Greek Standards Evaluation Inter-Greek Council of Southern Illinois University Carbondale Evaluation Signature Sheet Due Monday, April 29, 2013 (Monday before Finals Week) via email from Advisor If the Greek Standard Evaluation is submitted late, the chapter will be placed in the Dawg House at least through the first 6 weeks of the following semester. In order to assess progress in achieving these standards and long-term accomplishments of SIUC’s Greek Standards, an Evaluation must take place. This checklist is designed to provide direction and measure your chapter’s performance in the seven areas defined by The Greek Standards. Semester & Year of Evaluation: Organization: Active Member semester dues: $ New Member/Pledge semester dues: $ Initiation dues: $ Date of Elections: Next Semester’s Chapter President: I hereby attest that the information included in this Evaluation is true and accurate to the best of my ability. I fully understand that falsifying information could lead to judicial action against my organization. Chapter President’s Name Address Phone Date Do you agree that all is true and accurate to the best of your ability and that you understand that falsifying information could lead to judicial action against your organization? Yes No Advisors are to personally complete the following standards: 3.12, 6.15, 6.16, 7.6, & 7.7 Chapter Advisor’s Name: Date submitted to Advisor by Chapter President: Address Phone Date Do you agree that all is true and accurate to the best of your ability Yes No Advisor emails completed Evaluation to by 4pm on Monday, April 29. Date submitted to Fraternity & Sorority Life by Advisor: Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 1 Evaluation Criteria and Process A review of each chapter’s progress in achieving the criteria of the Greek Standards will occur at the end of each calendar year by completing this evaluation. The Evaluation will be based on chapter’s performance between January and December. The Evaluation is due by the first Monday of “Dead Week” or the Monday before Finals Week. Fraternities and sororities will be evaluated by comparing their performance with the standards and expectations of the Greek Standards. Additionally, the Evaluation will be used to determine IGC Greek Award recipients at the annual Greek Awards Ceremony that takes place in February. Each chapter must submit the Evaluation report by no later than the Monday before Finals Week. The format of this Evaluation allows each organization the opportunity to identify progress in meeting each of the intended standards of the Greek Standards. Organizations that are new to Inter-Greek Council and that are less one semesters old, are NOT required to submit the Greek Standard Evaluation, however, they are required to meet the GPA requirements set by IGC and their corresponding subcouncil. Organizations that are older than one semester, but less than two full semesters, are required to submit the Greek Standard Evaluation, however they may choose not to have their overall score(s) and ranking public and therefore will not be eligible for IGC and subcouncil awards. Once a chapter is eligible to submit their second Greek Standard Evaluation (i.e. after 3 rd semester on campus), like other IGC organizations, their overall score(s) and ranking will be made public and therefore will be eligible for IGC and subcouncil awards. Bonus points will be given for certain Standards. These Bonus Standards are not required, but it allows an opportunity for chapters who go the extra mile to be acknowledged at Greek Awards. Since the Evaluation is an annual Evaluation and to ensure chapters are documenting their progress, the Fraternity & Sorority Life staff will provide a Monthly Evaluation that will assist chapters in meeting the Standards. These Monthly Evaluations are not required, however, they will be required for chapters whose overall score is below 69% or if a Chapter submits the Evaluation late. Based on the Evaluations, chapter recognition will be as follows: Gold Level: Overall Evaluation score above 90%. o A letter from Vice Chancellor will be sent to the chapter’s inter/national organization listing the chapter’s accomplishments. o Framed Certificate at Greek Awards o Listed on as a Gold Level chapter. o Chapters who are on probation during the Evaluation period are NOT eligible for this recognition. o Chapters who are on probation for any violation for longer than 4 weeks during the Evaluation period are NOT eligible for Gold Level standing, regardless of their overall score. The highest recognition level these chapters may receive is Silver Level. Silver Level: Overall Evaluation score between 80-89% o A letter from Fraternity & Sorority Life will be sent to the chapter’s inter/national organization listing the chapter’s accomplishments Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 2 o Framed Certificate at Greek Awards o Listed on as a Silver Level chapter. Bronze Level: Overall score between 70-79% o Listed on as a Bronze Level chapter. o Chapter president and advisor will meet with the Fraternity & Sorority Life staff to create and discuss goals and detailed action plan to improve the chapter. Bad Standing: Overall score below 69% o Listed on as a chapter in Bad Standing. o Chapter president, advisor, national/state/regional officer will meet with the Fraternity & Sorority Life staff to create and discuss goals and detailed action plan to improve the chapter. o Chapter will be required to complete the Monthly Evaluations to ensure the chapter is making improvements towards meeting the Standards. o Chapters whose overall score is below 69% for two consecutive Evaluations will have a judicial hearing to determine the future of the chapter. A possible sanction from this hearing is that the Chapter has their RSO status suspended by SIU Carbondale’s Student Life and Fraternity & Sorority Life. Chapters who fail to submit their Evaluation by the submission deadline are not eligible for IGC or Subcouncil Awards at the annual Greek Awards. Regardless of the chapter’s overall Evaluation score, the highest recognition level they may receive is Bronze Level. Additionally, these chapters will also be placed in the Dawg House for a minimum of 6 weeks in the following semester. If the chapter submits the Evaluation after the beginning of the following semester, the chapter will be placed in the Dawg House for 6 weeks after the submission date (i.e. chapter submits Evaluation during the 2 nd week of classes, the chapter will be in the Dawg House through the 8th week of classes). In addition, the chapter will be required to submit monthly evaluations for the entire semester to ensure the chapter is making adequate progress in meeting the standards. If the chapter fails to submit these monthly evaluations on time, a judicial hearing will take place. Evaluations will be returned to the chapter president no later than one week after Greek Awards. The Inter-Greek Council will choose the 4 student members and 4 advisors to be on the Evaluation committee. Two members from the Fraternity & Sorority Life staff will also serve on the Evaluation committee; one of these members should be the Coordinator of Fraternity & Sorority Life. Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 3 Standard 1: Academic Standards Chapters are expected to complete their Score column that is shaded in grey & those Standards in blue colored font and highlighted in grey. # Objective: Score 1.1 Academic Programming: Eighty percent (80%) of ALL members are educated on academics each semester. These programs may take place during chapter meetings, subcouncil meetings, organization conventions and conferences, Greek Leadership Class, Greek conferences (AFLV, Conference, etc.), chapter retreats, or through another organization (SPC, BAC, HSC, Career Services, Supplemental Instruction, University Housing, Wellness Center, any SIUC department, etc.). These programs do NOT have to all be the same program. Academic topic must relate to college education, such as time management, test preparation, study skills, graduate/law/medical school, financial aid, scholarship, internship/externships, study abroad, etc. Total Chapter Membership (initiated & non-initiated members): Number of Chapter Membership educated on an Academic Program: Percentage of Total Membership educated on an Academic Program: Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. Date of Program Title/Topic # of Members Attended OrgSync Attendance Sheet Attached (yes/no) From your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet of any Academic Programs your chapter membership attended. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 1.2 Each semester chapters must acknowledge academic achievement among their members. Please indicate below the ways your chapter recognizes individual academic achievement, examples may include: Types of Recognition Date(s) Completed DE Advertisement Dues Reduction Special Meals Meeting Recognition Parent Newsletter recognition Alumni/ae Newsletter recognition Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 4 Webpage recognition Other (please list): Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 1.3 Each chapter must counsel members not in good academic standing (i.e., cumulative GPA below 2.0). What is the minimum cumulative GPA needed to be in good academic standing within your chapter? What are the additional requirements to be in good academic standing with your organization? How many members are not in good academic standing with your chapter? Other than study tables, how does your chapter counsel members not in good academic standing? Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 1.4 Chapters require members who are not in good academic standing to complete Academic Progress Evaluation Form (can be found at to ensure these members are attending and making good grades in their classes. This is listed on chapter’s OrgSync calendar by February 15 and September 15. Ideally, these are done between the 4 th and 6th week of classes and again between the 9th and 11th week of classes. Date(s) Completed: On chapter’s OrgSync calendar? Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 1.5 Each member must maintain a 2.50 overall or cumulative GPA whichever is higher or to hold chapter office, participate in intramural sports, Greek Sing, Theta Xi Variety Show, etc. Below identify all members who have currently fallen below a 2.50 overall or cumulative grade point average. Please use your last semester chapter member GPA report to complete the table below. Note: If you need additional rows, put the cursor in the last cell then click the “Tab” button on the keyboard to create the new row. Position in Last Name, First Name Campus Involvement Chapter of member below 2.5 (Intramurals, Greek Sing, Variety Show, Overall or Cumulative GPA Leave blank if not applicable etc.) Leave blank if not applicable Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 5 CHAPTERS WITH NEW MEMBERS/PLEDGES/NON-INITIATED MEMBERS 1.6 Potential new members must meet their inter/national organization’s GPA requirement to become a new member or begin intake with the local chapter. What is your inter/national organizations minimum GPA requirement? Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 1.7 Chapters ensure that new members/aspirants/pledges are performing well in the classroom by completing Academic Progress Evaluation Form (can be found at This is completed midway through the education process. Date(s) that the Academic Progress Evaluation Form (can be found at is due MUST BE ON CHAPTER’S OrgSync CALENDAR. Date(s) Academic Progress Evaluation Form completed by pledge/new member/associate : On chapter’s OrgSync calendar? Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 1.8 Chapters must have their potential new members/aspirants/rushee GPAs checked to ensure academics is a criterion for potential membership. These GPA checks must be done by Student Life OR official transcripts are submitted to the National Organization for approval to begin the Intake Process. Date Grade Check submitted to Student Life: Date intake/pledge/new member/associate education process begins: The minimum standard to become a new member/pledge/associate will be a 2.5 cumulative or overall GPA (on a 4.0 scale) or if not a returning SIUC student, the top 50% of their high school graduating class (top 51% yes, but not 49%) or a high school transcript must be submitted that verifies that their high school cumulative GPA is above a 2.5/4.0. If a potential new member has a GPA below 2.5 (overall or cumulative), they can become a new member/pledge/associate/aspirant only if approved by their national organization. Subcouncils and chapters are encouraged to have higher GPA standard. Below, list ALL INDIVIDUALS who were new to your organization this semester and their previous academic record (GPA prior to becoming &/or high school rank). Please use all 3 chapter rosters from this semester to complete the table below and include all persons who were new members during the semester, THIS INCLUDES THOSE WHO DROPPED/QUIT THE NEW MEMBER/PLEDGE EDUCATION PROCESS. Note: If you need additional rows, put the cursor in the last cell then click the “Tab” button on the keyboard to create the new row. Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 6 Last Name, First Name GPA prior to joining High School Class Rank Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 1.9 Chapters submit the GPA Goal Sheet from each new member within one week of pledge/new member/candidate being affiliated with chapter to the Fraternity & Sorority Life Office. These copies will be scanned and returned to the chapter within 48 hours after receiving them. This form is found at Date GPA Goal Sheet Submitted: Date New Members Affiliated: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 1.10 Chapters submit the GPA Academic Verification Release Form from each new member within one week of pledge/new member/candidate being affiliated with chapter to the Fraternity & Sorority Life Office. These copies will be scanned and returned to the chapter within 48 hours after receiving them. This form is found at Date GPA Academic Verification Release Form: Date New Members Affiliated: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE COMPLETES FOR CHAPTER 1.11 Overall minimum semester chapter GPA is 2.5 or above each semester. CURRENT Chapter GPA Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 1.12 BONUS: Chapters maintain a semester GPA at, or above the all-men’s average for fraternities or all-women’s average for sororities. CURRENT SEMESTER all men’s/women’s GPA Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 1.13 BONUS: Chapter’s Overall Semester GPA improves from the previous year or remains at least a 3.0. Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 7 Previous Year Chapter GPA Current Chapter GPA Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 1.14 Chapters must finalize their semester’s calendar through OrgSync by the time the Evaluation is submitted (Monday before Finals Week). Date Calendar Completed Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 1.15 Chapter’s master calendar must include chapter meeting dates, times, & locations by February 15 and September 15. Chapter meetings on OrgSync Calendar by Feb. 15 or Sept. 15? Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 1.16 Chapter’s master calendar must include service events by February 15 and September 15. Service events on OrgSync calendar by Feb. 15 or Sept. 15? Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? CHAPTERS WITH NEW MEMBERS – completed by Fraternity & Sorority Life 1.17 Chapters provide New Members/Associates/Pledges with a calendar of events, meetings, service projects, financial requirements, ceremonies, etc. to ensure encourage good time management within one week of the educational / intake process starting Date calendar submitted to New Members: Date Educational / Intake process started: Educational meetings on calendar? Service projects on calendar? Financial requirements on calendar? Educational / Intake ceremonies on calendar? Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 1.18 New Member / Intake Class overall minimum semester GPA is 2.50 or above at the end of the semester. Current Semester New Member Class GPA Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 1.19 BONUS: New Member / Intake Class overall semester GPA is at, or above the all-men’s average for fraternities or all-women’s average for sororities. Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 8 CURRENT SEMESTER all men’s/women’s GPA CURRENT SEMESTER New Member GPA: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? CHAPTERS WITH HOUSES – completed by Fraternity & Sorority Life 1.20 Chapters with Chapter Houses have a higher in-house GPA than out of house GPA each semester or in-house GPA remains above 3.0. Current Semester in house GPA: Current Semester out of house GPA: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? Possible Chapter’s Points Points Possible Points Earned Chapter’s Possible Total Score (1-5) 9 9 Chapters with New Members (6-10 & 17-18) +7 Chapters with Houses (20) +1 Bonus Points (12, 13, 19) +3 --Total= Total Points Earned = Chapter’s Percentage of Standard Met Total % Possible Points FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE COMPLETES Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 9 Standard 2: Recruitment and Development Chapters are expected to complete their Score column that is shaded in grey & those Standards in blue colored font and highlighted in grey. # Objective: Score 2.1 Leadership Programming: Eighty percent (80%) of ALL members are educated on leadership each semester. These programs may take place during chapter meetings, subcouncil meetings, organization conventions and conferences, Greek Leadership Class, Greek conferences (AFLV, Conference, etc.), chapter retreats, or through another organization (SPC, BAC, HSC, Career Services, Supplemental Instruction, University Housing, Wellness Center, any SIUC department, etc.). These programs do NOT have to all be the same program. Total Chapter Membership (initiated & non-initiated members): Number of Chapter Membership educated on Leadership Percentage of Total Membership educated on Leadership Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. Date of Program Title/Topic # of Members Attended OrgSync Attendance Sheet Attached (yes/no) From your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet of any Academic Programs your chapter membership attended. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 2.2 Diversity/Social Justice Programming: Eighty percent (80%) of ALL members are educated on topic of Diversity or Social Justice each semester. These maybe programs through a commemorative month, such as Latino Heritage Month, Black History Month, GLBT Month. The program should not be a topic that relates to the majority of the chapter’s membership (i.e. a sorority attending a Women’s History Month program or a historically Latino fraternity attending a Latino Heritage Month program). These programs may take place during chapter meetings, subcouncil meetings, organization conventions, Greek conferences (AFLV, Greek Leadership Class, etc.), chapter retreats, or through another organization (SPC, BAC, HSC, Career Services, Wellness Center, any SIUC department, etc.). These programs do NOT have to all be the same program. Total Chapter Membership (initiated & non-initiated members): Number of Chapter Membership educated Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 10 on Diversity/Social Justice: Percentage of Total Membership educated on Diversity/Social Justice: Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. Date of Program Title/Topic # of Members Attended OrgSync Attendance Sheet Attached (yes/no) From your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet of any Diversity/Social Justice Programs your chapter membership attended. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 2.4 Chapters maintain or grow their membership over the previous year. This information is available on the Greek Grade Report’s historical grade page. Total Chapter Size in ONE year ago Total Chapter Size this Semester Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 2.5 Chapters meet with Fraternity & Sorority Life staff each semester and reviews and completes their Recruitment Notice or Membership Intake Notice (or Abstain from Intake form) two weeks before their recruitment / intake begins OR the first week of classes regardless if the chapter is doing an Intake/Recruitment during the semester. This form is found at Date Form(s) completed: Date Recruitment / Intake Began: Date Intake/Pledge Education/New Member Education Process began: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? CHAPTERS WITH NEW MEMBERS 2.6 At least 80% of all individuals who are new members or who are going through new member education/pledging/intake are initiated as an active member. Please list ALL new members/pledges/aspirants that started and were either initiated or dropped out of the chapter. Note: If you need additional rows, put the cursor in the last cell then click the “Tab” button Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 11 on the keyboard to create the new row. Last Name, First Name Initiated into Chapter? (yes or no) Total Number of New Members at beginning of New Member Education Program: Total Number of New Members Initiated: Percentage Initiated: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 2.7 New member education program or membership intake process of 8 weeks is recommended as a maximum. (The program should coincide with the information submitted in the Academic Standards). Date intake/pledge/new member/associate education process begins: Date that new member education program ends or initiation date: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 2.8 80% of the chapter’s new members/associates/pledges or members who are new initiates attend all Inter-Greek Council’s “Junior IGC” educational meetings each semester. Below please list ALL new members or new initiates who attended the Junior IGC meetings in the appropriate semester. Total Number of New Member/Pledges/Associate Members OR new initiated members: Total Number of New Member/Pledges/Associate Members OR new initiated members attending Jr. IGC Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 12 Percentage Number of New Member/Pledges/Associate Members OR new initiated members attending Jr. IGC Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. Date of Program Title/Topic # of Members Attended OrgSync Attendance Sheet Attached (yes/no) From your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet of all Junior IGC Meetings your new members/pledges/associate or new initiated members attended. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 2.9 Chapters who do New Member Presentations (Probate Shows) follow and abide by the Presentation of New Members Policy and complete form by the required deadline. This form is found at Chapters who do NOT do Presentation Shows or who did not have new members during the semester of evaluation will not be evaluated on this Standard. Chapter abides by New Member Presentation Policy? Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE COMPLETES Chapter’s Possible Total Score (1-5) Chapters with New Members (6-8) Chapters who do Intake (9) Possible Points 4 +3 +1 Total= Chapter’s Percentage of Standard Met Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 Chapter’s Points Possible Points Earned 4 Total Points Earned Total Possible Points = % 13 Standard 3: Risk Management Chapters are expected to complete their Score column that is shaded in grey & those Standards in blue colored font and highlighted in grey. # Objective: Score 3.1 Chapters that have any event with alcohol meet the Inter-Greek Council academic standards for registered social functions with alcohol as stated in Appendix A (i.e. meet minimum grade requirements of a 2.5 chapter GPA). Previous Semester GPA: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 3.2 Chapters must have more non-alcoholic events than events with alcohol. Each chapter must sponsor or co-sponsor at least two alcohol-free events per semester. Please include ALL events below with other Greek chapters and non-Greek RSOs. This can include service and recruitment events if they are co-sponsored with another Greek organization or non-Greek RSO. Please list below the date, location, and event identifying the event(s) your organization sponsored or co-sponsored during this Evaluation period. These events must be on your chapter’s OrgSync calendar. Note: If you need additional rows, put the cursor in the last cell then click the “Tab” button on the keyboard to create the new row. Date of Event Location Co-sponsored with Title of Event or Theme Alcohol Present (yes or no) On OrgSync Calendar (Completed by FSL) Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 3.3 Chapters with 15 or more members must have at least one member serve on the InterGreek Council Risk Management Team. For chapters with 15+ members this is a requirement. Chapters with 14 or less members, this will be a BONUS point if a member serves on this Team. Current Semester Chapter Size: Note: If you need additional rows, put the cursor in the last cell then click the “Tab” button Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 14 on the keyboard to create the new row. RISK MANAGEMENT TEAM MEMBERS Last Name, First Name Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 3.4 Chapters will not deviate from “GUIDELINES FOR ANY 3rd PARTY VENDOR FUNCTION” and “GUIDELINES FOR ANY BYOB PARTY” (See Appendix F & H). Did chapter abide by 3rd Party & BYOB Guidelines?: (yes or no) Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 3.5 Personal Risk Avoidance Program: Eighty percent (80%) of all members (actives & new members) are educated on at least one personal risk avoidance issues each semester, such as sexual assault, alcohol and drugs, drunk driving, eating disorders, sexually transmitted diseases, etc. These can be through the Wellness Center, conferences, chapter meetings, etc. Below are examples of personal risk avoidance programs: Sexual Assault Alcohol Drugs Drunk Driving Eating Disorders Sexually Transmitted Diseases Depression Student Conduct Code Suicide Mental Health Total Chapter Membership (initiated & non-initiated members): Number of Chapter Membership educated on Personal Risk Avoidance: Percentage of Total Membership educated on Personal Risk Avoidance: Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. Date of Program Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 Title/Topic # of Members Attended OrgSync Attendance Sheet Attached (yes/no) 15 From your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet of any Personal Risk Avoidance Programs your chapter membership attended. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? CHAPTERS WITH NEW MEMBERS/PLEDGES/NON-INITIATED MEMBERS 3.6 Anti-Hazing Educational: 100% of the chapters’ aspirants/new members and executive officers, including the President, Vice President, New Member Educator, Membership Educator, Risk Avoidance Chair, etc., will attend an anti-hazing educational session each semester. This may be sponsored by Inter-Greek Council, sub-council, by the chapter with pre-approval by Inter-Greek Council, or inter/national organization. Below based on each semester your chapter had new members, please list all of your Executive Officers and New Members, check their position (Executive Officer or New Member), and indicate the date of their Anti-Hazing Educational. New Member Last Name, First Name Executive Officer Note: If you need additional rows, put the cursor in the last cell then click the “Tab” button on the keyboard to create the new row. Date of Educational Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. Date of Program Title/Topic # of Members Attended OrgSync Attendance Sheet Attached (yes/no) From your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet of the Anti-Hazing Educational your chapter membership attended. Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 16 Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 3.7 Chapters submit the Non-Hazing Compliance Form from each new member within one week of pledge/new member/candidate being affiliated with chapter to the Fraternity & Sorority Life Office. These copies will be scanned and returned to the chapter within 48 hours after receiving them. This form is found at Date Non-Hazing Compliance Form Submitted: Date New Members Affiliated: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? CHAPTERS WHO HAVE EVENTS WITH ALCOHOL COMPLETE: 3.8 Chapters that have any event with alcohol have their event approved and registered with their chapter advisor, Inter-Greek Council Risk Avoidance Chair at least six business days prior to the event for 3rd Party Vendor Events and at least three business days prior to the event for BYOB events (for BYOB events with more than one guest per member require 6 days advance). Note: If you need additional rows, put the cursor in the last cell then click the “Tab” button on the keyboard to create the new row. 3RD Party Vendor or BYOB event Date of Event Date Registered Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 3.9 BONUS: All of the chapter’s events are registered more than the minimum number of days in advance. Note: If you need additional rows, put the cursor in the last cell then click the “Tab” button on the keyboard to create the new row. 3RD Party Vendor or BYOB event Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 Date of Event Date Registered 17 Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 3.10 Each chapter president, social chair, and risk management chair must attend a semesterly educational session sponsored by the Inter-Greek Council or sub-council focusing on risk management policies and procedures prior to having any event with alcohol in order to be Risk Certified to have an event with alcohol. Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. Date of Program Title/Topic # of Members Attended OrgSync Attendance Sheet Attached (yes/no) From your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet of the Risk Certification Program your chapter membership attended. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? CHAPTERS WITH HOUSES COMPLETE 3.11 All twenty-one year old individuals residing in chapter houses have the privilege to possess and consume alcohol in their respective room, in the same manner as residents of Neely Hall, Evergreen Terrace, Southern Hills, and Graduate Students on Greek Row (with the exception of the sorority chapter houses due to inter/national policy.). No alcohol is to be consumed in common areas other than in an individual’s room. *Common areas include, but are not limited to, front porches, decks, back yards, hallways, balconies, garages, parking areas, etc. The only exception is Inter-Greek Council approved BYOB events. Any deviations from this policy: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? ADVISOR(S) COMPLETES FOR CHAPTER 3.12 Chapters will avoid having any risk management violations that place them on probation with the University or inter/national organization. Please indicate below the status of your chapter with the University and inter/national organization. University – status (good standing, probation, etc.): Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 18 Inter/National Org. – (good standing, probation, etc.): Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? IGC RISK AVOIDANCE CHAIR COMPLETES 3.13 To be eligible to have an event with alcohol chapter is in good standing with Inter-Greek Council. Good standing with IGC: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 3.14 FALL SEMESTER ONLY: A copy of the inter/national organization’s risk management policy must be on file with Inter-Greek Council by October 1. Date Submitted: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE COMPLETES 3.15 To be eligible to have an event with alcohol chapter is in good standing with the University (not in Dawg House or Probation). Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 3.16 Chapters report any and all Risk Management incidents to the Fraternity & Sorority Life Office and their inter/national organization within 24 hours of the incident. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE COMPLETES for CHAPTERS WITH HOUSES 3.17 Each chapter with a chapter house must conduct a semester fire drill by September 15 and February 15 of each semester. If the city’s fire marshal does not complete the drill, then the chapter must complete a fire drill form and submit to Inter-Greek Council within 72 hours of drill. Date Fire Drill Completed: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 3.18 Each chapter with a chapter house must post on the back door of each sleeping room evacuation routes and common phones emergency numbers for 911, fire, police and ambulance. A copy of this evacuation route must be submitted to IGC Risk Avoidance Chair by September 15 and February 15. Date Submitted: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 19 FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE COMPLETES Chapter’s Possible Total Score (1, 2, 4, 5, 12, 14-16) Chapters with 15+ members (3) Chapters with New Members (6 & 7) Chapters with Houses (11, 17, 18) Chapters that have events with alcohol (8 & 10) Bonus for chapters with 14 or less members (3) Bonus Points (9) Possible Points 9 1 +2 +3 +2 +1 +1 Total= Chapter’s Percentage of Standard Met Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 Chapter’s Points Possible Points Earned 9 ------Total Points Earned Total Possible Points = % 20 Standard 4: Community Involvement & Relations Chapters are expected to complete their Score column that is shaded in grey & those Standards in blue colored font and highlighted in grey. # Objective: Score 4.1 Each chapter must register volunteer hours and events, including Community, University, and Career-related, with the Saluki Volunteer Corps. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 4.2 BONUS: SPRING SEMESTER ONLY - Chapters apply for the annual Student Life Registered Student Organization (RSO) Award for Outstanding Philanthropic Initiative for the current academic year (fall & spring semester). This award recognizes an RSO that initiated, implemented, or participated in an exceptional philanthropic event or initiative that benefited SIU, a non-profit organization, and/or the surrounding community. Quality submissions that are submitted on time & correctly will receive a bonus points. Philanthropic Event: Date of Event: RSO Award Result (did you win? – not necessary to win to receive bonus point) Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 4.3 BONUS: Chapters co-sponsor one program per semester with a community organization that the chapter assists in the planning of the event with the organization. The chapter’s name should be listed on the promotion materials. This excludes Adopt-A-Spot, Relay for Life and Up ‘til Dawn. These maybe Rotary Club, Kiwanis, Lions, Boys & Girls Club, Women’s Center, Spirit of Attucks, Carbondale Police Department, local churches, Graduate Chapter, etc. On the list below, please provide the name of each community organization you co-sponsored a program with, the name of the event, date, location, and percentage of chapter that attended. Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. Date of Program Title/Topic # of Members Attended OrgSync Attendance Sheet Attached (yes/no) From your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet of any Community Organization co-sponsored Programs your chapter assisted in organizing. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 21 CHAPTERS WITH HOUSES COMPLETE 4.4 Chapters with Houses have good relationships with their neighbors and their neighborhood. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 4.5 Chapters with Houses have presentable and clean interiors and exteriors. No interior furniture outside: Yes Lawn is mowed: Yes Weeds are minimal: Yes Landscaping is attractive: Yes Interior is clean: Yes Interior trash is removed: Yes Exterior trash is removed: Yes No No No No No No No Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE COMPLETES FOR CHAPTER: 4.6 Each chapter raises charitable dollars each semester. The charities can be their own inter/national charities, local charities (Boys & Girls Club, Relay for Life, Women’s Center, national organization’s foundation, etc.), etc. These charitable donations must be recorded with the Saluki Volunteer Corps. Chapter donations must be at least $5/member How much money was donated to charities in the name of your chapter this semester AND reported $ to SVC? Number of Chapter Members: Dollars Per Member: $ BONUS: Chapters who donate $25-99 per member to charity each semester receive ONE Bonus point (a total of 2 points for this Standard). BONUS: Chapters who donate $100+ per member to charity each semester receive TWO Bonus points (a total of 3 points for this Standard). Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 4.7 Eighty percent (80%) of an organization’s members (including initiated & new members/pledges/aspirants) must complete 8 or more service hours per semester through the Saluki Volunteer Corps. This may be accomplished through one large service project in which the entire chapter participates, or through involvement in several different service projects in which each member may select which service project he/she would like to do. Percentage of Members doing 8+ service hours % Total Hours Completed Hours per member Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 22 BONUS: 80% of an organization’s members complete 12-19 hours each semester receive ONE Bonus point (a total of 2 points for this Standard). BONUS: 80% of an organization’s members complete 20+ hours each semester receive TWO Bonus Points (a total of 3 points for this Standard). Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 4.8 Each chapter’s philanthropic/community service chairperson must meet with the coordinator of the Saluki Volunteer Corps once per semester and before September 15 and February 15 of each semester. SVC meeting date: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE COMPLETES Chapter’s Possible Total Score (1, 6-8) Chapters with Houses (4 & 5) Bonus Points (2, 3, 6*, & 7*) Possible Points 4 +2 +6 Total= Chapter’s Percentage of Standard Met Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 Chapter’s Points Possible Points Earned 4 ---Total Points Earned Total Possible Points = % 23 Standard 5: University Involvement & Relations Chapters are expected to complete their Score column that is shaded in grey & those Standards in blue colored font and highlighted in grey. # Objective: Score 5.1 Inter-Greek relations are encouraged. Chapters must either (1) Co-sponsor at least one activity (social, service, educational program, etc.) or (2) Participate in at least 2 activities per semester with an organization within the National Pan-Hellenic Council ( Below, please provide the chapter’s name from THIS SUBCOUNCIL that the event was held with, the date and name of the event/program. Please note in order to receive credit the chapter must have this event listed in their Evaluation as well. Note: If you need additional rows, put the cursor in the last cell then click the “Tab” button on the keyboard to create the new row. Organization from NPHC Plan or Attend? Date Event Name On other Organization’s Evaluation? (completed by FSL) Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. # of OrgSync Date of Title/Topic Members Attendance Sheet Program Attended Attached (yes/no) From your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet of any events your chapter co-sponsored or participated in with an organization within this subcouncil. BONUS: Chapters who plan more than one event or attend more than two events each semester, but with a different chapter from within this subcouncil, receive ONE BONUS point. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 5.2 Inter-Greek relations are encouraged. Chapters must either (1) Co-sponsor at least one activity (social, service, educational program, etc.) or (2) Participate in at least 2 activities per semester with an organization within the Interfraternity Council (FarmHouse, Order Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 24 Sinfonia Below, please provide the chapter’s name from THIS SUBCOUNCIL that the event was held with, the date and name of the event/program. Please note in order to receive credit the chapter must have this event listed in their Evaluation as well. Note: If you need additional rows, put the cursor in the last cell then click the “Tab” button on the keyboard to create the new row. Organization from IFC Plan or Attend? Date Event Name On other Organization’s Evaluation? (completed by FSL) Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. # of OrgSync Date of Title/Topic Members Attendance Sheet Program Attended Attached (yes/no) From your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet of any events your chapter co-sponsored or participated in with an organization within this subcouncil. BONUS: Chapters who plan more than one event or attend more than two events each semester, but with a different chapter from within this subcouncil, receive ONE BONUS point. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 25 5.3 Inter-Greek relations are encouraged. Chapters must either (1) Co-sponsor at least one activity (social, service, educational program, etc.) or (2) Participate in at least 2 activities per semester with an organization within the Multicultural Greek Council (Below, please provide the chapter’s name from THIS SUBCOUNCIL that the event was held with, the date and name of the event/program. Please note in order to receive credit the chapter must have this event listed in their Evaluation as well. Note: If you need additional rows, put the cursor in the last cell then click the “Tab” button on the keyboard to create the new row. Organization from MGC Plan or Attend? Date Event Name On other Organization’s Evaluation? (completed by FSL) Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. # of OrgSync Date of Title/Topic Members Attendance Sheet Program Attended Attached (yes/no) From your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet of any events your chapter co-sponsored or participated in with an organization within this subcouncil. BONUS: Chapters who plan more than one event or attend more than two events each semester, but with a different chapter from within this subcouncil, receive ONE BONUS point. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 5.4 Inter-Greek relations are encouraged. Chapters must either (1) Co-sponsor at least one activity (social, service, educational program, etc.) or (2) Participate in at least 2 activities per semester with an organization within the Panhellenic Association (Below, please provide the chapter’s name from THIS SUBCOUNCIL that the event was held with, the date and name of the event/program. Please note in order to receive credit the chapter must have this event listed in their Evaluation as well. Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 26 Note: If you need additional rows, put the cursor in the last cell then click the “Tab” button on the keyboard to create the new row. Organization from Panhellenic Plan or Attend? Date Event Name On other Organization’s Evaluation? (completed by FSL) Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. # of OrgSync Date of Title/Topic Members Attendance Sheet Program Attended Attached (yes/no) From your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet of any events your chapter co-sponsored or participated in with an organization within this subcouncil. BONUS: Chapters who plan more than one event or attend more than two events each semester, but with a different chapter from within this subcouncil, receive ONE BONUS point. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 5.5 Chapters co-sponsor or participate in events with other Registered Student Organizations (not Greek related) or University departments on a semesterly basis. These organizations can be SPC, BAC, HSC, Area Councils, BTO, Wellness Center, academic departments, etc. These can be educational programs (as listed in previous standards), service (community & university service events), socials, etc. On the list below, please provide the name of each RSO or University Department you co-sponsored a program with, the name of the event, and date. Note: If you need additional rows, put the cursor in the last cell then click the “Tab” button on the keyboard to create the new row. RSO / Department Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 Date Event Name 27 Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. Date of Program Title/Topic # of Members Attended OrgSync Attendance Sheet Attached (yes/no) From your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet of any events your chapter co-sponsored or participated in with a nonGreek RSO or University Department. BONUS: Chapters who do more than one event each semester, but with a different RSO or University Department as above, receive ONE BONUS point. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 5.6 At least 80% of chapter members participate and/or attend at least one University or College event, such as Shryock Auditorium Events, Multicultural program & Services events (commemorative month programs such as Black History Month, Latino Heritage Month, Women’s History Month, etc.), Saluki First Year, Public Policy Institute programs, Wellness Center, etc. This does not include SIU Athletic events, events solely sponsored by a RSO, or IGC events (Greek Sing, Variety Show, etc.). Total Chapter Membership (initiated & non-initiated members): Number of Chapter Membership participating in University Event(s): Percentage of Total Membership participating in University Event(s): Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. Date of Program Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 Title/Topic # of Members Attended OrgSync Attendance Sheet Attached (yes/no) 28 From your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet of any members participating in University Event(s) Programs your chapter membership attended. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 5.7 FALL SEMESTER ONLY: At least 80% of the returning spring semester members (not fall new members/pledges) participates in Saluki Start-Up (formerly known as Week of Welcome) events (Greek Move-In, Meet Me on Main, Welcome Fest, RSO Fair, Greek BBQ, Chancellor’s Watermelon Fest, etc.). Members who are Saluki Peer Mentors or RAs will count toward this percentage. Below please provide the names of ALL members and indicate if they participated as Greek Movers during the fall semester. Total Chapter Membership at the beginning of fall semester (initiated & non-initiated members): Number of Members participating in Saluki StartUp events. Percentage of Total Membership participating in Saluki StartUp events % Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. Date of Program Title/Topic # of Members Attended OrgSync Attendance Sheet Attached (yes/no) From your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet Saluki StartUp events your chapter participated in. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 5.8 BONUS: Eighty percent (80%) of an organization’s active/initiated members who have an overall GPA above 2.5 are encouraged to be involved in at least one campus Registered Student Organization (organizations relating to one’s major, or USG, SPC, Area Council, Dawg Pound, etc.) not related to intramurals nor Fraternity & Sorority Life (Order of Omega, respective subcouncil, Inter-Greek Council, etc.) each semester. The Saluki Volunteer Corps, Homecoming, SLA, Greek Sing, and Variety Show, and SIU Alumni Association are NOT RSOs. Below list all your members and next to each name identify the campus activity or organization(s) he/she has been involved in this semester. Please Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 29 use your most recent roster to complete the table below and please list ALL members above a cumulative 2.5 GPA from the roster. Note: If you need additional rows, put the cursor in the last cell then click the “Tab” button on the keyboard to create the new row. Last Name, First Name (members above 2.5 overall GPA) R.S.O. involvement Total Chapter Active Membership with above 2.5 overall GPA: Number of Active Members with above 2.5 overall GPA involved in RSOs Percentage of Total Active Membership with above 2.5 overall GPA involved in RSOs % Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 5.9 BONUS: SPRING SEMESTER ONLY - Chapters apply for the annual Student Life Registered Student Organization (RSO) Award for Outstanding Program/Event for the current academic year (fall & spring semester). This award recognizes a specific program or event for its contribution to SIU and/or the community. Quality submissions that are submitted on time & correctly will receive a bonus points. Program/ Event Name: Date of Event: RSO Award Result (did you win? – not necessary to win to receive bonus point) Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 5.10 BONUS: Chapters encourage & promote membership into the Order of Omega. Membership requirements are initiated junior/senior members with a 3.0 cumulative GPA. 50% of a chapter’s membership who is eligible for Order of Omega are members each semester. Below please list members ALL chapter members who are eligible for membership, indicate if they meet the minimum criteria, and if they are a member of Order Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 30 of Omega. Meet Criteria for Order of ? Last Name, First Name Member of Order of ? Total Chapter Membership that meets Order of Omega requirements: Number of Chapter Members who are members of Order of Omega: Percentage of Total Chapter members who are members of Order of mega: % Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 5.11 BONUS: Chapters encourage & promote membership into the Gamma Sigma Alpha Greek Honor Society. Membership requirements are junior/senior with a 3.5 cumulative GPA. 50% of a chapter’s membership who is eligible for Gamma Sigma Alpha are members each semester. Below please list members ALL members who are eligible for membership, indicate if they meet the minimum criteria, and if they are a member of Gamma Sigma Alpha. Last Name, First Name Total Chapter Membership that meets Gamma Sigma Alpha requirements: Number of Chapter Members who are members of Gamma Sigma Alpha: Percentage of Total Chapter members who are mem er of Gamma Sigma Alpha: Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 Meet Criteria for ? Member of ? % 31 Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE COMPLETES Chapter’s Possible Total Score (1-6) Bonus Points (1*-5*, 8-11) Possible Points 6 +11 Total= Chapter’s Percentage of Standard Met Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 Chapter’s Points Possible Points Earned 6 ---Total Points Earned Total Possible Points = % 32 Standard 6: Chapter Operations Chapters are expected to complete their Score column that is shaded in grey & those Standards in blue colored font and highlighted in grey. # Objective: Score 6.1 Chapters shall be in good financial standing with their inter/national organizations. Please provide documentation from each semester from your inter/national organization stating that your chapter is good financial standing with the inter/national organization. Is documentation for this semester from your inter/national organization or the chapter advisor stating that your chapter is good financial standing with the inter/national organization attached? Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.2 Each chapter must communicate each semester in some form with members’ parents. Please indicate these forms of communication below: Updated how Chapter Webpage many times this address: semester: Date(s) Letters sent to Parents: Date(s) Emails sent to Parents: Date(s) Parent Newsletter date(s) sent to Parents: Parent Events (dates & location) Other: Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. # of OrgSync Date of Title/Topic Members Attendance Sheet Program Attended Attached (yes/no) If your chapter did events with Parents, then from your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.3 Each chapter must communicate each semester in some form with their chapter’s alumnae/alumni and/or Graduate Chapter. Updated how Chapter Webpage many times this address: semester: Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 33 Date(s) Letters sent to Alumni: Date(s) Emails sent to Alumni: Date(s) Alumni Newsletter date(s) sent to Alumni: Alumni Event(s):, date & location of reception: Daily Egyptian Advertisements: date(s) published to Alumni: Other: Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. # of OrgSync Date of Title/Topic Members Attendance Sheet Program Attended Attached (yes/no) If your chapter did events with Alumni, then from your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet. BONUS: attach copies of letters, emails, Alumni Newsletters, Founders Day invites, DE Advertisements, and/or invites to SIU Homecoming events that occurred during the Fall semester and receive ONE additional bonus point. Are these attached? Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.4 Each chapter must communicate each semester in some form with campus faculty/staff and administrators. This is NOT your Advisor or members of your Advisory Board. Updated how Chapter Webpage many times this address: semester: Date(s) Letters sent to Faculty/Administrators Date(s) Emails sent to Faculty/Administrators Faculty/Staff event: date & location of event: Faculty/Staff as Guest Speakers at Meetings, date(s) & speaker’s name (NOT your advisor(s)): Other: Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 34 attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. # of Date of Title/Topic Members Program Attended OrgSync Attendance Sheet Attached (yes/no) If your chapter did events with Faculty/Staff, then from your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.5 Each chapter must communicate each semester in some form with Carbondale community leaders (city leaders, churches, Boys & Girls Club, Women’s Center, civic organizations such as Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, etc.). Does not include Adopt-A-Spot since there is no interaction with community leaders This is NOT your Advisor or members of your Advisory Board. Updated how Chapter Webpage many times this address: semester: Date(s) Letters sent to Community Leaders: Date(s) Emails sent to Community Leaders: Community Leaders reception, date & location of reception: Community Leaders as Guest Speakers at Meetings, date(s) & speaker’s name: Volunteer Work, date(s) & community dept.’s name: Other: Please list your programs: Date, Title, number of members attended, in addition to attaching your OrgSync Attendance Sheet to the Evaluation. # of OrgSync Date of Title/Topic Members Attendance Sheet Program Attended Attached (yes/no) If your chapter did events with Carbondale Community, then from your chapter’s OrgSync account, please include an attendance sheet. Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 35 Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.6 A chapter officer attends an OrgSync Workshop by February 15 and September 15 of each semester to learn and understand how to add events to Calendar, take attendance, and update Roster. Date Chapter Officer Attended OrgSync Workshop: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.7 A Chapter officer attends a program on how to complete the Greek Standard Evaluation. Date Chapter Officer Attended Greek Standard Evaluation Workshop: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.8 Chapter and Advisor verify by April 1 and November 1 that they are using correct version of Microsoft Word 2007 or newer for the Evaluation. Date Chapter & Advisor verified Microsoft Word Version: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.9 BONUS: SPRING SEMESTER ONLY - Chapters apply for the annual Student Life Registered Student Organization (RSO) Award for Most Improved RSO for the current academic year (fall & spring semester). This award recognizes significant improvement made by an RSO over the past year. Quality submissions that are submitted on time & correctly will receive a bonus points. RSO Award Result (did you win? – not necessary to win to receive bonus point) Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.10 BONUS: SPRING SEMESTER ONLY - Chapters apply for the annual Student Life Registered Student Organization (RSO) Award for Outstanding RSO for the current academic year (fall & spring semester). This award recognizes an RSO for outstanding contributions and commitment to SIU and the Carbondale community . Quality submissions that are submitted on time & correctly will receive a bonus points. RSO Award Result (did you win? – not necessary to win to receive bonus point) Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.11 BONUS: SPRING SEMESTER ONLY - Chapters apply for the annual Student Life Registered Student Organization (RSO) Award for Steve Harris Outstanding Treasurer for the current academic year (fall & spring semester). This award recognizes an outstanding work in fiscal management by an RSO treasurer. Quality submissions that Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 36 are submitted on time & correctly will receive a bonus points. Treasurer’s Name: RSO Award Result (did you win? – not necessary to win to receive bonus point) Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.12 BONUS: SPRING SEMESTER ONLY - Chapters apply for the annual Student Life Registered Student Organization (RSO) Award for Outstanding RSO Officer for the current academic year (fall & spring semester). This award recognizes an RSO officer for outstanding contributions and dedication to the organization. Quality submissions that are submitted on time & correctly will receive a bonus points. Officer Name: RSO Award Result (did you win? – not necessary to win to receive bonus point) Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.13 BONUS: SPRING SEMESTER ONLY - Chapters apply for the annual Student Life Registered Student Organization (RSO) Award for Dr. Katie Award for the current academic year (fall & spring semester). This award honors a graduating senior who exemplifies qualities and characteristics of an advocate for students, supportive, diplomatic, dedicated, fair, a problem solver, vibrant, and team-oriented. Quality submissions that are submitted on time & correctly will receive a bonus points. Nominee’s Name: RSO Award Result (did you win? – not necessary to win to receive bonus point) Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? CHAPTERS WITH NEW MEMBERS/PLEDGES/NON-INITIATED MEMBERS 6.14 Chapters submit the Contact Information Form from each new member within one week of pledge/new member/candidate being affiliated with chapter to the Fraternity & Sorority Life Office. These copies will be scanned and returned to the chapter within 48 hours after receiving them. Date Intake/Pledge Education / New Member Education Started: Date Contact Information Form submitted to FSL: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? ADVISOR(S) COMPLETES FOR CHAPTER 6.15 Does the chapter have a mechanism to address member misconduct for members who deviate from the intended values and standards of their chapter? This maybe a standards/judicial board. Please provide a copy of this board’s policy or indicate the page Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 37 number it is on in your constitution and/or by-laws. What is the Article and Section number of the standards/judicial board in your chapter’s Constitution/By-Laws? Is a copy of the standards/judicial board’s policy attached or the page numbers the standards/judicial board is on in your constitution and/or by-laws attached? Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.16 Chapters shall implement an officer training and transition program (this may occur once a year, but must be listed below). Date of transition program: Time of transition: Location of transition: Advisor’s Role in Transition: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE COMPLETES FOR CHAPTER: 6.17 Chapters must set goals and strive to achieve them each year. General chapter goals must be submitted each semester to Fraternity & Sorority Life and chapter president are to meet with their subcouncil’s advisor to discuss these goals by September 15 & February 15. A goals planning guide that will consist of all 7 Standards will be provided to each chapter to assist the chapter in creating these goals. Date goals submitted: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.18 Chapters have no overdue balances with Student Life during the Evaluation period. Any overdue balances? Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.19 Chapters must maintain updated files, records, and communication with Student Life. Chapter must update their RSO registration via OrgSync to Student Life by September 15 each year and whenever there is a change of Officer, RSO Advisor, or chapter Constitution, the chapter must update this information via OrgSync to Student Life. RSO information up to date? Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.20 Chapters adhere to the Fraternity & Sorority Life Roster Policy, i.e. all members who are on national roster as either as ACTIVE member OR PLEDGE/CANDIDATE/NEW Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 38 MEMBER are on the OrgSync Roster. Did Chapter Comply with Roster Policy? Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.21 Roster Update #1: Chapters update their chapter roster via OrgSync by September 20 and February 20 that includes all new members who are going through the new member/pledge/associate education process and removes any members who are no longer a SIUC student because of graduation, transferred schools, military activation, etc. Members who are on an internship, but still are still considered a SIUC student should remain on the roster. Roster #1 Date Submitted: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.22 Roster Update #2: Chapters update their chapter roster via OrgSync by October 20 and March 20 that includes any new members who joined the organization and removes any member(s) who are no longer a SIUC student or who left the chapter. Roster #2 Date Submitted: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.23 Roster Update #3: Chapters update their final chapter roster via OrgSync by November 15 and April 20. Roster #3 Date Submitted: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.24 Final Roster Verification: Chapter President or their designee sign the final roster verification form by December 5 and May 1 with Fraternity & Sorority Life staff. Date Final Roster Verified: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? SUBCOUNCIL COMPLETES FOR CHAPTER 6.25 Chapters are active and punctual dues paying members of their subcouncil (IFC, MGC, NPHC, or PA). Subcouncil dues DUE DATE Date Subcouncil Dues Paid: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.26 Regular participation in subcouncil meetings and events is required. Participation in subcouncil meetings & events Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 39 Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.27 Chapters maintain voting rights in their subcouncil. Subcouncil voting rights Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? INTER-GREEK COUNCIL COMPLETES FOR CHAPTER 6.28 Chapters are active and punctual dues paying members of Inter-Greek Council. IGC dues DUE DATE Date IGC Dues Paid: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.29 Regular participation in Inter-Greek Council meetings and events is required. Participation in IGC meetings & events Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 6.30 Chapters maintain voting rights at Inter-Greek Council meetings. IGC voting rights Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE COMPLETES Chapter’s Possible Total Score (1-8, 15-30) Chapters with New Members (14) Bonus Points (3*, 9-13) Possible Points 24 +1 +6 Total= Chapter’s Percentage of Standard Met Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 Chapter’s Points Possible Points Earned 24 ---Total Points Earned Total Possible Points = % 40 Standard 7: Chapter Advisory Council Chapters are expected to complete their Score column that is shaded in grey & those Standards in blue colored font and highlighted in grey. # Objective: Score 7.1 Chapters must establish an advisory council composed of a minimum of two (2) people to work with chapter leaders (advisory council members may be alumni, state/regional/national officers, parents, faculty and staff, graduate or law students, or community leaders). One member of the advisory council must be a full-time faculty or staff member of Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Identify at least two members who make up the chapters advisory council. Include name, address, and phone number. You may include more if necessary. Note: If you need additional rows, put the cursor in the last cell then click the “Tab” button on the keyboard to create the new row. Last Name, First Name Position Email Phone Based on the list above, who is your On Campus Advisor (SIUC faculty/staff member)? Based on the list above, who is your Chapter Advisor according to your national organization? Who is your chapter’s main contact above the chapter’s level (district, regional, or inter/national consultant)? Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 7.2 BONUS: Advisors attend at least 60% of chapter meetings and/or executive council meetings on a regular basis. How many chapter meetings did your chapter have this semester? How many chapter meetings did your Advisor(s) attend this semester? Percentage attended: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 7.3 Advisor(s) meet one on one with chapter president biweekly (every 2 weeks). Please indicate below how the Advisor(s) meets one on one with chapter president biweekly. Telephone Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 41 One on Ones (in person) Skype Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 7.4 Advisor(s) meet one on one with chapter officers (other than president) each month. Please indicate below how the Advisor(s) meets one on one with each chapter officers each month. Telephone One on Ones (in person) Skype Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 7.5 BONUS: SPRING SEMESTER ONLY - Chapters apply for the annual Student Life Registered Student Organization (RSO) Award for Outstanding Advisor for the current academic year (fall & spring semester). The nominee must be a full-time employee of SIU and the RSO’s advisor as registered via RSO registration. This award recognizes the outstanding contributions made by a faculty/staff advisor of an RSO. Quality submissions that are submitted on time & correctly will receive a bonus points. Nominee’s Name: RSO Award Result (did you win? – not necessary to win to receive bonus point) Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? ADVISOR(S) COMPLETES FOR CHAPTER 7.6 The advisory council must meet or conference at least once a semester with the chapter leaders via conference calls and/or meetings. Meeting Date & Location: Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? 7.7 How does the chapter inform you, the Advisor(s), of chapter operations, events, issues (Please indicate which ways the chapter informs Advisors): Advisor attending meetings Meeting minutes Individual meetings with Chapter President &/or officers Telephone One on Ones (in person) Video Instant Messaging (i.e. Skype) Other Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 42 CHAPTERS WITH HOUSES COMPLETE 7.8 Chapter Houses have at least one Housing Advisor or someone who represents the housing corporation that works with the property owner or University Housing. Please provide the name(s) of your housing advisor(s). This person should be an advisor and not a student. Their name must be listed in Standard 7.1 Last Name, First Name Position Email Phone Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE COMPLETES FOR CHAPTER 7.9 Advisor(s) attends 50% of Fraternity & Sorority Life Advisor meetings and/or communicates with the Fraternity & Sorority Life staff on a regular basis. Did the chapter meet this standard (1=YES, 0=NO)? FRATERNITY & SORORITY LIFE COMPLETES Chapter’s Possible Total Score (1, 3, 4, 6-7, 9) Chapters with Houses (8) Bonus Points(2 & 5) Possible Points 6 +1 +2 Total= Chapter’s Percentage of Standard Met Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 Chapter’s Points Possible Points Earned 4 ---Total Points Earned Total Possible Points = % 43 Additional Chapter Comments / Remarks Greek Standards Evaluation Spring 2013 44