Muscle testing with another person

Muscle Testing
Muscle Testing
Sheila Kennedy-Robinson and Susan Ormsby
Why do we use Muscle Testing
Muscle testing techniques are applied to identify energy blockage within the body. Always the
answer is inside you. The subconscious mind ‘the genius or computer within’ knows everything
about you, and if asked the correct questions will supply the answers.
Muscle testing with another person
Muscle testing is totally painless in a Kinesiology session.
Basically, energy should run from the top of the head down towards the feet, and so if we use
some basic kinesiology or muscle testing, we can ascertain true and false answers.
If we ask someone to extend their left arm, in this example out from the shoulder, and we place
our left hand on their right shoulder, and our right hand lightly on their left wrist [thus creating a
“circuit” or a circle between us, and we ask this person to hold their extended left arm strong and
to say their name, while we apply a pressure a light to the left wrist, their arm will stay strong if
they are giving their true name or telling the truth. If they use a name which is not theirs [a lie in
this instance] the arm will not stay strong and will want to “give way”. This process is achieved by
using the Deltoid muscle in the upper arm and connecting through to the subconscious mind or
the “genius” as I term it.
If the question asked has a negative response the body will respond by removing 60% to 80% of
the available energy and the arm will become weak. [I often explain to my clients that the
subconscious says “Oh, I did not” and withdraws the energy, creating a momentary weakness in
the arm, eg the old fashioned lie detector test]
Practising Muscle Testing
Another good way of testing this is the following
Plants, animals, and humans all have a measurable
electrical frequency of 77.678 mhz [a megahertz is
a million cycles per second]
Explanation of testing for 77.678mhz :If you ask some one to hold onto a nice green leaf
still connected to a plant, the kinesiological
measurement electrically will be 77.678mhz,
So how do you do this, using the muscle testing
procedure outlined [see diagram at right] ask the
person to hold onto a leaf with their right hand, and
hold their left arm out straight and firm [ swop arms
if you are left handed ]
Now place your right hand on their left wrist and ask
for the maximum electrical measurement of the leaf
that the person is holding. So light pressure on their
wrist and make the statement “the maximum
electrical frequency of this leaf is 77.678mhz. Then
lightly pressing on the wrist count by 10 to 70, eg
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 70, the arm will stay firm, 80
and the arm will become weak, Go back to 70, eg
hold your arm firm please, 70, 71,72,73,74,75,76,
77, all will be strong, 78 and the arm will become
weak or give way. So we can prove that the
maximum frequency of the green leaf is 77mhz or if
you want to test in more depth 77.678mhz
As I said [plants, animals ands humans all have the same measurement]
Now if you tear the same leaf in half, and ask the person you are testing if
they still believe that the leaf is at 77.678mhz, most people will say yes, or
that it will be at least a half of 77.
Re test with the person holding the torn half and repeat the 10, 20, 30, 40,
50, 60 test, the arm will be strong to 60, go to 70 and the arm will become
weak, go back to 60 and strong , then 61, 62 the arm will become weak [
the actual measurement will be 61.5mhz, basically you have taken the leaf
away from its life force and it automatically drops.
Hold onto a yellow leaf attached to the plant and test as above, the
measurement will be 32mhz or below.
A dry leaf picked up from the ground will be 9 or 10 mhz maximum and
often down to 1 or 2 mhz, so it still has some life force but is “heading out of
the back door at a rapid rate of knots” or in other words it has lost its life
force and is dying off.
As a Kinesiologist I test for life force in the organs in clients bodies using
this method.
Now that you have an explanation for how and why kinesiology works. We
want to introduce you to some easy methods which you can use on or for
Remember that practise makes perfect, and these methods mean that you
can test without another person to ask the questions of
Some easy methods for you to
use on yourself.
• Firstly, form a circle with
you first finger and your
thumb. Hold the circle
• Place the fore finger of
your other hand into the
circle of your finger and
thumb at the join of the
circle you have made with
your finger and thumb.
Remember to hold the finger and thumb loosely do
not press them hard together
• When you ask a question. For
instance ‘My name is …..’, if
you state your true name and
pull your finger against the join
of the finger and thumb- it
should remain strong - as this
is a true statement.
• If however, you say ‘My name
is Jane’ (With Jane not being
your real name), your finger
should pass or pull through the
circle made by your finger and
thumb, as your arm will
become weak, as this is an
untrue statement.
Underneath view of the joined finger
and thumb with the fore finger of the
other hand pulling against the joined
circle made by the finger and thumb of
the other hand.
• Use the first two fingers of
either hand.
• Rest the second finger on top
of the first finger. These
muscle groups are about the
same strength. Ask the
question, then push down with
the top finger.
• Rest the second finger on top
of the first finger. These
muscle groups are about the
same strength. Ask the
question, then push down with
the top finger.
• If the statement is true, the
bottom finger will remain
strong. If the answer is
negative, the bottom finger will
go weak, thus allowing the top
finger to be able to press it
• You may choose either method
to use, you will need to clear
your mind before asking a
question and you will need to
practice this technique, as the
change in muscle strength can
be very subtle. So practice,
practice, practice.
How to ask questions
Questions must be asked in such a way
that the answer is yes or no, or the answer can be graded.
For instance,
‘Is this food of benefit to me’
If the answer is yes - you could further qualify the answer as follows.
‘Is this food of high nutritional value for me’
If the answer is yes - you could ask.
‘On a scale of 1 - 10, 1 being the lowest nutritional value and 10 being the highest
nutritional value’ - where does this food rate on this scale for my body now.’
You could then count the value until the muscle goes weak and breaks the circle of
the lower finger goes down. This can be a good way of really defining the true value
of something for you.
A word of caution
When you test something, it is giving you a response for your current state now.
Asking the same question at a later date may give you a different answer, as your
circumstances may have changed.
Please remember, when you ask questions, the questions are for you only - it takes
great skill to be able to surrogate for another person, plus you must have that
persons permission, or you are tresspassing.