THE PAPER WAR FIMmers vs. Pluddites Free Information Movement members vs. Paper Luddites Bankrupting the Pluddites to Give Everyone a Million Dollar Education Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis Guten Tag, mein Name ist Fritz, Im a scribe, copying holy works from ancient parchment texts to new ones. I work in the court of the King, and am a member of the Guild of Scribes. The King gave our guild the exclusive right to copy these texts, so that amateurs cannot make bad cheap copies. I sell my copies at high prices and can afford nice furs. BUT, lately we scribes have a new problem … … those damn PRINTERS !! Last year, some people brought in a printing press from a foreign city and started printing books. These printed books cost a hundred times less than the books we scribes copy by hand. Now the riff raff merchants can afford to buy books! Can you imagine, merchants having books !!! Even the monasteries are starting to buy these printed books. We scribes are now feeling very worried. Our livelihood is threatened. We have petitioned the King to arrest these printers. They are criminals, infringing on our right to copy! Hi, I’m Hugo, I’m an ARCer (an After Retirement Careerer) My new career is being a Globacator (Global Educator) I’m helping educate the planet for free. I make YouTube video lectures in PhD level Pure Math, Math Physics, and Computer Theory. Lately, Ive been making an e-Library in my 4 fields of interest a) Pure Math b) Math Physics c) Computer Theory d) Philosophy You can see the results on my website Free Profs and Free Worldwide Education A “Free Prof” is someone like me who makes YouTube video lectures and e-libraries for free to help educate the world. Soon, everyone will have internet cell phones, and can watch these free lectures, thus educating themselves for free. Im hoping that what Im doing will inspire others, especially free profs who are retired and have the time to make e-libraries and YouTube video lecture courses. If there are 1000s of free profs in the near future, all specialties can be covered, so the world can be educated for free, one of the greatest social revolutions of the 21st century, with huge impact. These are the Tabs on my website Home, Books, Media, Interviews, Essays, EssayVideos, Resume/CV, Artificial Brains, CABA, Artilect POLLS, “GLOBA”(L) State, Femtotech, SIPI, Masculism, Sageism, Multis and Monos, Culture Bashing, Paper Albatrosses, ScholarTech, Photos, “deGarisMPC” (MathPhysComp) FREE Graduate-Level YouTube Lecture Courses “deGarisMPCPBE” (MathPhysCompPhilBioEtc) PhD Refs/Links When you click on the last of these tabs, you get -- “deGarisMPCPBE” (MathPhysCompPhilBioEtc) PhD Refs/Links How to Use deGarisMPCPBE Click on deGarisMPCPBE. You will then see a list of 6 topics – Math, Physics, Computing, Philosophy, Brain, Etc Click on the link of one of these 6 topics. You will then see a list of subtopics, e.g. for Math – Abstract Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Topology, etc (in alphabetic order). Click on the subtopic you want. You will then be shown an alphabetical list (by first author) of paper, media and book references on that subtopic. Most papers will have a link to Google Drive or to Google Scholar (indicated by GSclr) or to Many of the books will have a link to (Note, most of these links I have yet to insert – a lot of work, but they are going up rapidly now.) “deGarisMPCPBE” Topics List MATH (Pure Mathematics) (link) PHYSICS (Mathematical Physics) (link) COMPUTING (Computer Theory) (link) PHILOSOPHY (mostly Western) (link) BRAIN (Brain Theory, Cognitive Neuroscience, Consciousness, Neuroscience) (link) ETC (Anthropology, Antigoyism, Chomsky, FedReserveScam, Psychology, Very Short Introduction, etc) (link) “deGarisMPCPBE” PhD References, Math Topics List A Abstract Algebra, Applications (link) Abstract Algebra, Basic (link) Abstract Algebra, Course (link) Abstract Algebra, etc (link) Abstract Algebra, History (link) Abstract Algebra, Lectures (link) Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra (link) Algebras, Associative (link) Algebras, Banach (link) Algebras, Clifford (link) Algebras, Commutative (link) Algebras, Enveloping (link) Algebras etc (link) Algebras, General (link) Algebras, Geometric (link) Algebras, Hecke (link) Algebras, Hopf (link) Algebras, Jordan (link) Algebras, Kac-Moody (link) … 100s of categories !! “deGarisMPCPBE” PhD References, Computing Topics List Artificial Intelligence (link) Brain Model (link) Cognitive Science (link) Computer Science (link) Data Mining (link) Genetic Algorithms (link) Machine Learning Neural Networks (link) Quantum Computation (link) Theory Computation (link) Turing Machines (link) Cognitive Science e-format from, paper-format from Papers on Cognitive Science anon, Cognitive Science Dictionary (free) anon, Review Essays, The Impact of Cognitive Science on Religious Studies, A Revolution in the Making (free) Arvidson, A Lexicon of Attention, From Cognitive Science to Phenomenology Brandom, How Analytic Philosophy Has Failed Cognitive Science (free) Byrne, Evolution of Primate Cognition Fodor, Pylyshyn, Ch. 36, Connectionism and Cognitive Architecture Harder, Togeby, Pragmatics, Cognitive Science and Connectionism Heylighen, Representation and Change, A Metarepresentational Framework for the Foundations of Physical and Cognitive Science (free) Johnson-Laird, Mental Models in Cognitive Science Kuhn, Why Information Science Needs Cognitive Semantics (free) Lawson, Towards a Cognitive Science of Religion (free) Norman, Twelve Issues for Cognitive Science Pepperberg, Cognitive and Communicative Abilities of Grey Parrots (free) Peterson, Cognitive Science, What One Needs to Know (free) NOTE – the papers NOT marked (free) are copyrighted and cannot be viewed. Shafir, Tversky, Ch. 3, Decision Making Shapiro, Knowledge Representation Strube, Cognitive Science, An Introduction (free) Books on Cognitive Science Burger, Human Memory Modeled with Standard Analog and Digital Circuits, Inspiration for Man-Made Computers (unfree) Chemero, Radical Embodied Cognitive Science (unfree) Cohen, Lefebvre (eds.), Handbook of Categorization in Cognitive Science (unfree) de Gyurky, The Cognitive Dynamics of Computer Science, Cost-Effective Large Scale Software Development (unfree) Fodor, Concepts, Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong (unfree) Gallagher, Schmicking (eds.), Handbook of Phenomenology and Cognitive Science (unfree) NOTE - With books, the problem is far worse. Virtually all of them are marked (unfree), i.e. copyrighted. The knowledge in these books is copyrighted, and hence is inaccessible. The Pluddites have imprisoned knowledge! Imagine that there were no copyrights. The job of the globacators would then be much easier. The quality of the education given to the world would be hugely greater and free. Hence the PAPER WAR between the a) FIMmers (Free Information Movement members), b) Pluddites (Paper Luddites) and the Pluddites are publishers of copyrighted paper journal articles and copyrighted paper academic books. The FIMmers and the Pluddites are mutual enemies. Why do the Pluddites hate the FIMmers? Pluddites see FIMmers as thieves, stealing the content of their paper journal articles and paper books. Pluddites invested a lot of money in creating their paper products. Pluddites want a financial return on their investment. Therefore, Pluddites use the law to prosecute infringers of copyright, and fine them or send them to jail. Lately, there are so many FIMmers breaking copyright, that Pluddites have become paranoid, fearing their livelihoods are being destroyed and are lashing out with excessive fines. Sound familiar? Why do the FIMmers hate the Pluddites? FIMmers want information to be free, so that the world can be educated for free, with huge consequences for the planet, e.g. a) Free education on the internet (in a world where everyone will soon have internet cell phones) will create a world wide educated middle class b) It is always the middle class that pushes for democracy in dictatorships (130 democracies amongst 190 countries, of which 100 made the switch in the past 50 years) c) Advanced democracies do NOT go to war with each other. Therefore, free education is needed to create a war free world! FIMmers hate Pluddites for several reasons a) Pluddites as extorters. Pluddites say to FIMmers, if you want to see the contents of our paper books and journals, you have to buy them. FIMmers say to Pluddites, we now live in the internet era. Your traditional role of packaging and distributing information in paper format is now REDUNDANT. The internet does this for free, so you Pluddites should go bankrupt and be placed in a museum. You are paper luddites!!! b) Pluddites as knowledge gaolers, imprisoning knowledge. By placing a copyright on papered knowledge, that knowledge is made unfree and inaccessible to most of the world. c) Pluddites keep the world ignorant. Globacators cannot offer free and substantial education to the world because of the Pluddites. d) Pluddites keep the world at war. Reverse the previous logic. There is no world wide free quality education due to the Pluddite copyrights, so no world wide educated middle class exists. So we dont have a world wide educated middle class to push for world wide democracy (i.e. to dedictate) So we dont have a fully democratic world, so dictatorships survive, so wars continue, so we dont live in a war free world, so indirectly, the Pluddites keep the world at war. e) Pluddites as immoral criminals. FIMmers feel a moral obligation to bankrupt the Pluddites, so 2 billion “hungry minds” can become well educated, and for free. Globacators particularly want this. FIMmers advise Pluddites to quit their dying immoral profession, and do something that helps humanity, rather than hinders it. How are the FIMmers bankrupting the Pluddites? The FIMmers main weapons in the Paper War are – a) Scanners (costing about $100) b) File sharing sites, e.g.,, etc FIMmers in their millions are converting paper academic journals and paper academic books into e-files using their scanners and uploading the results to file sharing sites on the internet. Millions of users then download these e-files for free, hugely benefitting their education. By getting their education for free, they don’t buy paper journal articles nor paper academic books, so the Pluddites go bankrupt. Pluddite Pimps Pluddites are not the only problem for the FIMmers. The other problem group are the “Pluddite Pimps” i.e. academics who send their manuscripts to pluddites for publication, instead of publishing them themselves for free. Pluddite pimps feed work to the Pluddites the way pimps send customers to prostitutes. Academics need to be published by high quality publishers, so they can record this on their resumes, to improve their promotion chances at their universities (Publish or Perish). So a new kind of publisher is needed. FAPs (Free Academic Publishers) There are already FAP academic journals, usually called “Free Access Journals” Some of them already have high impact factors (i.e. are frequently cited.) But, academic book FAPs barely exist. Academics need to create book FAPs and then publish with them. There will need to be high quality FAPs, middle of the road FAPs, and crap FAPs. FIMmer academics can then accuse their colleagues who publish with Pluddites of being “Pluddite Pimps” i.e. betraying the cause of worldwide free education, and a war free world. Pluddite Brothels Even if most professors are FIMmers, there remains a problem if their universities are “pluddite brothels” i.e. universities which judge the publication records of their professors, according to prestige ranked pluddite publishers, i.e. not FAPs. FIMmer professors will need to put moral pressure on their universities (pluddite brothels) to phase out pluddite publishers and replace them with FAPs on their universities’ prestige ranked publishers lists. Professors will be busy, doing the following – a) Converting themselves from pluddite pimps to FIMmers b) Establishing FAPs, run by academics, to make them free c) Moral pressuring their universities against being pluddite brothels Two Billion Hungry Minds! There are about 2 billion people on the planet who could benefit hugely from a high quality university level education. Do the cost-benefit analysis. Livelihood loss for Pluddites (100,000s) vs. huge gains for the 2 billion! “Free Profs” (especially retired professors) have the time to make a) YouTube video lecture courses, and b) e-Libraries (with links to journal articles and academic books) Within 5-10 years, these 2 billion people will push the Pluddites out of business. They will demand free high quality education as a RIGHT and will utterly crush the hated Pluddites. Their huge numbers will make them a force of nature (unstoppable). Globacators are Dangerous People They will destroy at least 4 major traditional institutions – a) Universities. University lectures are going online. Why should parents pay $50,000 a year for a Harvard education, when world class, rock star (free) profs give their lectures for free on the internet. Many universities will go bankrupt, after losing their fee base. “Grading centers” will spring up to grade homeworks and exams. b) Paper Libraries. Why go to a library when you can access all that you need online? c) Paper Academic Publishers (Pluddites) One of the main aims of the FIMmers is to bankrupt the Pluddites. d) Dictatorships Creating a world wide educated middle class will dedictate the world, i.e. bring down the last dictatorships on the planet. Thus, the Globacators are ambitious. Politics will be changed. Near future politicians will be strongly motivated to promote free globacation, because they will be pushed by the 2 billion hungry minds. Globacation can pull poor peasants out of their economic shithole.