What are the extension methods in .net 3.5? Why extension methods

1. What are the extension methods in .net 3.5? Why extension methods? Can we do the same thing
or can we achieve the same thing without using extension methods??
2. Why the extension methods are static??
3. If the extension methods are static then why they used to call like instance methods??
These above are the questions which generally asked in the interview questions above 4 yrs..for
extension methods.
1. what is lambda expression??
2. Why lambda expression?? what is the difference between lambda expression and anonymous
3. is lambda expression increase the performance of the application?? if yes then how? if no then
why we have to use this now concept??
4. What is expression tree?? How the lambda expression helps to create the expression trees??
5. How to filter the records using lambda expression?? Give an example of filtering the records
for a particular country from the EMP table.
1. What is a Web service ? How it is different from remoting?
2. Diiferent life cycle events phases in asp.net web form.
3. OOPS concept in brief?
4. Different phases of sdlc?
5. Current project web application architecture?
6. What is asp.net MVC architecture?
7. Difference between Temp table and Table? Expain in which situation we uses one?
8. Can we create a table with out using create table statement?
9. Difference between having clause and Where clause?
10. When to use View state in asp.net and its limitations?
11. Different state management techniques?
12. Three features of asp.net 3.5?
13. Java script code to alter text of a label control?
14. What is JQuery?
15. Delete table and Truncate table difference?
16. Steps to improve a poor query performance?
ACCENTURE Telephonic Interview
0. What is caching.
1. Types of cahing.
2. What is cache Block.
3. What are indexers.
4. What is difference between Namespace and assembly.
5. Difference between HashTable and ArrayList.
6. What is Microsoft applications Block.
7. What you do to increase the performance of a application.
8. Types of Polymorphism.
8. Run Time Polymorphism example.
9. Compile Time Polymorphism example.
10. Operator Overloading Example.
11. What is Global assembly cache.
12. What is unit testing?
Fidelity Test
1) How to stop a function to be inherited? Answers
2) Can we overload static constructor? By using Virtual Private Inheritance
3) Can we call the finalize method manually? No
4) Can we have finally without catch block? Yes
5) Can we have multiple catch blocks for single try? Yes
6) What is return type of multicast delegate? Yes
7) Type of session state management technique. Void
8) Can we update a database view? Cookie,HiddenFields,ViewState,QueryString
9) Can we call a procedure inside a function? NO
10) What are the types of trigger we have? NO
Contata Solutions Noida
1. What is serialization? Why it is used? Types of serialization?
2. Have you done Data base design in your current project?
3. Can you use Ajax with asp.net 2.0 without using any control?
4. Difference between dataset and data reader?
5. Can data reader be used to Insert/update/delete purpose or for operations on database?( I have given
a stupid answer Yes here).
6. Do you work with collections? Types of collections?
7. Can be declare a variable in an interface?
8. How can we use properties in an interface?
9. What is exception handling in c#, can we have multiple catch blocks inside a single catch block, why is
finally block is used for, can we have multiple finally blocks?
In Second Round
1. Have you created custom events?
2. Have you worked with delegates?
3. In which scenario we used interface and abstract class.
4. Why nonclustered indexes are created?
5. Different methods to pass data from one asp.net page to another?
6. Difference between varchar and nvarchar?
7. Have you worked with resource file (.resx)?
8. How is the use of resource file?
9. Many questions about the abstract and virtual class and methods?
10. Enum is value type or refrence type, string is value type or refrence type, what are value type and
refrence type?
11. For making your site Multilingual what you will do with your asp.net application?
MOTHERSONSUMI Infotech & designs Limited
1. What is asp.net worker process?
2. How will you create a website in iis7.0 without using any code.
3. Sql server 2000/2005/2008 differences?
4. Create Table statement?
5. Normalization?
6. All types of joins ? Outer join example?
7. Triggers, function,types of triggers?
8. Index,how you create index?all questions on index?
9. Does a function return a table?
10. Noremal forms?
11. Asp.net 4.0 new features?
12. All clause of sql select statement?
13. Command to run a trigger?
a) What is JavaScript on fly?
b) What is Design Pattern?
c) What is generic? Why it's needed?
d) What is delegate? Can u write a simple one?
e) What comes new feature in .net 2005 and .net 2008
f) what is indexer?
g) What is Impersonate?
h) Can u tell me one scenario of encapsulation?