DNA Review Name Describe the three main functions of DNA 2

DNA Review
Name _________________________
1. Describe the three main functions of DNA
2. Generate a drawing model of the three parts of the nucleotide, showing which
parts represent the backbone and which parts represent the rungs of the ladder.
3. Based on the sequence TTC-ACC-GCA
a. Predict the complementary base pair
b. Predict the mRNA strand
c. Predict the amino acid sequence
4. Contrast DNA to RNA (think of 3 differences)
5. How is DNA like a book?
6. Discriminate between mRNA and tRNA. What is the function of each one? Where
is each one located?)
7. Asses if most mutations are harmful, helpful or indifferent.
8. Explain the purpose of transcription and translation (what do they do, where to
they take place?
9. Describe the role of DNA in determining the proteins that make up your body.
(4-5 sentences)
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DNA quiz review
What are the 3 functions of DNA
What are the parts of a nucleotide?
What are the 4 bases and which one pair up?
What are 3 major differences between DNA and RNA?
What the 3 types of RNA and what is the function of each?
3 types of mutations – What is their effect on cells?
Create a diagram of protein synthesis.
DNA quiz review
What are the 3 functions of DNA
What are the parts of a nucleotide?
What are the 4 bases and which one pair up?
What are 3 major differences between DNA and RNA?
What the 3 types of RNA and what is the function of each?
3 types of mutations – What is their affect on cells?
Create a diagram of protein synthesis.
DNA quiz review
What are the 3 functions of DNA
What are the parts of a nucleotide?
What are the 4 bases and which one pair up?
What are 3 major differences between DNA and RNA?
What the 3 types of RNA and what is the function of each?
3 types of mutations – What is there affect on cells?
Create a diagram of protein synthesis.