Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947

Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947
J. R. Nichols Company, Inc.
Employee Policy Manual
October 1, 2013
Page Number
1.0 Our Mission
2.0 Our Vision and Core Values
3.0 Employment Philosophy
4.0 Employee Recruitment and Selection
5.0 Employee Benefits
6.0 Operational Considerations
7.0 Workplace Safety
8.0 Employee Discipline and Termination
9.0 ACA Notification
10.0 Acknowledgement
Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947
J. R. Nichols Company, Inc.
Employee Policy Manual
Mission Statement
Gain. Retain. Serve.
 Gain
To Gain new customers in each of our communities
To Gain new employees to join our company Team
 Retain
 Serve
To Retain our customers by meeting their needs, expectations, and preferences
To Retain employees who are committed to customer service
To Serve customers by providing the highest quality and value cleaning services
To Serve our employees, our company, and our communities
Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947
J. R. Nichols Company, Inc.
Employee Policy Manual
Our Vision
To provide world class customer service to everyone we meet and to provide the
highest quality and value possible
Our Core Values
To respect God in everything we do.
To provide the quality and value service we expect ourselves.
To provide employees with a challenging and rewarding opportunity.
To treat each other the way we want to be treated.
To do what we say we will do when we said we will do it.
To make each customer feel as if they are our only customer.
To appear and conduct ourselves in a professional manner.
To respond to each person’s request in a timely manner.
To demonstrate an understanding of our customer’s point of view.
To not ask anyone to do anything we are not prepared to do ourselves.
Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947
J. R. Nichols Company, Inc.
Employee Policy Manual
Employment Philosophy
3.1 Company Culture
Our company is more than just a place to work. It is where we invest a good deal of our life and
energy, a place where we work with others to realize shared goals, and a place which is the source of our
livelihood. We have great mutual respect for each other and are prepared to support each member of our
Team through the celebrations as well as the challenges we each may face. It is therefore important for each
person to have an understanding of the environment in which we work as well as the expectations of what it
means to be a member of our company team.
3.2 Compliance with Manual Provisions
Please read this Manual carefully, keep it available for reference, and understand the policies
described. This Manual outlines many of your responsibilities as an employee, and describes the programs
we have developed to benefit our employees and to provide a work environment that is conducive to both
personal and professional growth.
3.3 Orientation Period
We provide an orientation period for new employees during which suitability and desirability for the
job is determined. At the end of the orientation period, the company and the employee will jointly determine
whether employment is to be continued. We want employees to share our vision of the opportunities
available with our company, and to share our commitment to customer service and mutual support.
3.4 Employment Status
One of our objectives is to provide a challenging and rewarding opportunity for our employees. We
can provide that opportunity on either a full time or a part time basis. The full time status is five days each
week with an availability of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM with no restrictions, and meets all the criteria for our
benefit plans and promotions. The part time status is either three or four days each week, and does not meet
the criteria for either the benefit plans or performance incentive programs. An employee must be available at
least three days each week.
The Employee Designations shall be classified as:
 Three Day Employee – those employees who are listed on the availability criteria for a minimum of
Three Days each week and have no time restrictions.
 Four Day Employee- those employees who are listed on the availability criteria for Four Days each
week and have no time restrictions.
 Five Day Employee – those employees who are listed on the availability criteria for Five Days each
week and have no time restrictions.
 Full Time Employee – those employees who meet the criteria for Exempt Status according to the
criteria established by the Federal Work Rules.
3.5 Benefit Year Calculations
The Benefit Year begins when Five Day or Full Time employment status is achieved. If an
employee starts as a Five Day Employee and changes to a Three or Four Day status, the benefit year is
suspended and placed on hold during the Three or Four Day Employment period. The benefit year will be
restarted when Five Day Employment status is again achieved.
The Benefit Year is based on periods of continuous service. When an employee leaves our company
for any reason or for any period of time, other than an approved Leave of Absence which includes an
established beginning and ending date, the Benefit Year calculations end as of the last day worked. A new
Benefit Year is started when the employee returns to work.
3.6 Professionalism
The basic approach of this company is to present an atmosphere of professionalism in all aspects of
our relationships with our customers, fellow employees, and the community at large. This attitude stems
from the belief that our best interests are served by developing long-term relationships and continuously
strengthening these relationships.
The philosophy of this company is to share with our customers and our employees the benefits of
our successes in business. Our business objectives can be achieved only when we have met the expectations
of our customers and employees.
3.7 Excellence Through Continuous Improvement
Our objective is to provide "world class services" for our customers. This level of service quality
can be achieved only if we continuously strive for excellence in everything we do.
This involves quality improvements in administrative operations as well as cleaning service
operations. We must search for areas needing improvement and actively make the procedural changes
necessary to achieve the improvement.
3.8 Dependability
The trademark which separates our company from other service companies is "dependability". We
will deliver service as scheduled! This is not an option. The importance of this commitment is that in order
for us as a company to deliver dependable service, we must have employees who are equally committed to
providing dependable service. Each employee is therefore expected to arrive at work at the designated times
on the scheduled days, in approved uniform, and be prepared to complete the daily schedule.
Employees with excessive absenteeism of three days or more within any 30 day period will be
subject to reclassification as a Three Day or Four Day Employee, disciplinary action up to and including
termination, or both. Each case will be reviewed and decided on an individual basis. For the purpose of this
policy, absenteeism refers to any limitation of the available working hours during the day as well as the
complete day, such as leaving early or arriving late.
3.9 Uniform Requirements
In order for us to perform in a professional manner, we must look and act in a professional manner.
This is the definition of one of our five CAARE Concepts! We therefore have adopted a standard uniform,
which will present the image of a professional service company.
Our standard uniform is Merry Maids Blue Shirt; Khaki Pants, and comfortable athletic type shoes.
The Shirt and Pants are provided to us by Cintas Corporation on a rental basis so the laundry and upkeep are
included in the rental program. The shoes must be lace style rather than slip-on, have slip resistant style
soles, and be white in color. Optional additional clothing items are Black or White Turtleneck Sweater,
Green or Blue Merry Maids Sweatshirt, Merry Maids Baseball Cap, and a Blue Apron to be worn while
cleaning bathrooms.
Personal jewelry is to be limited to rings and watches as long as they do not present a safety hazard.
Exceptions to this would be medic alert bracelets and company issued pins or badges.
Tattoos cannot contain offensive graphics, signs, words, slogans, obscene pictures, etc.
Unconventional or excessive visible body piercing jewelry is not acceptable.
Personal cell phones are to be used only to make operational calls to the office. Blue tooth devices,
Headset type radios, tape players, compact disc players, MP3 players, and similar devices may present a
safety hazard and are not to be worn at any time during business hours. Additionally, these devices create an
atmosphere that is not conducive to Team Work and are therefore not acceptable.
Employees are not to purchase alcohol or alcohol related products while wearing their Merry Maids
The standard uniform is to be worn daily. Any employee arriving at work without the proper
uniform will be given the choice of either not working that day or purchasing additional items to complete
their uniform. All uniform items issued by the company are the property of the company, those rented from
Cintas Corporation are the property of Cintas Corporation, and must be returned prior to a final check being
issued. Failure to return all issued items will result in the final check being adjusted to deduct the cost of the
remaining items.
3.10 Team Work Concept
This company operates on the concept of Team Work! This philosophy encompasses everything that
we do and includes everyone. The basic point is that no one of us is finished for the day until all of us are
finished. The application of this concept is for one Team to assist another until the day's schedule is
completed. This concept may involve work in any one of our offices during any given week.
The Team Work concept applies to the relationship between the Team Members in a home, between
all the Team Members in an office, and between all the offices. We will support each other until we are all
3.11 Conflicts of Interest
We all have an interest in protecting the company as it is the source of our livelihood. All company
employees must conduct business within guidelines that prevent actual or potential conflicts of interest.
Conflicts of interest would include, but not be limited to:
 Employment by a second company that has primary business interest competing with J. R. Nichols
Company or Merry Maids.
 Employment by a customer or vendor of our company.
 Performing or soliciting work from a customer of our company for any business venture.
 Accepting excessive gifts or entertainment from a customer or vendor of this company.
 Offering gifts or entertainment to a customer or vendor of this company. This policy does not include
customer retention gifts purchased by the company.
 Entering into a reciprocal business agreement with a customer, vendor, company, or organization
without the written authorization of a company owner.
 Involvement by an immediate family member (such as spouse, parent, child, significant other, etc) in
any business arrangement that would create a conflict of interest.
Employees are not authorized to release any confidential information to any outside firm, individual, or
organization for any reason. Examples of confidential information include, but are not limited to:
 Financial reports of J. R. Nichols Company or Merry Maids.
 Compensation and payroll structure.
 Customer information including name, address, or telephone numbers.
 Employee handbooks or manuals.
 Marketing information including pricing structures.
 New materials research reports or manufacturing information.
 Training materials including manuals, VCR or DVD videos, or product samples.
 Employee names, addresses, or telephone numbers.
3.12 Consequences of Conflict of Interest
Employees who are unintentionally in conflict with any company business interests will be asked to
refrain or withdraw from the conflicting activity. If the employee disregards this request or is willfully or
knowingly in conflict, they will be subject to termination and possible legal action.
3.13 Suggestions
The philosophy of "Excellence Through Continuous Improvement" is dependent upon the active
participation of all employees in monitoring our policies, procedures, and practices, and actively searching
for improvements.
Suggestions for improvements of any of our policies, procedures, and practices are encouraged. We
will always operate with an "Open Door" policy so that suggestions may be freely submitted and received.
Any inventions, improvements, or methods discovered or developed while employed by this
company are considered the property of J. R. Nichols Company, Inc.
3.14 Open Door Policy
An Open Door Policy is in effect at all times so that issues as well as complaints may be discussed.
We expect normal reporting channels to be used first to resolve any issues. The purpose of an Open Door is
to make sure that issues are surfaced and resolved. There will never be any repercussions or reprisals for
raising an issue. We operate in a mutually supportive environment and will work together to resolve any
issues or complaints. All issues raised in an Open Door Discussion will be treated in a confidential and
responsible manner.
3.15 Personal Privacy
All individuals with whom we come in contact are entitled to personal privacy and the expectation
that their privacy will be respected. Therefore, the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of our
customers and employees are not to be released, exchanged, or sold under any circumstances. All requests
for personal information are to be reported to the company management.
3.16 Personal Security
A major objective of this company is the security and well being of all employees at all times.
Therefore, the following rules are to be followed:
 Personal items such as purses, handbags, etc., are not permitted to be carried into customer homes.
 The minimum personal items are to be carried during the workday.
 Personal items are to be secured in the Team Car or secured in the Office Safe during the day.
 Minimal quantities of cash or other negotiable documents are to be carried during the day.
3.17 Customer Notification
As a courtesy and convenience to our customers, each Team is to leave a signed and dated Note
Card or similar “Leave Behind Document”, which is to serve as a receipt for services performed. The Note
Card or Leave Behind Document is to be left in the same place as the payment document is found or on a
kitchen counter. The Note Card or Leave Behind Document is to reflect the first names of the Team, the date
of service, and the room(s) given a Special Attention Cleaning. The Leave Behind Document will also
provide the room(s) to be given Special Attention on the next cleaning.
3.18 Zero Tolerance
The consideration we give to our Customers is a measure of the respect we have for ourselves. We
must have the highest respect for our associates, our community, and ourselves. A way to ensure the highest
respect for ourselves is to adopt the attitude and practice which will not tolerate the abuse of any form of
drugs without a medical requirement. The Zero Tolerance Policy will apply to prescription drugs,
recreational drugs, and alcohol in any form.
The creation and maintenance of a drug free work environment is our objective. As an integral part
of our Employment and Recruitment Process, each applicant must agree to provide a Drug Screening Report
verifying the absence of any recreational drug usage.
Our approach to Zero Tolerance is to provide the training and support as needed, and to hold each
person accountable for compliance. We will each be accountable for our own behavior and for monitoring
the behavior of each person within our company. We will have a responsibility to each other to request
professional assistance for any person not complying with this policy.
As the need arises, a counseling session will be scheduled with a support group to discuss the
behavior, which has been observed, and the actions which can be taken. Participation with the support group
will then become a condition of continued employment.
3.19 Outside Employment
You can hold a job with another organization as long as you satisfactorily perform all expected and
required job responsibilities, and as long as our company is considered primary in your pursuit of
employment opportunities. It is important to consider the impact that outside employment may have on your
health and physical endurance. We are all judged by the same performance standards and subject to the same
scheduling demands. Outside work requirements will not be considered in establishing the daily schedule.
Outside employment is considered a conflict of interest if:
 It reflects unfavorably on J. R. Nichols Company, Inc or Merry Maids reputation or
 The services are the same or similar to those provided by J. R. Nichols Company, Inc. or
Merry Maids;
 The activities would violate benefit plans or policies, such as employment during a
disability period or leave of absence; or
 The activity might compromise information confidential to J. R. Nichols Company, Inc. or
Merry Maids.
 The employment activity is discussed with a customer while performing services with J. R.
Nichols Company, Inc. or Merry Maids.
3.20 Nepotism
The hiring of friends or relatives is a practice that we both encourage and discourage
simultaneously. We encourage because we enjoy working with this company and want to share the
opportunities with our friends and relatives. We discourage because the opportunity for favoritism and unfair
assignment practices are ever present.
We will therefore add relationship to our concept of non-discrimination policies. We will offer equal
employment opportunities and be guided and evaluated by our Mission Statement. We will treat all
individuals, those we have known forever as well as those we are just meeting, the way we want to be
treated, with respect.
3.21 Incident, Breakage or Damage Reporting
Any incident that may lead to an unfavorable customer reaction, that places any individual or the
company reputation at risk, or that may result in an unfavorable public press release, must be reported to the
office immediately. The Problem Resolution Procedures are to be initiated and an Incident Report created
using Right Now web based Customer Management Program.
When an employee accidentally breaks or damages a customer’s property, the employee must
immediately notify the Operations Manager. If the customer is home, the employee is to apologize to the
customer and assure them that we will handle the accident in a responsible and timely manner. If the
customer is not home, the employee is to leave a note apologizing for the incident and asking that they call
the office. The damaged item is to be left on a table or appropriate place unless otherwise instructed by the
Operations Manager.
When the Team returns to the office, the employee must complete an Incident Report and fully
explain the conditions which led to the breakage. All employees are expected to be honest and report all
cases of breakage or damage. We want to learn of the damage from the employee prior to learning about it
from the customer. Failure to report an accident may result in disciplinary action. An employee may be held
monetarily responsible for damage caused when the Customer Service Report instructions are ignored, or
when the Technical Training Manual approved procedures are not followed.
3.22 Damage Claim Waiver
The Technical Training Manual describes the approved cleaning techniques and the items that are
within our approved scope of cleaning. If a customer requests that additional items are to be cleaned, such as
the inside of china cabinets, elaborate lighting fixtures, keepsakes with high sentimental value, etc; that
unique customer provided products are to be used; or a specific cleaning technique not described in our
Technical Training Manual is to be used; we are to respond with a “Yes, but …” and request the customer
sign a damage claim waiver. The waiver form is carried in the Team Assignment Book and is to be
completed by the Team Captain and the customer prior to the start of the cleaning. If the customer does not
agree to sign the waiver, the Team Captain is to call the Operations Manager for assistance. The signed
waiver is to be returned to the office for inclusion in the customer master record file.
3.23 Timekeeping and Reporting Requirements
Federal and state laws require the company to keep an accurate record of time worked in order to
calculate employee pay and benefits. The responsibility for accurate timekeeping is the responsibility of
every employee. Effective October 1, 2013 we are introducing a Time and Attendance Program which will
allow each employee to enter the time of arrival and time of departure from the office each day.
The official Start and Stop Times are defined as:
 The Official Start time for each day is the start of the Huddle Meeting in each office, and
 The Official Stop time is after the Team Kits have been maintained and the Service Records and
Team Books have been returned to Operations.
All employees are expected to verify that the correct time you start and end work is accurately
recorded on the Time and Attendance Log as well as each Customer Service Record, and accurately
recording the beginning and ending of meal times and any significant break periods on the appropriate
Service Record.. The Time and Attendance Logs and the Service records will be review for completeness
and accuracy by the Operations Manager on a daily basis.
3.24 Compensation
The compensation for the satisfactory completion of work is calculated and paid on a weekly basis.
The weekly compensation consists of two components. The Basic Component verifies that the Total
Compensation is greater than the prevailing State Minimum Wage. The Performance Component is based on
the Team Percentage of the Payroll Fee as discussed in Paragraph 5.2 of this manual. The Total
Compensation is the larger of the Basic Component or the Performance Component plus any tips, additions
and reimbursements.
The paychecks are available every Friday barring unforeseen circumstances. We converted to a
Direct Deposit Payroll System on a total commitment basis; therefore paychecks are delivered to employee
bank accounts on a directed effort. Our Team Work concept is that we are not finished for the day until we
are all finished for the day. Employees are paid weekly for work satisfactorily completed the previous week
after the service records have been closed and verified. Failure to complete the service records correctly in a
timely manner may result in an error or delay of compensation. Teams are to return to complete work that is
not considered satisfactory and will be paid a mileage reimbursement for that work. If a different Team is
involved in completing the work on a satisfactory basis, a zero sum transfer of wages is made between the
Team paid for the work and the Team completing the work satisfactorily. The zero sum transfer will be
made as appropriate so as to represent the scope of work and comply with Federal Wage Laws.
Drivers are to be reimbursed a set amount per mile driven based on the most direct route between
the office and the job site locations. This routing will be verified as the service records are closed each day
and the reimbursement will be based on the audited routing. A separate plan for mileage reimbursement is
reviewed and released on a periodic basis.
3.25 Official Closing for a Day
The decision to close one of our company offices for a day will be made by the company senior
management and will be on a case by case, office by office, basis. As much advance notice will be provided
as is feasible given the circumstances, such as weather conditions, justifying the closing.
When a decision is made to close an office, the Operations Manager will attempt to call all affected
employees to provide notification and a reopening plan.
3.26 Payroll Procedures
One of our company goals is to provide a paycheck that is issued in the correct name, in the correct
amount, and on the correct date. If there is an error in a paycheck, please complete a Payroll Adjustment
Form and submit to your Operations Manager for review prior to the next payroll cycle. A response will be
provided on a timely basis and indicate the adjustment to be made or the information that will clarify the
misunderstanding. The adjustment will be made on the following payroll unless it involves a significant
overpayment that would cause a burden for the employee. In that case, a schedule of repayment will be
arranged with the employee.
The company will not offer any extensions of credit and will strongly discourage advance payments
of earned wages. Requests for advance payment must be made using the Payroll Adjustment Form and be
submitted at least three days in advance of the requested date. Requests will be honored if possible, but only
on an extreme emergency basis as our Direct Deposit Payroll System has made advance payments difficult.
If a regular payday falls within an approved vacation, the paycheck will be available on the
scheduled payday.
Employers are required by law to make certain deductions from every employee’s paycheck. Such
deductions are applicable Federal and State income taxes and Social Security taxes up to the wage base. As
your employer, we are required to match the Social Security taxes paid by each employee.
We also offer programs and benefits beyond those required by law. Eligible employees may
voluntarily authorize deductions from their paychecks to cover the costs of participation in these programs
such as our Medical, Dental and Pre-Paid Legal Plans, and our Profit Sharing Plans.
Court ordered deductions may also be deducted to help pay off a debt or obligation as specified by
the court order, such as child support or garnishments. The company reserves the right to charge a nominal
fee to defray the costs of these transactions.
3.27 Employment at Will
Each company employee is very valuable and contributes to our success. This Policy Manual does
not represent contractual terms of employment. Employment with J. R. Nichols Company, Inc is strictly at
will for an indefinite period of time. Employment can be terminated, with or without cause, by either the
company or the employee, at any time.
Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947
J. R. Nichols Company Inc.
Employee Policy Manual
Employee Recruitment and Selection Process
4.1 Recruitment and Selection Concept
We consider our employees, their talents, their time and commitment our most valuable asset. This
section of the Policy Manual describes the process for recruiting and selecting competent, conscientious, and
qualified employees who are committed to providing World Class Customer Service.
4.2 Employment Decisions
All employment decisions at J. R. Nichols Company, Inc are based on merit, qualifications, and
competence. Employment practices will not be influenced or affected by an applicant’s or employee’s race,
color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, relationship to existing employees,
political affiliation, sexual orientation, citizenship status, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected
by federal, state, or local fair employment laws.
4.3 Unlawful Harassment
Our goal is to provide an environment that is free of unlawful harassment of any kind. This policy
governs promotions, assignments, training, termination, and all other conditions of employment. For more
information, please refer to the Workplace Safety Section.
4.4 Employment Practices
Our Equal Opportunity Employment Policy applies to all practices affecting employment such as
recruiting, hiring, job assignments, working conditions, compensation, promotions, demotions, discipline,
transfers, layoffs, terminations, benefits, and training as well as educational, social, recreational programs,
and Performance Incentive Programs.
4.5 Employment Application Form
Employment consideration is afforded to only those applicants that complete the Merry Maids
Employment Application Form with all attachments. We rely on the accuracy of the information in the
employment application, as well as the accuracy of the other information presented throughout the hiring
process and during all periods of employment. Any misrepresentations, falsifications, or material omissions
in any of this information or data may result in exclusion of the individual from further consideration for
employment, or if the person has been temporarily hired, termination of employment.
4.6 Employment Reference Checks
We ask all applicants for the right to conduct background and prior employment reference checks as
a part of the pre-employment screening process. After a conditional offer of employment is made, preemployment screening checks must be completed that include, but are not limited to, motor vehicle driving
records, background check for felony convictions, and automobile insurance. In addition all new employees
are required to participate in a Drug Screening Test to verify compliance with our Zero Tolerance Policy.
Employment decisions including offers of employment, assignment to job duties, and continuation of
employment are based on the successful completion of these pre-employment screening checks. A cost
reimbursement to the company may be made if employment is voluntarily terminated in less than one year.
4.7 Immigration Law Compliance
We comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. We will not knowingly hire or
employ any individual who does not have the legal right to work in the United States. Please be sure to
properly complete, sign and date the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) Form I-9 included in the
Application Packet, and provide the correct documents that establish your authorization to work and remain
in the United States.
4.8 Personnel Files and Records
Personnel files and records are the property of J. R. Nichols Company, Inc. All personnel files are
kept confidential in accordance with applicable laws, and access to personnel files is restricted.
Personnel files generally include your Merry Maids application packet, letters relating to
employment, personal change notices, background screening report, tax status reports, requests for time
away from work, and notices relating to any medical basis for absences.
In order to comply with personal privacy, we will maintain three separate filing systems: Employee
Personnel files, Immigration and Naturalization files, and Medical notes.
Personnel file information will only be released with a properly executed court order. With
reasonable advance notice, you may review material in your file, but only in the Owner’s Office and with an
Owners Representative present.
4.9 Employment Verification Requests
Requests for verification of employment from a current or former employee must be sent to the
appropriate office address and are to be completed only by the General Manager, Human Resources
Director, or President. These requests may include credit reports, mortgage applications, employment
verifications from Family Independent Agency, or similar requests. Requests must be submitted in writing
and signed by the employee or former employee. Facsimile documents are acceptable.
Company employees may not, under any circumstances, discuss, confirm, or deny the following
information with outside parties checking references: rehire eligibility, reason for separation, performance
review information, medical history, or Worker’s Compensation claim history.
Letters of Recommendation will be issued upon request and must be completed by the General
Manager, Human Resources Director or President.
4.10 Employee Responsibility
Each employee has the responsibility to notify your Operations Manager of any change in personal
data. Examples include but are not limited to changes in mailing address, telephone numbers, marital status,
tax withholding status, individuals to be contacted in an emergency, educational accomplishments, and other
pertinent information. Please provide such updated information within 30 days of such change.
4.11 Bank Account in Good Standing
We now offer a Direct Deposit Payroll system for all employees. The functionality of this payroll
system requires that all employees have a bank account, either checking, savings, or both that is in good
operational standing with their bank. If an employee does not have an account, we have a corporate
agreement with Chase Bank that will establish a “Fee Free” account as part of their “Works Perks” program.
If an employee is unable to establish or to maintain an operating checking account due to their personal
financial status, we have agreements with two banks for a Prepaid Direct Card. We additionally offer as part
of our Training Program information of Personal Financial Management.
Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947
J. R. Nichols Company Inc.
Employee Policy Manual
Employee Benefits Plan
5.1 Working Hours
One of our most important benefits is the normal working hours for our company. We are to be
available for work Monday through Friday in the 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM time period. We occasionally have
service to be outside those hours, but it is planned and scheduled in advance.
5.2 Competitive Wage Structure
The Total Compensation structure for our employees is based on two components. The Basic
Component verifies that the Federal and State Minimum wage levels are exceeded, and the Performance
Component is the reward for delivering the quality service on an efficient and effective basis. The Total
Compensation is the larger of the two components as compared on a weekly basis.
The Basic Component is calculated using the State Minimum Wage multiplied by the Total Hours
worked. A Time and Attendance Tracking System is used to record the official start and end times for each
work day. Each employee is assigned a unique access and password, and will record their start and stop
times for each day. The official start time and stop times for each day will be defined as follows:
 The official Start Time is the time the Huddle Meeting is called to order, and
 The official Stop Time for the day is the time the Service Records are returned to the Operations
The Performance Wage structure for our employees is based on a shared ratio so that everyone can
benefit from the success we are achieving. This shared ratio basis is very competitive with other companies
in our industry and exceeds the typical average in similar industries.
The wage structure for each employee is as follows:
 Single Team Captain
43% of Payroll Fee
 Single Team Mate
40% of Payroll Fee
 Team Trainer
25% of Payroll Fee
 Team Captain
23% of Payroll Fee
 Two Team Captains
22% of Payroll Fee
 Team Mate
20% of Payroll Fee
 Person-in-Training
18% of Payroll Fee or $7.50 per hour, whichever is greater.
The progression through the levels of responsibility is based on demonstrated performance and a
willingness to assume the responsibility. A competitive review is conducted as each level is achieved to
indicate the type of training needed and appropriate for the performance at that level. This wage structure is
applied based on the staffing level for each job performed.
The Performance Component will consist of the accumulation for the week of all jobs completed by
each employee plus any Tips paid by serviced customers and any awarded Vacation and Holiday payments.
The Performance Wage structure is based on a competitive basis and is not structured to include a tip from
customers. Customers are informed of this position and therefore an expectation for tips is not established.
However, from time to time a tip is paid by a customer for exceptional customer service. Our company
policy for dispersing tips is as follows:
 Individual Tips are those that fall in the range of a customary service tip percentage, from 0% up to
25% of the customer fee. Individual tips are to be shared equally by the Team Members providing
the service on that day.
Group Tips are those that exceed the range of a customary service tip, especially those that exceed
the customer fee for that day. Group Tips are to be submitted in their entirety to the office, and will
be distributed on the next payroll cycle according to a prorated basis. This basis will be the prorated
share based on the number of times each current employee has serviced that home during the
previous 90 days.
Material or In Kind Tips are those that are not monetary per se and may include perishable food
items. These tips are to be shared equally by the Team Members providing the service on that day,
and depending on the quantity involved, by the Team Members in the servicing office.
5.3 Holiday Pay Structure
The Holiday Pay Structure is available for Five Day and Full Time Employees who have completed
at least Six Months of continuous service. The Holiday Pay Structure is appropriate for those holidays where
the Company elects to be closed. The purpose of the Holiday Pay Structure is to maintain a five day payroll
for Five Day and Full Time employees. The criteria for Holiday Pay are:
(a) The Two Weeks surrounding the Holiday must be completed with no interruptions and no Early
Release or Late Start Requests. This Two Week Period will include the week proceeding when the holiday is
observed on Monday or Tuesday, the week containing the holiday, and the week following when the holiday
is observed on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.
(b) The Holiday Week must be at least Six Months after the start of Five Day Employment.
The eligible holidays are:
(1) New Year Day
(2) Memorial Day
(3) Independence Day
(4) Labor Day
(5) Thanksgiving Day.
(6) Christmas Day
The Holiday Pay is $60 gross wage per holiday. The Holiday Pay is an incentive for eligible employees to
complete the assigned workweek. Employees have no vested interest in the Holiday Pay and therefore have
no earned value upon termination.
5.4 Vacation Pay Structure
The Vacation Pay Structure is available for Five Day and Full Time employees who have completed
at least one year of continuous service. The Vacation Benefit is defined as:
 One Week during Benefit Years Two through Five.
 Two Weeks during Benefit Years Six through Ten.
 Three Weeks beginning with Benefit Year Eleven.
The criteria for payment are:
(a) The First Benefit year must have been completed in a continuous employment status.
(b) The Employee Designation must be either Five Day or Full Time as defined herein.
(c) The vacation days may be taken individually or as one-week blocks.
(d) The combination of a vacation day and a paid holiday will classify all days as vacation days so
sufficient vacation days must be available. This combination must be specifically approved in advance by
the Operations Manager and General Manager.
(d) The "Vacation and Absence Request" form must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the
requested date if one week is requested, or one week if one day is requested.
The Vacation Pay will be $60 gross wage per day for Five Day Employees and 20% of the Base
Salary per day for Full Time Employees. The Vacation Pay will be paid on the normal payroll processing
cycle. The Vacation Pay is an incentive pay to maintain continuous employment. Employees have no vested
interest in the Vacation Pay and therefore have no earned value upon termination. The Vacation Benefit is
expected to be used during the Benefit Year. Approval to carryover a vacation benefit into the next benefit
year must be specifically approved by the Human Resources Director.
5.5 Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Provision
Effective January 1, 2014, every person must have a Medical Insurance Plan. We are not offering a
Group Medical Plan, however we are pleased to offer participation in an Individual Health Insurance Plan
available through the State of Michigan Insurance Exchange. Our participation is assisted by Al Bourdeau
Insurance Agency for Medical and Prescription Plans. The Medical Plan is individually structured and may
include other family members.
5.6 Dental Insurance Plan
We are pleased to offer participation in an Individual Dental Insurance Plan administered by The
Dental Network of America. The Dental Plan is based on a cooperative pricing structure with the employee
being responsible for the Dental premium. The employee premiums are deducted from the payroll on a
weekly basis prior to federal and state taxes.
The plan is available for Five Day and Full Time Employees who have completed 60 days of
continuous service.
5.7 Pre-Paid Legal Services and Identity Theft Shield Plans
We are pleased to offer participation in the Pre-Paid Legal Services and Identity Theft Shield Plans.
These plans are managed by Legal Shield Inc, as a personal protection benefit to our Five Day and Full
Time Employees who have completed 60 days of continuous service.
The Pre-Paid Legal Services and Identity Theft Shield Plans are two separate plans and can be
purchased individually or as a combined package. The plan premiums are the responsibility of each
participant and will be arranged through payroll deduction. An open enrollment is conducted on September
1st of each year during which any eligible employee may join the plan.
5.8 Profit Share Program
We are pleased to offer participation in a Profit Share Program, which is managed by USAA
Investments, Inc. The plan is a SIMPLE IRA qualified plan as defined by the Internal Revenue Service and
is structured for long term retirement savings. The individual contributions may be invested in one or more
of six mutual funds as designated by the plan.
The plan offers a matching contribution by the company as described in the IRS SIMPLE IRA
Guidelines. The matching contribution will be three percent of the wages subject to Federal Income Tax
Withholding as outlined in the IRS Bulletins. Each year on November 1st, an Open Enrollment Period will
be announced and any qualified employee of our company may join.
The criteria for participation are as follows:
(a) Must be a designated Five Day or Full Time employee.
(b) Must have completed one year of continuous service.
(c) Previous year wages must have been at least $3,000.
(d) Wages for the next year must be anticipated to be at least $3,000.
(e) Employment must be anticipated to be continuous and indefinite.
Participating employees have a vested interest in the contributions they have made and those made
on their behalf by the Company. If an employee stops participation for any reason during the year, the
Matching contributions will also stop and the employee may not resume participation until the next Open
Enrollment Period. All funds received into their account by USAA Investments may be transferred to an
individual account if employment ends with this company.
5.9 Performance Incentive Programs (PIPs)
In order to improve quality, productivity, personal development, and profitability, we will sponsor
Performance Incentive Programs from time to time. As each program is established, the rules for
participation, duration of the program, and criteria for awards will be published and distributed to all
employees. The PIPs are incentive programs for improved performance, customer satisfaction, and sales
growth. Employees have no vested interest in the Performance Incentive Programs and therefore have no
earned value upon termination.
Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947
J. R. Nichols Company, Inc.
Employee Policy Manual
Operational Policies
6.1 Employee Development
A primary element of our Mission Statement and a major objective of our Business Plan is the
development of each employee to achieve their potential. Position vacancies will be filled to the highest
degree possible with existing, qualified, and available employees.
6.2 Requests For Absence
Employees may request time away from work using the "Vacation and Absence Request" form
which is available in the Time and Attendance Program. The request is to be submitted at least 48 hours
prior to the requested absence and will be either “Approved” or “Disapproved” at least 24 hours prior to the
requested absence. The request will be marked either "Approved" or "Disapproved" based upon the nature of
the request, frequency of requests by the same person, and the operational considerations of the office.
Absences, which are not approved, will be noted in the Personnel Records. The first unapproved
absence will result in an Initial Warning. The second will result in a Final Warning. The third will be a
suspension, and the fourth the basis for dismissal. All warnings are to be documented and placed in the
Personnel Management File.
Requests for absence for bereavement and to attend to family matters will be approved provided the
loss is an immediate family member. The request may be for paid leave if vacation days are available,
otherwise the request will be for unpaid days. The number of days is to be specified in the request and will
be approved if possible.
Requests for absence for jury duty or to appear as a witness will be approved provided an official
summons is presented from the court. The absence will be treated as approved and unpaid unless vacation
days are available.
Requests for absence for personal court dates to settle legal issues such as child support, traffic fines
etc, will be approved based on the sufficiency of advance notice and the operational considerations of the
office. The request will be treated as approved and unpaid unless vacation days are available.
6.3 Leave of Absence
Employees may request an extended period of absence due to family or personal illness, birth of a
child or children, or to care for an immediate family member. A Leave of Absence may normally be
approved for periods of up to three months. A Leave of Absence should be requested if the absence is
expected to be five consecutive days or more. During this Leave of Absence all company uniforms and all
other company provided items must be returned to company control.
Employees who do not return to work at the end of an approved absence will be considered to have
voluntarily quit.
When an employee returns to work following a Leave of Absence, they will be reinstated to their
former position if available, or to an equivalent position, depending on the operational considerations of the
office. The length of service and benefit eligibility criteria will resume from the point of time based on the
last day worked.
Employees returning from Personal Medical Leave must provide medical documentation releasing
them to return to normal duties.
6.4 Calls to the Office For Personal Emergency
The company maintains a 24-hour voice mail system so that emergency notifications can be
received whenever they occur. Each occurrence of a personal emergency is to result in two calls to the
The first call is to be placed at the time of the emergency. The message may be short and to the
point, consisting of name, date, time, and the day you will not be in the office.
The second call is to be placed during the business day when specific details are available as to
when you will be able to return to work.
The employee is expected to make these two calls except in those cases when the employee is
6.5 Calls to the Office For Family Emergency
We do not cease to be family members by arriving at the office for work; therefore, we want to be
considerate of family emergencies, which may arise during the normal business hours.
The caller will be asked to provide the following information so that appropriate action may be
(a) The name of the sick or injured person and relationship to the employee.
(b) The nature of the illness or injury and urgency for medical treatment.
(c) The degree of urgency for contacting the employee.
The Operations Office will respond to the emergency in an appropriate manner.
6.6 Operational Calls to Office by Team Captains
The Team Captain is to call the Office immediately upon arrival at each home, immediately prior to
departure from each home, and at any other time deemed appropriate by the Team Captain. Examples of
appropriate calls are any significant departure from schedule, lockouts by customers, nonpayment by
customers, or any incident experienced by the Team.
6.7 Payroll Procedures
The payroll is processed on a weekly basis as that is the period of choice. The paychecks will be
available on Fridays except when one of our observed holidays falls on Friday. When that occurs, they will
be issued on the last regularly scheduled workday.
The paychecks will be distributed through our Direct Deposit Payroll System as defined in our
policy on Teamwork. Each employee is expected to complete the normal workday as defined in our
Operational Procedures. Special request for early preparation of a paycheck or a payroll advance is to be
noted on the "Vacation Request" form in the Time and Attendance System and must be submitted at least 7
days prior to the affected payroll date.
Request for payroll adjustment or a payroll inquiry is to be submitted within 7 days of the final
payroll date. If the request is not submitted within that time period, the payroll is considered to be correct.
The paychecks for new employees will be issued as Physical Checks until the Direct Deposit System
is established using their bank account. The paychecks will only be deposited into checking or savings
accounts controlled by the employee. The final paycheck will be issued as a physical check to verify that all
company obligations are paid.
6.8 Incident Reporting Requirements
An Incident Report is to be initiated by the Office for any of the following situations:
(1) Any situation or event which would result in a negative or unfavorable Customer Service reaction
from an existing or potential customer.
(2) Any situation or event which would result in a negative or unfavorable Public Press Release to
either Merry Maids or J. R. Nichols Company.
(3) Any situation or event that would result in embarrassment to either the customer, our employee,
Merry Maids, or J. R. Nichols Company.
(4) Any situation or event that has resulted in the loss or damage to customer property or possessions.
(5) Any situation or event that has resulted in the loss or damage to Merry Maids or J. R. Nichols
Company property.
Reasonable care is to be used in the performance of the service for our customers. All employees are
expected to comply with the established cleaning processes and procedures as defined in the Technical
Training Manual.
If an incident occurs in a customer home, a personal visit will be conducted by a member of our
Management Team to determine the circumstances surrounding the incident. The analysis will be
documented as outlined in the procedure for Problem Resolution and available for review by the performing
The information will include:
(a) A description of the incident.
(b) The type of cleaning tasks being performed at the time of the incident.
(c) The policy or procedure which describes the actions to be performed in similar situations.
(d) The manner in which the incident was reported.
(e) A determination that the Team either was or was not complying with established procedure at the time of
the incident.
The report will conclude with a recommendation as to resolution of the incident. Guidelines for that
recommendation are:
(a) The cost for resolution should be funded by the company as the Team was compliant with established
procedures for the situation.
(b) The cost for resolution should be shared by the company and the Team or Employee. The employee
share will be 50% of the total cost for resolution up to a maximum of $50. The employee share will be
withheld by payroll deduction on the first pay period following final resolution with the customer. The
employee will be notified of the final resolution with the customer and provided a copy of the report. The
employee will have one week to present any additional evidence or appeal the recommendation.
(c) The cost for resolution should be the responsibility of the Team or Employee, as they were not operating
within the established procedures.
6.9 Equipment Breakage and Loss Report
Reasonable care is to be used in the use and transporting of the equipment provided for out Teams.
All employees are expected to comply with the established cleaning processes and procedures as defined in
the Technical Training Manual.
If a piece of equipment is either broken or lost, a review will be conducted by the Operations
Manager as outlined in the procedure for Problem Resolution to determine the circumstances surrounding
the incident. The information will be documented and available for review by the performing Team.
The information will include:
(a) A description of the equipment either broken or lost.
(b) The type of cleaning tasks being performed at the time the item was broken, or the circumstances
concerning the loss.
(c) The policy or procedure which describes the actions to be performed in similar situations.
(d) The manner in which the item was reported as being either broken or lost.
(e) A determination that the Team either was or was not complying with established procedure at the time of
the breakage or loss.
The report will conclude with a recommendation as to resolution of the incident. Guidelines for that
recommendation are:
(a) The cost for resolution should be funded by the company as the Team was compliant with established
procedures for the situation.
(b) The cost for resolution should be shared by the company and the Team or Employee. The employee
share will be 50% of the total cost for resolution up to a maximum of $50. The employee share will be
withheld by payroll deduction on the first pay period following final resolution with the customer. The
employee will be notified of the final resolution with the customer and provided a copy of the report. The
employee will have one week to present any additional evidence or appeal the recommendation.
(c) The cost for resolution should be the responsibility of the Team or Employee, as they were not operating
within the established procedures.
These provisions apply to all items contained in the Team Kit Sets.
6.10 Personal Cell Phones
The use of personal cell phones permits us to stay in contact more easily with each Team during the
day, and is a great benefit when a personal emergency occurs! The cell phones are to be used only for
business purposes while in a customer home. The use of headsets and Bluetooth capable sets are not
permitted in customer homes. The approved use of cell phones is for voice calls and does not include text
messages or any other substitute for voice calls.
6.11 Social Media and Social Networks
Current technology is bringing the capability to broadcast telephone calls, text messages, and
photographic images to various locations, storage and display devices on the internet. We have a
responsibility to protect the personal privacy of our employees as well as our customers, and to protect our
company reputation and public image. The broadcasting of such transmissions is therefore not permitted at
any time. This provision includes all employees on a 24 hour 7 days per week basis, because the effect
would be the same if the transmission were stored while at work and sent while at home.
Any person violating this policy will be subject to immediate dismissal in accordance with the
provisions of Paragraph 8.2 of this document.
6.12 Personal Allowance
In order to accommodate personal and individual requests, the Cell Phone Reimbursement and
Uniform Allowance have been combined into a Personal Allowance. The Personal Allowance will be paid
as part of the regular payroll cycle and treated as a reimbursement for tax purposes. The Personal Allowance
is $3 per week for Five Day Employees and $2 per week for Three Day and Four Day Employees.
The Personal Allowance is paid to those who do not participate in the Uniform Rental Program with Cintas
6.13 Team Book Control
The assigned Team Captain is responsible for the control of the Team Book and all the items
contained therein, including but not limited to Service Records, Customer Keys, Checks, Cash, or other
payment documents, or other documents containing customer, Merry Maids, or J. R. Nichols Company
sensitive information.
The Team Captain may delegate administrative duties to the Team Mate to provide navigational
assistance while retaining responsibility for the Team Book if the Team Captain is also the Driver.
If the Team Structure is two Team Captains, the Passenger Team Captain shall have the
responsibility for the Team Book control.
If the Team Structure is two Team Mates, the Passenger Team Mate shall have the responsibility for
the Team Book control.
If the Team Structure is a Team Trainer and Person-in-Training, the Team Trainer may assign
administrative duties to the Person-in-Training for navigational assistance while retaining responsibility for
the Team Book control.
6.14 Personal Use of Team Kits
As an efficiency and training procedure, we will authorize the personal use of the Team Kit
provided the Personal Use of Team Equipment Request is completed and is on file in the Team Office. The
request must be completed for each use and holds the requesting employee accountable for maintenance and
repair, and returning the Team Kit prior to the next business day.
Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947
J. R. Nichols Company Inc.
Employee Policy Manual
Workplace Safety
7.1 Purpose
One of our fundamental Core Values is to provide a rewarding and challenging working
environment for our employees. Each employee has a vested interest in making our work environment a safe
place as well as meaningful, challenging, and rewarding. Our Workplace Safety Program is designed to
provide a safe and healthy environment for our employees, customers, and visitors.
7.2 Responsibilities for Safety
The Workplace Safety Program is important to everyone and its success depends on the
participation and commitment of all employees. We will provide information about health and safety issues
through regular Team Meetings and through Training. These techniques will include bulletin board postings,
memos, and written communications as well as training discussions concerning potential safety and health
hazards and techniques to minimize these hazards.
Employees are to obey safety rules and exercise caution in all work activities, report any and all
unsafe conditions, and immediate report to the Operations Manager if an accident results in any injury.
Employees are prohibited from wearing or using headset type radios and Bluetooth Devices, tape
players, or CD players during working hours as these devices may present a safety hazard. Personal cell
phone usage is to be limited to operational calls from a customer’s home to the office, restricted to use by
the passenger while traveling, and limited in total use for Team Work considerations.
Employees may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, if they violate
these safety standards, cause any hazardous or dangerous condition, fail to report any unsafe condition or
remedy any unsafe condition, fail to report an on-the-job accident, or fail to use automotive seat belts.
7.3 Security Measures
In an effort to provide and maintain a safe and secure work environment, we prohibit workplace
violence and ban weapons of any definition.
We reserve the right to conduct workplace searches, at any time, with or without prior notice. The
right of entry and inspection includes, but is not limited to, employee work areas, equipment sets, company
offices, and company communication devices, whether locked or unlocked. Telephone conversations, voice
mail, email and internet access may be monitored and messages retrieved under conditions guided by federal
and state law and approved by company owners. The company’s telephones, fax machines, copiers,
communications and mail systems are for company business use and not for personal use.
7.4 Ban on Weapons and Violence
Any threats against other individuals will be used as the basis of termination for cause. The threat
can be actual or perceived, directly heard, or overheard. Threats will not be tolerated.
We will not tolerate violence, joking about violence, or employees possessing any weapons in the
workplace, including parking lots. In this context, violence is defined as any action that harms or threatens to
harm another person. Examples of actions that would be considered violence are: physically harming
another person; shoving, pushing, intimidating, stalking, or coercing another person; brandishing a weapon;
or threatening or joking about violence against another person.
Weapons of any nature or definition, including guns, knives, explosives, etc., are not to be brought
to the workplace, or transported in any vehicle used during the business hours. In addition, when at work
representing Merry Maids, employees are prohibited from carrying or transporting weapons.
Appropriate disciplinary action, including termination, will be taken for violating this policy.
7.5 Reporting and Investigating Incidents of Violence
Every employee has the responsibility to help prevent and to report incidents of violence in the
workplace. All employees are to report any behavior or conversation to a manager or company owner that
would indicate that another person might be involved in violence in the workplace.
Company management will investigate all reports and keep all information confidential except
where there is a need to know to resolve a problem.
If violence occurs in the workplace at one of our company offices, we will first help affected
employees and their families, then make every effort to return to normal operations, and finally notify the
larger business community of the status of business operations.
7.6 Use of Company Equipment
We provide certain sets of equipment, communication devices, and products so that we can operate
as a professional company and maintain a high degree of proficiency and productivity. All company
provided equipment, devices, and products are to be used exclusively for business purposes.
Company telephones are not to be used for personal long distance calls. Discretion should be used
even with local telephone calls. You may be required to reimburse the company for any charges resulting
from personal telephone use.
Electronic mail, Internet correspondence, and US Postal Service postage stamps are to be used for
business purposes only.
Formal disciplinary action, including termination, can result from the improper or unsafe use of
company provided equipment.
Employees are responsible for all property, materials, and written information issued to them or in
their possession or control. All property must be returned before your last paycheck will be released.
7.7 Freedom from Harassment/Sexual Harassment
All employees should be able to enjoy a work environment free from all forms of discrimination,
including sexual harassment. No employee, either male or female, should be subjected to unsolicited and
unwelcome sexual overtures or conduct, either verbal or physical, or any other form of harassment.
Specifically, no person, co-worker, supervisor, subordinate, manager, or customer, can threaten or insinuate,
either explicitly or implicitly, that an employee’s refusal to submit to sexual advances will adversely affect
the employee’s employment, evaluation, wages, advancement, assigned duties, or any other condition of
employment or career development. Simply stated, we will not tolerate any form of harassment.
Each employee is responsible for ensuring that their actions, verbal, physical, or visual, do not create
an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
Harassment/ sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to the following kinds of conduct: use of
offensive or demeaning terms which have improper connotations; physical closeness or contact which is
objectionable to another person; unwelcome or repeated suggestions regarding social or non-work related
activities; any indication that an employee’s job security, conditions of employment, or advancement
opportunities may depend on granting sexual favors to any employee, manager, or customer; any action
regarding an employee’s job status will be influenced by their sex or by granting or refusal to grant social or
sexual favors; or the intentional or careless establishment of a workplace having an atmosphere of sexual
harassment, harassment, or intimidation.
Any employee can report what they consider to be an incident of harassment/sexual harassment.
Report the incident to either your Operations Manager or directly to a company owner. The Open door
Policy may be used and the issue will be treated confidentially and responsibly.
The company considers this issue to be extremely important and will take action as appropriate. Any
employee responsible for harassment/sexual harassment will be subject to disciplinary action up to and
including termination. No employee or manager will be permitted to take retaliatory action against another
employee for filing a harassment complaint.
7.8 Alcohol and Illegal Drug Use
Alcohol and illegal drug use can contribute to accidents and incidents of workplace violence.
Therefore, all definitions of alcohol and illegal drug use are prohibited in order to maintain a safe and secure
work environment. The use of alcohol and illegal drugs is prohibited during work hours, including lunch,
breaks, and rest periods; while wearing a Merry Maids uniform including traveling to or from work; on
company property; traveling in your own or another employee’s vehicle; or in a customer’s home.
We are committed to providing an alcohol and illegal drug free work environment and highly
encourage any employee to report the actual, or suspected, violations of this policy. The company owner
will conduct an investigation while keeping all sources of information confidential.
7.9 Abuse of Legally Obtained Substances
Employees may use their personal physician prescribed medications provided their use does not
adversely affect job performance or the safety of other employees in the workplace. If a company manager
believes that employee safety could be compromised, the employee may be asked to provide a copy of the
prescription. An employee using medications not prescribed specifically for them is considered unauthorized
The use of any legal substance or medication that interferes with work performance or creates a
potential hazard to people or property is strictly prohibited. Any employee who violates these conditions will
be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. This provision includes participation in the
Medical Marijuana Program as established by the State of Michigan.
7.10 Post Accident Testing
Any employee involved in a worker’s compensation accident or injury, vehicle accident, or a serious
incident requiring medical attention, while at work, or traveling to or from work, may be asked to submit to
an alcohol and controlled substance test. The post accident test will be accomplished at a facility selected by
the company, paid for by the company, and authorized by a company owner. The employee will be
accompanied to the test facility by a Company Owner or Operations Manager. The refusal to submit to Post
Accident Testing will be the basis for immediate termination.
7.11 Smoke Free Environment
The use of all tobacco products, smokeless as well as smoke generating, in all facilities and
meetings is prohibited. Employees are expressly forbidden from smoking in, on, or near, a customer’s home,
including their driveway.
Smoking is permitted only in areas that are physically separate from the general work area, such as
outside. If the preference of smokers and nonsmokers is in direct conflict regarding designated smoking
areas, the preference of nonsmokers will prevail.
7.12 Solicitation Not Permitted
In an effort to keep our workplace free of unnecessary and unwanted social pressures, neither
employees nor non-employees may solicit or distribute literature in the workplace at any time for any
purpose. Examples of activities that may be considered solicitation and therefore not permitted are:
collecting money, goods, or gifts for religious groups; collecting money, goods, or gifts for political groups;
circulating petitions; distributing literature not provided by the company; soliciting for membership fees or
dues for any organization; selling products or services for any other company; or posting written
solicitations on company bulletin boards.
Company bulletin boards are to be used for meeting announcements, award presentations,
affirmative action statements, internal memos, etc, and are not to be used for solicitation purposes of any
This policy does not include our company sponsored Community Service Projects.
Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947
J. R. Nichols Company, Inc
Employee Policy Manual
Employee Discipline and Termination
8.1 Purpose
One of our Core Values is to provide a meaningful and rewarding employment opportunity for our
employees. This objective is possible as long as we are each accountable for our actions. This section
discusses the consequences of not complying with the rules discussed in this manual.
Our employees are expected to maintain certain standards of work performance and personal
conduct. When these standards are not achieved, disciplinary action is needed. Our procedure is to apply a
progressive disciplinary concept to provide the opportunity to improve the performance to acceptable levels.
This concept does not obligate the company to a single disciplinary process or a mandatory series of
disciplinary steps. It is intended to provide the opportunity for an employee to maintain their employment
status. The company management will evaluate each situation individually in order to determine the best
course of action.
8.2 Disciplinary Procedures
The objective is to provide a process where all performance and behavioral traits that do not meet
the established criteria can be corrected, and employment maintained. This general process will be
(1) As soon as a performance or behavior incident is identified, an Initial Warning will be issued by the
Operations Manager, and documented in the Employee Personnel File.
(2) Upon the second occurrence, a Final Warning will be issued, discussed and signed by both the
Operations Manager and Employee, and documented in the Personnel File.
(3) Upon the third occurrence within the same month, a Three Day Suspension will be imposed. This
suspension will be written, signed by the Operations Manager, General Manager and Employee; and
placed in the Personnel File.
(4) The fourth occurrence will be the subject of Termination.
8.3 Immediate Dismissal
Our preferred approach is to provide progressive disciplinary procedures; however, there are certain
situations, which may result in immediate dismissal. Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Any act that constitutes a felony,
Threatening or exerting bodily harm to a customer, another employee, company manager, or owner,
Willful disregard of company policies and procedures,
Falsification of company documents,
Possession of or being under the influence of an illegal substance,
Harassment or intimidation, including verbal assaults, of a customer, another employee, company
manager, or owner,
Possession of a weapon while at work during the normal workday.
Transmitting any telephone call, text message, or photographic image to any web site that displays
any person in a company uniform or provides any information relative to a customer.
This list is not intended to be all-inclusive. Additional situations may arise and will be evaluated on an
individual basis.
8.4 Employment at Will
Employment with J. R. Nichols Company, Inc is based on mutual consent. The employee and the
company have the right to terminate employment at any time, with or without cause. Situations under which
employment may be terminated are:
Resignation: employment termination is initiated by the employee who chooses to leave voluntarily.
Discharge: employment termination is initiated by the company.
Layoff: employment termination is initiated by the company due to lack of work.
The participation in our benefit plans and programs is affected by employment termination. In all cases
except the Profit Sharing Plan, employees do not have a vested interest in the benefit plans or programs and
have no earned value upon termination.
Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947
J. R. Nichols Company, Inc.
Employee Policy Manual
Affordable Care Act
I understand that as of January 1, 2014 every person is required to maintain a Medical Insurance Policy for
themselves that meets the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and that this insurance will not
be provided by our company and must be obtained through the State of Michigan Insurance Exchange.
The information needed to obtain the appropriate insurance policy is:
Employer Name:
J. R. Nichols Company Inc.
Employer Identification Number:
Address: 215 E Big Beaver Road, Suite 150, Troy, MI 48083
Primary Contact:
Jack Nichols
Contact Telephone:
Contact email:
Assistance with obtaining the most appropriate policy for my personal and family needs can be obtained by
Al Bourdeau Insurance Agency
Attn: Marilyn Gainey
If you want to go to the Health Insurance Marketplace directly, such as , the approved
form with the necessary information is available in the Office.
Thanks, but I currently have a Medical Plan arranged through:
Employee Signature
Merry Maids # 372/373/458/946/947
J. R. Nichols Company, Inc.
Employee Policy Manual
I hereby acknowledge receipt of the J. R. Nichols Company, Inc. Employee Policy Manual. This
manual applies to all Merry Maids #372, #373, #458, #946, and #947 business operations, and
establishes the terms and conditions for employment.
I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to read the manual and to comply with the rules,
policies, and procedures contained therein. I agree that nothing in this manual constitutes an
employment contract. Employment with J. R. Nichols Company, Inc is voluntary for an indefinite
period of time and can be terminated at any time by either the company or myself, with or without
I understand that the company reserves the right to change, revise, delete, or add provisions to the manual at
any time; however, any change must be made in writing.
Employee Signature