30. (StIII-PRST) PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY STUDY PROGRAMME Integrated studies of dentistry DEPARTMENT Department for dentistry NAME OF SUBJECT PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY Compulsory STATUS OF THE SUBJECT Condition Diseases of teeth-preclinics (exam) Winter term (No.of the lessons Summer term (No.of the No.of No.of seminars per week lessons per week) No.of tests seminars POINTS Lectures Exercises Lectures. Exercises third 1 2 2 2 7,0 Methods of teaching Lectures and exercises Goals continue to ensure that the student after the completion of the fifth semester will be familiar with the methods of diagnosis and containment of fear in dental clinics, trained to diagnose the situation and propose measures and methods for maintaining oral hygiene, to set indications and application of prophylactic measures with a purpose to prevent the appearance and progression of oral diseases. 1. comprehend and understand the biological mechanisms for the protection of the oral cavity 2. comprehend and understand the etiopathogenesis of the most common oral diseases (caries, periodontitis, Knowled oral cancer, orthodontic anomalies, trauma) ge 3. knowledge of the complex interaction of oral and general health as well as many common risk factors (diet, bad habits - smoking, alcohol, drugs, using drugs, etc.) 1. grasp, understand and use methods for diagnosis and exclusion of risk for the occurrence of oral diseases 2. comprehend and understand the role of nutrition in general and oral health and is able to provide competent advice on food security to the general oral health Skills 3. grasp, understand and properly use fluoride in preventing caries 4. knows and uses the methods of prevention and interceptivne Orthopedics prophylaxis Theoretical teaching – methodical units Introduction to preventive dentistry. The role and possibilities of oral hygiene in maintaining oral health Social medical significance of oral diseases The importance of communication with the patient in the prevention of oral diseases. Fear and anxiety. Psychological types of children. Motivation of the patient. Diagnostic status and habits in oral hygiene. Funds for the maintenance of oral hygiene Methods of cleaning teeth, local application of fluoride prophylaxis of oral disease: definition, significance. Biological protection mechanisms in the oral cavity. Characteristics of the oral cavity of healthy tissue (mucosa, gingival, periodontal tissue, enamel, pulp-dentinskog complexes, cement). Clinical aspects of developing mouth and teeth. Chronology of appearance and the replacement teeth. Protective role of saliva. Composition, physical and chemical protection, the role of remineralisation. Protective role. Clinical significance of secretion of saliva stimulation. Oral flora. Dental plaque. Creation of mechanisms, microbiological composition, metabolic processes in the plaques. Diagnostic planning needs and prophylaxis of oral diseases (periodontitis, caries, orthodontic irregularities, violations of the mouth and teeth). Prophylactic measures in prevention of periodontitis. Prophylactic measures in prevention of caries Prophylactic measures in prevention of orthodontic anomalies chemoprophylaxis of oral diseases Preventive Dentistry. Introduction, definition, significance and tasks. Levels and Prevention. The ratio of preventive dentistry to dental and other medical disciplines. Caries etiology. Background research. Theory. Modern understanding. Primary and secondary factors in the etiology of caries The pathogenesis of "early" carious lesions in enamel. Macroscopic and microscopic features. Microbiology caries lesions. Dentine caries. Root caries Erosion of teeth. Etiology. External factors. Internal factors. Biological factors. Prevention of erosion Etiopatogenesis periodontitis. Etiology. General and local factors. Development gingivalne lesions. Pathogenesis of periodontitis. Prevention of periodontitis. Etiology of diseases of soft tissue. Oral cancer, precancerous lesions. Oral infection in imunokompetentnih and immunocompromised persons. Nutrition and oral health. Influence of nutrition on teeth in the development and function. Sugar. Replacing sugar Fluorides and oral health. Biokinetics. Toxicology. The mechanism of cariostatic effects. Application of fluoride in preventing caries Diagnostic risk of caries. Nutrition. Oral hygiene. Volume, acidity, Puffer capacity of saliva, saliva mikroorganizumi Diagnostic risk for disease and supporting soft tissue. Risks for the emergence of periodontitis. Risks for the occurrence of oral cancer Preventive and interceptivna orthopedics. Etiology of malocclusion. Prevention of orthodontic anomalies in prenatal and postnatal period of life. Premature loss of milk teeth. Interceptivne measures in preschool and school children Contemporary developments and trends of preventive dentistry Year of studies GOAL PURPOSE CONTENT OF THE SUBJECT: Practical teaching – methodical units The importance, role and possibilities of oral hygiene in maintaining oral health. The problem of fear and anxiety. Admission of patients. Diagnostic behavior, fear and anxiety. Psychological types of children. Methods of preparing children for dental use. The role of preventive services in combating the fear and anxiety Diagnostic habits in oral hygiene. Taking anamnesis, observation of the patient in oral hygiene. Taking anamnestic data on oral hygiene, diagnostic habits, habits of control patients in oral hygiene (brushing your teeth observation techniques). The main means of oral hygiene-brushing. Introduction interdental stimulators, toothpick, devices with liquid and jet li. Methods of cleaning teeth. Training methods of cleaning teeth in models. The main means of oral hygiene for teeth-thread, thread technique using toothpaste. Getting to know the different types of dental teeth. Training techniques use of seams on the model, training patients to use threads. Diagnostic plaque. Plaque indices. Plaque staining, determination of PLI, a conversation with the patient on the plaque and the cleanness of teeth, plaque removal machine. Prophylaxis of caries by using fluoride. Taking the history of nutrition, survey questionnaires, data evaluation and diagnosis of conduct in relation to oral health, motivation for proper nutrition and correction of errors in the diet. Prescribing fluoride prescription. Local application of fluoride (dissolved, they, varnishes) Diagnostic risk of caries on the basis of analysis of diet, oral hygiene, quantity, quality and properties of saliva. Diagnosing risk in the presence of microorganisms in the saliva. Evaluation of oral hygiene (PI), gingival (GI, bleeding index of the sounding), Book of tests for risk assessment. Professional removal of soft and solid deposits from the teeth. Training and motivating patients to maintain oral hygiene. Fissure sealing Taking anamnesis (newborns, childbirth). Diagnosing bad habits. Early diagnosis of orthodontic irregularities (early milk tooth extraction, primary anxiety, forced bite, the flow shifts teeth). Placeholder. Selective grinding of teeth. Health educational work. diagnostic status of oral health, setting the indication and planning applications profilakctic measures. Professional removal of soft plaque from the teeth. Removal of solid deposits from the teeth. Sealing of fissures. Preventive sealing teeth. Chemoprophylaxis disease of mouth and teeth. Making intraoral protective. Compulsor 1. Preventivna stomatologija. M Vulović, D. Beloica, R. Stevanović, M. Ivanović, M. Carević, RECOMMANDED y Z. Vulićević, D. Marković. DRASLAR, Beograd, 2005 READING Additional Evaluation of students' work – No.of points per individual activity Lectures Exercises Pre-exam obligations Test Seminar paper Final exam Written Oral The rest 50 50 Total 100 List of teachers and assistents Associate 1. 2. 3. Assistent Lecturer 3 Doc. dr Duška Blagojević (u izboru) Asist .mr Ivan Tušek Asst. mr Sanja Vujkov Professor PhD Associate prof. Professor Scientist 1 4. Asst. Petrović Bojan ( in election) Chief of department Prof. dr Dubravka Marković,ensuring