Ch18 HWPacket

The Reconstruction Era: Guided Reading Lesson 1: Planning Reconstruction
Lesson 1 Planning Reconstruction
Guided Reading
Essential Question
How do new ideas change the way people live?
The Reconstruction Debate
Answering Questions As you read the section, answer the questions below.
1. Defining Give two meanings of the word reconstruction.
2. Comparing Describe Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan.
3. Identifying How did Republicans react to the Lincoln's 10% Plan?
4. Comparing Describe the Wade-Davis Bill.
5. Describing What did the Freedman’s Bureau do?
Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan
6. Identifying Cause and Effect What happened on April 14, 1865? Who became president?
7. Describing Make a list of Johnson’s main ideas about Reconstruction.
The Reconstruction Era: Guided Reading Lesson 2: The Radicals Take Control
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If it is false, change the identified word(s) to make the statement
Lesson 2 The Radicals Take Control
Guided Reading
Essential Question
How do new ideas change the way people live?
Protecting African Americans’ Rights
Reading for Accuracy Use your textbook to decide if a statement is true or false. Write T or F in the blank. If a
statement is false, rewrite it to make it true.
1. Radical Republicans were glad to seat the new Southern senators and representatives in Congress.
2. The black codes were passed to help control African Americans.
3. Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to enforce the black codes.
4. President Andrew Johnson supported the opinions of the Radical Republicans.
5. Congress overrode Johnson's veto of the Civil Rights Act of 1866.
6. The purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment was to grant citizenship to African Americans.
7. Some people in the South reacted to the Fourteenth Amendment with violence against African Americans.
8. Evaluating What was the significance of the congressional elections of 1866?
9. Describing List the requirements of the First Reconstruction Act.
10. Describing List the requirements of the Second Reconstruction Act.
11. Defining What was the Tenure of Office Act?
12. Explaining Why did the House of Representatives vote to impeach President Johnson?
13. Analyzing What was the result of Andrew Johnson’s impeachment trial in the Senate?
14. Summarizing What did the Fifteenth Amendment guarantee?
The Reconstruction Era: Guided Reading Lesson 3: The South During Reconstruction
Republicans in Charge
Lesson 3 The South During Reconstruction
Guided Reading
Essential Question
How do new ideas change the way people live?
Republicans in Charge
Answering Questions As you read the section, answer the questions below.
1. Explaining What roles were African Americans able to play in government during Reconstruction?
Identifying Identify the person described below.
2. the first African American elected to the United States Senate
3. the first African American senator to serve a full term
Indicate one or more answer choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.
Describing Select the points from the list that do not describe each group of people.
4. scalawags
a. from the North
b. from the South
c. name means “scoundrel”
d. named after suitcase
e. supported Republican party
f. often pro-Union business leaders and farmers who had not owned enslaved people
g. many were reformers
5. carpetbaggers
a. from the North
b. from the South
c. name means “scoundrel”
d. named after suitcase
e. supported Republican party
f. often pro-Union business leaders and farmers who had not owned enslaved people
g. many were reformers
6. Defining What was the goal of the Ku Klux Klan?
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If it is false, change the identified word(s) to make the
statement true.
Education and Farming
Reading for Accuracy Use your textbook to decide if a statement is true or false. Write T or F in the blank. If a
statement is false, rewrite it to make it true.
7. Reconstruction governments built schools for whites only.
8. Schools that are integrated have both black and white students.
9. Most African Americans had no trouble buying land in the South.
10. In the system of sharecropping, farmers owned their own land.
11. Landowners often took an unfair percentage of crops from their sharecroppers.
The Reconstruction Era: Guided Reading Lesson 4: The Post-Reconstruction Era
Lesson 4 The Post-Reconstruction Era
Guided Reading
Essential Question
How do new ideas change the way people live?
Reconstruction Ends
Answering Questions As you read the section, answer the questions below.
1. Identifying Cause and Effect How did scandals in the Grant administration and the Panic of 1873 affect the
Republican Party?
2. Identifying Who were the “redeemers”?
Enter the appropriate word(s) to complete the statement.
Paraphrasing Complete the paragraph.
The election of 1876 was historic. Republican _______________ ran against Democrat _______________.
Neither won a majority of electoral votes. To determine the outcome, Congress appointed a
_______________. It recommended that _______________ be named president. To get Democrats to accept
this, Republicans promised to _______________ troops from the South. The last troops left in 1877, marking
the end of _______________.
3. The election of 1876 was historic. Republican _______________ ran against Democrat _______________.
(When answering online, separate answers with a comma and one space.)
4. Neither won a majority of electoral votes. To determine the outcome, Congress appointed a
5. It recommended that _______________ be named president.
6. To get Democrats to accept this, Republicans promised to _______________ troops from the South.
7. The last troops left in 1877, marking the end of _______________.
8. Identifying What types of industry grew in the New South?
9. Describing How did supporters of the New South want the Southern economy to change?
A Divided Society
Answering Questions As you read the section, answer the questions below.
10. Listing Name three ways that white Southerners restricted African Americans’ right to vote.
11. What did the Supreme Court rule in Plessy v. Ferguson?
Defining Define each term.
12. lynching
13. segregation
14. Jim Crow laws
15. Exodusters
16. Buffalo Soldiers
Vocabulary List – Chapter 18
Ten Percent Plan:
Wade Davis Bill:
Freedmen’s Bureau:
Thirteenth Amendment:
Radical Republicans:
Black Codes:
Fourteenth Amendment:
Radical Reconstruction:
Fifteenth Amendment:
Ku Klux Klan:
“New South”:
Poll Taxes:
Literacy Tests:
Grandfather Clauses:
Jim Crow Laws:
Plessy v. Ferguson:
Buffalo Soldiers: