by grey slide accents
Presentation Overview: Content
Discussion: Introduction to Facebook.com
Discussion: Why it is Necessary to Inform our
Proposed Orientation Program Session
Proposed Online Tutorial
Discussion: Reasoning Behind the Content
Project Learning Points
Discussion: Introduction to
A quick overview
 Why students build Facebook.com profiles
 Issues students need to be aware of when
using Facebook.com
Discussion: Introduction to
Facebook.com is “an online directory that connects
people through social networks at schools”
(www.facebook.com, 2006).
The online community includes high school and college
Students can look people up within their school, read
student profiles, connect to students’ friends, and search
for people in groups and classes.
Hereafter, Facebook.com will be referred to as
“Facebook,” which is how students refer to the site.
Discussion: Introduction to
Students use Facebook for many reasons:
 To meet people
 Popularity
 Fun
 Peers (everybody’s doing
 Getting people together
 Contact others
 Class connections
 Self-expression
 Community
Discussion: Introduction to
Students should be aware of several issues
when utilizing Facebook:
 Privacy
 Safety
 Image
You will learn more about Facebook and why
students use it, and issues of use in the
upcoming orientation session and online tutorial.
Discussion: Why it is Necessary to
Inform our Students
The Facebook orientation session and online tutorial are
necessary to set the stage for all students who are a part
of building online communities, and to promote student
safety and ethical decision making.
Astin (1993) explains in his I-E-O model that the “I”, or
student Input to college, is different for every student.
No students will have the exact same experiences
before entering college, so every student will have
unique perceptions on how to interact with others, what
is right and wrong, and how to make decisions. The
orientation session and tutorial provides the same
expectations to all students.
Discussion: Why it is Necessary to
Inform our Students
“Good student affairs practice cultivates supportive
environments by encouraging connections among
students, faculty, and student affairs practitioners” (ACPA
and NASPA, 1997, pg. 5).
This is a foundational statement of a principle of good
practice in student affairs, to build supportive and
inclusive communities. Communicating information
about Facebook is an important step in building a strong
community. This idea sets the stage for building
characteristics of strong communities, such as
involvement, a climate of pride and comfort, respect,
open discussion, and socially responsible behavior
(Cross Brazzell and Reisser, 1999).
Discussion: Why it is Necessary to
Inform our Students
Safety on college campus was impacted by a landmark
federal law, what is now known as the Jeanne Clery
Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus
Crime Statistics Act, or the Clery Act. Although this Act is
not originally related to security issues with technology, it
is relevant today with respect to the availability of
personal information in online communities such as
Facebook. Because information is so readily available,
crimes may originate based on careless postings by
students and friends. The orientation session and online
tutorial address safe measures to take when part of an
online community.
Discussion: Why it is Necessary to
Inform our Students
The orientation session and online tutorial will address
student values and ethical decision making. College is a
time when students should be given the opportunity to
develop integrity and make moral choices. It is part of
student affairs good practice to help demonstrate and
shape the values that define a learning community
(Dalton, 1999).
Theories that inform college student development are
further discussed prior to the orientation session
presentation and online tutorial presentation.
Proposed Orientation Session
Orientation Session Goals
 Theory and Research
 Materials and Preparation
Orientation Session: Goals
To introduce students to Facebook
 To help students become more aware of
the safety and personal image issues
raised by Facebook
 To make students aware of steps they can
take and tools they can use to be more
responsible Facebook users
Orientation Session: Grounded in
Theory and Practice
Students are most influenced by their peers (Astin, 1993).
The session will be led by student Orientation Leaders.
 The articles distributed are based on students’ experiences and reflections
surrounding Facebook.
Effective experiential learning utilizes concrete experiences, abstract
conceptualization, reflective observation and active experimentation
(Kolb, Boyatzi, & Mainemelis, 2001).
Incoming students will actively discuss the issue during the icebreaker, will
be asked to participate during the presentation, and will reflect and
discuss the information in a debriefing session.
 The tutorial which they will complete at a later date will serve as an
opportunity to reflect and actively experiment.
Not all incoming college students are technologically savvy (Wilson,
The session will not assume a particular level of competence with the
internet or with Facebook, and will be accessible for students in a wide
range of technological ability.
Orientation Session: Materials and
Connected to an LCD Projector
 Projection Screen
 With internet access
A dummy Facebook account for presentation purposes
Create an account for a fake student named “Draco,” who represents
Diversity College’s dragon mascot. It must include an unflattering photo (of
Draco drinking, wearing provocative clothing, etc.), a photo album with
similar pictures, friend requests, messages, groups, comments on the “wall,”
and at least 4 “friends.”
Handouts for Students
Three 1-2 page articles about students having positive and negative
experiences with Facebook.
Schweitzer, S. (2005). When students open up -- a little too much: Colleges cite rists of frank
online talk. Boston Globe, Septeber 26, 2005.
Hutton, P. (2006). Student site Facebook raises some eyebrows. Wichita Eagle, January 30,
Move over Facebook -- Here comes Wirehog. (2005). National On-Campus Report, 33(1).
Orientation Session
Preparing Incoming Students to
Be Responsible Facebook Users
5 min
10 min
10 min
10 min
10 min
20 min
Presenter Introductions and Icebreaker
What Is Facebook?
Why Do Students Use Facebook?
Why Should I Be a Responsible
Facebook user?
After the session, students debrief and
reflect on the presentation in their
small orientation groups
Orentation Session
Presenter Introductions and
Icebreaker – 5 min
The two Orientation Leader (OL) presenters
introduce themselves.
OLs begin the icebreaker activity:
 Ask
students to get into groups of three
 Ask this question, which will then be displayed on the
projector: “Imagine that there’s a website where your
parents, grandparents, professors, potential employers,
and friends can see what you’ve been doing at college.
What would you want to have on that website? Discuss
with your small group.”
Orentation Session
What Is Facebook? – 10 min
OL #1 – Tells the incoming students that there is
indeed a website like what they have just
discussed in the icebreaker, called “Facebook.”
OL #2 – Opens up “Draco’s” Facebook profile
which was created for the presentation:
 Asks
students “What are the first things you notice
about this profile?”
 Utilizes this page to explain in more detail what
Facebook is, and how an account is set up.
 Demonstrates the following on “Draco’s” account:
Photos (the main photo, and photo albums)
Profile (including address, phone number, and quotes)
Groups (shows what groups “Draco” is a part of)
Orentation Session
Why do Students Use Facebook? –
10 min
OL #1 comes back to the computer:
 Show
examples on Draco’s profile of how
students use Facebook to:
Connect with friends (OL indicates the people who
are linked to “Draco” as a friend)
 Share photos (shows pictures that have been
added to “Draco’s” profile by other users)
 Advertise events (shows parties and gatherings
that “Draco” has been invited to)
 Send messages (shows messages that have been
sent to “Draco”)
Orentation Session
Why Should I Be a Responsible
Facebook User? – 10 min
OL #2 comes back to the computer to discuss:
Safety – what info are you making accessible? Are you being
respectful of the others’ safety?
Image – what is the impression that you’re giving your employers,
professors, family, friends when they see your profile?
Remember, almost anyone can see your profile, so be careful about
what you and your friends post.
The Privacy Options on Facebook – ways to ensure that your
information is kept within your network of friends.
Don’t put your address or phone number in your profile
Respect other’s privacy on Facebook, and be aware of how your
messages and postings may be percieved
On Draco’s account, show students how a Facebook profile can be
made more secure and private
The OL will mention that this is not just a Facebook
problem; be careful on ALL online communities.
Orentation Session
Q+A – 10 min
The two members of the Residence Life
staff, the Assistant Director of IT, and the
Campus Police Officer are introduced by
the orientation leaders. The floor is
opened for the incoming students to ask
Orentation Session
Debriefing with Small Group
After the session is over, the incoming
students return to their small orientation
groups to discuss the material, and what
action steps they will take to make sure
that they are responsible Facebook users.
Orentation Session
Proposed Online Tutorial
Tutorial Goals
 Theory and Practice
 Materials and Preparation
Online Tutorial: Goals
To introduce the main features of Facebook.com
To encourage students to think through possible
consequences, both negative and positive, that
may result from using Facebook
To educate the students about how Diversity
College will handle any problem situations and
apprise them of their rights
To test their knowledge of the material presented
Online Tutorial: Grounded in
Theory and Practice
Takes the students through a process which encourages
the kind of role-taking endorsed by Kohlberg (1976) in
encouraging student moral development.
Designed to be relevant and memorable to encourage
student learning, which is always the primary goal
(ACPA, 1994).
Some test questions collect valuable information useful
in assessing the tutorial and in understanding how
students will use Facebook. Student affairs professionals
are encouraged to know how students use time and the
resources of the institution (ACPA, 1994).
Online Tutorial: Grounded in
Theory and Practice
Requiring students to think through the
situations presented encourages critical thinking,
understanding of others, and civic responsibility,
all outcomes that Astin and Antonio (2000)
identify as central to developing character in
Makes use of the active learning process (Kolb,
1984) by teaching the students through vicarious
“experiences” and then requiring them to reflect
through the test questions.
Online Tutorial: Materials and
All current students, including new students who
attended the Facebook orientation session, will be
required to complete the online tutorial and pass the
tutorial test.
Students will need their campus ID and password to
login to the campus network.
Students should access their own computer or a campus
Students do not need to study prior to the tutorial and
Diversity College
Facebook Tutorial
Choose Your Own Adventure
How the Tutorial Works
Each Diversity College (DC) student will sit at their own computer or
a campus computer and walk through the program at their own
pace. Each student will have two programs running: the tutorial
program and the sample Facebook site for “Draco” the mascot
which was created for the orientation presentation. This will provide
the chance to explore Facebook along with the tutorial.
As the tutorial progresses, the students will read and respond to
several situations which present some of the pitfalls and promises of
Facebook. They are designed to be lighthearted, memorable, and
practical so that students will identify with the character and recall
the answers for the test at the end.
Students will be automatically be granted preliminary access to the
campus network upon scoring a passing “B” grade in the non-written
Students who do not pass the written portion of the tutorial test,
which is submitted to a reader, will be asked to repeat the tutorial
and written portion of the test.
DC Students, Meet Facebook
www.Facebook.com - An online community site for
college students.
Facebook works like this:
• Each member builds their own profile, like a home page
• Members find each other and become friends
• Members at the same college can be in groups and set up
• Members can post pictures and share them
• Members can message each other in a number of ways
Image ©2006, www.Facebook.com
The 6 Main Features of Facebook
My Profile
 My Friends
 My Photos
 My Groups
 My Events
 My Messages
Let’s look at each one briefly. Refer to Draco’s Facebook site to see
how the functions work.
Image ©2006, www.Facebook.com
My Profile – Facebook Feature #1
This is your home page! Fill it up with you and your
stuff. This is what people will see when they find you.
You provide your picture & contact information and
decide who can see it.
Fill in the page by answering questions about you and
your favorite things, plus add one image of yourself.
People can write to you in a section of your profile
page called The Wall. It’s like a bulletin board for
notes from your friends.
My Friends – Facebook Feature #2
Search for people you know by using the Search
function in the top bar. When you find them, click on Add
to Friends. If they agree, you’ll appear on each other’s
Friends List and you can view each other’s profiles.
Anyone from here at Diversity or from other colleges can
find you and ask to be your friend. Find your secret crush
from 3rd grade or your friend that moved away! If they’re
in college, they might be on Facebook.
All your friends will be displayed in a list on your My
Friends page, and the most updated will appear on your
profile page, too.
My Photos – Facebook Feature #3
You can post as many pictures as you want by adding
pictures to albums on the My Photos page. Then add a
title, and you’re set!
You can tag your friends in individual photos by selecting
the area of the photo that they’re in and typing in their
name. If the person is already your Facebook friend, a
link will appear, and Facebook will let them know that
you have posted pictures of them. Facebook will also tell
you when others have posted pictures of you! They will
appear under More Pictures of Me.
Keep in mind that anyone can see pictures of you!
My Groups – Facebook Feature #4
Groups are a convenient way to get people together for
any reason.
You can search for clubs to join on the My Groups page.
Find a group that you can support or start your own!
All groups are internal to your school. You can use them
for actual DC clubs and organizations, or for agreeing
with a statement like “DC Dragons rule!”
All the groups you join will be displayed on your profile
My Events – Facebook Feature #5
When you are added as a Diversity College student,
you’ll be notified of any events that fellow students want
to advertise to you. You can see all the details: who,
what, when, where, and who’s coming.
You can use it to tell your friends, your classmates, or
your group members about something that’s going on.
Schedule a meeting, a party, anything!
Add any existing event to your list by clicking Add to my
When an event is due, it will appear on your notifications
when you log in.
My Messages – Facebook Feature #6
The last major feature of Facebook, My Messages acts
like a cross between email and instant messaging. It’s
private messaging that anyone on Facebook can send
and receive.
Messages will be sent and received immediately!
All past and present messages will appear on your My
Messages page. You can open them, read them, and
reply to them whenever you want.
Facebook will notify you of new messages when you log
You can also message anyone by writing on their Wall
on their profile page, but remember, it won’t be private.
Pause & Review
Stop for a minute. What are the six main
features of Facebook you just learned? Keep
them in mind as you proceed, and be ready to
answer questions about them. Take a few
minutes to look through Draco’s profile and
familiarize yourself with the way things work.
In the next section, you will be presented with
situations that could come up when using
Facebook. Read through each one and use your
judgment to decide what our character will do.
Watch and learn from our friend’s example!
DC Students, Meet Gus
Gus is a brand new
first-year student here
at DC.
His friend told him
about Facebook, so
he decided to join.
We’ll follow Gus as he
tries Facebook out.
Choose Your Own Adventure
You make the decisions about how Gus uses Facebook! As you
go, you’ll see that things are not as simple as you might think.
Read the situation presented and make your decision, then
see what happens.
Some things to watch for:
 Privacy issues
 Safety concerns
 Appropriateness
Pay attention! There will be a test. No kidding! In order to pass
this tutorial and gain access to DC’s computer system this
year, you will need to earn at least a B, or 80%, on the test at
the end of this tutorial. Good luck!
Situation #1
Gus has just been on Facebook, and now he’s leaving
for his Spanish class. His roommate Latrell asks him if
he could have his password so he could look around on
Facebook. What does Gus do?
Tells him, “Yeah, no
problem. I’ll just write
it down and leave it
for you. Why not?”
Says, “Latrell, you
should join Facebook
too! I’ll show you how
right after class.”
Results of Your Decision:
Situation #1
Latrell gets on Gus’
Facebook and posts
pictures of Gus and
these two girls they
had met at a party
last week. Gus’
girlfriend Mandy gets
mad and dumps Gus.
Latrell sets up his
own Facebook
account with Gus’
help and posts
pictures with his mom
from high school
graduation. Awww!
Situation #2
Gus leaves his economics class frustrated because he’s
having trouble understanding his TA, Chen, who is
Chinese. On his way to lunch he stops at the computer
lab and gets on Facebook. He writes on his classmate
Seth’s Wall about the class. What does he write?
“That econ class
sucked! Can’t
understand a word
that Chinaman says.”
“Do you have notes
from class today?
Man, I was having
trouble getting it.”
Results of Your Decision:
Situation #2
Chen, who’s a grad
student at DC, gets on
Facebook later to send
Seth an answer to a
question he asked after
class. He sees Gus’
comment on Seth’s Wall
and is insulted. Gus fails
the class.
Seth writes back, “Yeah,
it was tough. I asked
Chen a couple questions
after class about the
homework. When he
responds I’ll tell you what
he says.” Chen sees Gus’
comment on Seth’s Wall
and knows that Gus
might need some help in
Situation #3
Gus gets into partying on
the weekends with his
buddies. One of them
posts and tags a picture
of Gus looking totally
wasted. That picture
shows up on Gus’ profile
under More Pictures of
Me. What does Gus do?
Removes the tag and
gets rid of the photo. No
one needs to see that.
Laughs at the photo and
leaves it because he
looks hilarious and so do
his friends.
Results of Your Decision:
Situation #3
Gus’ brother Mike, who’s on high school
Facebook at home, leaves his brother’s profile
up on the computer. Gus’ mom sees him and his
shiny happy friends. She sends him cookies.
Gus’ mom sees the picture of her son looking
awful and calls him. No cookies, just trouble and
lots of it.
Situation #4
Ever since Gus’ girlfriend broke
up with him, he’s been looking
for someone new. He meets a
girl named Felicia and they
start flirting and writing on each
other’s Walls all the time. He &
Felicia have a date one night,
but it doesn’t go well, and she
tells him to forget it. When he
gets home, he tells his friends
about it, and they all tell him to
prank her to get even. He goes
to write on her Wall. What
does he say?
“Yeah, thought you were
hot til tonight. Guess you
should go back to
Loserville where you
came from.”
“Better not go outside
tonight cuz me and the
guys are gonna hit you so
hard you won’t wake up til
Results of your Decision:
Situation #4
Felicia gets Gus’ message. “Loserville? This guy is
lame!” She writes back on Gus’ wall and they get into an
insult war, which turns back into flirting and they end up
Felicia is scared by Gus’ message and calls her mom,
who tells her to call Campus Security. They look at the
threat and go collect Gus for questioning. Even though
he just meant that he and his friends would ambush
Felicia with water balloons, he has to go before the
Judicial Board.
Situation #5
Gus is working on his Facebook profile. He’s looking at the contact
information page and filling things in. “Boring!” he thinks, “I’ll just fill it
in fast and move on. I have to get to dinner and meet my friend.” As
he goes down the page, he’s faced with decisions to make about
what information to share and with whom. What does Gus do?
Just fills in the blanks
because the only people
who can see it are from
his school anyway. He
gets to dinner just before
they close.
Looks at each type of
information (phone
number, address, etc.)
and decides what he
wants to put on the web
and what he doesn’t, then
sets the privacy levels.
Results of your Decision:
Situation #5
Gus gets to dinner on
time, but when he gets
back to his room, the
door is ajar and his
watch, camera, and iPod
are gone! Gus realizes
that the friend he was
meeting for dinner posted
the time they were
meeting on his Wall. And
he had his dorm room
address on Facebook.
“Idiot!” he says.
Gus takes the time to
only put up info like his
email address and his
dorm but not the room
number. “Why would I
want to put my room
number on Facebook?”
he thinks. “That would be
stupid.” As he picks up
his iPod, he decides to
call and order pizza for
Situation #6
Gus is at his work study job in the Admissions office. In between answering the
phone, he looks around on Facebook. His boss comes by and says, “I was
thinking, Gus, you do a really great job around here. What would you think
about moving from answering phones to helping out with campus tours?” Gus
is excitedly thinking about this, especially the raise that would come with it.
Then he sees his boss staring at his computer screen and realizes what’s on
it. What is Gus’ boss looking at?
The boss is
examining Gus’ long
list of clubs, interests,
and books that he’s
The boss is staring in
horror at a picture of
Gus in a nearly “buck
naked” costume from
the Halloween party
last month.
Results of your Decision:
Situation #6
Gus is smart, so he only
posts stuff on his profile
that’s ok for the public to
see. It’s not private
anyway, since anyone
who really wanted to
could look at it anytime.
He’s even heard that
future employers might
look up his profile when
reviewing his application.
Gus gets the promotion.
Gus never thought about
who sees his profile. He
puts up whatever he
wants, cause it’s his life
anyway. No one is gonna
care what he does in his
free time. Gus doesn’t get
the promotion. In fact, he
gets demoted to filing and
endures lots of jokes from
the staff.
Situation #7
Gus has a paper due in his history
class in the morning. It’s now
2:00am, but he’s trying to find
his friend Tanya from 4th grade.
As the time ticks away, he only
has one paragraph written, but
he’s looking through the 2,537
members of Facebook with the
last name Smith. His
roommate Latrell asks Gus
how far he is on his paper.
What does Gus do?
Gus smacks himself on
the forehead and says,
“Dude! What am I doing?
I’ve got to write this!”
Gus says, “Latrell! Guess
what! I found my friend
Tanya from 4th grade. She’s
at Florida State! I’ve got to
message her! I’ve got tons
of time to write this.”
Results from your Decision:
Situation #7
Gus buckles down and works on his paper. He even
uses the classes feature on Facebook to find someone
else in his class who’s still writing and asks them a
question. Gus pulls out a B+.
Gus is so excited about finding Tanya that he goes on to
track down his entire kindergarten class. When 8:00am
comes around, Latrell wakes to find Gus asleep on his
keyboard. He’s late turning in his paper and gets a C-.
Last one! Situation #8
Gus is fed up with Latrell
and his choice of music.
“Why does it have to be
hip hop every single
day?” he mutters. He
know his friend Sam is
having a similar issue
with his roommate, so
they decide to start a
group on Facebook about
it. What do they call it?
Fed Up Roommates
Against Blacks
Men with Brains Against
Hip Hop
Results of your Decision:
Situation #8
Gus and Sam are astonished to see that by the next week,
they have over 90 members in their Roommates Against
Blacks group. Someone complains, and suddenly the Black
Student Union is protesting and the school paper is writing
editorials, and Gus is called before the Dean of Students and
has to talk to the police. Need I say more?
Latrell sees that Gus has formed a group against hip hop. He
gets mad and reminds Gus how much he hates Gus’ Green
Day album that he listens to 24-7. They yell about it until they
start laughing and then forget about it and watch ESPN. The
group against hip hop collects 687 members, but no one
What This Means for You
You, as a DC student, probably already know
that Facebook and other sites like it are full of
potential to do fun things and stay in touch with
You should also know, however, that just like
anything else, these sites can be misused and
that misusing them can have consequences that
you have never considered.
Truth & Consequences
The scenarios we’ve presented here through Gus are
possible, even likely to happen here at DC.
Use your head- that’s why you’re in college anyway!
Know where to draw boundaries, because you are
responsible for the ways you use these sites, just like
anything else.
Keep in mind that Facebook is not a private forum. When
you post on Facebook, you are putting it on the World
Wide Web. Think about it. Students are not the only ones
with access to the Internet or to Facebook.
Next, we’ll go over your responsibilities and Diversity’s
responsibilities related to Facebook.
Your Responsibilities as a Student
Privacy –
Safety –
Responsible Use – Using Facebook in any way that violates the
Protect your privacy by using Facebook wisely. Diversity
College can’t prevent privacy problems if you share the information, and we
won’t shield you from the consequences of your actions if you violate the
Student Code or break the law online.
Keep yourself safe by being smart about what you disclose. If
someone’s behavior is offensive or disturbing, report it. You can also block
someone from your Facebook profile and report them to Facebook.
Student Code is subject to the same consequences as any other method.
You decide what you’ll post, and you decide when, where, and how much to
use it. Think it through.
Report Disturbing Behavior – There’s nothing the college can do
unless we know about it. Safety first!
Diversity College’s Responsibilities
To protect the safety of our students to the best of our
 To bring students through judicial procedures for
violations of the Student Code
 To work with Facebook and with the police or other
authorities as necessary
 To provide access to technology to students in a
reasonable manner
If you have questions about judicial procedure, what
constitutes a violation, or what kinds of speech are
protected, see your Student Guide or talk with a Student
Life staff member.
And Now, The Test
Please read the questions provided and answer them as
As soon as you start your test, your access to Draco the
Dragon’s sample Facebook profile will be frozen, so you
will have to answer from memory.
Remember, you must pass with 80% or you will have to
repeat the tutorial. Each question is worth 2 points.
When you are done, just hit the SUBMIT button, and
your answers True or False and Multiple Choice
questions will be graded automatically - you will find out
if you pass. Your written answers will be submitted to a
reader and you will be notified if you pass that portion.
If you pass, you will automatically be granted access the
Diversity College network for the year.
True or False
Only students have access to Facebook. T F
Facebook requires all your contact information to open
a profile. T F
Actions and speech online aren’t subject to DC’s
judicial oversight. T F
Anyone with a DC email address has access to your
Facebook profile. T F
There’s no way your parents could ever see your
Facebook profile. T F
Only your friends can see your pictures. T F
Multiple Choice
Who saw the picture of Gus when he was drunk that he didn’t
expect to?
A. His brother
B. His roommate
C. His mother
D. Both A and C
What was the problem with Gus’ Fed Up Roommates Against
Blacks group?
A. It was insulting to Latrell
B. It was insulting to other black students
C. It violated the Student Code relating to Hate Crimes
D. All of the above
Multiple Choice
How could Gus have responded positively to the frustrating
situation in Chen’s economics class using Facebook?
A. Start a group against TA’s
B. Use the events feature to schedule a study session
C. Complain to his classmates
D. Go tell his brother never to come to college ‘cause it’s too hard.
What about having an employer possibly look at Gus’ Facebook
profile was problematic? Mark all that apply.
A. Gus had all the pictures from the Halloween party posted.
B. The groups list showed all his extra-curricular activities.
C. His list of friends displays some pretty unprofessional photos.
D. One of the groups he belonged to is I Hate My Job.
More True or False
Facebook’s staff is responsible for keeping you safe. T
Facebook is just as important as your schoolwork. T F
Diversity College faculty, TA’s, staff, and alumni can
get Facebook profiles. T F
Facebook isn’t accessible to the public, so only college
students will see what you post. T F
Facebook is a great way to find people when you’re
new to campus. T F
Facebook isn’t very popular nationwide. T F
Back to Multiple Choice
What faulty assumptions did Gus make when he “pranked” Felicia
with the water balloon ambush?
A. That she wouldn’t take him seriously
B. That she would know he wouldn’t really hurt her
C. That a matter between friends wouldn’t get reported to Security
D. All of the above
Where does Gus first go wrong in the situation with his employer?
A. Leaving his Facebook page up for the boss to see
B. Coming to work that day
C. Using Facebook at work
D. Posting the picture of himself in the costume
Multiple Choice
How many key features of Facebook are there?
A. 4
B. 8
C. 5
D. 6
Your ex-significant other is bombarding your Wall with mean
messages. What would be a good option for you?
A. Start bombarding her/him back and get your friends to help.
B. Block her/him from your Facebook profile.
C. Start a group with your friends against her/him.
D. Threaten her/him with a water balloon ambush.
Short Essays
In which situation did Gus make the worst decision?
Why do you think so?
Name three ways that Facebook could present a
safety problem for you.
Why do you think students use Facebook and similar
sites? Do you plan to use these sites this year?
Short Essays
List four of the main features of Facebook.
What do the privacy settings in Facebook accomplish?
What are some steps you might take if you felt
threatened by someone online?
More True or False
Anyone can join a group, doesn’t matter where they go
to school. T F
A tag is something that you put on your private
messages to one of your friends. T F
Only the people you invite can see an event you post.
One of your rights as a student is to access Facebook
and other sites whenever and wherever you want.
You don’t have any responsibility for the way that
someone might take something you say online. T F
The Big Finale
What would you tell someone who asks you about the
strengths and weaknesses of Facebook? (6 points)
Discussion: Reasoning Behind the
Steps toward ensuring worthwhile and education
programs for students:
 Based
on knowledge and experience of a cross
section of team members, including residence life
professionals, an information technology professional,
a campus police officer, and students.
 Committee consisted of both users and non-users of
 Supported by relevant student affairs theory and
Discussion: Reasoning Behind the
Steps toward ensuring worthwhile and education
programs for students (continued):
 Orientation
session presented by peers.
 Orientation session used a positive approach focused
on Facebook as a tool for building community.
 Orientation session and online tutorial were
interactive and based on scenarios that could happen
in real life.
Discussion: Reasoning Behind the
Measuring Success:
Initial and continued success of the orientation program and
tutorial can be measured through assessment. Schuh (2005)
provides many uses of assessment, including assessing student
needs; and, assessing satisfaction with services, programs,
facilities; and, assessing campus environments and student
cultures (personal communication, October 25, 2005).
Schuh suggests assessment of students every year, and needs
and satisfaction measures every three years. Because
Facebook is a technology issue, or as Schuh may explain - an
issue for the future, we believe it is appropriate to conduct an
assessment of the orientation program and tutorial every year.
Discussion: Reasoning Behind the
Student centered, but not exclusive:
Faculty and staff members are also users of campus computers,
All faculty and staff, both users and non-users, should be aware of
the potential positive and negative impacts of Facebook use;
therefore, they should be required to go through the tutorial. Faculty
and Staff who use Facebook will use it under the same guidelines
that students do. For faculty and staff who are not interested in
being a user of Facebook, the tutorial will help them understand a
significant and growing part of student culture and community
building in a less experiential way. Concerns addressed in the
tutorial include student safety and ethical decision making.
Additionally, staff should be aware of potential student overuse.
Discussion: Reasoning Behind the
Student Centered, but not exclusive:
 A recent
student affairs publication, New Directions
for Student Services, addresses technology in student
affairs. Several chapters incorporate faculty/staff
awareness and action.
Staff need to be active users of the web, engage in online
conversations, and interact with students (Kleinglass,2005, p.
Staff need to be informed of student technology use,
including potential negative consequences (Kruger, 2005).
Project Learning Points
Facebook is immensely popular. There are over
11 million users.
Like any technology tool, Facebook can be used
positively and negatively; and we realized the
extent to which both can happen.
Two committee members became members of
facebook.com because of the project. We
understood it to be an important part of
understanding student culture and actually being
a part of it as it happens.
Project Learning Points
We were able to apply student affairs principles
and theories to practice. It can be difficult
sometimes to understand how a model on paper
can directly affect the lives of students. The
project allowed a deeper thinking process in
regards to technology.
Cross functional collaboration is necessary to
achieve desired results. We have a greater
appreciation for the knowledge and expertise
that team members bring.
American College Personnel Association. (1994). The student learning imperative:
Implications for student affairs. Washington, DC: Author.
American College Personnel Association and National Association of Student
Personnel Administrators. (1997). Principles of good practice for student affairs.
Washington, DC: Author.
Astin, A. W. (1993). What matters in college? Four critical years revisited. San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Astin, H.S. and Antonio, A.L. (2000). Building character in college. About Campus,
5(5), 3-7.
Blimling, G. S. & Whitt, E. W. (1999). Good practice in student affairs: Principles to
foster student learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Coomes, M. D. (2004). Serving the millennial generation. New Directions for Student
Services, Number 106. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Cross Brazzell, J. & Reisser, L. (1999). Using resources to achieve institutional
missions and goals. In G. Bliming, & E. Whitt (Eds.), Good practice in student affairs:
Principles to foster student learning (pp. 157-178). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Dalton, J. C. (1999). Using resources to achieve institutional missions and goals. In
G. Bliming, & E. Whitt (Eds.), Good practice in student affairs: Principles to foster
student learning (pp. 45-66). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
References (continued)
Kleinglass, N. (2005). Who is driving the changing landscape in student
affairs?. In K. Kruger (Ed.), Technology in student affairs: Supporting
student learning and services. New Directions for Student Services, Number
112. (pp. 25-38). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Kohlberg, L. (1976). Moral stages and moralization: The cognitivedevelopmental approach. In T. Lickona (Ed.), Moral Development and
Behavior: Theory, Research, and Social Issues (pp. 31-53). New York: Holt,
Rineheart, and Winston.
Kolb, D. A., Boyatzi, R. E., & Mainemelis, C. (2001). Experiential learning
theory: Previous research and new directions. In R. Sternberg & L. Zhang
(Eds.), Perspectives on thinking, learning and cognitive styles. Mahwah,
NJ: Lawrence Eerlbaum Associates, (227-247).
Kolb, D.A. (1984). Experiential learning: Experience as the source of
learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. (p. 20-38).
Kruger, K. (2005). Technology in student affairs: Supporting student learning
and services. New Directions for Student Services, Number 112. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Schuh, J. H. (October 25, 2005). Personal communication.