Last Minute Overview 2012 Last Minute Overview Monday May 7, Noon Make sure you get something to eat If you have C or D lunch, you will eat A or B lunch Mon. Test is in Library Bring pencils, blue or black pens and an eraser Wear comfortable clothing (no psych clothes) Bring a watch that doesn’t beep Snack and/or drink for the break Nothing else: no books, papers, calculators, cell phones (leave in the car), etc. Page 11 General Instructions 1 of the booklet says: Cell phones, digital cameras, personal digital assistants (PDAs) Blackberry smartphones, Bluetooth enabled devices, MP3 players, email/ messaging devices, or any other electronic or communication devices are NOT ALLOWED IN THE TESTING ROOM. Last Minute Overview 100 multiple choice questions 70 minutes 2/3 of the overall grade Choices A-E Charts, graphs, drawings are all possible Names are on the test Goes from easier to harder questions No deductions for guessing Last Minute Overview If having problems with a question, leave it and come back to it (watch the bubbles) Look for question flaws Use process of elimination (especially use the schools of psychology) Take your time during the multiple choice Go back and check your answers If you need to, take a brief break during the test Last Minute Overview 2 required Free Response (essay) Questions 50 minutes 1/3 of the overall grade - 1/6 of grade for each essay Points are given for correct responses. Points are not lost for misinformation or wrong information. Points can be removed if you contradict yourself. Last Minute Overview Usually one essay is unit based, the other goes across units. Read through both essays before you do anything else. Think your answer through before you start to write. Determine where the points will be given for the question Write your answer to get each point possible Last Minute Overview Write an outline or notes to yourself on the test question booklet Don’t be afraid to cross something out, if needed. Write in sentences DO NOT OUTLINE OR BULLET YOUR ANSWER. Be as complete as you can, but keep to the point Last Minute Overview Intros and conclusions don’t usually help. Don’t restate the question. If you are not sure take A logical guess. Don’t concept bomb the answer. Watch your time. Don’t get caught short on essay #2. Define and/or give an example of any concepts in the question, even if not told to do so, unless you’re not sure about it. Last Minute Overview Explain/justify any opinions, even if it is not asked of you Underline key points. Structure your answer following the structure of the question. Use paragraphs skipping a line to separate the different sections. Don’t try to be cute or extremely creative. Last Minute Overview If a concept is used in the question use that same term in your answer Don’t define a term with the same term. Use your time to get the most points possible. If you have time, read through the essays and make any needed changes Remember that TWO people will be scoring your essays Last Minute Overview Study the outlines Use your textbook, (chapter summaries and key terms) Take the Practice/Sample Tests Sleep Cycle Last Minute Overview Knowledge Understanding of the Test Motivation Time/Work Confidence Last Minute Overview Reasons for a 4 or 5 Make sure you have all the handouts you are going to need to prepare for the test. Test Security (nothing on Facebook, Twitter, email, texting, etc.) Don’t be absent!!! Bring something to drink for Tuesday’s class. We will talk about the test. GOOD LUCK And for a little motivation…