The Roles of the President

The Roles of the President
Chief of State
• Ceremonial head of
the government and
nation. Symbol of
the people.
• Different from other
countries with a
Prime Minister
(political head) and
an Emperor or
Queen (ceremonial
head). U.S.
President does both.
Chief Executive
- Job to carry out the laws and programs passed by
- Head of all government agencies, bureaus, commissions
and departments.
- The President appoints with the consent of Congress, the
top officials in all the federal agencies, cabinet, armed
forces, federal judges, attorneys, and marshals.
Chief Administrator
• A. Controls the largest business organization in the
• B. Hires and fires top governmental employees.
C. Directs and employs more than 2.7 million
civilians and spends nearly 2 trillion a year.
Chief Diplomat
• A. Makes key appointments of diplomats &
ambassadors with the consent of the Senate.
• B. Recognizes governments. (Exchanges diplomats and
sets up embassies).
• C. Enters into Executive agreements with other
country’s leaders. This does not require Senate consent.
Chief Diplomat (cont.)
• D. Sets our foreign policy.
• E. Meets with advisors on foreign affairs.
• F. Factors in decisions include: political
ideology, development of a country, threats,
economy/trade issues, past relationships with that
• A. Key military decisions are
left to the President
• B. Only Congress can declare
war, but the President can use
troops before this on a limited
basis according to the War
Powers Act, which states:
– 1. Within 48 hours of committing
U.S. forces, the President must report
to Congress detailing the
circumstances and scope of his/her
– 2. Combat commitment must end
within 60 days unless Congress agrees
to a longer period.
– 3. Congress may end the combat
commitment at any time by passing a
– 4. The constitutionality of this Act is
in dispute. It has never been put to the
Commander &
Commander & Chief
C. Presidential Military Advisors include:
Secretary of State, Defense Secretary,
Heads of the Military.
Chief Legislator
• A. Develops a legislative
program spelled out through
public policies.
• B. Sets the congressional
• C. Sends a budget for
Congressional approval or
• D. Sends messages along with
bills on specific issues to
Congress (executive staff and
agencies may do this as well).
• E. Has the power to veto. This
can be overturned with a 2/3 vote
in Congress.
• F.
President has requested line item veto. What is this
and what problems can occur with it?
– a.
Allows President to cancel specific spending amounts in
spending bills enacted by Congress.
– b. Gives President too much power of the legislation process.
– c.
It is not granted in the Constitution. Would need an
Amendment to have it.
• G.
Judicial Power include the power of clemency
(mercy or forgiveness). These include the power to:
– a.
Pardon or forgive a crime,
– b.
Reprieve or postpone an execution sentence,
– c. Commutation or the power to reduce the length of a
sentence or amount of fine,
– d. Amnesty or pardons to groups of people.
Chief of Party
A. Leader of the Democratic or
Republican party.
B. Helps plan the party’s future
selection and election strategy.
C. Patronage – political job
D. Party spokesperson (speaks
at fundraisers)
E. Campaign for self and others.
Chief Citizen
• A. The President is the representative of all the
people of the U.S. – Our voice.
• B. Media Power – Talk to the nation through radio
and TV.
• C. Represent the public interest against the many
private interests.
A. Must be a natural born citizen of the U.S.
B. Must be at least 35 years of age.
C. Must have lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years.
• A. Agreed to be 4 years. Although at first there
was no limit to the number of terms one could serve.
• B. George Washington served only two terms and
started the “no third term tradition.”
• C. FDR sought and won a third and fourth term.
The 22nd Amendment was passed limiting Presidents
to serving two terms only.
1. A President may finish out a
predecessor’s term and then seek two full terms but
cannot be president more than 10 years.
Presidential Perks
Congress decides the President’s
annual salary.
• This salary cannot be changed while a
President is in office.
• The current salary, set in 2001, is
$400,000 a year plus $50,000 a year
for expenses.
• The Constitution forbids the President
from receiving any other pay from the
government or the States while in