Course: Teacher: Phone: Email: Class Website: Algebra 1 Ms. Boller (916)-641-4960 Ext. 3207 COMING SOON! Purpose of the class Students will be able to demonstrate competency in all of the Algebra 1 standards. Specifically, show proficiency in the NHS Algebra 1 Objectives set by the Algebra Team. Classroom Expectations 1. Be on time to class, prepared with daily and specialty materials, and be ready to learn. 2. Be in your assigned seat at all times. If it is necessary for you to get out of your seat for any reason please communicate your needs by raising a quiet hand. 3. Respect yourself and others, as well as classroom materials and property. 4. Use appropriate language and speak at appropriate times with a quietly raised hand. 5. Food, drink, and gum are not permitted in the classroom. No exceptions. 6. Electronic devices may not be used in class unless under the direct instruction of Ms. Boller. There may be times when electronic devices will be helpful in completing a task and times when electronic devices will not be permitted at all. 7. The wearing of hats, beanies, hoods, etc is not permitted in the classroom. Dress code will be followed at all times, regardless of weather. 8. Bathroom privileges: Please use the restroom during passing periods. Restroom passes will not be granted during the first or last 15 minutes of the period. Materials you will need DAILY Pencils/Pens (blue or black ink is preferred; please no red) Loose lined paper Graph paper BLACK Dry Erase Marker Single subject notebook to keep notes in Grading Policy 20% Assignments 30% Objective Tests 40% Unit Tests 10% Exit Slips, Participation, Materials, Quizzes, Other Assignment Policy – (classwork and homework) Assignments must be written down on your assignment log daily. You will receive a stamp (full credit – 10 points) on your assignment log next to the assignment only if the assignment is complete and on time (classwork is due the same day in class, homework is due the following day at the beginning of class). o To receive a stamp on each assignment: It must have your name on it (first and last) It must be complete (guidelines are outlined on the assignment log) You must written down all of the questions/problems You must have shown all of your work o To receive partial credit (7 out of 10): You must turn in the assignment complete by the Friday of the week that it was assigned; attached to the back of your assignment log and clearly labeled. o Warm-ups/bell work will be worth 5 points each day and will be completed on the assignment log. o Materials checks, such as whiteboard marker and graph paper will be planned and unannounced. Be prepared every day! Test and Quiz Policy There are a few different ways that you will be tested to measure whether you have mastered the concepts of Algebra1; Objective Tests (free response), Unit Tests/Finals (multiple choice) and Exit Slips/Quizzes (free response). Objective Tests are 30% of your total grade. Each objective test will consist of three questions and each will be taken twice. The two scores will be averaged and this average will be recorded in PowerSchool. If you are not satisfied with your average score you may take an objective test a third time and the two best scores will be averaged. The third attempt on an objective test will take place on your own time, at lunch or after school. There is a retake process to follow which we will discuss after the first objective test. Unit Tests and Finals are 40% of your grade. These are cumulative multiple choice tests that are taken throughout the year and cover multiple objectives at once. These tests may not be retaken, but you may have an opportunity to complete test corrections to help improve your understanding of the material and improve your test score. Exit Slips, Quizzes and Participation are 10% of your grade. Exit Slips and quizzes are quick, formative methods used to check for understanding and gauge where students are in understanding an algebra concept. Participation includes, but is not limited to, asking questions, participating in class discussions, and being on task. Electronic Signed Syllabus Once guardian and student have both read this syllabus, I ask that both guardian and student choose at least one of the electronic methods on the next page and follow the directions listed to confirm that you have read and understand the Algebra 1 syllabus. This method or methods will also be a way for me to electronically communicate with students and families throughout the year. Guardian Options (choose at least one, choosing both will earn your student extra credit) 1. Email: Send me an email at In the subject line of the email please write “Electronic Syllabus”. In the body of your email please include your first and last name, contact phone number, best time to reach you, and something important that I should know while educating your student this year. 2. Text Message: Text the code: @c7e0d to (567)-202-8758 to receive information and reminders via text message. I am using a texting app, so it is one way communication from me to you, you cannot respond by text, and I do not have your phone number on record. It is a new teacher tool that I am using this year and I am hoping that families find it useful. Student Options (choose at least one, choosing both will earn your student extra credit) 1. Email: Send me an email at In the subject line of the email please write “Electronic Syllabus”. In the body of your email please include your first and last name, something that you are interested in getting involved with on campus, and something important that I should know about you and your past math experience. 2. Text Message: Text the code: @d944b to (567)-202-8758 to receive information and reminders via text message. I am using a texting app, so it is one way communication from me to you, you cannot respond by text, and I do not have your phone number on record. It is a new teacher tool that I am using this year and I am hoping that students will find it useful and helpful. Please contact me at any time with questions or concerns regarding your student. I am looking forward to a great and productive year! Ms. Boller