The History of the Bibles “The Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms” Lk 24:44 A bible is a selection of books BC 1st Century AD Old testament New testament Genesis Nehemiah Hosea Baruch 4 Baruch Exodus Esther Joel Leviticus Job Amos Tobit 2 Esdras Numbers Psalms 150 Obadiah Judith Enoch Matthew L Timothy 2 Revelation P Clement Alex. Mark L Titus L Barnabas Diatessaron Ltr Aristeas Luke L Philemon Didache M&A Isaiah John L Hebrews L Clement 2 Dionysius Joseph & Asenath Acts Apostles L James Acts Andrew DuraEuropos L Romans L Peter 2 Apollinaris G Ebionites Corinthians 3 L John 3 Ap0llonius G Egyptians Apol. Aristides Aristo of Pella Epiphanes Epistula Apostolorum Acts Solom. Ltr Jeremy 4 Maccabees Annals David Deuterony Proverbs Jonah Joshua Ecclesiastes Micah Wisdom Solomon Judges Song of Sol Nahum Sirach Ruth Isaiah Habakkuk Samuel 2 Jeremiah Zephaniah Kings 2 Lamentatn Haggai Chronicles2 Ezekiel Zechariah Ezra Daniel Malachi 1-2Maccabees Jubilees Susannah, Bel&dragon 1 Esdras Meqabayan Adam&Eve Lives Prophets Nathan Ladder Jacob L Galatians L Jude Iddo Jannes& Jambres L Ephesians Revelation J 3 Maccabees Shemaiah H. Rechabites Prayer Manasseh L Jasher Gad Psalms Sol Wars of Lord Eldad & Modad etc L Diognetus L Philippians Gospel Hebrews Athenagoras Galen L Colossians Acts Paul Basilides Hegesippus L Thessalon 2 Shepherd Hermas Caius Heracleon Books selected by Protestant Church and many more writings… Outline THE CTS NEW CATHOLIC BIBLE HEBRE W COMPACT EDITION Holy Bible The Book of Morm on BIBLE ANOTHER TESTAMENT OF JESUS CHRIST βιβλια biblia A. Different Churches’ Bibles B. Some Definitions C. Writings which Jesus used D. The Nature of Religious Writings E. Is All Scripture Inspired by God? F. Gospels Law Psalms Prophets Implications G. Conclusions H. Development of the bibles (history) A. Different Churches’ Bibles HEBREW BIBLE THE CTS NEW CATHOLIC BIBLE COMPACT EDITION Holy Bible The Book of Mormon ANOTHER TESTAMENT OF JESUS CHRIST Different Churches’ Bibles Samaritan scriptures Hebrew bible 5 books 39 books HEBREW BIBLE THE CTS NEW CATHOLIC BIBLE COMPACT EDITION Protestant bible 66 books Catholic bible 73 books Greek Orthodox bible 78 books Holy Bible The Book of Mormon ANOTHER TESTAMENT OF JESUS CHRIST Ethiopian Orthodox 84 books Mormon scriptures regards Book of Mormon (15 books) as scripture and the Word of God, besides Protestants’ 66 books Uses a uniform counting system for comparison purposes, so may differ from counts given by other sources The Bibles are Different Hebrew Bible (Orthodox Judaism) Catholic Bible Ethiopian Orthodox >3,000 years tradition >2M practicing Jews Hebrew bible <100 AD >1,600 years old 1.8 billion members Cath. bible 364 AD ~1,500 years old 40 million members Eth. Orth. bible ?date Rejects New Testament. Includes Judith, 1-2 Maccabees, Sirach, Tobit and Baruch OT: +Jubilee, Enoch, Meqabayan I-III… NT: +Sinodos x4, Ethiopic Clement, Ethiopic Didascalia… The Bibles are Different Protestant Bible Mormon Scriptures Islamic Scriptures 500 years old 600 million members Protestant bible 1647 180 years old 14 million members Book of Mormon 1831 1300 years old 1.6 Billion members Scriptures 600s AD OT 39 books NT 27 books Prot 66 + Nephi, Jacob, Enos, Jarom, Omni, Mormon, Ether, Moroni… Tawrat (Law of Moses) Zabur (Psalms of David) Injil (Gospel of Jesus) Qur’an (Muhammad) Issues: 1 Why are the churches’ bibles different? 2 Does a church’s age, size or power necessarily makes its bible the right one? 3 Which one is right, and how can we be sure? 4 What writings did Jesus use? B. Some Definitions biblia graphē testamentum Meanings of biblia and “bible” biblia 30 AD Greek biblia = scrolls or books (any type, even a certificate of divorce Mt 19:7. See G1046-7). “bible” 2013 A compilation of religious writings selected by a church for use by their followers, and considered inspired by God. “Bible” or biblia does not mean one particular set of books Meanings of graphē and “Scripture” graphē 30 AD graphē G1210 = “writings” (in general). From graphō, “I write” “Scripture” 2013 “Scripture” refers to the writings which a church considers authoritative G1211 “Writings” or graphē means writings in general, not one defined set of writings. “Scripture” is a misleading translation. (Optional) Background on graphē Why graphē refers to all types of writing (and not just holy scripture or Old Testament): 1. It is the noun form of the verb graphō, “I write”; graphē = “writing”. Secular letters were graphō‘d eg Mt 27:37 Acts 25:26 2. It is used of religious writings not found in OT, eg Jn 7:38, 2 Pet 3:16 3. In Septuagint, it is used of writing on wall Dan 5:6, Darius’ decree Dan 6:9, family records not found Ezra 2:62, a letter sent to Artexerxes Ezra 4:7. 4. In secular Greek, used of price-list and indictment (Bauer’s lexicon). Meanings of testamentum and “testament” testamentum 30 AD Latin testamentum = a legally sworn statement of a person’s wishes Not in bible at all. “testament” 160-2012 Testament = a major division within any church’s bible, eg ‘Old Testament’ and ‘New Testament’ “Testament” does not mean one particular set of writings “Bible” Greek biblia = scrolls or books “Scripture” Greek graphē = writings “Testament” Latin testamentum = sworn statement Not in bible. All are general words; none define one particular set of books. All the churches use them to refer to their choice of books & writings. C. Writings Jesus Used Many writings but no “bible” in Jesus’ day Acts Solom. Genesis Nehemiah Hosea Baruch 4 Baruch Exodus Esther Joel Ltr Jeremy 4 Maccabees Leviticus Job Amos Tobit 2 Esdras Numbers Psalms 150 Ltr Aristeas Obadiah Judith Enoch M&A Isaiah Deuterony Proverbs Jonah 12Maccabees Jubilees Joseph & Asenath Micah Wisdom Solomon Meqabaya n Adam&Eve Nahum Sirach Jasher Lives Prophets Joshua Judges Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Annals David Ruth Isaiah Habakkuk Susannah, Bel&dragon Nathan Samuel 2 Jeremiah Zephaniah 1 Esdras Iddo Ladder Jacob Jannes& Jambres Kings 2 Lamentatn Haggai 3 Maccabees Shemaiah H. Rechabites 2 Chronicles Ezekiel Zechariah Prayer Manasseh Gad Eldad & Modad Ezra Daniel Malachi Psalms Sol Wars of Lord etc Collections of Books Jesus referred to “Everything written about me in the Law of Moses, Psalms and Prophets must be fulfilled” Luke 24:44 Law Psalms Prophets Books which Jesus quoted from ✓ Law Psalms ✓ Genesis ✓ Psalm 8 ✓ Psalm 22 ✓ Psalm 31 ✓ Psalm 35 ✓ Psalm ✓ Exodus ✓ Leviticus Numbers ✓Deuteronom y 41 ✓ Psalm 62 ✓ Psalm 69 ✓ Psalm 82 ✓ Psalm 91 ✓ Psalm 110 ✓ Psalm 118 All by David except Ps 82 (by Asaph) Prophets ✓ Isaiah ✓Jeremia h Jonah ✓ ✓ Micah Nahum Lamentns Ezekiel Habakkuk ✓ Daniel Zephaniah ✓ Hosea Haggai Joel Amos Obadiah ✓Zecharia h ✓Malachi The Law (of Moses) Attr. Moses ~ 1400 BC By 600 BC Genesis The Law Exodus ✓ Genesis Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy ✓ Exodus ✓ Leviticus Numbers ✓Deuteronom y Aka Torah, Pentateuch, Law of Moses The Psalms David (72 psalms), Asaph and others 1000 BC – ?600BC Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm By 3rd century BC ? The Psalms Genesis Genesis Genesis Genesis 150 PSALMS (Psalms 151-155 probably came later) The Prophets 9th – 4th centuries BC Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentns Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos By 2nd century BC ? Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi The Prophets ?? ✓ Isaiah ✓Jeremiah ? Laments Jonah ? ✓ Micah Nahum Ezekiel Habakkuk ✓ Daniel Zephaniah ✓ Hosea Haggai Joel Amos Obadiah Obadiah ✓ ✓Zechariah ✓Malachi Writings supported by Jesus: Gospels The Law ✓ Genesis ✓ Exodus Matthew Psalms ✓ Psalm 8 ✓ Psalm 22 ✓ Psalm 31 ✓ Psalm 35 Mark Luke John The Prophets ✓ Isaiah ✓Jeremiah Laments ✓ ? Jonah ✓ Micah Nahum ✓ Psalm 41 ?? Ezekiel Habakkuk Leviticus ✓ Psalm 62 ✓ Daniel Zephaniah ✓ Psalm 69 Haggai Numbers ✓ Psalm 82 ✓ Hosea ✓ ✓Deuteronom y ✓ Psalm 91 ✓ Psalm 110 ✓ Psalm 118 Joel Amos Obadiah ✓Zechariah ✓Malachi D. The Nature of Religious Writings Old Hebrew Writings BC – many! Acts Solom. Genesis Nehemiah Hosea Baruch 4 Baruch Exodus Esther Joel Ltr Jeremy 4 Maccabees Leviticus Job Amos Tobit 2 Esdras Numbers Psalms 150 Ltr Aristeas Obadiah Judith Enoch M&A Isaiah Deuterony Proverbs Jonah 12Maccabees Jubilees Joseph & Asenath Micah Wisdom Solomon Meqabaya n Adam&Eve Nahum Sirach Jasher Lives Prophets Joshua Judges Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Annals David Ruth Isaiah Habakkuk Susannah, Bel&dragon Nathan Samuel 2 Jeremiah Zephaniah 1 Esdras Iddo Ladder Jacob Jannes& Jambres Kings 2 Lamentatn Haggai 3 Maccabees Shemaiah H. Rechabites 2 Chronicles Ezekiel Zechariah Prayer Manasseh Gad Eldad & Modad Ezra Daniel Malachi Psalms Sol Wars of Lord etc The Nature of Religious Writings Records of what God has said: Let there be light …and done: Records of what men have said: The land we passed through is exceedingly good …and done: Prophecy Covenant Divine command Miracles in history Teaching Prayers Exhortation Conversations History How to distinguish God’s words from men’s words: According to the writer, who is speaking? — God A voice from heaven said, “This is my son, who I love; I am well pleased with him” Mt 3:17 “Then the LORD said to Moses, “Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel”” Ex 34:27 “This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. When I saw it, I fell facedown, and I heard the voice of one speaking. He said to me, ‘Son of man, stand up on your feet and I will speak to you.’ ” Ezekiel 1:28-2:1 According to the writer, who is speaking? — Men “His [Job’s] wife said to him, “…Curse God and die!” Job 2:9 “The words of the Teacher, son of David, king in Jerusalem: “Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher.” Ecclesiastes 1:1-2 Curse God and die! “Now about virgins: I have no command from the Lord, but I [Paul] give a judgment as one who by the Lord’s mercy is trustworthy. Because of the present crisis, I think that it is good for you to remain as you are.” 1 Cor 7:25 A psalm of David. “O Lord, Hear my prayer… The enemy pursues me, he crushes me to the ground….” Psalm 143:1-4 How to distinguish God’s actions from men’s actions: According to the writer, who did the action? — God “All that night the LORD drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land” Ex 14:21 “During the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and brought them out” Acts 5:19 According to the writer, who did the action? — Men “Manasseh also shed so much innocent blood that he filled Jerusalem from end to end—besides the sin that he had caused Judah to commit, so that they did evil in the eyes of the Lord” 2 Kings 21:16 “They [the Israelites] sacrificed their sons and daughters in the fire. They practiced divination and sorcery and sold themselves to do evil” 2 Kings 17:17 What types of books are in the Protestant bible? Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuterony Joshua Judges Timothy 2 L Nehemiah Hosea Matthew Esther Joel Mark Job Amos Luke L Philemon Obadiah John L Hebrews Jonah Acts Apostles Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Micah Nahum L Romans L Corinthians 2 Ruth Isaiah Habakkuk L Galatians Samuel 2 Jeremiah Zephaniah L Ephesians Kings 2 Lamentatn Haggai L Philippians Chronicles Ezekiel Zechariah L Colossians Ezra Daniel Malachi L Thessalon 2 Titus L L James L Peter 2 L John 3 L Jude Revelation J What types of books are in the Protestant bible? God’s words Human words & actions The land we passed through is exceedingly good Let there be light Covenant Prophecy History (Explain 4 types) Teachin g Let there be light Covenant Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuterony Joshua Judges The land we passed through is exceedingly good Prophecy Teachin g History Timothy 2 L Nehemiah Hosea Matthew Esther Joel Mark Job Amos Luke L Philemon Obadiah John L Hebrews Jonah Acts Apostles Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Micah Nahum L Romans L Corinthians 3 Ruth Isaiah Habakkuk L Galatians Samuel 2 Jeremiah Zephaniah L Ephesians Kings 2 Lamentatn Haggai L Philippians Chronicles Ezekiel Zechariah L Colossians Ezra Daniel Malachi L Thessalon 2 Titus L L James L Peter 2 L John 3 L Jude Revelation J Let there be light Covenant The land we passed through is exceedingly good Prophecy Law (Israel) ✓ Genesis ✓ Exodus ✓ Leviticus Numbers ✓ Deuterony Joshua Judges Teachin g History New Covenant Timothy 2 L Nehemiah Hosea ✓ Matthew Esther Joel ✓ Mark Job Amos ✓ Luke L Philemon Obadiah ✓ John L Hebrews Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Acts Apostles Jonah Micah Nahum L Romans L Corinthians 3 Ruth Isaiah Habakkuk L Galatians Samuel 2 Jeremiah Zephaniah L Ephesians Kings 2 Lamentatn Haggai L Philippians Chronicles Ezekiel Zechariah L Colossians Ezra Daniel Malachi L Thessalon 2 Titus L L James L Peter 2 L John 3 L Jude Revelation J ✓ Quoted by Jesus Let there be light Covenant Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers ✓ Deuterony Joshua Judges Ruth ✓ The land we passed through is exceedingly good Prophecy ✓ Timothy 2 Hosea Esther Joel Mark Job Amos Luke L Philemon Obadiah John L Hebrews Jonah Acts Apostles Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es of TheSong Prophets Sol Micah Matthew L Nehemiah ✓ Nahum L Romans L Corinthians 3 Isaiah Habakkuk L Galatians Jeremiah Zephaniah L Ephesians Kings 2 Lamentatn Haggai L Philippians Chronicles Ezekiel L Colossians Ezra ✓ Daniel L Thessalon 2 Samuel 2✓ Teachin g History Zechariah Malachi ✓ ✓ L L Titus James L Peter 2 L John 3 Revelation L Jude Revelation J ✓ Quoted by Jesus Let there be light Covenant Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Prophecy Hosea Matthew Esther Joel Mark Job Amos Luke Psalms 150 Joshua Judges Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Obadiah History of John Apostles Acts Apostles Jonah Micah Nahum L Teachin g History Nehemiah History of Israel Proverbs y Deuteron The land we passed through is exceedingly good Romans L Corinthians 3 Ruth Isaiah Habakkuk L Galatians Samuel 2 Jeremiah Zephaniah L Ephesians Kings 2 Lamentatn Haggai L Philippians Chronicles Ezekiel Zechariah L Colossians Ezra Daniel Malachi L Thessalon 2 Timothy 2 L Titus L L Philemon L Hebrews L James L Peter 2 L John 3 L Jude Revelation J None quoted by Jesus Let there be light Covenant Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuterony Joshua Judges The land we passed through is exceedingly good Prophecy Nehemiah Esther “Wisdom” Job Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Teachin g History Timothy 2 L Hosea Matthew Joel Mark Amos Luke L Philemon Obadiah John L Hebrews Jonah Acts Letters Apostles Micah Nahum L Romans L Corinthians 3 Ruth Isaiah Habakkuk L Galatians Samuel 2 Jeremiah Zephaniah L Ephesians Kings 2 Lamentatn Haggai L Philippians Chronicles Ezekiel Zechariah L Colossians Ezra Daniel Malachi L Thessalon 2 Titus L L James L Peter 2 L John 3 L Jude Revelation J None quoted by Jesus (12 by Paul) Let there be light Covenant Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers ✓ Deuterony Joshua Judges The land we passed through is exceedingly good Prophecy Nehemiah Hosea Matthew Esther Joel Mark Job Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Prophecy, Amos Songs of Obadiah praise, & Prayers Jonah L Titus L L Philemon John L Hebrews Romans L Corinthians 3 Ruth Isaiah Habakkuk L Galatians Samuel 2 Jeremiah Zephaniah L Ephesians Kings 2 Lamentatn L Philippians Chronicles Ezekiel Zechariah L Colossians Ezra Daniel Malachi L Thessalon 2 History, Haggai Prayer, Prophecy Timothy 2 L Luke Acts Apostles Micah Song of romance Nahum Teachin g History L James L Peter 2 L John 3 L Jude Revelation J ✓ Some psalms quoted by Jesus Let there be light Covenant Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuterony Joshua Judges The land we passed through is exceedingly good Prophecy Teachin g History Timothy 2 L Nehemiah Hosea Matthew Esther Joel Mark Job Amos Luke L Philemon Obadiah John L Hebrews Jonah Acts Apostles Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Micah Nahum L Romans L Corinthians 3 Ruth Isaiah Habakkuk L Galatians Samuel 2 Jeremiah Zephaniah L Ephesians Kings 2 Lamentatn Haggai L Philippians Chronicles Ezekiel Zechariah L Colossians Ezra Daniel Malachi L Thessalon 2 Titus L L James L Peter 2 L John 3 L Jude Revelation J Let there be light Covenant LAW ✓ Genesis ✓ Exodus ✓ Leviticus Numbers ✓ Deuterony Joshua Judges The land we passed through is exceedingly good Prophecy PROPHETS PSALMS Teachin g History GOSPELS ✓ ✓ Timothy 2 Hosea Esther Joel ✓ Mark Job Amos ✓ Luke L Philemon Obadiah ✓ John L Hebrews ✓ Psalms 150 Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Isaiah Samuel 2 Acts Apostles Jonah Proverbs Ruth Matthew L Nehemiah ✓ Micah ✓ Nahum L Romans L Corinthians 3 Habakkuk L Galatians Jeremiah Zephaniah L Ephesians Kings 2 Lamentat n Haggai L Philippians Chronicles Ezekiel L Colossians Ezra Daniel L Thessalon 2 ✓ ✓ Zechariah Malachi ✓ ✓ Titus L L James L Peter 2 L John 3 L Jude Revelation J ✓ Books supported by Jesus How accurate are the writings? (especially the four gospels) The gospels contain human records of divine events What Jesus originally said 30 AD RECOLLECTION What the writer recalled 50s AD What the scribes copied 100-1900 AD COPYING TRANSLATION How the translators rendered it 2000 AD Examples of errors in Gospels (fortunately few) Errors of recollection: • Mark records crucifixion at 3rd hour Mk 15:25; John after ~6th hour Jn 19:14 • Matthew records “before the rooster crows” Mt 26:34,75; Mark has “before the rooster crows twice” Mk 14:30,72 Errors of copying: • Most early manuscripts have “Asaph” (a psalmist) in Jesus’ genealogy Mt 1:7-8 but it was in fact King Asa (see 1 Ki 15:8, 15:24, 22:41, 2 Chr 14:1 30:21-22) Errors of translation: • “That generation” Mt 24:34 is translated as “this generation”, losing the sense of the whole chapter • “Be complete” (ie do both) Mt 5:48 is translated as “be perfect”, making it an impossible teaching Why I Trust the Gospel Records 1. They work. If I follow them, I get supernatural results as promised. 2. They’re the best record we have of Jesus’ words. If God wants us to know what Jesus said, he has to make an adequate record available to us somewhere. 3. We have four historical “witnesses”, which gives greater confidence. Why I Trust the Gospel Records (cont’d) 4. They make sense. Consistency is high, for both facts and logic; both internally, and externally with Law Psalms and Prophets. 5. The Holy Spirit provides insight and understanding into Jesus’ teachings (Jn 14:26), compensating for deficiencies in the written records. They are good records – but not perfect. Gospels are more like a treasure map than an ordnance survey map x Here be gold buried E. Is All Scripture Inspired by God? The Inspiration of Scripture: The doctrine that “All Scripture is Inspired by God” • A very Protestant doctrine • Considers all of the material in their bible to be inspired by God and thus effectively God’s words • Jesus never said that all of a book, or any set of books, were God’s words. (Said it only of specific statements, eg Mt 22:43-44). • Usually based on 2 Tim 3:16 and 2 Pet 1:20-21 ? The Inspiration of Scripture: Based on 2 Tim 3:16 Paul wrote to Timothy (in the ~60s AD): “From infancy you have known the temple documents, which can make you wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. All └ these┘ writings are inspired by God and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…” 2 Tim 3:15-16 Often translated as “All scripture is inspired by God…” (NASB) The Inspiration of Scripture: 2 Tim 3:16 in the Greek The Inspiration of Scripture: Meaning of 2 Tim 3:16 “From infancy you have known the temple documents, which can make you wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. All these writings are inspired by God and useful for teaching, └ ┘ rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…” 2 Tim 3:15-16 “All writings” refers to the temple documents Timothy had known since infancy, not to all writings in existence or any church bible. 0 AD 30 AD 60 AD 312 AD 364 AD The Inspiration of Scripture: What authority does 2 Tim 3:16 have ? Low authority. This verse is only from Paul’s teaching; not from Jesus/Law/Psalms/ Prophets; not recorded as something God said. Jesus never claimed that any book or group of books was inspired by God. Note: Jn 10:34-35 ‘the scripture cannot be broken’ it is within an “if” quoting the Jews own contradictions so isn’t a statement Jesus accepted, like Mt 12:27. Also, graphe is singular; and it is from Ps 82:6 which is a quote of God speaking. The Inspiration of Scripture: Also based on: 2 Pet 1:20 (optional slide) “No prophecy of ‘Scripture ‘ (graphē, writing) came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” 2 Pet 1:20-21 Let there be light Covenant Prophecy History Teachin g The land we passed through is exceedingly good • True of (genuine) prophecy, but not of other types of writings The Inspiration of Scripture: Effect of doctrine of “all inspired” 1 Any church can compile any writings into a bible with 2 Timothy among them and then claim that “all scripture is inspired by God” applies to their bible Protestant bible Catholic bible Orthodox bible Book of Mormon The Inspiration of Scripture: Effect of doctrine of “all inspired” 2 Records of God’s words (prophecy, covenant, divine command) Let there be light The land we passed through is exceedingly good Law Prophets “Money is the answer for everything” Ecc 10:19 Gospels “If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off” 1 Cor 11:6 Records of men’s words (teaching, exhortation, prayers, conversation) The Inspiration of Scripture: Effect of doctrine of “all inspired” 3 If we think men’s words are God’s, we get a wrong view of God; and we can’t resolve conflicts between God’s words and men’s words We maintain that a man is justified by believing without keeping the Law If you want to inherit life, keep the commandments. … Do not commit adultery, do not steal,… ≠ F. Implications A different way of looking at the writings The Inspiration of Scripture: God’s words have higher authority The angel Gabriel said John the Baptist would “go before the Lord in the spirit and power of Elijah” (Lk 1:17), and Jesus said of him, “He was the Elijah who was to come” (Mt 11:14; also Mt 17:12-13) When John the Baptist was asked, “Are you Elijah?” he replied, “I am not.” (Jn 1:21) ✔ The Inspiration of Scripture: God’s words have higher authority Jesus said “You can’t serve both God and Money” (Mt 6:24), “Don’t store up for yourselves treasures on earth” (Mt 6:19) and “Sell your possessions and give to the poor” (Lk 12:33) The “Teacher” of Ecclesiastes (probably Solomon) wrote, “Money is the answer for everything” (Ecc 10:19) ✔ The Inspiration of Scripture: Is a statement attributed to God really from God? “Watch out for false prophets” The Inspiration of Scripture: How good is the evidence that a statement attributed to God really is from God? Peter, James and John all heard a voice come from the cloud saying, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him” (Lk 9:35; Mt 17:5, Mk 9:7). Very similar accounts in 3 gospels In keeping with God’s character Exact wording given Good detail, eg who heard it and when and where ✔ The Inspiration of Scripture: How good is the evidence that a statement attributed to God really is from God? The Lord incited David against Israel, saying, “Go and take a census of Israel and Judah” 2 Sam 24:1 “Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel” 1 Chr 21:1 Conflicting account in Chronicles Out of character for God Recorded in a book which Jesus didn’t refer to Exact wording given Lacks detail, eg doesn’t say who heard it or how ✘ The Inspiration of Scripture: Tests for words said to be from God 1. Does it agree or disagree with Jesus’ teachings? (Jn 14:26) 2. Is it in a book Jesus supported? (Law, Psalms, Prophets) 3. Does it agree or disagree with the Law, Psalms and Prophets? Law Psalms Prophets The Inspiration of Scripture: Tests for words said to be from God 4. Is it in keeping with God’s character as shown by Jesus, and in the Law, Psalms and Prophets? KIND WISE FORGIVE PATIENT TRUTH JUSTICE 5. Do other credible witnesses/records confirm or refute this word? 6. Does it have good factual detail, ie does it record who heard God speak, when and how they heard it, and the actual words God spoke? Don’t be afraid, Zechariah. Your prayer has been heard. The Inspiration of Scripture: Who are we actually following? Spiritual leaders and their teachings Teachings Writings he gives weight to Jesus Mohammed Buddha Joseph Smith In Mt, Mk, Lk and John Qu’ran In Pali Canon and Agamas Book of Mormon Law, Psalms and Prophets Islamic Law, Psalms and Gospels ? any ? Protestant bible 66 books How does one follow a spiritual leader or teacher? Read and apply his teachings; Give weight to the writings which he gave weight to; Give little or no weight to other teachers and writings. Reject writings which conflict. LAW PSALMS PROPHETS ? ✔ HOLY BIBLE ? Church leaders and their teachings Teachings Writings they give weight to Catholic Church Protestant Church Orthodox Church Judaism Catholic creeds and sermons Protestant creeds and sermons Orthodox creeds and sermons Talmud (traditions of elders/rabbis) Catholic bible 73 books Protestant bible 66 books Orthodox bible ~84 books Hebrew bible 39 books Many don’t realise who they’re following Jesus Teachings In Mt, Mk, Lk and John (4 books) Writings they give weight to Law, Psalms and Prophets (22 books) Protestant Church ≠ Protestant creeds and sermons Protestant bible (66 books) Not all churches follow Jesus’ Teachings Protestant Bible ? Gospels Law Psalms Prophets NT Letters OT Stories & History ‘Wisdom’ books Four major leaders in the Protestant Bible Moses Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuterony Joshua Judges Jesus Timothy 2 L Nehemiah Hosea Matthew Esther Joel Mark Job Amos Luke L Philemon Solomon 150 Obadiah John L Hebrews Proverbs Jonah Paul Apostles Psalms Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Acts Micah Nahum L Romans L Corinthians 3 Ruth Isaiah Habakkuk L Galatians Samuel 2 Jeremiah Zephaniah L Ephesians Kings 2 Lamentatn Haggai L Philippians Chronicles Ezekiel Zechariah L Colossians Ezra Daniel Malachi L Thessalon 2 Titus L L James L Peter 2 L John 3 L Jude Revelation J G. Conclusions Gospels Law Psalms Prophets Books Supported by Jesus Gospels • Jesus’ own words Law • Books Jesus quoted, Psalms and referred to as groupings Prophets Books Supported by Jesus LAW Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuterony Joshua Judges PSALMS PROPHETS GOSPELS Timothy 2 L Nehemiah Hosea Matthew Esther Joel Mark Job Amos Luke L Philemon Obadiah John L Hebrews Jonah Acts Apostles Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Micah Nahum Ruth Isaiah Habakkuk Samuel 2 Jeremiah Zephaniah Kings 2 Lamentat n Haggai Chronicles Ezekiel Ezra Daniel Zechariah Malachi L Romans L Corinthians 3 L L James L Peter 2 L John 3 Other writings: L• Jesus Galatians never Titus L Jude quoted • Mostly (human) Revelation L Ephesians J teachings or history •L Lower authority Philippians • Not necessary L Colossians • Sometimes conflict and L Thessalon must be ignored 2 Conclusions A follower of Jesus will follow Jesus’ teachings in the gospels, and give weight to the Law, the Psalms and the Prophets; but will give much less weight to other books The gospels and other books contain records of both God’s words and human words. If we make this distinction, we can resolve most problems and conflicts. The gospels etc contain human records of God’s words/actions and are subject to errors of recollection, copying and translation. They’re good records, but not perfect. Gospels Law Psalms Prophets Let there be light The land we passed through is exceedingly good Books Supported by Jesus – comments? LAW Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuterony Joshua Judges PSALMS PROPHETS GOSPELS Timothy 2 L Nehemiah Hosea Matthew Esther Joel Mark Job Amos Luke L Philemon Obadiah John L Hebrews Jonah Acts Apostles Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Micah Nahum L Romans L Corinthians 3 Ruth Isaiah Habakkuk L Galatians Samuel 2 Jeremiah Zephaniah L Ephesians Kings 2 Lamentat n Haggai L Philippians Chronicles Ezekiel Zechariah L Colossians Ezra Daniel Malachi L Thessalon 2 Titus L L James L Peter 2 L John 3 L Jude Revelation J H. Development of the Churches’ Bibles Introduction • A quick tour through history from 400 BC to 2000 AD • Shows how books were chosen for churches’ bibles, and hence why they differ from each other and from the books Jesus used Two types of events: (1) a selection event where books were judged and some were selected while others were rejected (2) a copying or translation event where books were simply copied translated without passing judgment on them ✔ ✘ Timeline of the Churches’ Bibles 200s BC 0 50 100 364 AD 1500s 2000 AD Septuagint Greek translation 200 BC Writings Jesus Used 0-40AD Early Christian Writings ~50-100AD Hebrew bible <100 AD Masoretic (Hebrew) text from 400 BC Early Christian Period 100-300 AD Catholic Bible Laodicea 364 AD, Trent 1546 AD Protestant Bible 1500s Development of the Churches’ bibles: The Septuagint Translation ~200 BC Timeline of the Churches’ Bibles 200s BC 0 50 100 364 AD 1500s 2000 AD Septuagint Greek translation 200 BC Writings Jesus Used 0-40AD Early Christian Writings ~50-100AD Hebrew bible <100 AD Masoretic (Hebrew) text from 400 BC Early Christian Period 100-300 AD Catholic Bible Laodicea 364 AD, Trent 1546 AD Protestant Bible 1500s The Septuagint Translation ~200 BC • Translation of Hebrew writings into Greek by 70 scholars in 3rd century BC (completed 2nd century BC) • Influenced the Catholic Old Testament selection; and was an important source for OT English translators until 1946. • Commissioned by King Ptolemy of Egypt because: (a) Ptolemy was impressed with the Law of Moses and wanted copies for himself in his own langugage, Greek (b) His librarian was ambitious for his library to be the biggest in the world (c) Greek-speaking Jews in Alexandria needed Greek copies for their own use • Broad & inclusive in its range of writings. Criteria not recorded; passed no judgment on books translated or not translated. A translation event. • Theme common to all: Jewish (religion, history, teachings, stories). • Version most quoted in gospels (vs Masoretic Hebrew text). Writings in Septuagint Translation ~200 BC Acts Solom. Genesis Nehemiah Hosea Baruch 4 Baruch Exodus Esther Joel Ltr Jeremy 4 Maccabees Leviticus Job Amos Tobit 2 Esdras Numbers Psalms 150 Ltr Aristeas Obadiah Judith Enoch M&A Isaiah Deuterony Proverbs Jonah 12Maccabees Jubilees Joseph & Asenath Micah Wisdom Solomon Meqabaya n Adam&Eve Nahum Jasher Lives Prophets Nathan Ladder Jacob Iddo Jannes& Jambres Joshua Judges Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Annals David Ruth Isaiah Habakkuk Samuel 2 Jeremiah Zephaniah Sirach Susannah, Bel&drago n 1 Esdras Kings 2 Lamentatn Haggai 3 Maccabees Shemaiah H. Rechabites 2 Chronicles Ezekiel Zechariah Prayer Manasseh Gad Eldad & Modad Ezra Daniel Malachi Psalms Sol Wars of Lord etc Development of the Churches’ bibles: ✔ Writings Jesus Used ~30 AD Timeline of the Churches’ Bibles 200s BC 0 50 100 364 AD 1500s 2000 AD Septuagint Greek translation 200 BC Writings Jesus Used 0-40AD Early Christian Writings ~50-100AD Hebrew bible <100 AD Masoretic (Hebrew) text from 400 BC Early Christian Period 100-300 AD Catholic Bible Laodicea 364 AD, Trent 1546 AD Protestant Bible 1500s Writings Jesus Used (30 AD) ✔ • Many religious writings around but no evidence that any “bible” existed (in the sense of a set of books prescribed for followers) • Jesus referred only to the Law, Psalms and Prophets • Very significant selection event despite its subtlety • Septuagint was the translation most quoted by Jesus and the gospel- writers (all in Greek), but this makes no comment about its selection of books • In Acts 1-8, the believers functioned very well with Jesus’ (oral) teachings and the Law, the Psalms and the Prophets (and other loose writings) Writings Jesus Used ~30 AD Law Psalms ✔ Genesis Nehemiah ✔ Exodus Esther Job ✔ Leviticus Numbers ✔ Deuterony Joshua Judges Ruth Samuel 2 ✔ Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es Song of Sol ✔ Hosea ✔Jesus quoted Septuagint Acts Solom. Baruch 4 Baruch Joel Ltr Jeremy 4 Maccabees Amos Tobit 2 Esdras Ltr Aristeas Obadiah Judith Enoch M&A Isaiah Jonah 12Maccabees Jubilees Joseph & Asenath Meqabaya n Adam&Eve ✔ Micah Nahum Wisdom Solomon Annals David ✔ Isaiah Habakkuk ✔Jeremiah Zephaniah Sirach Susannah, Bel&drago n 1 Esdras Haggai 3 Maccabees Shemaiah H. Rechabites ✔Zechariah Prayer Manasseh Gad Eldad & Modad ✔ Malachi Psalms Sol Wars of Lord etc Kings 2 Lamentatn 2 Chronicles Ezekiel Ezra Prophets ✔ ✔ Daniel Jasher Lives Prophets Nathan Ladder Jacob Iddo Jannes& Jambres Development of the Churches’ bibles: Early Christian Writings 50-150 AD Timeline of the Churches’ Bibles 200s BC 0 50 100 364 AD 1500s 2000 AD Septuagint Greek translation 200 BC Writings Jesus Used 0-40AD Early Christian Writings ~50-100AD Hebrew bible <100 AD Masoretic (Hebrew) text from 400 BC Early Christian Period 100-300 AD Catholic Bible Laodicea 364 AD, Trent 1546 AD Protestant Bible 1500s Early Christian Writings – no “bible” Matthew Timothy 2 L Mark Luke L Philemon John L Hebrews Acts Apostles L Titus L Romans L Corinthians 3 Revelation P Clement Alex. Hippolytus Barnabas Diatessaro n Tr. Matthias Ignatius Maximus Jerusalem Didache L Diognetus Irenaeus Melito of Sardis L L Clement 2 Dionysius Minucius Felix Secr. James Muratorian Canon Ebionites Acts John Naassene Frag Josephus G Nazoreans Justin Martyr Ophite Diagrams Acts Andrew L Peter 2 Apollinaris L John 3 Ap0llonius G Egyptians Jude Apol. Aristides Epiphanes G James DuraEuropos James L IG L Galatians L Ephesians Revelation J Aristo of Pella Epistula Apostolorum Lucian Samosata G Oxyrhynchus L Philippians Gospel Hebrews Athenagoras Galen Mara Bar Serapion Pantaenus L Colossians Acts Paul Basilides Hegesippus Marcion Papias L Thessalon 2 Shepherd Hermas Caius Heracleon L G Mary G Thomas etc etc etc … Books recording Jesus’ words Matthew Timothy 2 L Mark Luke L Philemon John L Hebrews Acts Apostles L Titus L Romans L Corinthians 3 Revelation P Clement Alex. Hippolytus Barnabas Diatessaro n Tr. Matthias Ignatius Maximus Jerusalem Didache L Diognetus Irenaeus Melito of Sardis L L Clement 2 Dionysius Minucius Felix Secr. James Muratorian Canon Ebionites Acts John Naassene Frag Josephus G Nazoreans Justin Martyr Ophite Diagrams Acts Andrew L Peter 2 Apollinaris L John 3 Ap0llonius G Egyptians Jude Apol. Aristides Epiphanes G James DuraEuropos James L IG L Galatians L Ephesians Revelation J Aristo of Pella Epistula Apostolorum Lucian Samosata G Oxyrhynchus L Philippians Gospel Hebrews Athenagoras Galen Mara Bar Serapion Pantaenus L Colossians Acts Paul Basilides Hegesippus Marcion Papias L Thessalon 2 Shepherd Hermas Caius Heracleon L G Mary G Thomas Letters written by Paul to various groups of believers Matthew Timothy 2 L Mark Luke L Philemon John L Hebrews Acts Apostles L Titus L Romans L Corinthians 3 Revelation P Clement Alex. Hippolytus Barnabas Diatessaro n Tr. Matthias Ignatius Maximus Jerusalem Didache L Diognetus Irenaeus Melito of Sardis L L Clement 2 Dionysius Minucius Felix Secr. James Muratorian Canon Ebionites Acts John Naassene Frag Josephus G Nazoreans Justin Martyr Ophite Diagrams Acts Andrew L Peter 2 Apollinaris L John 3 Ap0llonius G Egyptians Jude Apol. Aristides Epiphanes G James DuraEuropos James L IG L Galatians L Ephesians Revelation J Aristo of Pella Epistula Apostolorum Lucian Samosata G Oxyrhynchus L Philippians Gospel Hebrews Athenagoras Galen Mara Bar Serapion Pantaenus L Colossians Acts Paul Basilides Hegesippus Marcion Papias L Thessalon 2 Shepherd Hermas Caius Heracleon L G Mary G Thomas Development of the Churches’ bibles: ✔ Hebrew Bible Defined ~100 AD דּשׁאַבּדּשּׂדּ A READER’S HEBREW BIBLE ✘ Timeline of the Churches’ Bibles 200s BC 0 50 100 364 AD 1500s 2000 AD Septuagint Greek translation 200 BC Writings Jesus Used 0-40AD Early Christian Writings ~50-100AD Hebrew bible <100 AD Masoretic (Hebrew) text from 400 BC Early Christian Period 100-300 AD Catholic Bible Laodicea 364 AD, Trent 1546 AD Protestant Bible 1500s Hebrew Bible defined ~100 AD ✔ ✘ • The selection of books used by • Orthodox Jews to this day דּשׁאַבּדּשּׂדּ Later used as the Protestant Old Testament A R ’ HEBREW BIBLE Defined in stages over a long period— possibly Law Torah by 400 BC, Prophets Nevi’im by 200 BC and other “writings” Ketuvim by 100 AD Began to crystallise around 100 AD (opinions vary 200 BC—200 AD) Jesus and NT writers never referred to the Hebrew bible as a grouping, suggesting it didn’t exist then or wasn’t important. Criteria for inclusion/exclusion not recorded; unknown. Contains no books after Ezra (~400s BC). Excludes all the gospels and Christian writings. Consider: God’s Chosen people could select a bible excluding Jesus. Theme common to all: Jewish (religion, history, teachings, stories) EADER • • • • • S Books of Hebrew bible (~100 AD) ✔ ✘ (criteria unknown) Septuagint ✔ Genesis Nehemiah ✔ Exodus Esther Job ✔ Leviticus Numbers ✔ Deuterony Joshua Judges Ruth Samuel 2 ✔ Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Acts Solom. Baruch 4 Baruch Joel Ltr Jeremy 4 Maccabees Amos Tobit 2 Esdras Ltr Aristeas Obadiah Judith Enoch M&A Isaiah Jonah 12Maccabees Jubilees Joseph & Asenath Meqabaya n Adam&Eve ✔ Micah Nahum Wisdom Solomon Annals David ✔ Isaiah Habakkuk ✔Jeremiah Zephaniah Sirach Susannah, Bel&drago n 1 Esdras Haggai 3 Maccabees Shemaiah H. Rechabites ✔Zechariah Prayer Manasseh Gad Eldad & Modad ✔ Malachi Psalms Sol Wars of Lord etc Kings 2 Lamentatn 2 Chronicles Ezekiel Ezra ✔ Hosea ✔ Daniel Jasher Lives Prophets Nathan Ladder Jacob Iddo Jannes& Jambres Development of the Churches’ bibles: The Masoretic Text from 400 BC Masoretic text: -- the Aleppo codex (10th century) Timeline of the Churches’ Bibles 200s BC 0 50 100 364 AD 1500s 2000 AD Septuagint Greek translation 200 BC Writings Jesus Used 0-40AD Early Christian Writings ~50-100AD Hebrew bible <100 AD Masoretic (Hebrew) text from 400 BC Early Christian Period 100-300 AD Catholic Bible Laodicea 364 AD, Trent 1546 AD Protestant Bible 1500s The Masoretic Text from 400 BC • Copies of copies of copies of the original Hebrew (and two Aramaic) texts of the books of the Hebrew bible (Genesis-Malachi). • Is the main source of OT books for translators • Most temple Hebrew manuscripts destroyed 70 AD. Surviving texts preserved by various scribes and esp the Masorete scribes 7-10th centuries AD. • A copying event (not a selection event). Isaiah, Dead Sea scroll • Oldest surviving copies are only from 9th century (ie long after the originals) • Accuracy doubted until 1946 when 972 Dead Sea Scrolls were found (right), dating back to 150 BC and confirming accuracy of most Masoretic texts. Cave 4, Qumran, Dead Sea, Israel Masoretic Text ~400 BC Acts Solom. Genesis Nehemiah Hosea Baruch 4 Baruch Exodus Esther Joel Ltr Jeremy 4 Maccabees Leviticus Job Amos Tobit 2 Esdras Numbers Psalms 150 Ltr Aristeas Obadiah Judith Enoch M&A Isaiah Deuterony Proverbs Jonah 12Maccabees Jubilees Joseph & Asenath Micah Wisdom Solomon Meqabaya n Adam&Eve Nahum Jasher Lives Prophets Nathan Ladder Jacob Iddo Jannes& Jambres Joshua Judges Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Annals David Ruth Isaiah Habakkuk Samuel 2 Jeremiah Zephaniah Sirach Susannah, Bel&drago n 1 Esdras Kings 2 Lamentatn Haggai 3 Maccabees Shemaiah H. Rechabites 2 Chronicles Ezekiel Zechariah Prayer Manasseh Gad Eldad & Modad Ezra Daniel Malachi Psalms Sol Wars of Lord etc Development of the Churches’ bibles: Early Christian Period 100-300 AD Timeline of the Churches’ Bibles 200s BC 0 50 100 364 AD 1500s 2000 AD Septuagint Greek translation 200 BC Writings Jesus Used 0-40AD Early Christian Writings ~50-100AD Hebrew bible <100 AD Masoretic (Hebrew) text from 400 BC Early Christian Period 100-300 AD Catholic Bible Laodicea 364 AD, Trent 1546 AD Protestant Bible 1500s Early Christian Period 100-300 AD • Jewish Christianity virtually eradicated in wars 70AD and 135AD • Christianity Gentile after 135AD • No consensus on books, but various opinions put forward, and some books gained popularity • Terms “Old Testament” and “New Testament” appeared in 2nd century to refer to selections of books • Marcion 160 AD proposed a “New Testament” of Luke + 10 letters of Paul. Irenaeus ~160 AD promoted the Four Gospels. • In general, Paul’s letters were popular with Gentile Christians but not Jewish Christians (eg Nazarenes, Ebionites and Elchasai) (probably because of Paul’s negative view of Law). Gentile Christians dominant after 135AD. Development of the Churches’ bibles: Roman Catholic Bible 364 AD ✔ ✘ Timeline of the Churches’ Bibles 200s BC 0 50 100 364 AD 1500s 2000 AD Septuagint Greek translation 200 BC Writings Jesus Used 0-40AD Early Christian Writings ~50-100AD Hebrew bible <100 AD Masoretic (Hebrew) text from 400 BC Early Christian Period 100-300 AD Catholic Bible Laodicea 364 AD, Trent 1546 AD Protestant Bible 1500s Roman Catholic Bible 364 AD 312 AD: Roman Emperor Constantine became a Christian 313 AD: Christianity legalised (the only legal religion by 400 AD) 325 AD: A century of councils, eg Council Nicea 325 AD. ✔ ✘ Losers exiled, books burned, people killed if caught with their books later. 364 AD: Council of Laodicea decreed which books may be read in church. • Council = 30 clerics, names unknown. • No explanation, justification or criteria given. • No claim made that books were inspired or infallible. A selection event with the weight of Rome behind it. OT books available to Council of Laodicea 364 AD ✔ ✘ Hebrew Bible ✔ Genesis Nehemiah ✔ Exodus Esther Job ✔ Leviticus Numbers ✔ Deuterony Joshua Judges Ruth Samuel 2 ✔ Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Acts Solom. Baruch 4 Baruch Joel Ltr Jeremy 4 Maccabees Amos Tobit 2 Esdras Ltr Aristeas Obadiah Judith Enoch M&A Isaiah Jonah 12Maccabees Jubilees Joseph & Asenath Meqabaya n Adam&Eve ✔ Micah Nahum Wisdom Solomon Annals David ✔ Isaiah Habakkuk ✔Jeremiah Zephaniah Sirach Susannah, Bel&drago n 1 Esdras Haggai 3 Maccabees Shemaiah H. Rechabites ✔Zechariah Prayer Manasseh Gad Eldad & Modad ✔ Malachi Psalms Sol Wars of Lord etc Kings 2 Lamentatn 2 Chronicles Ezekiel Ezra ✔ Hosea Septuagint ✔ Daniel Jasher Lives Prophets Nathan Ladder Jacob Iddo Jannes& Jambres Catholic Old Testament chosen at Laodicea 364 AD Hebrew Bible ✔ Genesis Nehemiah ✔ Exodus Esther Job ✔ Leviticus Numbers ✔ Deuterony Joshua Judges Ruth Samuel 2 ✔ Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Septuagint Acts Solom. Baruch 4 Baruch Joel Ltr Jeremy 4 Maccabees Amos Tobit 2 Esdras Ltr Aristeas Obadiah Judith Enoch M&A Isaiah Jonah 12Maccabees Jubilees Joseph & Asenath Meqabaya n Adam&Eve ✔ Micah Nahum Wisdom Solomon Annals David ✔ Isaiah Habakkuk ✔Jeremiah Zephaniah Sirach Susannah, Bel&drago n 1 Esdras Haggai 3 Maccabees Shemaiah H. Rechabites ✔Zechariah Prayer Manasseh Gad Eldad & Modad ✔ Malachi Psalms Sol Wars of Lord etc Kings 2 Lamentatn 2 Chronicles Ezekiel Ezra ✔ Hosea ✔ ✘ ✔ Daniel Jasher Lives Prophets Nathan Ladder Jacob Iddo Jannes& Jambres Final Catholic Old Testament (Council of Trent 1546 AD) Hebrew Bible ✔ Genesis Nehemiah ✔ Exodus Esther Job ✔ Leviticus Numbers ✔ Deuterony Joshua Judges Ruth Samuel 2 ✔ Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Septuagint Acts Solom. Baruch 4 Baruch Joel Ltr Jeremy 4 Maccabees Amos Tobit 2 Esdras Ltr Aristeas Obadiah Judith Enoch M&A Isaiah Jonah 12Maccabees Jubilees Joseph & Asenath Meqabaya n Adam&Eve ✔ Micah Nahum Wisdom Solomon Annals David ✔ Isaiah Habakkuk ✔Jeremiah Zephaniah Sirach Susannah, Bel&drago n 1 Esdras Haggai 3 Maccabees Shemaiah H. Rechabites ✔Zechariah Prayer Manasseh Gad Eldad & Modad ✔ Malachi Psalms Sol Wars of Lord etc Kings 2 Lamentatn 2 Chronicles Ezekiel Ezra ✔ Hosea ✔ ✘ ✔ Daniel Jasher Lives Prophets Nathan Ladder Jacob Iddo Jannes& Jambres NT books available to Council of Laodicea 364 AD Matthew Timothy 2 L Mark Luke L Philemon John L Hebrews Acts Apostles L Titus L Romans L Corinthians 3 Revelation P Clement Alex. Hippolytus Barnabas Diatessaro n Tr. Matthias Ignatius Maximus Jerusalem Didache L Diognetus Irenaeus Melito of Sardis L L Clement 2 Dionysius James Minucius Felix Secr. James Muratorian Canon Ebionites Acts John Naassene Frag Josephus G Nazoreans Justin Martyr Ophite Diagrams Acts Andrew L Peter 2 Apollinaris L John 3 Ap0llonius G Egyptians Jude Apol. Aristides Epiphanes G IG DuraEuropos James L ✔ ✘ L Galatians L Ephesians Revelation J Aristo of Pella Epistula Apostolorum Lucian Samosata G Oxyrhynchus L Philippians Gospel Hebrews Athenagoras Galen Mara Bar Serapion Pantaenus L Colossians Acts Paul Basilides Hegesippus Marcion Papias L Thessalon 2 Shepherd Hermas Caius Heracleon L G Mary G Thomas Catholic New Testament chosen at Laodicea 364 AD Matthew Timothy 2 L Mark Luke L Philemon John L Hebrews Acts Apostles L Titus L Romans L Corinthians 2 Revelation P Clement Alex. Hippolytus Barnabas Diatessaro n Tr. Matthias Ignatius Maximus Jerusalem Didache L Diognetus Irenaeus Melito of Sardis L L Clement 2 Dionysius James Minucius Felix Secr. James Muratorian Canon Ebionites Acts John Naassene Frag Josephus G Nazoreans Justin Martyr Ophite Diagrams Acts Andrew L Peter 2 Apollinaris L John 3 Ap0llonius G Egyptians Jude Apol. Aristides Epiphanes G IG DuraEuropos James L ✔ ✘ L Galatians L Ephesians Revelation J Aristo of Pella Epistula Apostolorum Lucian Samosata G Oxyrhynchus L Philippians G Hebrews Athenagoras Galen Mara Bar Serapion Pantaenus L Colossians Acts Paul Basilides Hegesippus Marcion Papias L Thessalon 2 Shepherd Hermas Caius Heracleon L Disputed books (antilegomena) G Mary G Thomas Final Catholic New Testament (Council of Trent 1546 AD) Matthew Timothy 2 L Mark Luke L Philemon John L Hebrews Acts Apostles L Titus L Romans L Corinthians 2 Revelation P Clement Alex. Hippolytus Barnabas Diatessaro n Tr. Matthias Ignatius Maximus Jerusalem Didache L Diognetus Irenaeus Melito of Sardis L L Clement 2 Dionysius James Minucius Felix Secr. James Muratorian Canon Ebionites Acts John Naassene Frag Josephus G Nazoreans Justin Martyr Ophite Diagrams Acts Andrew L Peter 2 Apollinaris L John 3 Ap0llonius G Egyptians Jude Apol. Aristides Epiphanes G IG DuraEuropos James L ✔ ✘ L Galatians L Ephesians Revelation J Aristo of Pella Epistula Apostolorum Lucian Samosata G Oxyrhynchus L Philippians G Hebrews Athenagoras Galen Mara Bar Serapion Pantaenus L Colossians Acts Paul Basilides Hegesippus Marcion Papias L Thessalon 2 Shepherd Hermas Caius Heracleon L G Mary G Thomas Development of the Churches’ bibles: What criteria did the church councils use? ✔ ✘ Criteria probably used by early Church Councils to select books for their bible 1. Apostolic author (or close associates) 2. Universally accepted in Christian communities by 400 AD 3. In liturgical use, ie was read aloud in services 4. Consistent message – message similar or complementary to other accepted Christian writings Apostle=“sent one”, not “infallible one”. Not just the 12 apostles who knew Jesus. “Close associates” includes their friends, eg Luke, Jude, author of Hebrews These mean they were popular—not necessarily divinely inspired or infallible (eg hymn book) Didn’t have to agree with all other books. Conflicting material was included, which is why Protestant founders wanted to remove Maccabees, Tobit, James, Revelation etc. No clear standard for including books • Not based on Jesus’ teachings or usage of books • Not based on any clear and valid standard. • Selection of books for a bible largely reflected existing church beliefs and practices. Hence different churches have different bibles. Selection of books for bibles wasn’t based on agreement with Jesus’ teachings, or being a book Jesus referred to Roman Catholic Council of Trent 1546 ✔ ✘ • Catholic canon finally declared “closed” – no more changes • 55 clerics ‘approved’ the Catholic bible’s selection as follows: For: 24 Abstain: 16 Against: 15 Roman Catholic Handling of the Bible • Catholic Church dominated Western Vulgate bible (John 1) Europe for 1,000 years (400-1500 AD). • Considered the bible inspired but its true meaning is as defined by Catholic Church tradition and Church authorities. • Used the Vulgate, a Latin (=Roman, Italian) translation of the Hebrew and Greek texts in ~382 AD by Jerome etc. • Most Europeans 400-1500 AD knew no other bible than the Vulgate. • Translation of the bible into English and German was driven by individuals (Wycliff 1388, Luther 1522, Tyndale 1526); the Catholic and Anglican Churches resisted. Tyndale bible (John 1) Development of the Churches’ bibles: Protestant Bible 1500s AD ✔ ✘ Martin Luther Protestant founder Timeline of the Churches’ Bibles 200s BC 0 50 100 364 AD 1500s 2000 AD Septuagint Greek translation 200 BC Writings Jesus Used 0-40AD Early Christian Writings ~50-100AD Hebrew bible <100 AD Masoretic (Hebrew) text from 400 BC Early Christian Period 100-300 AD Catholic Bible Laodicea 364 AD, Trent 1546 AD Protestant Bible 1500s The Protestant Movement: 1517 • Began with Martin Luther nailing his 95 theses to the church door at Wittenberg (Germany), entitled “Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences” • Opposed the Catholic practice of selling indulgences and preaching that “the soul flies out of the purgatory as soon as the money clinks in the bottom of the chest” ✔ ✘ Indulgences • Catholics separate confession+forgiveness from “temporal punishment”, ie need to do penance for a (forgiven) sin through specified good works, prayers, pilgrimages, giving, self-denial. • At death, a saved person’s outstanding penance has to be completed in purgatory before proceeding to heaven. • Indulgence = granting remission of ‘temporal punishment’ for oneself or others on the basis of specified good works/penances. • In 15th century, led to abuses such as the selling of indulgences to make money for greedy clergy Selling indulgences ~1500 AD Indulgences are based on 2 Maccabees “They turned to prayer, beseeching that the sin which had been committed might be wholly blotted out [of Jews found wearing idol tokens under their clothes after being killed in battle] And the noble Judas exhorted the people to keep themselves free from sin, for they had seen with their own eyes what had happened because of the sin of those who had fallen. He also took up a collection, man by man, to the amount of two thousand drachmas of silver, and sent it to Jerusalem to provide for a sin offering. In doing this he acted very well and honorably, taking account of the resurrection. For if he were not expecting that those who had fallen would rise again, it would have been superfluous and foolish to pray for the dead. But if he was looking to the splendid reward that is laid up for those who fall asleep in godliness, it was a holy and pious thought. Therefore he made atonement for the dead, that they might be delivered from their sin.” 2 Maccabees 12:42-45 RSV Apocrypha The Protestant Bible (1500s-1647) ✔ ✘ Choosing Books for its Old Testament A selection event. Decision influenced by: • Protestants rejected doctrines of indulgences (2 Macc 12:42-45), good works attain salvation (Tobit 12:9), and masses for the dead (Sirach 7:33) because of conflict with other biblical books. • “I am so great an enemy to the second book of the Maccabees, and to Esther, that I wish they had not come to us at all, for they have too many heathen unnaturalities.” Martin Luther • Conveniently, the Hebrew bible did not contain these 3 books and had some support among early church fathers Old Testament books available to Protestants 1500s Catholic OT Hebrew Bible ✔ Genesis Nehemiah ✔ Exodus Esther ✔ Leviticus Numbers ✔ Deuterony Joshua Judges Ruth Samuel 2 ? Job ✔ Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Septuagint Acts Solom. Baruch 4 Baruch Joel Ltr Jeremy 4 Maccabees Amos Tobit 2 Esdras Ltr Aristeas Obadiah Judith Enoch M&A Isaiah Jonah 12Maccabees Jubilees Joseph & Asenath Meqabaya n Adam&Eve ✔ Micah Nahum Wisdom Solomon ✘ ✘ ✘ Annals David ✔ Isaiah Habakkuk ✔Jeremiah Zephaniah Sirach Susannah, Bel&drago n 1 Esdras Haggai 3 Maccabees Shemaiah H. Rechabites ✔Zechariah Prayer Manasseh Gad Eldad & Modad ✔ Malachi Psalms Sol Wars of Lord etc Kings 2 Lamentatn 2 Chronicles Ezekiel Ezra ✔ Hosea ✔ ✘ ✔ Daniel Jasher Lives Prophets Nathan Ladder Jacob Iddo Jannes& Jambres Old Testament chosen by Protestants by 1647 ✔ ✘ Prot. O.T. = Hebrew Bible ✔ Genesis Nehemiah ✔ Exodus Esther Job ✔ Leviticus Numbers ✔ Deuterony Joshua Judges Ruth Samuel 2 ✔ Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Acts Solom. Baruch 4 Baruch Joel Ltr Jeremy 4 Maccabees Amos Tobit 2 Esdras Ltr Aristeas Obadiah Judith Enoch M&A Isaiah Jonah 12Maccabees Jubilees Joseph & Asenath Meqabaya n Adam&Eve ✔ Micah Nahum Wisdom Solomon ✘ ✘ ✘ Annals David ✔ Isaiah Habakkuk ✔Jeremiah Zephaniah Sirach Susannah, Bel&drago n 1 Esdras Haggai 3 Maccabees Shemaiah H. Rechabites ✔Zechariah Prayer Manasseh Gad Eldad & Modad ✔ Malachi Psalms Sol Wars of Lord etc Kings 2 Lamentatn 2 Chronicles Ezekiel Ezra ✔ Hosea ✔ Daniel Jasher Lives Prophets Nathan Ladder Jacob Iddo Jannes& Jambres The Protestant Bible (1500s-1647) ✔ ✘ Old Testament Consider the significance of this move: • The church’s bible had included Maccabees+Tobit+Sirach for centuries; well established. • The Protestants removed 7 books (and 2 passages) because their teachings clashed with other writings. • Selection wasn’t based on Jesus’ teachings or the books Jesus used • Illustrates how a church can choose the books in its bible to reflect which teachings it accepts. The Protestant Bible (1500s) ✔ ✘ Choosing books for a New Testament A selection event. • Opposition to James, Jude, Hebrews and Revelation. • Martin Luther called James an “epistle of straw” and wanted it removed (due to conflict with Paul over ‘faith without works’). • All ultimately retained but put at the end of the NT, so Protestant NT has same books as Catholic NT but in a different order. ✔ ✘ New Testament chosen by Protestants by 1647 Matthew Timothy 2 L Mark Luke L Philemon John L Hebrews Acts Apostles L Titus L Romans L Corinthians 2 Revelation P Clement Alex. Hippolytus Barnabas Diatessaro n Tr. Matthias Ignatius Maximus Jerusalem Didache L Diognetus Irenaeus Melito of Sardis L L Clement 2 Dionysius Minucius Felix Secr. James Muratorian Canon Ebionites Acts John Naassene Frag Josephus G Nazoreans Justin Martyr Ophite Diagrams Acts Andrew L Peter 2 Apollinaris L John 3 Ap0llonius G Egyptians Jude Apol. Aristides Epiphanes G James DuraEuropos James L IG L Galatians L Ephesians Revelation J Aristo of Pella Epistula Apostolorum Lucian Samosata G Oxyrhynchus L Philippians G Hebrews Athenagoras Galen Mara Bar Serapion Pantaenus L Colossians Acts Paul Basilides Hegesippus Marcion Papias L Thessalon 2 Shepherd Hermas Caius Heracleon L Disputed by Protestant founders G Mary G Thomas The Protestant Bible (1647) ✔ ✘ • Formalised at the Westminster Confession 1647 • Protestantism based on “sola scriptura” = “only the scriptures”; they considered the scriptures to have greater authority than (Catholic) church tradition and church authority. • Lutherans maintained that the whole of the (Protestant) bible is the Word of God, authored by the Holy Spirit – hence the doctrines of biblical infallibility and biblical inerrancy. Most Protestants have similar beliefs. Other Churches’ Bibles ✔ ✘ • 1000 AD? Ethiopian Orthodox bible. Has 12 extra books in its OT, and 8 extra in its NT (compared to Protestant bible). Date selected is hard to pin down. • 1672: Greek/Eastern Orthodox bible Finalised at the Synod of Jerusalem 1672. Has extra OT books. Don’t consider all books of equal importance. • 1830: Mormon scriptures Besides the Protestant bible’s books, Mormons recognise the Book of Mormon (15 books) as scripture inspired by God. Written by Joseph Smith ~1830. The Book of Mormon ANOTHER TESTAMENT OF JESUS CHRIST J. Conclusions re Bibles’ Development Summary of Bibles’ Development • Early groupings of writings were large and broad and there is no evidence they were selected according to any standard (Septuagint, Hebrew bible, early Christian writings). • OT books all had a common theme: Jewish. (Jewish religion, Jewish history, Jewish teaching and Jewish culture.) • NT writings were all popular with 2nd-3rd century Gentile Christians. • Churches retained large collections of writings in their bibles but gave them ever higher status: “may be read in church”, “inspired”, “Word of God”, “inerrant”, and “infallible” (esp. Protestants). • None of the bible-selecting councils used the standards of (1) conformity to Jesus’ Teachings or (2) did Jesus refer to this book (Law, Psalms, Prophets) Churches chose their bibles Traditional view Reality God Church founders and leaders Determines The Bible of inerrant divine truth Chose books for a bible to reflect their own beliefs and practices The Church obeys The Bible = God’s Word Church followers use bible prescribed by leaders The Protestant Churches’ View: Inspired THE INFALLIBLE WORD OF GOD Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuterony Joshua Judges Timothy 2 L Nehemiah Hosea Matthew Esther Joel Mark Job Amos Luke L Philemon Obadiah John L Hebrews Jonah Acts Apostles Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Micah Nahum L Romans L Corinthians 3 Ruth Isaiah Habakkuk L Galatians Samuel 2 Jeremiah Zephaniah L Ephesians Kings 2 Lamentat n Haggai L Philippians Chronicles Ezekiel Zechariah L Colossians Ezra Daniel Malachi L Thessalon 2 Titus L L James L Peter 2 L John 3 L Jude Revelation J Books Supported by Jesus LAW Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuterony Joshua Judges PSALMS PROPHETS Covenant Prophecy History Teaching GOSPELS Timothy 2 L Nehemiah Hosea Matthew Esther Joel Mark Job Amos Luke L Philemon Obadiah John L Hebrews Jonah Acts Apostles Psalms 150 Proverbs Ecclesiast es Song of Sol Micah Nahum L Romans L Corinthians 3 Ruth Isaiah Habakkuk L Galatians Samuel 2 Jeremiah Zephaniah L Ephesians Kings 2 Lamentat n Haggai L Philippians Chronicles Ezekiel Zechariah L Colossians Ezra Daniel Malachi L Thessalon 2 Titus L L James L Peter 2 L John 3 L Jude Revelation J Conclusions re Bibles’ Development • Different churches have chosen quite different bibles to reflect their different beliefs and practices. • The bibles all contain quite large historical collections of books which weren’t selected according to any well-defined standard. • The only books with direct support from Jesus are the Gospels, the Law, the Psalms and the Prophets (about half of the Protestant bible). Other books are (mostly) human history and human teachings. Gospels Law Psalms Prophets Listen to the Holy Spirit • Does the Holy Spirit want to say anything to me about the relative importance of different books within the bible? Discussion questions • Did the Holy Spirit say anything? • Should any Christian letter be given as much weight as Jesus’ words of the new covenant? • Are you surprised to learn that the selection of books in the bibles was not made according to any known or discernible criterion? • What significance should we read into the fact that Jesus quoted only the Law, Psalms and Prophets? What does this say about the other books?