School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering _____________________________ Student Name Graduation Checklist ____________________________ Date Chemical/Cylinder Disposal This student has properly disposed of unwanted chemicals, biological material and gas cylinders associated with her/his research and has left the laboratory in good order. _____________________________ Student Signature ___________________________ Date _____________________________ Advisor Signature ___________________________ Date ES&T Key Return This student has returned all keys to ES&T Building Coordinator _____________________________ Todd Clarkson ___________________________ Date Payroll Termination This student has been cleared for termination from the Georgia Tech Payroll. ____________________________ ChBE Accounting Office ___________________________ Date Final School Acceptance ___________________________ ChBE Graduate Office ___________________________ Date IMPORTANT Please provide a forwarding address and phone number, together with the name of company or university at which you will be employed. (if known) EMPLOYER:____________________________________________ FORWARDING ADDRESS:________________________________ Street Name _____________________________ ________________ _______________________ City, State, Zip Phone E-Mail Address