American Imperialism

American Imperialism
Puerto Rico
John Kloehn & Kevin Yacker
Definition of Imperialism
• The policy of extending the rule or
authority of an empire or nation over
foreign countries, or of acquiring and
holding colonies and dependencies.
U.S. Involvement
• 1898- American troops landed on the
island of Puerto Rico.
• Due to part of the Spanish-American war
U.S. Motives
• The island of Puerto Rico was key in
holding the American front in the
• Control of the island was necessary to
protect their interests in the Isthmus of
• The justification for controlling Puerto Rico
was for the protection of the Isthmus of
• The Isthmus of Panama would later be
used to build the Panama Canal.
Were the US’s Actions Justified?
• The US imperialistic actions upon Puerto
Rico where justified.
• Unlike in other US territories, the US
allowed limited rule over government and
gave the citizens limited rights that would
one day be beneficial.
Reaction of Local Population
• Not all Puerto Ricans wanted
independence as
Munoz Rivera did.
• Some wanted state hood.
• Others hoped for some measure of local
self-government as an American territory.
Final Result
• In 1900 congress passed the Foraker Act
This Act contained:
• A termination of military rule
• Establishment of a colonial government
• The governor was to be appointed by the President
• A Legislature with two houses was established
• The Upper House or the executive counsel was appointed by the
United States
• The lower house or the chamber of delegates was elected by the
Puerto Rican people
• An elected resident commissioner became a non voting
member in the US House of Representatives and
represented the islands interest
• All federal laws of the United States were to be in effect
on the island
Economic result
• The act contained two
economic provisions
which are still enforced
• Puerto Rico was exempt
from federal taxes.
• A duty free trade was
established between
Puerto Rico and the
United States.
Were the Actions Beneficial
• The Foracker act was beneficial to both
• It gave the Puerto Ricans a sense of self
• It gave the US control over the major
political issues of the new country.
Superman or Mafia Don
• In this case, the US government acted as
a mafia don
• While it granted the Puerto Ricans a false
sense of self government over themselves
and their people…..
It gave the US control over the major
government positions.
Where is Puerto Rico???????
Works Cited
• Facts on File:
Facts On File Online Databases
Foraker Act
The Americans Text Book