Ancient Civilizations & Empires- Honors Spring 2016 Assignment Due Homework Assessments Skills Notebook 1/20 Finish mask 1/21 African Mask Get parents to sign your info sheet Annotations Student Info Sheet Work on vocab definitions and studying for your quiz Lunchroom Fight, Part 1 1/22 Work on vocab definitions and studying for your quiz Work on vocab definitions and studying for your quiz Print vocab definitions. Make sure your name is on them electronically. 1/25 1/26 1/27 1/28 None Quizlet Definitions Printed BEFORE class begins (See Guidelines) 1/29 2/1 Purple Sheet 2/2 Skills Notebook Packet- Ancient Civs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Work on your purple sheet Lunchroom Fight, Part 2 Lunchroom Fight, Part 3 Finish your purple sheet Review for test. Finish up any missing parts of your SN. Cultural diffusion Fertile Crescent Nomad Theocracy Oligarchy Democracy Ming Dynasty Test- Ancient Civilizations & Classroom Procedures Vocab for Quiz January 28th 8. Hammurabi’s Code 9. Mughal Empire 10. Draco’s Code 11. Mali Empire 12. Hellenism 13. Mandate of Heaven 14. Civilization What are the expectations of World History? How did the Neolithic Revolution change humanity? What role did the environment play in the rise of Mesopotamian civilizations? What was innovative about Egyptian civilizations? How did Ancient Indian civilization compare to other river valley civilizations? Artifact Analysis Sheet How did ancient Chinese systems influence their future history? What makes Mesoamerican civilizations unique in the ancient world? Mansa Musa Document Analysis What makes African civilizations unique in the ancient world? Democracy Over Time Trace the impact of Ancient Greece on modern politics. Evaluating Sources Vocab Quiz Essential Question Map: World Empires 15. Neolithic Revolution 16. Tyranny 17. Primary source 18. Secondary source 19. Corroborate 20. Contextualize Ancient Civilizations & Empires- Academic Spring 2016 Assignment Due 1/20 1/21 1/22 African Mask Student Info Sheet 1/25 1/26 1/27 Homework None Get parents to sign your info sheet Annotations Work on vocab definitions and studying for your quiz Work on vocab definitions and studying for your quiz Work on vocab definitions and studying for your quiz Print vocab definitions. Make sure your name is on them electronically. Work on your purple sheet 2/1 Purple Sheet Finish your purple sheet Review for test. Finish up any missing parts of your SN. 2/2 Skills Notebook Packet- Ancient Civs 1/29 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Skills Notebook Finish mask Quizlet Definitions Printed BEFORE class begins (See Guidelines) 1/28 Assessments Cultural diffusion Fertile Crescent Theocracy Oligarchy Democracy Hammurabi’s Code Lunchroom Fight, Part 1 Lunchroom Fight, Part 2 Lunchroom Fight, Part 3 Essential Question What are the expectations of World History? How did the Neolithic Revolution change humanity? What role did the environment play in the rise of Mesopotamian civilizations? What was innovative about Egyptian civilizations? How did Ancient Indian civilization compare to other river valley civilizations? Mansa Musa Document Analysis How did ancient Chinese systems influence their future history? What makes Mesoamerican civilizations unique in the ancient world? What makes African civilizations unique in the ancient world? Democracy Over Time Trace the impact of Ancient Greece on modern politics. Evaluating Sources Artifact Analysis Sheet Vocab Quiz Test- Ancient Civilizations & Classroom Procedures Vocab for Quiz January 28th 7. Ming Dynasty 8. Mandate of Heaven 9. Civilization 10. Neolithic Revolution 11. Mughal Empire 12. Primary source Map: World Empires 13. Secondary source 14. Corroborate 15. Contextualize Bathroom Pass for 1/20-1/26 Time: Bathroom Pass for 1/27-2/2 Time: Date: Date: Location: Location: Teacher Signature: Teacher Signature: Bathroom passes are use them or lose them. They are only valid during the assigned week. Do not ask to go in the first or last 10 minutes of class or when Mrs. Brownley is giving notes. Easiest Way to do Vocab Definitions: 1. Create an account on Quizlet 2. Make flashcards on the site. Print a list to turn in. 3. To make your cards, click “Create a Set” Type the unit name (found on the top of the agenda) AND YOUR NAME Change to “just me” Click English Click English Type in a vocab term Click the magnifying glass to “auto-define”. Pick the definition that relates to history and that you understand all of the words in. Click the circle beside the definition and click “Use Selected Definition” OR Simply type in a definition Click this button to add more words When finished, click this button to create your set Quizlet Features Study Tool: Gives you the definition, you type in the word Practice Quiz: This is the button I click to make the vocab quizzes. You can in essence practice taking the quiz before you get to class Study Tool: You match words with their definitions Study Tool: You have a limited time to type the correct word for a definition Follow the prompts to open a PDF to print. Allows you to change the words, definitions, title, etc. Useful if you get interrupted while typing your definitions You can choose to print physical flashcards OR to print a list of words with definitions. Either is acceptable to turn in. Do I have to do my definitions on Quizlet? NO! They just are the easiest. You can also turn in handwritten definitions, physical flashcards, or typed definitions. NOTE: Any digital definitions (Quizlet or typed) MUST have your name electronically entered on it to avoid plagiarism. Digital definitions with handwritten names will be returned to the student to resubmit.