Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Ice Breaker
Chapter Management Defined
Mission Statement, Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct
Understanding the Delta Structure
Governing Documents, Administrative Resources, Tools
Accountability, Productivity, Viability
To review the definition and components of chapter management.
To ensure that sorors are familiar with the
Sorority’s structure, governing documents, and administrative resources and tools.
To ensure that sorors understand how accountability, productivity, and viability can contribute to effective chapter management.
To enhance the overall effectiveness of the chapter through quality chapter management.
Code of Ethics
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Preamble: Sorors, believing in the worth and dignity of each human being, recognize the supreme importance of the pursuit of truth, devotion to excellence, and commitment to social responsibility
Each Soror of this Sorority Shall uphold the
National Constitution and Bylaws of Delta
Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.;
Each Soror of this Sorority Shall treat all sorors with dignity and respect;
Each Soror of this Sorority Shall uphold and promote the values, goals and rituals of the
Each Soror of this Sorority Shall neither engage in nor countenance any exploitation of the Sorority and shall refrain from use of her membership in any manner that is improper or illegal;
Each Soror of this Sorority Shall promote the protocol and traditions of the sisterhood;
Each Soror of this Sorority Shall conserve and preserve the Sorority’s property;
Each Soror of this Sorority Shall regard as primary the bond of sisterhood and the giving of public service;
Each Soror of this Sorority Shall maintain high standards of personal conduct;
Each Soror of this Sorority Shall protect the organization from any illegal and unsisterly conduct of any member and shall report the same to the appropriate local, regional or national officer;
Each Soror of this Sorority Shall hold inviolate any confidential information entrusted through her membership;
Each Soror of this Sorority Shall recognize her professional responsibility to the improvement and execution of programs and policies;
Each Soror of this Sorority Shall refrain from making false or misleading statements about the Sorority or members;
Each Soror of this Sorority Shall carry out her responsibility to the program, policies and assessments of the organization;
Each Soror of this Sorority Shall demonstrate a high regard for quality in rendering public service.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Chapter President
Chapter Executive Board
Scholarship Finance Membership Program
Nominating Social
Corporate Charter
Constitution and Bylaws
Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised
Chapter Management Handbook
Code of Conduct
Protocol and Traditions Manual
Chapter Rules of Order
Chapter Policies and Procedures
Heritage and Archives Manual
Conduct of Ritualistic and Ceremonies Protocol for Delta
Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Delta’s Administrative Resources and Tools
Delta Doctrine:
Administrative Procedures for Membership Intake
Pyramid Study Guide
Membership Intake Program
Chapter Mailings/Updates
Fiscal Officers Manual
Advisor’s Handbook
Chapter Compliance Checklist
♦ A set of rules for maintaining order in an organization that:
♦ Provides an approved and uniform method of conducting meetings in a fair, orderly and expeditious manner.
♦ Allows everyone to be heard and to make decisions without confusion.
Ten Basic Rules Of Parliamentary Procedure
The rights of the sorority supersede the rights of the individual soror.
All members are equal and their rights are equal.
A quorum must be present to do business.
The majority rules.
Silence is consent.
Two-thirds vote rules.
Ten Basic Rules Of Parliamentary Procedure
♦ One question at a time and one speaker at a time.
♦ Debatable motions must receive full debate.
♦ Once a question is decided, it is not in order to bring up the same motion or one essentially like it at the same meeting.
♦ Personal remarks in debates are always out of order.
♦ A member requests the floor.
♦ Wait to be recognized by the Chair.
♦ Motion is made.
♦ Motion is seconded.
♦ Chair states the motion.
♦ Chair opens the floor for debate.
♦ Chair puts the question to a vote.
♦ Chair announces the vote.
Scenario #1:
At a chapter meeting, you notice that the fiscal officers report is not on the agenda. How do you get the report on the agenda?
Scenario #2:
The ways & means committee would like to do a golf tournament as a chapter fundraiser. What steps are needed to get chapter approval?
Scenario #3:
It’s been recommended that the chapter change it’s meeting date from the 2 nd Saturday to the 3 rd Saturday of the month. What steps are needed to make this happen?
Responsibility of Chapter to Grand Chapter
♦ Report regularly to National Headquarters
♦ Participate in National Conventions, Regional
Conferences and other meetings.
♦ Give guidance and direction to the National
Executive Board on proposed new policies
♦ Establish basic structural policies through its power to amend the Constitution & Bylaws
Chapter & Member Responsibilities
♦ Provide vital, well-planned programs which are beneficial
♦ Promote opportunities for learning and active participation in purposeful programs
♦ Begin and end meetings on time
♦ Encourage participation
Responsibility of the Member to the Chapter
♦ Attend meetings regularly
♦ Be available and willing to serve
♦ Participate and support chapter programs
Chapters must:
Develop and amend Chapter Rules of Order and
Policies & Procedures
Disseminate copies of Chapter Rules of Order and
Policies & Procedure to chapter members after approval by the regional member to the National Scholarship and
Standards Committee
Maintain a current copy of the Chapter Management
Maintain current inventory of Delta tools and forms
Hold one scheduled meeting for the chapter per month that is conducted according to parliamentary procedure
Maintain a record of meeting proceedings
Develop committee structure that is consistent with the
Constitution and Bylaws
Schedule and execute appropriate committee meetings
Submit all items necessary for compliance according to guidelines
Implement a transition of officers meeting annually or biennially
Disseminate appropriate chapter mailing items to chapter officers, members, and committee chairpersons
Prepare a means of assessing internal operations
Conduct an annual assessment of internal operations
Maintain appropriate inventories of all chapter properties
Accountability – Chapter Development
Attend regional conferences and national conventions
Attend regional and state meetings
Schedule and implement an annual chapter retreat
Plan and execute activities for bonding and collaboration
Plan and execute means for conflict management and resolution
Develop and implement an ongoing education program (e.g. DID workshops, speakers)
Encourage talent development through appropriately scheduled activities.
Accountability – Chapter Development
Establish a means to keep all chapter members informed about internal and external concerns about the Sorority, the chapter and the community
Identify and implement strategies for reclamation and retention of members.
Network with other chapters
Network with appropriate agencies, organizations and other institutions
Accountability – Protocol Management
Perform ceremonies according to the Ritual
Sing all official Delta songs as written
Identify signs, symbols, and secrets of the Sorority
Explain procedures for courtesies afforded members of the Sorority
Outline proper decorum for public and closed programs
Wear official Sorority jewelry properly
Wear Delta paraphernalia in good taste
Schedule and execute Founders Day program annually during January, February, or March
Accountability – Protocol Management
Communicate appropriately with National and
Regional Officers and National Headquarters staff
Possess appropriate Delta properties for all ceremonies and meetings
Implement proper procedures for the verification of members
Utilize appropriate channel of communication with the public (know who speaks for Delta)
Accountability – Fiscal Management
Maintain accurate and current financial records
Submit all annual dues collected for the current year
Submit all corporate fees for the current year
Conduct an annual audit of chapter financial records
Establish/use an acceptable procedure for recording receipts and expenditures
Submit chapter financial statement to National
File annual financial report and Federal Income Tax
Group Return Authorization Form with National
Obtain general bonding insurance through Grand
Accountability – Fiscal Management
Provide receipts for all monies collected
Report monthly on treasury status to the chapter
Involve appropriate chapter officers and members in the establishment of the annual budget
Prepare a balanced budget annually
Prepare short-range and long-range budgetary projections
Coordinate budget requests and expenditures among standing and special committees
Establish/use an acceptable procedure for receiving and disbursing funds
Develop and implement appropriate means for fund raising or financial support of the chapter program planning and development
To clarify the chapter’s goals and objectives for projects or programs
To develop a plan and a budget
To implement that plan
To regularly report to the chapter
To make recommendations to the Executive
Board and then the chapter
Take action after receiving chapter approval
To evaluate the effectiveness of the program
♦ Executive Committee
♦ Executive Board
♦ Standing Committees
♦ Special Committees
♦ Sub-committees
♦ Ad-hoc Committees
An Effective Chapter Meeting
Be prepared
Be on time and start on time
Adopt and follow the agenda
Utilize Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised
Utilize Chapter Rules of Order
Utilize Chapter Policies and Procedures
Stay within the meeting time
Adhere to guidelines for presenting reports
Refrain from side bar conversations
Play an active role in decision making
Stay informed
Offer recommendations
Sample Agenda
Call to Order
Opening ceremony
Adoption of Agenda
Reading and approval of the minutes
Introduction of National Officers or Representatives
National Officers
Regional Officers
Chairs of National Committees/Commissions
National Headquarters
Sample Agenda (continued)
Chapter Reports
Executive Board
Standing Committees
Special Committees
Individual Assignments
Unfinished Business
♦ Major program emphasis
New Business
Ritualistic Closing
Establish in writing global chapter goals and objectives that are consistent with the national program of the Sorority
Plan and execute at least two Delta programs that are consistent with the national programs of the
Develop long-range programmatic plans that are consistent with national programmatic thrusts
Develop a program calendar annually for distribution among chapter members, Regional
Officers, and National Headquarters personnel who coordinate Program Planning and Development
Identify and participate in networking aligned with local and national goals and objectives for program development
Develop a means of acquiring information about community, fiscal, and human resources necessary for program enhancement
Involve a representative number of chapter members in the short-range and long-range planning of the program calendar and the programmatic goals and objectives
Earmark funds for the implementation of programmatic thrusts
Explore opportunities/funding for programmatic support from corporate agencies
Conduct an annual evaluation of program activity upon which future objectives and plans are developed
Disseminate a summary of developmental and evaluative data to chapter members
Design programs consistent with data provided in needs assessment that is disseminated in the community and the chapter
Program planning and development is the crux of committee work.
8 Steps in the program planning process
Make an assessment of the community
Assess community needs
Assess community resources
Assess the chapter
Assess feasibility of planning joint programs with others
Develop a framework for planning activities
Create evaluation mechanisms
Develop a set of recommendations based on evaluations
The chapter’s Annual Program Calendar must be submitted by September 1 st in order for the chapter to be in compliance.
Keys to Successful Chapter Management:
♦ Accountability: Fulfilling the roles and responsibilities of the chapter, officers and members including chapter compliance
♦ Productivity: Planning and implementing the goals and objectives of the chapter
♦ Viability: Creating a chapter program that is practical, feasible and achievable
Elsie Cooke-Holmes, Co-Chair
Pamela E. Smith, Co-Chair
Schean G. Belton, Esq.
Stephanie M. Cooper
Deloris Johnson Drakes
Lisa Farmer-Cole
Soraya Williams Farver
Charlotte M. Freeman, Ph.D.
Renee LaVerne Harper
Beverly Harris Schembri
Wendy J. Johnson
Sandra F. Mack, Ed.D.
Gwendolyn J. Mosley
Mandy Mullens-Williams
Mabel Lake Murray, Ed.D.
Mildred Porter-Duncan
Norma Sermon Boyd, Ed.D.
Jennifer R. Smith
Hellenna L. Terrell, Ed.D.
Barbara Woods, Ph.D.
Shannon Jones, Staff Liaison
Tammy Valentine, Staff Liaison