Course Policies - Dr. Harnett's Website

ENGL 102H, Dr. Harnett
TuTh Spring, 2015 Syllabus, page 1
Honors Critical Thinking and Literary Analysis
#1409 TuTh 9:10-10:35 AM in SG 139
Michael C. Harnett, Ph. D., Professor of English & Humanities
and Scholars Program Director
Office: LB 216 Phone: (818) 240-1000 x5699 Email:
Alternate email (also good for sharing documents, etc.): Note
that I check the email much more frequently.
Office Hours: 8:00-9:00 AM MTuWTh; 11:00 AM-12:00 PM MW; 1:30-2:30 PM MTu;
see me for other times. I’ll make every effort to meet with you.
Dr. Harnett’s Courses’ Website: Please check the
home page for general announcements, and check the ENGL 102H page for information
specific to this class. There is a link for this class within the ENGL 102H page. I will post
class notes and assignments along with announcements.
GCC Catalog Description: English 102 helps students to develop their critical thinking and
writing skills beyond the level achieved in English 101. The course emphasizes the application
of logical reasoning, analysis, and strategies of argumentation in critical thinking and writing,
using literature (both fiction and non-fiction) and literary criticism as subject matter.
Students will also receive instruction in literary research, and will complete a fully
documented research paper. The honors course will be enhanced in one or more of the
following ways: 1. Accelerated standards of both critical thinking and literary analysis,
including critical writing. 2. Introduction to and emphasis on types or schools of literary
criticism, including professional models of such. Lecture 3 hours. Prerequisite: English 101.
Transfer credit: CSU, UC, USC (CAN ENGL 4) (ENGL 101 & 102 CAN ENGL SEQ
A) Note: This Honors course also emphasizes profound readings by classic, significant
GCC Educational Philosophy: See the GCC website link at
Course Entry Expectations
Skills Level Ranges: Reading 7; Writing 7; Listening/Speaking 7; Math 1
Prior to enrolling in this course, the student should be able to:
1. read critically and write critical, thesis-based essays from the rhetorical perspective of example,
comparison/contrast, analysis, definition, and argument
2. organize, develop, and revise original writing using appropriate tone, style, and semantics;
3. understand induction and deduction, evaluate claims and assumptions, identify logical fallacies, and
present reasoned arguments;
4. analyze, synthesize, distinguish fact from opinion or belief, seek credible sources, and reach logical
5. examine values, identify bias and prejudice, and objectively summarize the views of others;
6. prepare a research paper using proper documentation and format.
 Course Exit Standards
Upon successful completion of the required coursework, the student will be able
A. Critically read and evaluate culturally diverse literary and prose texts which address critical
positions and problems.
1. Identify thesis or unifying theme
2. Identify traditional reasoning and logic (including induction and deduction, denotation and connotation)
3. Identify and evaluate supporting evidence (relevance, accuracy)
4. Distinguish fact from opinion, recognize assumptions and fallacies
5. Evaluate text in terms of diction, tone and unity
6. Analyze literary texts through traditional tools of literary criticism.
7. Identify the ways in which expository pieces and arguments are shaped by an author’s social,
historical, moral, and psychological, and philosophical assumptions
B. Write logical, coherently structured and mechanically sound, thesis based expository and persuasive
essays which demonstrate appropriate use of primary and secondary research materials.
1. Select topic and adjust it in terms of breadth and complexity
2. Clearly establish thesis
3. Demonstrate appropriate use of supporting evidence in terms of accuracy, relevance, and freedom
ENGL 102H, Dr. Harnett
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from faulty assumptions and fallacies
4. Demonstrate ability to refute counter-argument
5. Write critical analyses of literary works, relating them to current issues
6. Maintain unity and coherence within and between paragraphs
7. Maintain college-level prose standards (mechanics)
 Glendale Community College Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) for English 102
Reading: Critically read and evaluate culturally diverse literary and prose texts which address critical
positions and problems. Identify thesis or unifying theme of text and its traditional use of reasoning
and logic. Identify and evaluate supporting evidence for relevance and accuracy and evaluate text in
terms of diction, tone and unity. (Exit Standards A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)
Core Competencies: 1a, 1b, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e, 5b, 5d
Exit Level: Reading 7; Writing 7; Listening/Speaking 7; Math 1
Assessment Method: Research Essay
Research: Demonstrate appropriate application of supporting evidence from primary and secondary
sources. Evaluate evidence in terms of accuracy, relevance, and freedom from faulty assumptions. (Exit
Standard B3)
Core Competencies: 1a, 1b, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e
Exit Level: Reading 7; Writing 7; Listening/Speaking 7; Math 1
Assessment Method: Research Essay
Writing: Write sophisticated, coherently structured, mechanically sound expository and persuasive
essays related to literary works and current issues. (Exit Standards B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6)
Core Competencies: 1a, 1b, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e
Exit Level: Reading 7; Writing 7; Listening/Speaking 7; Math 1
Assessment Method: Research Essay
Introduction: In this course you will read and analyze various kinds of literature:
fiction, poetry, and drama, including film. You will also read commentaries and research
about literature and related topics. We will investigate stories and literary expressions
that offer plenty of ideas that we all can relate to our own lives and to our imagination.
Through the semester, you will develop your thinking and writing skills by recognizing
and expressing important human truths from the readings. You will find that the
readings and writing assignments challenge us to understand, to feel, to analyze, to
learn, to discern possibilities, to rise above setbacks, and to move forward in our
development as open-minded, intellectually curious people.
The goal is to help you develop your abilities to communicate excellent written
insights that are well supported, logically organized, deeply explained, and precisely,
clearly expressed. This goal isn’t just about literature, but about being a useful part of
any organization. According to a recent report, today’s employers continue to complain
that college graduates need better skills at critical thinking, problem solving, and
communication, key fundamentals that this course addresses. I will support you as you
work to build your academic writing competence, basing my approach on my own
research on teaching through motivational, activity-based learning. As my foundation, I
believe that if I can create an atmosphere of curiosity and good humor, then you will
devote your best efforts to your work and succeed. I also believe that my honest feedback
and encouragement can make a difference in a person’s confidence, which also shapes
Required Texts:
Charles Morey. Figaro. Dramatists’ Play Service, 2013. ISBN 9780822229384
J. D. Salinger, Nine Stories. Little, Brown, 1948 (rpt. 1991). ISBN 9780316769501
John Kennedy Toole, A Confederacy of Dunces. Grove Press, 1980. ISBN
Please note: Other readings will be available online, which I recommend that have in printed
form. Having all readings completed and with you in class counts toward your
Participation grade.
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Strongly Recommended: a handbook such as Hacker, A Writer’s Reference; a college
dictionary; a flash drive or other storage device
Exam average (in class essays)
Essay average (out of class essays)
Research Paper (at least 2000 words)
20% SLO (See SLO information above)
Attendance & Participation (Note: See
Attendance Policy), SIs, Quizzes, &
Homework Assignments
Grading Policy: All course assignments must be completed by the end of the semester
in order to earn a passing grade. All exams, all essays, the research paper, and the final
count toward the course grade, as do attendance and participation. No grades are
dropped, though trends, especially toward the end of the semester, are taken into
Grading Standards: The UC Entry Level Scoring Guide is used for this
course, available at A score of 6 is
an A; 5 may be an A- or B+ or B; 4 is a B- or C+ or C; 3 is a C- or D+; 2 is a D; 1 is an F.
The range in grades for the scores allows for judgment by the instructor. Since GCC has
no +/- grading, +/- marks on your papers are only advisory.
Course Policies
Attendance is Required; Participation Counts. The GCC attendance policy states
that students are expected to attend all class meetings. There are no excused absences at
GCC, other than documented medical or personal emergencies—meaning that a
responsible doctor or official verifies it, but it is possible to make up some work for
partial credit (this will be handled on an individual basis). You may be dropped if you
miss the first class meeting or more than 6 class hours total, unless I hear from you as
soon as possible. If you stop attending after the drop deadline, the only grades you can
receive are an F or an Incomplete (Incompletes rarely apply).
Late Arrivals/Early Departures: If you arrive in class after the beginning time, or if
you leave early, you are subject to being marked as Partially Attending for that day. 3
Partial Attendance marks count as one Absence.
Participation: You will also be evaluated for your involvement and contribution to the
class. This involvement and contribution can come in many forms: completion of all
assignments both in and out of class; verbal questions & discussion, both in whole-class
and small-group activities; individual office consultations with me; willingness to read or
share written work; and the many kinds of attentive and respectful behaviors that are
expected of the college classroom. Note that off-task behaviors, including internet
browsing, texting, side conversations, game playing or any other kind of distracted, and
distracting, behavior, are considered non-participation. Non-participation results in
negative consequences, including a failing grade for the day, and continuing problems
with it result in a failing Participation/Attendance grade. Before the drop deadline,
repeated nonparticipation could result in being dropped from the class.
 Supplemental Instruction: Attend as many SI sessions as you can to
enhance your participation. They are meant to provide time and practice for
you in addition to the primary means of support for you: class time and
consultations with me. In the SI, there will be exercises and assistance with
essays. Attendance adds points to your participation grade the more you
attend. We are very fortunate to have Minelie Asadorian, Ala
Babakhanians, Viktoriya Shumakova, and Melvin Dilanchian as
ENGL 102H, Dr. Harnett
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your SI leaders this semester. Attendance of at least 5 SI sessions is
considered part of your regular attendance; any beyond that are bonuses.
 Extra Credit: Extra credit enriches your experience and provides
opportunities for practice, contributing to the Participation grade. It doesn’t
change major grades. Outside exercises, assignments, and written
impressions of outings that are relevant to our course content in some way,
such as lectures, museum visits, to name a couple, are likely to be available.
All such extra attendance and participation needs to be written up and
handed in within one week of the event or assignment. Account for facts
(descriptions) and insights (deep thoughts and reactions to show your
critical thinking) in each writeup. Clearly delineate each of these two sections
and write them as clearly and precisely as you can. Please note: Extra Credit
might help a course grade in a borderline case. But again, Extra Credit does
not affect the major assignments, which largely define the course grade.
Dropping the Course: If you must drop this course, do so through the Admissions
and Records Office by the drop deadline of Saturday, February 28, 2015 without a
mark of W, Saturday, May 16, 2015 with a mark of W. Before you do any such
thing, though, I encourage you to see me so that we both are sure about what must be
done. Note that you are responsible for dropping.
Faculty Lateness or Absence Policy: While I do not anticipate missing any classes
or being late to class, emergencies, illnesses, and other unplanned issues do occur. For
instance, a major factor for me is the ongoing and increasing health issues that both of
my parents are facing, so I may need to go to help and attend to them. If I know about an
absence in advance, I will email everyone’s GCC student email and/or post an
announcement on the main page of my website at I will
let you know about assignments to do for the next class. A note from Instructional
Services should be posted on the classroom door as well.
If I am not there at class time, and no information has been posted on the
classroom door or on the GCC Website under Classes Cancelled Today, please wait 15
minutes and then do one or more of these things for more information and guidance:
Contact me directly at (626) 372-2326 (please use my number judiciously). Check my
website. Contact the English Division Office (LB 215) at (818) 240-1000 x5606. Contact
Instructional Services (AD 145) at x5904.
Late Work/Make-Up Policy: Work missed due to an excused absence may be made
up, normally within a week of your return to class. Work missed due to all other kinds of
absences will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis; there is likely to be a penalty for late
work. The emphasis here is on you and me working together so that you succeed, not on
dwelling on excuses. Don’t waste time with elaborate reasons that work is not done;
instead, be honest with me and we will move on and make plans, usually including a
contract and timetable for you to follow. In other words, let’s focus less on excuses and
more on planning for the best course of action now. If a makeup of an exam is allowed,
you will need to schedule it with me, usually in another of my classes, or in the
Assessment Center (SF 112, x5329) within the week that you return. For excused,
documented absences, we will arrange for you to make up the work with no penalty. For
all other absences, you and I will discuss the circumstances of your absence, and we will
then make a plan for making up the missed work. Usually, we’ll make some kind of
arrangement so that out-of-class essays may be turned in late (penalties, if any, decided
on a case-by-case basis), and I will prepare a make-up exam that is different from the
original but equivalent. Made-up quizzes and other work may count only for credit, not
for scores.
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***Follow the GCC Academic Honesty Policy. Please know that you are
responsible for being fully aware of this policy, and for preparing all work in an
academically honest way. This course adheres to all Glendale College policies and
procedures regarding plagiarism and other problems. In general, we assume that you
take responsibility for doing your own work, and that you understand the difference
between collaboration and cheating. In essays, correct documentation (use of quotations
for all words taken from sources, and citations of all quotations, paraphrases, and
summaries of ideas from said sources) solves most such problems. For in class essays,
preparing prewritten paragraphs and anything resembling a prewritten essay constitute
academic dishonesty as well. If plagiarism or academic dishonesty problems exist, the
assignment in question receives a lower grade, including an F if the problem is
substantial. Also, for a serious case of academic dishonesty, such as using passages from
a source without quoting or citing them at all, you may receive an F for the entire course.
In addition, cases will be referred to the Vice President of Instruction, who may decide to
take even more drastic action. The GCC Policy on Academic Honesty will be followed,
which is available at Read it very
carefully and make sure that you understand it. You have been informed.
Follow the GCC Standards of Student Conduct. I expect everyone to adhere to
GCC Administrative Regulation 5500, Standards of Student Conduct, Section C
(Prohibited Conduct), which are found under Board Policies and Administrative
Regulations, Chapter 5, Student Services, at Our class must be an
environment that allows everyone to concentrate and feel comfortable. Disruptions,
intimidation, and other forms of disrespect are not tolerated, and you will be asked to
leave if you repeatedly disrupt the class.
 Cell Phones, devices, etc.: In class, please be sure that all cell phones and
other devices are on silent or turned off, out of respect for everyone. If you
do this you’re participating in the class; if you do not, your Participation grade
is lowered. You should not use your phones for reference during closed book
in class work, for instance! You should not be calling people, texting, playing
games, making calculations, browsing the internet, participating in social
networks, etc. If the class meets in a lab, you are to use the computers in
there, and do not use laptops or other outside equipment in the lab
as well, according to the technology use policy of GCC.
Complete All Work on Time. Deadlines for major assignments are listed in this
syllabus. If there are any changes, I will let you know, but assume that deadlines stand.
Tell me if there are any problems and I’ll work with you as much as possible.
Readings: The literary works that you are to read are often quite powerful expressions
of the human condition. As such, they are thought provoking, making them a useful basis
for essay writing. Complete each assigned reading before the listed class day. Take notes
or annotate your readings so that you can remember important passages, questions you
have, and your insights about the ideas presented. Bring up these important ideas and
questions in class, recognizing that literary interpretations are judged by their
plausibility, logic, and specific evidence from the readings rather than some single “right
answer.” Your thinking and writing as you read and work with the selections will be
useful for assignments and for your general practice and proficiency in the course.
Quizzes and In-Class Exercises: The quizzes are mostly short-answer or singleparagraph responses to questions about the readings. Their purpose is to make sure that
you keep up with the readings as well as recognize important aspects of them. If you miss
a quiz, you may make it up, but it will not be scored, only counted as participation. Most
of the time, you will have in-class exercises, which are meant to help you improve your
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thinking and writing through the semester. Do your best on these; they count for
participation also. I will collect quizzes immediately, and will usually have you submit inclass exercises and other in-class work on a frequent and regular basis. Save all inclass work in a reliable way that I can check at any time, which counts
toward your Participation grade. Sometimes, you may need more time to finish in
class work, which is fine as long as you complete it right away, remembering that I might
check in class work at any time. Note that the emphasis of this work is more about you
learning and mastering aspects of reading, research, critical thinking, and writing, so
effort means more than results on the in class work. There will often be items in the class
notes that are not covered in class, which I plan to provide as extra practice for anyone
who would like to improve in any aspect of critical thinking, literary analysis, and
writing, including grammar and expression, use of sources, documentation, and other
relevant skill areas.
Essay and Exams: Together, the out-of-class Essays and the in-class Exams (which are
essays) are the single largest factor influencing your course grade. All of these essays and
exams focus on selected readings that we will have covered to that point. Information
about the out-of-class Essay assignments will be given well ahead of time to allow you
the greatest possible opportunity to write preliminary drafts and discuss them with me
before submitting the final draft of each—you may do this as much as you can, up until
the due dates. I encourage you to make the most of the time available before the due
dates. To be clear, there is really not very much time before a due date, but there
certainly is time to make the most of your efforts, receive my feedback and advice, and
revise your work before it’s due. Meet with me as often as possible to discuss revision
strategies and expressive improvements. Late essays are accepted, but with a severe
penalty: one full grade per day late, unless you meet with me and I allow a late
submission. In class Exams provide valuable practice in writing efficiently so that you
rise above time and other pressures, keeping in mind that many classes after transfer
involve in class exams. Note that a missing major assignment (Essay, Exam, Research
Paper, Final) is scored an F, and that completion of all major assignments is required to
pass the course.
Research Paper: After the midterm point of the course, you will prepare and write a
research paper on an approved topic involving a specific aspect of the course readings.
This paper will develop a profound insight derived from the comparison of one work
from this course and one work from another medium (art, film, music, TV, etc.). The
paper will be at least 2000 words (8-10 pages) in length, and must incorporate at least
six sources as defined by the assignment, including a deep theoretical source, a scholarly
source, and four other approved sources. More information about the Research Paper
will follow. Note that part of the Participation grade will be the timely completion of the
RP preparation components: proposal, annotated works cited, basic outline, detailed
outline (showing all uses of sources), and the draft in stages.
Communicate with Me: In order for you to get the most out of this class, it is critical
that I know how you are doing in it and what I can do to adjust and improve it. To help
with this, please make every effort to communicate with me. If there is a problem, such
as getting behind in readings or assignments, or aspects of your writing to improve, let
me know and I will do my very best to help you. Learning is what the course is all about,
and communication with me gives you the best chance to succeed.
Special Needs: Official Statement: “All students with disabilities requiring
accommodations are responsible for making arrangements in a timely manner through
the Center for Students with Disabilities.” If you have any special needs, such as those
addressed by the Disabled Student Center or High-Tech Center, please feel free to
discuss them with me early in the course so that you can file the necessary paperwork. If
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you qualify, we can make arrangements to allow you more time on in-class assignments,
for example.
Continued on next page
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Course Calendar
Please Note:
1. This schedule is subject to change, which I will announce as needed, and I will re-post the
revised syllabus on the main ENGL 102H/Course Materials page of the website.
2. You are expected to complete all readings and assignments prior to the class dates listed
for the assignments to be on time.
3. Be sure to purchase all books for the course as soon as they are available. You are
responsible for having your own copy of each day’s assigned readings with you in class.
Week 1
Assignments to Complete Before
In-Class Activities
1st-Day Readings :
 Welcome to the class! Get
a. Guy de Maupassant, “The Necklace” at
into the habit of devoting
about 2 hours or more to
b. Poem: “Cinderella” by Sylvia Plath
reading, research, and writing outside of each class
c. Poem: “Cinderella” by John Dickson
 Also get into the habit of
seeing me for any help and
advice I can provide.
 Introductions. Literary
d. Ogden Nash Poems at
Criticism: Reading & writing
about important ideas.
i. “The Shrimp”
Themes. Annotation & active
ii. “The Turtle”
iii. “Reflections on Ice Breaking”
 Write Diagnostic Writing
iv. “My Dream”
Sample in class (30 minutes).
v. “The Purist”
 I have arranged for our class to attend of a live performance of the play Figaro, by
Charles Morey, on Thursday, April 9, 7:30 PM, at A Noise Within Theatre. Tickets
(group rate) at $18, plus our group collectively has a $10 service charge. You will read
and see this play as the basis of an Exam. Be sure to get a print copy of the play, listed
on this syllabus under Required Texts.
Part 1: Short Fiction.
Take careful notes of important plot points, representative examples of
characterizations, themes, and other things you notice as you read.
Stories with Tragic Turns.
Quiz. Discussion. Introduction to
Literary Criticism. Writing
 Bulfinch (trans), “Orpheus and
Exercises. Developing Key Ideas
Eurydice” at
and Examples.
 Kate Chopin, “The Story of an Hour”
[PDF in Course Materials on Website]
 John Steinbeck, “The
Chrysanthemums” at
 Irwin Shaw, “The Girls in their
Summer Dresses” at
ENGL 102H, Dr. Harnett
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Stories about Imagination vs. Reality.
 Ambrose Bierce, “An Occurrence at
Owl Creek Bridge” at
 James Thurber, “The Secret Life of
Walter Mitty” at
 Frank O’Connor, “First Confession” at
Prepare for Exam 1—Notes and examples
from the reading, but not any kind of
prewritten essay. Begin work on Essay 1.
Quiz and/or Writing Exercises.
Discussion and Exercises
involving Themes, Supporting
Logic, and Examples. Using
Quotations Effectively. Exam 1
information. Information about
Essay 1—begin it ASAP.
Week 3
Tu, 3/3
Preliminary Work on Essay 1 due:
Planning or Outline with all selected
examples shown at least.
Discussion. Exercises. Essay 1
Information and Planning
Th, 3/5
Draft of Essay 1 due.
Week 2
Exam 1: Short Fiction.
More on Essay 1: Writing
Exercises and Focused Work
With Essay 1. Preview of A
Confederacy of Dunces.
Discussion and Sharing of Essay
Week 4 Essay 1 due.
Read ahead in A Confederacy of Dunces.
1. Introduction to John Kennedy
Toole and A Confederacy of
Part 2: Novel: A Confederacy of Dunces.
Plan your reading carefully so that you keep up with the schedule. Take thorough and
useful notes as you go.
Read Toole, Chapters 1-2.
Quiz. Discussion and Writing
Exercises. Allusions.
Quiz and/or Writing Exercises.
Week 5
Characters and Themes.
Toole, Chapters 6-7.
Discussion, Activities, and
Writing Exercises involving the
Writing Exercises. Characters’
Week 6 Toole, Chapters 8-10.
Motivations and Actions.
Be sure to have your own copies of all books, including those coming up: Nine Stories by
J. D. Salinger, Figaro by Charles Morey, and The Geographer’s Wife by Bart Edelman.
Toole, Chapters 11-12.
Quiz. Writing Exercises. Plot.
More on Character and Themes.
Tone and Aspects of Expression.
More Intro. to Literary Criticism.
Overview of the Novel: More
Week 7
ENGL 102H, Dr. Harnett
Th, 4/2
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Plot Analysis. Characters and
their significance in the novel’s
themes. Information for Exam 2.
Exam 2: Novel.
Prepare for Exam 2: Novel. Use your
own notes & the novel itself, not
prewritten essays in part or whole.
 Read ahead in Morey, Figaro.
Part 3: Drama. Charles Morey, Figaro.
Introduction to Beaumarchais,
Week 8 Morey, Figaro, Act 1.
The Marriage of Figaro, and
Tu, 4/7
Morey’s adaptation, Figaro.
Major Ideas from the Play.
Discussion of Plot, Characters,
Th, 4/9 Morey, Figaro, Act 2.
Quiz, Figaro. More on the Play’s
Main Features. Writing
Thursday, April 9, 2015, 7:30 PM, A Noise Within Theatre. Performance of Figaro.
April 13-18: Spring Break. Campus Closed.
Have a nice break! Prepare efficient notes on the play.
Review Figaro, especially Act 2.
Week 9 Be well-prepared for Exam 3.
Preparation for Exam 3.
Essay 1 final revision due. J. D.
Exam 3: Drama. Figaro.
Salinger, Nine Stories: “A Perfect Day for
Bananafish” (3-18); “Uncle Wiggily in
Connecticut” (19-38); “Just Before the War
with the Eskimos” (39-55).
Part 4: J. D. Salinger, Nine Stories.
Laughing Man” (56-73),
Quiz. Discussion and exercises
involving Nine Stories.
Esmé—with Love and Squalor” (87-114).
Information on Essay 2
See me this week about your Research Paper topic, sources, approach, and development.
Plan it as early as possible to allow time to write it, and especially to revise it.
Salinger, “Pretty Mouth and Green My
Overview of Nine Stories.
Eyes” (115-129), “De Daumier-Smith’s Blue Focused discussion, exercises,
Period” (130-165), “Teddy” (166-198).
and advice involving Essay 2.
Make a detailed plan for Essay 2.
More on Nine Stories and Essay
Week 11 Draft of Essay 2 due.
Tu, 5/5
Th, 5/7 Essay 2 due.
RP approaches. RP Proposal,
Annotated Works Cited, and
Basic Outline information. More
on planning. Bart Edelman
Part 5: Research Paper.
Be sure to progress with your RP preparation efficiently, now and through
the process. See me for help with any part of it.
ENGL 102H, Dr. Harnett
Tu, 6/2
RP Proposal, Annotated Works
Cited, & Basic Outline Due.
 Read Bart Edelman, The
Geographer’s Wife (1st half as
 RP, Part 1 due (About 3 pages).
 Edelman, 2nd half of The
Geographer’s Life as assigned.
RP Draft, part 2 due (about another 3
pages—6 or more total).
RP Complete Draft Due (2000 words,
about 8-10 pages).
RP Revision.
TuTh Spring, 2015 Syllabus, page 11
Research Paper Topics,
Approaches, Sources, Logic, and
Development. Poetry (TBA).
RP Thesis Development,
Sources, Examples. RP
Workshop. More Poetry (TBA).
RP Workshop. Writing
Exercises. RP Presentations.
Bart Edelman poems from the 1st
half of The Geographer’s Wife.
Research Paper Final Checklist.
Questions and Answers about
the Research Paper. RP
Presentations. Visit from Bart
RP Presentations. Discussion
and Exercises. Introduction to
Story and Film Adaptation.
Part 6: Short-Fiction Adaptation into Film.
Research Paper due.
Discussion and Analysis of
Agatha Christie, “The Witness for the
Agatha Christie story.
Adaptation into Stage Plays and Films. Watch a film adaptation!
s_for_the_Prosecution.pdf or other story Take careful notes.
or poems (TBA).
Assigned readings—story, article, or poem
Finish the film. Information
about the Final Exam.
Thursday, June 4, 9:10-10:35 AM.
Final Exam.