Theme - White Plains Public Schools

What is Theme?
The main idea or underlying
meaning of a literary work.
 A theme may be stated or
 Theme differs from the
subject or topic of a literary
it involves a statement or
opinion about the topic.
What is a Theme?
A theme is a generalization
about life or human nature.
 Certain types of experiences
are common to all people
Universal Themes
come up again and again in literature
 deal with basic human concerns—good
and evil, life and death, love and loss
 shine a light on our common experiences
 can help guide us through our lives
Major and Minor Themes
A major theme
an idea the author returns to
time and again
 becomes one of the most
important ideas in the story.
Minor themes
ideas that may appear from
time to time.
Subject of a Work vs. Its Theme
The subject
The theme
the topic on which an author has
chosen to write.
makes some statement about or
expresses some opinion on that
For example:
Subject: war
Theme: war is senseless.
Ways to Express a Theme
Expressed and
emphasized by
the way the author
makes us feel.
Ways to Express a Theme
Suggested through the characters.
 The main character
illustrates the most important theme
of the story.
 ask yourself the question, what does
the main character learn in the
course of the story? Do they change in
some way?
Ways to Express a Theme
By sharing feelings of
the main character
 By sharing the ideas
that go through the
main character’s mind.
Ways to Express a Theme
Presented in thoughts and
 Authors put words in their
character’s mouths only for
good reasons. One of these is
to develop a story’s themes.
 Look for thoughts that are
repeated throughout the story.
Ways to Express a Theme
The main problem in the story
 How the main character reacts to the conflict
Actions or events
People naturally express ideas and feelings
through their actions.
 Authors think about what an action will "say".
 In other words, how will the action express
an idea or theme?
Finding the Theme
Conflict helps reveal theme.
• What is the conflict, or struggle between opposing
forces, that the main character faces?
• How is the conflict resolved?
Two friends find a
wallet. One friend
wants to return it to
the owner; the other
wants to keep it.
They return the
wallet and share a
small reward.
People are often
rewarded for
making the right
moral decision.
Try it out!
Read the plot summaries of the fairy
tales on your “Stories with Strong
Themes” hand out
 Decide on an appropriate theme for each
fairy tale
Finding the Theme
There is no single way to state the theme.
• People may express the same
theme in different words.
• There may be different opinions
about what the main theme is.
• The most meaningful literary works
often have more than one theme.
Universal Themes
Quick Check
Match these familiar stories
to the appropriate universal
The Little Red Hen
Beauty and the Beast
A It pays to work hard and
plan ahead.
The Three Little Pigs
The Ugly Duckling
The Frog Prince
B Appearances can be
[End of Section]
Universal Themes
Quick Check
Match these familiar stories
to the appropriate universal
The Little Red Hen A
Beauty and the Beast B
A It pays to work hard and
plan ahead.
The Three Little Pigs A
The Ugly Duckling B
The Frog Prince B
B Appearances can be
Finding the Theme
Quick Check
Because of a feud over a piece of land,
Ulrich and Georg are bitter enemies. One night
they encounter each other on the disputed land.
Each thinks of killing the other. Suddenly a huge
tree falls and pins them both under its weight.
At first the men threaten each other. After a
while, however, they notice each other’s
suffering, make a pact of friendship, and look
forward to being rescued and living in peace.
Then they are attacked by wolves.
synopsis of “The Interlopers” by Saki
What is the conflict
and how is it
What do the
characters learn?
Finding the Theme
Quick Check
Because of a feud over a piece of land,
Ulrich and Georg are bitter enemies. One night
they encounter each other on the disputed land.
Each thinks of killing the other. Suddenly a huge
tree falls and pins them both under its weight.
At first the men threaten each other. After a
while, however, they notice each other’s
suffering, make a pact of friendship, and look
forward to being rescued and living in peace.
Then they are attacked by wolves.
synopsis of “The Interlopers” by Saki
What is the theme?
(State it in a
Think of a story you’ve read
that had an impact on you.
Then, use a map like the one
here to help you figure out the
story’s theme. Compare your
map with the ones your
classmates made. Did you
and any of your classmates
map stories with similar
• How the main character
• How the conflict is
• What the title suggests:
Review Questions
What is theme?
 What is the difference
between a subject of a
literary work and its theme?
 What are some ways an
author can convey a