Chapter 2.2 Guided Notes

Chapter 2.2 Criminal law Notes
Types of Crimes
Crimes against:
Crimes against:
Crimes involving:
Crimes against:
Crimes against:
Motor Vehicle Violations:
Crimes Against People:
1. Murder2. 1st degree Murder-
3. 2nd degree Murder4. Manslaughter Voluntary
5. Homicide6. Murder + Manslaughter= ______________________
7. If a homicide occurs that is justifiable and excusable, it is not considered a crime.
a. True
b. False
8. Define Justifiable9. Define Excusable-
10. Assault11. Battery-
12. Aggravated assault and or battery are charged as felonies.
a. True
b. False
13. What does “aggravated” mean?
14. Kidnapping-
15. Sex Offenses:
Typically statues ________________ or _________________ something.
16. What does the phrase “age of consent” mean?
17. What is the age of consent in Illinois?
18. An older partner commits criminal sexual abuse if....
19. When is the charge raised to criminal aggravated sexual abuse?
20. Domestic Violence21. Who does the domestic violence law protect?
22. What does domestic violence protect people against?
Crimes Against Property
1. Official Burglary Definition2. Expanded Burglary Definition3. What needs to happen in order for a person to be charged of burglary?
4. In Illinois, besides breaking into a home, what other property being broken into is considered
5. In general, Burglary is classified as a felony.
a. True
b. False
6. Raising a partly opened window cannot be considered breaking and entering.
a. True
b. False
7. Larceny8. Larceny is the legal term for _______________________.
9. Petty Larceny Punishment10. Grand Larceny Punishment11. Robbery-
12. The penalty for Robbery is less than the penalty for larceny.
a. True
b. False
13. What needs to happen in order for someone to be charged with armed robbery?
14. Vandalism-
15. To be guilty of Vandalism, you have to be the person who actually committed the crime.
a. True
b. False
Crimes Involving Businesses
1. What is another name for Crimes Involving Businesses?
2. Embezzlement-
3. What type of people often commits the crime of embezzlement?
4. Shoplifting5. A person has to physically take the items out of the store in order to be charged with
a. True
b. False
6. Fraud7. Mail Fraud8. What 3 things need to be true in order for someone to be convicted of mail fraud?
9. Wire Fraud10. What 2 things need to be true in order for someone to be convicted of wire fraud?
11. Money Laundering12. Where do most people convicted of money laundering hide the money?
13. Common Law Arson14. Today’s Arson Law15. What needs to be true in order for a person to be convicted of Arson?
16. Arson Punishment-
17. Forgery18. Forgery only occurs if the document changes hands.
a. True
b. False
19. Besides a check, what are some other situations in which a signature would be forged?
Crimes Against the Government
1. Treason2. Treason is the only crime mentioned in the United States Constitution.
a. True
b. False
3. Perjury4. The lie must involve a __________________ that is material to the _________________________.
5. Obstruction of Justice-
6. Identify an example case where obstruction of justice occurred.
7. Why is obstruction of justice such a serious crime? What/who can it affect?
8. Contempt of Court-
9. Identify an example scenario in which contempt of court may occur.
10. Bribery-
11. Both parties involved in a bribe can be found guilty.
a. True
b. False
Crimes Against Society
1. Disorderly Conduct –
2. Rioting-
Motor Vehicle Violations
1. A license to drive a motor vehicle is a ______________________ not a ________________.
2. Young, inexperienced drivers often times will be given breaks when breaking the law.
a. True
b. False
3. What are the consequences for motor vehicle violations?
4. Drag Racing-
5. Joy Riding-
6. How is joy riding different from auto theft?
7. In order to be charged with joy riding, you need to cause damage to a person’s property.
a. True
b. False