Lesson 6 Piano Man I Verses

GO: Login right away to Lesson 5a and practice your
Piano Man Verses A and B for
5 minutes for 10 points.
LEARN: Today, you will use Lesson 5a to learn the
arpeggio section as Chords. Practice Etiquette= 10
SHOW: Show the Chords one hand at a time to the
Arpeggio part of Piano Man for 10 points.
Happy Monday. It’s a great day to be in school!
5a. Reminders
Remember to check
Skyward often. Tell the
instructor of concerns.
Interims are coming!
Absences appear as 0 in the
gradebook until cleared at
As long as you are On-Task
daily, playing tests can be
taken over & over.
If you enter the room after
the bell has rung, sign in.
No locker passes. For
restroom, sign out and in.
Please do not use cell
phones in this class.
Instructor: Walk-through
5a. Piano Man Arpeggio
An arpeggio is a musical term that
means to take a chord and break it
into individual notes.
To first learn the chords,
move to the next slide.
You can
do it!
Instructor: Walk-through
5a. Arpeggios- READ THIS
Step 1. Don’t try to play yet. Simply look below and compare the two
pieces of music. This is what the “arpeggio” section looks like written
as chords. This is what you will do today, play them as chords.
This is what the arpeggio section
looks like as an arpeggio. This will
happen later.
5a. When should notes be played at
the same time?
Look below: When notes are vertically aligned, you play them at the same time.
Can you see how the chords & notes are vertically aligned?
Look below: Notice how they’re broken into individual notes from left to
right. Each note in the chord is played consecutively!
Right Hand
Left Hand
5a. Okay. Now you will
learn the chords one hand
at a time. But first…
How do you know which staff is right hand &
which staff is left hand?
5a. Right Hand Chord 1
Step 1. Put your right hand in C position so your finger 1
(thumb) is on Middle C. (Each finger gets a key).
Step 2. Play a C, E, G with fingers 1,3,5. Look
at the sheet music above as you play it.
5a. Right Hand Chord 2
Step 3. For the second chord, notice how your right
hand thumb STAYS on Middle C.
Step 4. Play right hand C,F, A using fingers 1,3,& 5.
4a. Right Hand Chords 3
Step 5. For the third chord, notice how your right
hand thumb STILL stays on Middle C.
Step 6. Play C,G, B using fingers 1,3,& 5.
5a. Right Hand last part
Step 7. Notice how the last measure of this section has individual notes.
They are played consecutively because they are NOT vertically aligned.
Step 8. Play an A with finger 4; then a G with finger
3, then an F using finger 2.
5a. Left Hand Chord 1
Step 1. This first left hand chord is below Middle C. Put your left
hand finger 5 (pinky) on the C Note below Middle C.
Step 2. Play C, E, G with fingers 5,3,& 1.
5a. Left Hand Chord 2
Look at your sheet music: Your left hand pinky doesn’t
move. It’s still on “Cow” of All, Cows, Eat, Grass.
Step 3. Play the left hand notes C, F, A as a chord using
fingers 5,*2, 1.
*Make sure you use
fingers 5, 2, and 1.
This is different than what
You did in the right hand.
5a. Left Hand Chord 3
Look below: Your left hand pinky STILL doesn’t move.
Step 4. Play the left hand notes C, G, B as a chord using
fingers 5,*2, & 1.
*Make sure you use
fingers 5, 2, and 1.
5a. Left Hand last part
The last measure of this section has individual notes
that are played consecutively (one after the other).
Play an F with finger 2 (pointy), then an E with finger
3, then a D using finger 4.
Make sure you’re using
2,3,4 before showing.
5a. Now SHOW one hand at
a time for 10 points.
Once I have seen you play them as
Chords, you can move on to the
next slide to play both hands at the
same time. Once I’ve seen that, then
play them as arpeggios.
Advanced: Open Piano Man Advanced and learn the right
hand melody of the Verses.
5a. Both Hands as CHORDS!
Play all the chords with both hands at the same time!
Lesson 5b. Piano Man Arpeggios- Both Hands
GO: Log-in to 5b. Practice your Verses A and
B One Time! Then practice the chords you
learned yesterday for 5 minutes. = 10 points.
LEARN: Practice turning these chords into
arpeggios using Lesson 5b. = 10 points
SHOW: The arpeggio section of Piano Man
using both hands. When done, use Finale to
play along with the arpeggio setting your
tempo to a speed you can keep up with. =10
5b. Both Hands as Arpeggios
Now, you are ready to play it as it goes in the song play
the chords as individual notes instead of as chords.
Go slowly and keep a
steady beat.
Lesson 5c. Billy Joel Bio
GO: For 10 pts. Log-in and spend 10 minutes reviewing
your arpeggio and Verses A & B.
LEARN: In the Week 5 Folder, Open the Billy Joel
Writing Assignment and complete the objectives for 10
SHOW: For 10 points, when done with the writing, use
Finale to play along with Verse A & B and the Arpeggio
Playing Test on Arpeggios coming soon.
Keep up the good work! You can do it!
5d. Piano Man Arpeggio
GO: Login & nail down your arpeggio. Using the Piano Man sheet
music, set your tempo (speed) at one you can keep up with. Aim
for at least 90. (The actual speed is about160).
LEARN: While practicing, figure out what weak areas you have and
write them & your current Tempo on your Music Slip. Leave out
for your instructor to see. Write “none” if none. We will fix them.
= 10 points.
SHOW: Stay on task getting ready for your playing test for 10
points. Drop your music slip in your period’s box as you leave.
Make sure your name is on it.
5e. Arpeggio Playing Test
GO: For 10 points, Log-in immediately and get ready for
your playing test.
LEARN: Today you will learn the status of your level of
achievement. Once done, you will continue practice. Repeat,
Review, Reflect. = 20 points.
SHOW: Show me your learning of the arpeggio part of Piano
Man. = 25 points.
1. You get two attempts to play it.
2. Keep a slow, consistent, and steady beat.
3. You must have your music open & use correct fingers.
4. We’ll draw names to determine who goes.