L. Marizza A Bailey Multivariable and Vector Calculus Name

L. Marizza A Bailey
Multivariable and Vector Calculus
Normal Vectors and Curvature
In the last section, we stated that reparameterization by arc length would help us analyze the twisting and
turning of a curve. In this section, we’ll see precisely how to do that.
The first thing we need to recall, is that a parameterization by arc length yields velocity vectors of
constant length. In fact, we know that a curve that is parameterized by arc length will have unit velocity
vectors. Using the same reasoning that we did to prove that spherical curves have tangent vectors
orthogonal to their position vectors, we will show that curves parameterized by arc length will have
velocity vectors orthogonal to the “acceleration vectors”.
Proof: Suppose  ( s) :[a, b] 
is a space curve parameterized by arc length.
d d
d 1
dt | v |
is the unit tangent vector in the direction of the particle. By the Leibniz Rule for dot product, we know
T ( s)  1
T ( s ), T ( s )  1
, T ( s)  0
, T ( s)  0
We call the unit vector in the direction of
, the normal vector, N. The length of the normal vector is
caller the curvature and is denoted, κ (kappa).
Curvature and Normal Vectors
If r (t )  ( x(t ), y (t ), z (t )) is a smooth vector-valued function on [a,b], then the curvature of the path
traced by r(t) is given by
 |
1 dT
| and the normal vector is given by N 
 ds
Since the normal vector is perpendicular to the tangent vector, we need to ask ourselves in which
direction is it pointing? Is it pointing away from the direction the curve is turning? Towards the direction
of the turn? Or is it orthogonal to the turn and the curve simultaneously?
BASIS Scottsdale
L. Marizza A Bailey
Multivariable and Vector Calculus
In order to answer this, we need to analyze what the derivative of the tangent vector is measuring?
Remember that in single variable calculus, the derivative of a function with respect to time measure the
rate of change of the function. In this case, we are taking the derivative of the tangent vector with respect
to time, so we are measuring the rate of change of the direction of the tangent vector.
Hence, the difference quotient of the tangent vector of the curve at time, s,
T ( s1 )  T ( s2 )
, is the
s1  s2
difference of the two tangent vectors, divided by the difference in time. The difference vector starts from
the tail of T ( s1 ) to the tail end of T ( s2 ). If you draw both these vectors so that their initial point is at the
origin, you will see that the limit of the difference vector is orthogonal to the tangent vector. You will
further see that the length of the difference vector depends on the “quickness” of the turn of the tangent
The picture above is the best illustration that I can find. However, as you can see, the velocity vectors are
not unit vectors and, therefore, the curve is not parameterized by arc length. However, you can see, that
the difference quotient of the velocity vectors is close to orthogonal, and, more importantly, is pointed in
the direction that the curve is turning.
BASIS Scottsdale
L. Marizza A Bailey
Multivariable and Vector Calculus
Formula for Calculating Curvatures
If r (t )  ( x(t ), y (t ), z (t )) is a smooth curve, then the curvature is given by
Where T 
1 dT
| v | dt
and t is a parameterization other than arc length.
Proof: Suppose r (t) is a smooth curve and s is a parameterization by arc length. Then by definition of
curvature, we get
dT dt
dt ds
dT 1
dt ds
1 dT
| v | dt
Note, the set of equations above is very similar to the set of equations developing the construction of the
normal vector.
Find the normal vector to the curve traced by
r (t )  (cos(t ),sin(t ), t )
and find the curvature as a function of t.
BASIS Scottsdale
L. Marizza A Bailey
Multivariable and Vector Calculus
Example: Find the normal vector and the curvature of the curve r (t )  (2 cos(t ), 2sin(t ), t 2 ) for each t.
Example: Find the normal vector and the curvature of the curve r (t )  (t  2, 2t  1,3t ) for each t.
Example: Find the normal vector and the curvature of the curve r (t )  (cos(t ),sin(t ),1) for each t.
BASIS Scottsdale
L. Marizza A Bailey
Multivariable and Vector Calculus
1) Find T , N and  for the plane curves below.
 
r (t )  (t , ln(cos(t ))
r (t )  (ln(sec(t )), t )
, ]
2 2
 
, ]
2 2
2) Find T , N and  for the space curves below.
a. r (t )  (3 sin(t ),3cos(t ), 4t )
b. r (t )  (cos(t )  t sin(t ),sin(t )  t cos(t ),3)
3) Show that the parabola y  ax 2 has the largest curvature at its vertex and has no minimum
4) Show that an ellipse has its largest curvature at its major axis and smallest curvature at its minor
5) In the examples above, we found that the curvature of a helix
r (t )  (a cos(t ), a sin(t ), bt )
where a and b are non-negative.
a) Find the curvature, κ, in terms of a and b.
b) What is the largest value of κ can have for a given value of b?
BASIS Scottsdale