Death Penalty - EduardoLeanPhilosophy


Is it is never OK to kill another person, no matter the crime.


Our life is not only a gift but a right. Law gives us this right and as the right for an education or a home it must be respected. We have no such power as to end someone's life or take that right away from them, if we did it would be called murder and since murderers go to jail we would end up in prison ourselves. Even death penalty is not morally right or legal in some countries, why would we kill someone as a punishment for killing? Wouldn't this prove that we are just like them, wouldn't that make us criminals too? As a great, widely known philosopher said; Do unto others as you would have them do to you. Jesus, a role model for a great part of the world said himself to embrace a road of peace and forgiveness.


Death penalty a very serious punishment for those who kill innocent people, for me death penalty should be implemented in all countries because it is not funny that people kill between each other. As Edith says our life is a right so why should a crazy person come and take it from you that is totally unfair and non ethical. Every person deserves the right to be respected and I don't think that by killing person you are respecting human dignity. These murderers just deserve their punishment that is death penalty, in a conclusion murdered will always exist but will death penalty murders will be less and as the Golden Rule says treat others as you would like them to treat you, applied in death penalty if you killed a person definitely you want someone to treat equally so death is the path.


In many cases people who try to convince a a group that death penalty should be implemented in all countries use fallacies that appeal to emotion. Of course we want a sever punishment for those who kill who we love; a man who had his wife killed would definitely support death penalty. This argument is strong on our emotions and therefore makes us sometimes unable to think it through in a logical way. If killing is non-ethical and death penalty is killing then death penalty is unethical. We would become murders ourselves if we allow and support death penalty.

So I state again; death penalty is morally wrong, sometimes unlawful and is equal to murder.


Not always people use fallacies to be able to convince countries to implant the death penalty. In these world we have come to the point that is the only way out of violence and killing, the only way to demonstrate justice is to severely punish those who decide to take people lifes. Killing certainly is non ethical so truly is not fair that these people kill because they want and than dont receive some real punishment. Emotions truly in those moments are strong but but that is not the point the point is that these people receive what they deserve for making horror stuff like killing.

Death penalty may be non moral wrong but certainly is socially moral.

Conclusion: Pro-Edith

If we use reasoning we can assume that death penalty is morally wrong and unethical, we can use a simple syllogism to explain it;if killing is unethical and death penalty is killing then death penalty is unethical. Murder is killing, and in death penalty the killing a prisoners occur, therefore in death penalty murder is used. If we accept death penalty into our justice order then we accept murder and we become criminals ourselves. When arguing about death penalty many emotions may arise and disturb our ability to reason, this is why many people argue against it but without a base or a solid reason.

Conclusion: Con-Eduardo

In conclusion we can say that if we want more security in the streets we have to applied the death penalty because of the fact that at the end what criminal need are harsh punishments like death itself. Murders should deserve death for their acts of violence that is the only way they learn by the hard way.


" T y p e s o f F a l l a c i e s . " T h e N i z k o r P r o j e c t . T h e N i z k o r P r o j e c t , 2 0 0 9 . W e b . 2 8 F e b 2 0 1 1 .

< h t t p : / / w w w . n i z k o r . o r g / f e a t u r e s / f a l l a c i e s / q u e s t i o n a b l e - c a u s e . h t m l > .
