Frankenstein - NordoniaEnglish12CP

Frankenstein – Groups, Projects, and Learning Targets
Overall, what am I aiming for? (A.K.A. Learning
Name ___________________________________
1. To understand the plot/storyline of Frankenstein.
2. To analyze the text for themes and meaning.
3. To utilize technology to tag and share work with my peers and teacher
(Google Docs/Presentations/Books, Chrome Books &
NordoniaEnglish12CP wikispace).
4. To respond thoughtfully and appropriately to others in discussion.
5. To create a visual presentation (animoto & PowerPoint presentation) of
the themes and meaning found in the text.
6. To create a CSI/critical thinking paper which summarizes our findings.
Google Sign-In Info:
1. Your email is
For example: If Joe Schmoe attended here, and would be graduating this year, his email would be
2. Password is 00lunchcode
Before you begin…
1. One person in your group needs to log in to Google Docs and create a folder. Share this folder with me at, as well as with ALL of your group members. (NOTE: Only ONE of you
needs to do this, and all of you will have access to it!)
2. You will complete all of your assignments here. You can also ask questions as you read or about your
assignments on the chat feature.
Wikispace Access:
You’ll use the Wikispace for 3 things:
1. Accessing chapter grouping summaries.
2. Watching the 60secondrecap each day (Underlined below). (NOTE: This cannot be accessed on the
Chrome Books.)
3. Accessing assignments if you lose them!
Monstrosity—society unfairly associates physical deformity with monstrosity
Isolation – abandonment and lack of proper nurture shapes the Monster’s nature.
Tampering in a God-like Domain – should there be limitations on science?
Frankenstein’s self-centeredness inevitably leads to self-destruction – obsession leads to
Pursuit of forbidden knowledge – are there some things we shouldn’t know?
Healing powers of nature – what effect does nature have on us?
Technology vs. humanity—the effects of technology on quality of life
Assignments by Chapter Grouping: (Assignments for each day are underlined and bolded.)
The Letters: Robert Walton and the stranger he rescues share a number of similarities. As you read Walton’s
letters, make notes in a chart about each character’s situation, goals, attitude, and personal qualities. Consider
both the character’s statements and actions. When you create the chart, take time to think about the things the men
have in common. View Introduction & Cast 60sec recap on Wikispace.
Chapters 1-4: Create a new character organizer that includes Victor, Caroline, Elizabeth & Henry Clerval.
Identify important details about their background and personality. What do these relationships tell you about
Victor’s personality and values? View 60secondrecap – plot and summary
Chapters 5-7: Add Justine, William, & the Creature to your character chart. What theme are you finding
yourself drawn to as you read up to this point? Explain how you see this theme present in the novel. Be ready
to discuss this in your literature group with the help of your text tagging and notes. View 60secondrecap –
Monstrosity & Thirst for Knowledge.
Chapters 8-11: Identify how Justine’s death, as well as the encounter between Victor and his creature,
contributes to the theme you’ve chosen. Include bullet-pointed listed in a new Google Doc on each topic. Tag
your text to provide evidence and don’t forget to make some notes. View 60secondrecap – Context
Chapters 12-15: The Creature and the Cottagers. After the Creature retreats to nature, while learning by
observation, it is in his search for knowledge that he becomes the ‘Monster’. View the 60secondrecap on the
Wikispace ‘The Monster’. Be ready to dialogue about his encounter with the Cottagers and his transformation.
Include a bullet-pointed list of the events that led to the creature becoming the monster, and explain how the
novel might have changed if Victor had not abandoned the creature. Tag your text to provide evidence.
Chapters 16-19: The definition of tragedy is a story that ends in the downfall of its main character & sparks fear &
pity in the reader. It expresses a tragic view of life; that a noble person brings on his/her suffering or death
through some failure of error. Explain how Frankenstein fits this definition of tragedy in a bullet-pointed list.
Tag your text to provide evidence.
Chapters 20-24: How has Frankenstein failed as a human being? What traits or attributes led to the Creature’s
fate? Many who have not read the novel think that Frankenstein is the name of the creature, not the scientist who
brought him to life. Some believe that this mistake has some symbolic truth. Are Victor and the Creature two sides
of the same person? 2 sides of one personality? Respond to all of the above questions in complete sentences as a
NOTE: Group assignments are due each day, labeled in your Google Docs Group Folder. To keep up with the pace of
our project, please have all group assignments updated each day by 5:00PM. Each day’s assignment is worth 10
points FOR THE GROUP if ALL parts (including Group Role assignments) are present.
Group Roles:
Reporter: Cover plot summary of text by writing a brief (200 word – done FOR CLASS on the day you’re
Reporter) summary of the chapter grouping on that day’s Google Doc; list who performed which group
role for this chapter grouping.
Detective: Share tagged passages for theme/highlight plot with the group (done the night before
working in class)
Facilitator: Generate discussion on themes, characters, discussion questions/assignments (Brainstorm
questions as you are reading the night before!)
Recorder: Take notes on chapter grouping assignment. Submit/share a Google Doc (titled by chapters
covered) with lists and notes from the discussion, as well as a 100 word summary on the discussion your
group generated that day in class.
Group Roles Chart (See description of jobs on page 2)
March 26th –
March 27th – 1-4
March 28th – 5-7
April 9th – 12-15
April 10th – 16-19
April 11th – 20-24
April 7th – 8-11
Requirements for Group Theme Paper
1. You can begin writing on this paper after Chapters 5-7 when you officially choose the theme that your
group will focus on from here on out.
2. The paper should be in MLA format. See Progress Book Class Info. for help with this.
3. Each group member will choose 3 direct quotes from the novel that you will focus on in your section of the
paper (to be written on the group’s Google Doc specifically designated for this purpose). YOU MAY NOT
REPEAT QUOTES. Each member must have his/her own 3 that somehow go together (think about dividing
this up by sections of the book so that you don’t step on each other’s ideas).
4. Each group member will then use his/her quotes to write a cohesive paragraph using all three quotes, intext citation for each, and CSI writing.
 Requirements for each student’s paragraph: Topic sentence that specifically deals with your three
quotes, and how they represent the theme in the novel. Transitions/blending into each of your
three quotes. Your three quotes with in-text citations. Interpretation/Explanation of each of the
three quotes directly after the direct quote is listed. Concluding sentence that ties all 3 quotes and
your theme together.
5. In Google Docs, please highlight each person’s paragraph in a different color and provide me with a legend
at the bottom of the paper (i.e. Shauna – Blue, Josiah – Yellow, Gia – Purple, Stan – Green). You will be
graded individually on these paragraphs.
6. On the last few days of in-class work, please write an intro paragraph (including background of
Frankenstein, the author’s name, and the title).
7. End the intro paragraph with a thesis/purpose statement which encapsulates the points you’ll make about
your group’s theme.
8. (List group member’s paragraphs – highlighted and identified by color.)
9. End with a conclusion paragraph that answers the question: Why did Mary Shelley include this theme in
her novel, and what overall effect/role does the theme play?
Requirements for Animoto & PowerPoint Presentation
1. Using (see directions below), create a 30-second movie which includes the following
a. Your theme as a title (with brief definition)
b. Quotes that you tagged in the novel that express that theme (at LEAST 7).
c. Pictures to emphasize your theme (at LEAST 5)
d. Appropriate music
e. 1 minute in length (any videos over 1:30 or under 60 seconds WILL lose points)
NOTE: Your goal with the animoto is to make your audience identify with/feel the meaning behind your theme.
Take this seriously, and spend some creative time getting it just right. Make sure you choose quotes that are
meaningful and obviously linked to your theme.
2. When you have finished your animoto movie, hyperlink it to your PowerPoint presentation. You should use
Google Presentations for this, and save it to your group folder.
3. In your PowerPoint presentation, you should include:
a. Theme title
b. Group names
c. Hyperlinked animoto movie
d. 5-7 critical thinking questions about your theme and the novel (This is the opportunity for
discussion for the class. Ask the questions, and take as many responses as come to you.
REMEMBER: Critical thinking questions are NOT yes/no questions, and do NOT necessarily have a
right/wrong answer. Show me that you can think OUTSIDE THE BOX, you Romantics, you!! Lead the
class in discussion about some of the things you discussed in your groups.)
Animoto & PowerPoint Presentation (How To)
How to use
WARNING: You will be using MY animoto account that I pay for annually. Please respect me and the class by
not using any inappropriate language/pictures, and by only altering your own projects.
Step 1:
Go to & click Log In.
Step 2:
Enter my email address:
Step 3:
Password: english
Step 4:
Step 5:
Choose a style. This will determine what the background of your video consists of. You CAN change
this later in the editing process if you choose. (Hint: Click “ALL” to see all available styles.)
Step 6:
Once you’ve decided on your style, click Create Video.
Step 7:
At this point, you can add your title slides or other text by clicking Add Text. Of course you can
download pictures/videos or choose from the animoto libraries.
Step 8:
TIP for quotes: You’ll have to edit your quotes down to the MOST IMPORTANT parts to fit into the
text slides.
Step 9:
Click on the music note/song title above your video to change the background music.
Step 10: At any point, you can preview your video by clicking Preview Video in the lower left hand corner of
the screen. It will take 30 seconds to load. DO NOT click SKIP and PRODUCE until you are ready to finish
your video.
Step 11: While on the Preview screen, make sure to title your video with your group # and class period.
Step 12: When you’ve finished editing, click PRODUCE on the preview screen.
Step 13: Under your video, be patient while the pink “finalizing” bar completes loading.
Step 14: After it finalizes, you can now copy the url & hyperlink it into your PowerPoint presentation.
How to hyperlink your animoto video to your PowerPoint presentation (see next page)
How to hyperlink your animoto video to your PowerPoint presentation:
Step 1:
Copy the url above your animoto video when it’s playing.
Step 2:
Open your PowerPoint presentation in Google Docs.
Step 3:
Highlight your title on the first slide (or you can use a picture), and click on the Insert tab at the top.
Step 4:
Click on Link.
Step 5:
Where is says “Paste a Link or search”, paste the url for your video.
Step 6:
Voila! (Check to make sure that it is linked correctly by playing the slideshow, and clicking on the
Keep Track of Your Points!
March 26th –
Assignment with
Groups Roles
March 27th –
Assignment with
Groups Roles
April 7th –
Assignment with
Groups Roles
April 8th –
Points on Group Assignments TOTAL:
April 9th –
Assignment with
Groups Roles
April 10th –
Assignment with
Groups Roles
March 28th –
Assignment with
Groups Roles
April 11th –
Assignment with
Groups Roles
Group Ratings: (Must be completed and turned in on the day of presentation.)
Directions: Rate each of your group members HONESTLY on a scale of 1-10, where 10 means this person
carried out each job assigned to them well and participated each day, and 1 means this person consistently
forgot work/did not participate.
Group Member #1: Name _____________________________________ - Rating: _________
Group Member #2: Name _____________________________________ - Rating: _________
Group Member #3: Name _____________________________________ - Rating: _________
Group Member #4: Name _____________________________________ - Rating: _________
Rate Yourself – Rating: __________
Final Projects Scoring Rubric: Frankenstein
NAME ________________________________ Group # __________ Class Period _______
Participation in group (Score taken from
average of group reflection sheets)
Animoto – Your theme as a title (with brief
Quotes that you tagged in the novel that
express that theme (at LEAST 7).
Pictures to emphasize your theme (at
Appropriate music
1 minute in length (any videos over 1:30 or
under 60 seconds WILL lose points)
PowerPoint Presentation - Theme title,
Group names, Hyperlinked animoto movie
5-7 critical thinking questions about your
theme and the novel
Presentations to Class –
Leads class in appropriate discussion
about theme & critical thinking questions
Group Paper –
Individual Student Paragraphs:
Follows requirements listed on page 3 &
free of mistakes
Highlighted and identified by student
Intro/Thesis/Conclusion – see page 3
Points Earned
Total Project Points
Further Notes or Comments Overall:
Points Deducted?
Points Added?