Lesson 6 Pondering the Universe WORDS: THE POWER WITHIN AER (AERO) Aerate Aer + ate (make, cause) Literal definition – cause air Dictionary definition – (v) to introduce air into a material Most people will aerate their lawns to help oxygenate the soil. AER (AERO) Aerial Aer + ial (related to) Literal definition – related to the air Dictionary definition – (adj) existing, happening, or operating in the air The surprise aerial attack caught the enemy off guard. AER (AERO) - AIR Aerobic Aero + ic (characterized by) Literal definition – characterized by air Dictionary definition – (adj) relating to exercise that is designed to improve the efficiency of the body’s cardiovascular system in absorbing and transporting oxygen Aerobic exercise like jogging can build stamina and improve overall health. ASTER (ASTR) Asteroid Aster + oid (like, resembling) Literal definition – like a star Dictionary definition – (n) a chunk of rock orbiting the sun in an area between Mars and Jupiter Some scientists believe a stray asteroid hitting Earth is what caused the dinosaurs to go extinct. ASTER (ASTR) Astronaut Astr + naut (sail) Literal definition – sail the stars Dictionary definition – (n) one who explores outer space Wolfgang studied to become an astronaut, but he failed the entrance exam. ASTER (ASTR) - STAR Astronomy Astr + nomy (law, principle) Literal definition – laws of the stars Dictionary definition – (n) science that deals celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole Back in the day, sailors used astronomy to help them navigate. LUN Lunar Lun + ar (related to) Literal definition – related to the moon Dictionary definition – (adj) determined by, relating to, or caused by the moon The lunar eclipse was amazing to see. LUN Lunatic Lun + ic (dealing with) Literal definition – dealing with the moon Dictionary definition – (n) a mentally-ill person (not technically), from the ancient belief that changes in the moon caused intermittent insanity Grinning like a lunatic, Wolfgang skipped around the garden. LUN - MOON Lunula Lun + ula (noun ending) Dictionary definition – (n) a crescent-shaped mark or object While Harry Potter had a scar that looked like a lightning bolt, Wolfgang had a scar that looked like a lunula. SOL Solar Sol + ar (related to) Literal definition – related to the sun Dictionary definition – (adj) of, relating to, or caused by the sun A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, temporarily blocking the Sun. SOL Solarium Sol + arium (place where) Literal definition – place where there is sun Dictionary definition – (n) a room with extensive areas of glass to admit sunlight (similar to a sunroom but with a glass roof) Wolfgang added a solarium onto his house. SOL - SUN Solstice Sol + stit (stop, stay) Literal definition – sun stop Dictionary definition – (n) either of the two times in the year when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at noon, marked by the longest or shortest day The summer solstice occurs around June 21 and the winter solstice around December 21. STELL Constellation Con (together, with) + stell + ation (state, quality) Literal definition – state of stars together Dictionary definition – (n) a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is usually named for its apparent form or a mythological figure I have an app on my phone that shows where the constellations are in the sky. STELL Interstellar Inter (between, among) + stell + ar (related to) Literal definition – related to among the stars Dictionary definition – (adj) occurring or situated between the stars Science fiction movies often feature interstellar travel as characters move from one planet to another. STELL - STAR Stellar Stell + ar (related to) Literal definition – related to the stars Dictionary definition – (adj) of or related to a star or stars; featuring or having the quality of a star performer or performers; exceptionally good or outstanding Wolfgang created a stellar science project that ultimately won first place.