CAREER PORTFOLIO H5 ANNEX 6: JOB CLASSIFICATION WHAT IS A JOB? JOB A group of related activities and duties, often regular, and often performed in exchange for payment Position The different duties and responsibilities performed by only one employee Job Family A group of individual jobs with similar characteristics 1. DIVISION OF OCCUPATION ACCORDING TO KLIMOV Machinery Leading subjects of labor are machines, materials and types of energy. (dift miner, woodworker, metalworker, engineer, architect, construction electrician, radio mechanic, construction worker, computer assembler, telecommunications specialist etc.) Art Leading subjects of labor are artistic forms and ays to create them (artist, musician, designer, stone carver, worker in the field of literature) Person at work with Symbols Leading subjects of labor are symbols, numbers, codes, real or artificial languages (translator, designer, engineer, topographic surveyor, secretary, programmer, etc.) Person Leading subjects of labor are people. (doctor, teacher, psychologist, hairdresser, tour guide, manager, leader of an artistic group, etc) Nature Professions related to agriculture, food processing, medical and scientific research (biology, geography), (seed grower, livestock farmer, animal husbandry, agronomist, dog breeder, chemical-bacteriological lab technician and others) 2. THE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD CLASSIFICATION OF OCCUPATIONS (ISCO) A tool for organizing jobs into a clearly defined set of groups according to the tasks and duties undertaken in the job. Each major group of occupations is further organized into sub-major, minor and unit groups. The ISCO is the basis for many national occupation classifications Each profession has its own code More information about division: _GROUP_1 THE ISCO-08 DIVIDES JOBS INTO 10 MAJOR GROUPS AND THEN INTO SUBMAJOR 1-Managers 2-Professionals 3-Technicians and associate professionals 4-Clerical support workers 5-Service and sales workers 6-Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers 7-Craft and related trades workers 8-Plant and machine operators, and assemblers 9-Elementary occupations 10-Armed forces occupations More information about division. Look also in your mother tonque THE COMPONENTS OF A JOB ANALYSIS 1. Job titel (each job has its code number) 2. Job Summary (how a job is performed: lifting, handling, cleaning, what is the goal and main activity) 3. Working conditions: location, with whom, time, speed of work, accuracy, probable health and accident hazards. Used tools, equipments and materials, etc. 4. Essential duties, tasks and responsibilities. 5. Qualifications and requirements: a) Education, certifications, knowledge, practical experience required b) Skills, abilities, c) Personality traits (emotional characteristics, mental capabilities, temperament) d) Health condition, physical strength and fitness e) Impediment to work in the profession 6. Job relationship: posibility of employment, salary, opportunities for advancement, patterns of promotions, essential cooperation, direction or leadership from and for a job. TRASK 1: FAMILY TREE PROFESSIONS. Write in red: acquired profession at school acquired Write in green: previous and current profession, e.g nurse - MOTHER – farmer, nurrse, seller Me - student brothers and sisters cousin generation 1 mother father uncles generation 2 aunts grandmother, grandfather, great-grandfather generation 3 great-grandmother Bring small pictures/photos from newspapers of your family’s members’ profession. At school you will prepare the common profession tree. TASK 2: JOB ANALYSIS Make interviews with 2 representatives of diffrent professions (maby of your dream professions) and make job analysis of 1 of them. Points in slide 10 will help you! Add some photos to make your jobs analysis more attractive. TASK 3: ANSWER THE QUESTION 1. How can you interprate the result of „Family tree professions”? ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… 2. I have made interviews with representatives: 1. ………………………………. 2. ………………………. 3. Have you understood the idea and goal of job analysis (0 - 6max): …………….points PRINT AND ATTACH to your portfolio slides number 3,5, 8,9,11 Good luck! The activity is very ambitious but you will manage it! DEADLINE: before Sommer holiday HIGH 5!!! There are a total of 6 animals. Answer is BAD EYES HIGH 5!!!