Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:
Nerve and Nerve Pathways
Date & Day of Unit
Day _4__ of _5____
I. Science Standards:
CT State Standards: Record the State Standards and the Expected Performances (include both content and inquiry)
State Standards do not exist for Anatomy and Physiology so the content and performance standards were developed from
National Standards and teacher resources.(Bristol Central High School)
o Content Standard: Nervous System
o 12.3 The nervous system mediates communication between different parts of the body and the body’s
interactions with the environment.
Expected performances:
o Discuss the importance of a reflex arc in homeostasis.
o Explain the integrative, sensory and motor functions of the central nervous system.
Inquiry Standards:
o Scientific inquiry
o Scientific literature
o Scientific numeracy
Inquiry Expected performances:
o D INQ.1 Identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigation.
o D INQ.2 Read, interpret and examine the credibility and validity of scientific claims in different sources of
o D INQ.3 Formulate a testable hypothesis and demonstrate logical connections between the scientific concepts
guiding the hypothesis and the design of the experiment.
o D INQ.4 Design and conduct appropriate types of scientific investigation to answer different questions.
o D INQ.5 Identify independent and dependent variables including those that are kept constant and those used as
o D INQ.6 Use appropriate tools and techniques to make observations and gather data.
o D INQ.7 Asses the reliability of the data that was generated in the investigation.
o D INQ.8 Use, mathematical operations to analyze and interpret data, and present relationships between variables
in appropriate forms.
o D INQ.9 Articulate conclusions and explanations based on research data, and assess results based on the design
of the investigation.
o D INQ.10 Communicate about science in different formats, using relevant science vocabulary, supporting
evidence and clear logic.
Learning Goal/Objective(s): Include procedural and/or declarative goal(s). To measure student achievement, use
Bloom’s Taxonomy or a modified Bloom’s Taxonomy
o Students will explore reflex arcs through a reflex arc lab.
III. Lesson Instruction: Use the 5E Learning Cycle to develop your lesson/handouts—REVIEW “What a Teacher Does”
and “What a Student Does” when writing your plans/handouts. Include timings for each phase.
IV. Formative
V. Differentiating
Initiation: Cite how you will engage students
Engage (Hook students to the content)
o (5-7 minutes): Have the students complete their bell
work, which is material we did not go over yet. I want
to see their prior knowledge. Ordering the correct
sequence of reflex arcs and determining their
o (2 minutes): Go over the objective and agenda. This
will show the class where I am going with the lesson.
Lesson Development: Cite how you will build upon prior
knowledge and build each concept(s).
Explore (Engages students’ prior knowledge)
o (20 minutes): Explain what a nerve and nerve
pathways are through a PowerPoint presentation.
Explain (Builds students’ content knowledge)
o (5-7 minutes): Have the students do independent
work out of the book that relates to determining the
order and function of reflex arcs which is what they
did for bell work. They are going to use the book and
see if they were right in determining the order and
function before the lesson started.
o (5-7 minutes): Have the students grab a white board
and marker and answer questions. These questions
are built into the power point to help re-enforce the
content learned in lecture. After each question is
asked the students are to hold up their white board
with the answer written on it.
Elaborate (Applies students’ understanding in a new context)
o (2 minutes): explain safety instructions for using the
reflex hammers and directions for reflex arc lab.
o (20 minutes): give students the rest of the time to
complete reflex arc lab: lab must be handed in at the
end of class.
Closure (Evaluate): Cite how you will measure, with evidence,
if the objectives were met.
Evaluate: Assesses students’ understanding
o (2-3 minutes): ask the students to talk to their
partners about two things they learned today form
the lecture. Then ask for 2 volunteers to say out loud
what they learned today.
Circulate around the room
to see what the students
how the students are
doing with the bell work.
Check for understanding
by asking questions
throughout the lecture.
Go around the room while
they are determining if
they were correct, using
the book. Ask them how
they did and what they
mixed up.
When the students are
answering these
whiteboard questions I can
see what the students
learned from the lecture. It
also shows me what I need
to re-explain before
moving on to the next
question so they will be
able to complete my
station activities.
Circulate the classroom,
help the students, and
make sure no one is
misusing the reflex
The bell work is done in
partners this was no one is
feeling scared to figure out
the order and function of
reflex arcs.
Make sure I am giving
enough time for
students to take down
notes by checking to
see how many
students are still
writing and asking if
they need more time.
White board questions
are done in pairs this
way no one feels
scared or on the spot
to answer a question.
Letting the students talk to
their partner about two
things they learned today
ensures that they did learn
something and makes
them feel more
comfortable then talking in
front of the whole class.
Lab Safety: Refer to the strategies you outlined in your Lab Safety Manual.
o Stress that no one is allowed to hurt anybody with the reflex arc hammers. If they do they will be sent to the
office and given a zero for the assignment.
Teaching Resources and Materials (e.g. technology, lab supplies, etc.)
Text book
Note packet made by Ms. Shook