
Spanish Index Spiral Directions
Major Grade
If there is one thing that you can take with you next year, it will be this
index spiral with grammar concepts (and some vocabulary) from Spanish I.
The idea is for this little book to serve as a review before each semester
exam and for future reference in Spanish II.
-Start with the table of contents for pages 25-37 the topics below
(you may use more than one notecard and the backs if you want to).
-Next follow the instructions for pages 25-37, using the info given in
parenthesis a guideline, create a page for each topic.
Only 1 topic per cardyou may use more than one card for a topicyou may use the back-side of the cards as wellUse the handouts/ can find them under the Vocab and Grammar
NOTES link on my webpage.
Pg#. “page title in quotation marks”
(required info in parenthesis) NOTES
25. “Go Verbs- yo gets the go” (Write the infinitive and yo (go) form of the
Following verbs- venir, tener, decir, hacer, traer –
Span and English) 3B
26. “SER- to be -permanent” (write the ser conj. Chart with pronouns
In Span and Eng) 3B
27. “Ser vs Estar, to be or to be” (Write the uses of ser (DOWNTO) with
One sample sent. using ser and the 2 uses of estar
with one sample sent using estar) 5B
28. “IR- to go” (write the conj. Chart for “ir” with pronouns in Eng and
Span.) 4A
29. “Infinitive Phrases” (one sample for each phrase- going to inf, have to,
Want to inf, would like to inf, know how to inf,
Am able to inf. – Eng and Span) handout chpt 4B
30. “interrogatives (? Words)” (Write a question and answer for each of
The 11 interrogatives- what, how/what, which/what,
Who, with whom, where, to where, from where,
How many, when, why) 4A
31. “Jugar, stem-changing verb” (write conj. Chart with pronouns
Eng and Span) 4B
32. “dormir- stem-changing verb” (write conj. Chart with pronouns
Eng and Span) stem changers handout
33. “pedir stem changing verb” (write conj. Chart with pronouns
Eng and Span) stem changers handout
34. “venir stem changing verb” (write conj. Chart with pronouns
Eng and Span) stem changers handout
35. “tener stem changing verb” (write conj. Chart with pronouns
Eng and Span) stem changers handout
36. “tener expressions” (write 5 sample sents. using each of the tener
expressions -hot or cold, hunger or thirst,
how much you have of something, have to do inf,
and age.) handout chpt 5A
37. “possessive adj (my, his, your…)” (write a chart with possessive adj
Eng and Span) 5A