I N D E X :
CONTACT DIREC TORY…………………………... 4
STAFFING…………………………………………... 7
TERM DATES 2015 ………………………. 7
SCHOOL HOURS ………………………………….. 7
1 1
PARKING……………………………………………… 14
PLAN OF THE SCHOOL……………………………. 14
DISABILITIES………………………………………. 14
ABSEN CES…………………………………………. 8
AFTER SCHOOL CARE…………………………... 8
ASSEMBLIES………………………………………. 8
ASTHMA PLAN …………………………………….. 8
BANK DAY ………………………………………….. 9
BICYCLES …………………………………………... 9
BUS RUN ……………………………………………. 9
BUS TRAVELLERS ………………………………... 9
CAMPS & ACTIVITIES…………………………….. 9
CANTEEN …………………………………………… 10
CARE OF PROPERTY …………………………….. 10
COMMUNITY LIBRARY …………………………… 11
COMPLAINTS ………………………………………. 11
CONCERT…………………………………………… 11
POINT………………………………………………. 14
SCHOOL CHAPLAIN……………………………….. 14
SCHOOL COUNCIL………………………………… 14
SCHOOL FEES……………………………………… 15
SCHOOL LIBRARY…………………………………. 15
THROUGHOUT THE DAY……………………….. 15
STAFF MEETINGS ………………………………….. 15
S TUDENT WELLBEING……………………………. 16
SUN SMART…………………………………………. 16
SUPERVISION………………………………………. 16
TECHNOLOGY / ICT……………………………….. 16
TIQBIZ APP………………………………………….. 16
UNIFORM…………………………………………….. 16
VALUES……………………………………………… 17
VISITORS…………………………………………….. 17
ENROLMENT DETAILS …………………………… 11
HEAD LICE (PEDICULOSIS) ……………………... 11
HOUSE TEAMS…………………………………….. 12
ILLNESS AT SCHOOL …………………………….. 12
LANGUAGES…………………………..…………… 12
LIBRARY ……………………………………………. 12
LUNCHTIME ………………………………………… 12
PLAN OF THE SCHOOL …………………………… 18
SUN SMART POLICY………………………………. 19
MOBILE PHONE POLICY………………………….. 20
MOBILE PHONES………………………………….. 12
MONEY………………………………………………. 12
ORIENTATION DAY……………………………….. 13
General Office
Fax Number
58 292490
58 292717 orrvale.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au www.
orrvale ps.vic.edu.au
Principal Adam Brennan
Assistant Principal Daniel O’Reilly
Business Manager Rachel Del Mastro
Enrolment Officer/Administration Cathy Walton
School Council:
Adam Brennan (Principal)
Melissa Elliott (President)
Siv Onley (Vice President)
Carole Pither
Kelly Ferguson(Secretary)
Brett Hutchins
Belinda Whitelaw
Mark Lambourn
Carlene Beaumont (Treasurer)
Leigh Allan
Matt Cullen
Luke Simpson
Daniel O’Reilly
Sandi Farrell
– Executive
– Parent member
– Parent member
– Parent member
– Parent member
- Parent member
– Parent member
– Parent member
– Parent member
– Co-opted member
– Staff representative
– Staff representative
– Staff representative
– Staff representative
Dear Parents/Carers,
On behalf of all teachers, parents and students of Orrvale Primary School, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all newcomers to the school.
This booklet has been prepared to give parents some general information. Please do not hesitate to contact the school for clarification of its contents or further information. When contacting the school for information or to arrange an appointment with me or any other staff member, please do so by contacting our helpful office staff on (03) 5829 2490 or 5829 2714.
Whether you are a new or existing parent, I invite you to engage with the school and work together with staff to ensure the best educational and social outcomes for your child.
Adam Brennan
Orrvale Primary School, population 400, is situated 3 kms east of Shepparton. The school population, representing a diversity of cultures, is drawn from the surrounding rural area and Shepparton City. Our situation is unique as we are a large school which offers the advantages of a rural environment. A strong family atmosphere ensures students and staff are known and valued by each other.
The school aims to provide a happy, stimulating environment where students will have opportunities to:
learn to think clearly, independently and critically and to make rational decisions.
develop a sense of identity, achievement and worth.
co-operate, share and work with others.
be tolerant of other ways of thinking and behaving.
experience the eight key learning areas appropriate to their abilities and school resources.
become self extending learners.
interact with other students, individuals and groups beyond the school environment.
The school enjoys a strong parental commitment and values the involvement of parents in supporting
School Council and sub-committees, Parents and Friends Club, curriculum programs and fundraising activities. Effective communication between parents and school, and provision of parent information programs, empowers parents and motivates involvement. The school community has developed an agreed set of values which underpins the operations of the school.
The school is an active member of a local network of primary and secondary schools to assist the delivery of a comprehensive curriculum. We co-operate closely with neighbouring schools.
Staff conduct themselves in a professional manner and in support of the agreed values of the school, having high expectations of themselves, their peers and students. A blend of youth and experience has encouraged a renewed freshness and enthusiasm among all staff. Decision making processes are based on a consultative model and focus on the best outcomes for students. Whole school planning ensures a systematic approach to policy and program development, evaluation and review, and determines professional development of staff.
The school follows the AusVels curriculum and therefore provides for sequencial learning in the following areas:
o Civics and Citizenship o Health & Physical
Education o Interpersonal
Development o Personal Learning
o The Arts o English o The Humanities
o Communication o Design, Creativity &
Technology o Information and
Technology o Languages (Italian) o Thinking Processes o Mathematics o Science
In addition special programs are developed to address and reflect student needs:
Early Years Literacy & Numeracy 1:1 iPad Program – Gr 3-6
Developmental Curriculum (inquiry-based)
Student Engagement
Lunchtime activities
Emotional Intelligence Program (E.Q)
Reading Recovery
Swimming & Yachting
Multi-age days
Developing Literacy Partnerships Junior School Council
House System Cross-age tutoring (Buddies)
Instrumental music
Visiting Performances
Traffic Safety & Bike Ed
Community Library
Inter-school & Saturday morning sport
Prep – Gr 6 Camping Program
After School Care arrangements available Peer Mediation
Bounce Back Resilience Program
Specialist teacher programs in Music, Visual Arts, Health & Physical Education and Italian
In determining the mix of class groupings and specialist programs, we endeavour to maximise staff and resource levels to provide the best educational outcomes and conditions for our students. Curriculum programs are delivered using a variety of teaching and learning strategies, including inquiry-based learning, collaborative learning and team teaching. Collaborative planning and team approaches maximise use of staff resources.
Our school is well recognised for its integration of students with disabilities. Every endeavour is made to ensure these students develop to their full potential by providing planned programs in a caring, supportive atmosphere.
An enthusiastic Parents and Friends Club and School Council have helped provide outstanding facilities and a wonderful learning environment. The permanent buildings have been designed to enhance the rural flavour of the school and provide an environment in which 21 st Century learning can take place.
The school has an extensive and reliable computer network which provides in-class access to the internet.
The school has a 1:1 iPad program from Grades 3 – 6 and all students have access to iPad technology.
Interactive whiteboards are utilised in every classroom.
The grounds are well developed and maintained and feature climbing equipment and two covered courtyards. There is also a shade shelter over the bat tennis courts and numerous shady trees. Orrvale is a designated Sun Smart School. A particular feature is the pride and enthusiasm for developing and maintaining the pleasant physical environment.
At the time of compiling this booklet our staff for 2014 is :
Mr Adam Brennan [Principal] Mr Dan O’Reilly [Assistant Principal]
Mr Daniel Thompson Mrs Kirsten Dickins
Ms Stacey Karolidis
Miss Ellen Stonehouse
Mrs Meredith Hendy
Mrs Melinda Hudson
Mrs Eva Brennan [Literacy Leader] Mr Matt Cullen [Numeracy Leader]
Ms Megan Mueller Mr Chris Marshall
Miss Sheridan Ellis
Mrs Natasha Fujimoto
Abby Pettifer
Carolyn Gale [ART]
Mrs Samantha Fleming Mrs Rose Corbo [LOTE]
Mrs Sandi Farrell Mrs Jacinta Teague [MUSIC]
Miss Elyse Bain
Miss Lauren Dunne
Mr Luke Simpson [PE/HEALTH]
Miss Jenna Raglus
Ms Rachel Del Mastro (Business Manager)
Ms Sharon Darlow
Mrs Cathy Walton (Enrolment Officer)
Mrs Leanne Cotsopoulos
Ms Anita Brisbane
Ms Hanna Hack (Canteen Manager)
Mr John Stewart (School Chaplain)
Mr Andrew Hudson (Maintenance)
18 TH DEC.
8.45 a.m. - 9.00 a.m.
- supervision in classrooms (reading time).
9.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m.
- session 1.
11.30 a.m. - 1.05 p.m. session 2 (includes 10 minutes supervised lunch eating).
1.50 p.m. - 3.20 p.m. - session 3 (bus travellers are dismissed at 3.12 p.m.)
Foundation students do not attend school on Wednesdays during February.
If any parent wishes to take his/her child out of school during the day for appointments, it is required that the child's teacher be informed and that parents sign the Sign Out Register at reception. It is not satisfactory for the child to report his/her own absence.
The Department of Education and Early
Childhood Development requires us to keep accurate computer records of student absences and reasons for absence. If your child is absent please inform office staff or the teacher concerned by note, phone call, personal contact or via the Tiqbiz App.
Orrvale Primary School does not have an After School Care facility of its own. However, some of our students catch the afternoon bus to St George’s Rd Primary School or St Mels Primary School and participate in their programs. This works well for both children and working parents who find it convenient to pick children up from Shepparton after work.
Orrvale Primary School has specialised teachers in the area of Music, Performing Arts and Visual Arts. As well as regular weekly sessions there are opportunities for students to participate in the school choir, instrumental music tuition (user pays) and to showcase their work in the broader community.
A general whole school assembly is held every Monday morning from 9 a.m. at the front of the school.
Another assembly is conducted on Friday afternoons. This assembly is EQ (Emotional Intelligence) based and is largely run by students. It is designed to celebrate individual and group successes for the week.
All students who have a doctor’s diagnosis of Asthma must complete an Asthma Management Plan and hand it in at the Office. Children with puffers are expected to take responsibility for their medication during the day, (ie keep their puffer in their classroom or school bag).
Unless otherwise instructed by an Asthma Plan signed by a doctor, the school will treat an asthma attack in the following way:
STEP 2 :
Sit person upright and give reassurance
Without delay give 4 separate puffs of Ventolin.
The medication is best given one puff at a time via a spacer device.
Ask the person to take 4 breaths from the spacer after each puff of medication.
Wait 4 minutes.
If there is still little or no improvement, call an ambulance immediately.
(Dial 000)
Continuously repeat steps 2 and 3 while waiting for the ambulance.
Regular attendance is essential for good academic and social progress at school. Parents are asked to make every effort to have their children at school by 8.45 a.m. as it is felt training in punctuality is an important aspect of character development. It is also important that children be in attendance at the morning school assemblies as well as the beginning of the classroom day, to receive any relevant information around changes to timetables and routines. We conduct a full School Assembly on Monday morning and Friday afternoon (see ‘Assemblies’).
Notices will be sent home outlining details of all up-coming school excursions and camps. Included will be a form seeking consent for your child/children to attend and the amount of any costs involved. A student will not be allowed to leave the school without permission from their parent/guardian.
Please read all notices carefully, sign and return the permission form and any money associated with the excursion to the school as close as possible to the date received. (If you subscribe to the Excursion Levy as part of your school fees, costs will be deducted from that levy.)
BANK DAY: Tuesday
The Commonwealth Bank has an arrangement with the school for children to make regular deposits into a savings account. Should you be interested in participating in this scheme, please see Cathy Walton in the
Office or make enquiries at any Commonwealth Bank branch.
Bicycles are not to be ridden in the school grounds.
Please note : Children under the age of nine should not ride to school unless accompanied by an adult
(as recommended by the R.T.A.).
Parents are reminded of the law which requires the compulsory wearing of an approved helmet and a roadworthy bicycle.
With the co-operation of Shepparton Transit we have been able to establish a daily bus service for our school. The use of the service is on a ‘pay as you go’ basis of $2.20 per day - or $1.10 for a one way trip.
Weekly and term tickets can be purchased. Children can use the service on a casual or regular basis. The service covers a wide area both north and south of Shepparton. One bus comes to the school in the morning, while two buses operate in the afternoon. They are known as either the S4 or the Raftery Rd buses.
A bus list is compiled each day and children are checked on to the bus for departure from school.
Parents of Foundation children who intend on using the bus service are advised to do the following: have all relevant information such as name, address and telephone numbers and available contacts and drop off point on a laminated card so that any distress for the child can be avoided when travelling for the first time.
TRANSIT ON 5831 2150.
Bus travellers are marked off the ‘Bus Roll’ by staff and settled onto the buses in an orderly and calm manner prior to departure each afternoon. Travelling on the bus is a privelige and the school will support the bus company by suspending/banning students from the bus if there is evidence of negative behaviour.
A Bus Traveller’s Code of Conduct must be signed by the student and parent at the beginning of the year or prior to their first time on the bus.
STOPOVER : Foundation and Gr. 1 participate in an after school activity. A variety of games are
played prior to a BBQ tea. Children are picked up at 6.00 p.m.
SLEEPOVER : Gr. 2 students participate in a variety of games at school prior to staying overnight in the
school building. Children are provided with breakfast and make their own lunches the
following morning prior to the normal school day.
ECHUCA: Gr. 3 students attend ‘Billabong Ranch’ Camp for three days and two nights.
15 MILE CREEK: Gr. 4 students attend this adventure camp at ’15 Mile Creek’ Camp (Greta South) for
three days and two nights.
BALLARAT: Gr. 5 students attend the ‘Sovereign Hill’ Camp for three days and two nights.
MELBOURNE: Gr. 6 students sample the lifestyle and educational opportunities the city can
provide and stay in hostel accommodation for three days.
Camps & Activities cont….
Throughout the year children will participate in various other learning activities such as swimming, yachting, athletics and sporting events and excusions within and beyond the Shepparton area (see Sport).
Currently the School Canteen operates on a parent volunteer basis twice weekly each term (Mondays &
Fridays). Updated lunch order lists and parent rosters are sent home at the beginning of each term with the
Newsletter. Volunteering to help out at the Canteen is a great way of getting to know other parents as well as providing support to our Canteen Manager, Hanna Hack and our students. An information and inservice for new parent volunteers will be offered during term one.
All clothing and belongings should be clearly labelled . Children are encouraged at school to care for and accept responsibility for their own property. Please try to reinforce this at home. Lost property is kept in the Sick Bay. At the end of each term, unnamed items may be sent to charity. Please encourage your child to be responsible for their property and try to follow up lost property as soon as possible. Organising their bags onto their peg, lodging their lunch order and putting their bank book in the bank bag are some areas where this can start. Children should not carry money or leave it in their bags or lockers. We suggest that valuable articles are not brought to school, however if for any reason it becomes necessary to bring something valuable to school it should be given to the child's teacher for safe keeping.
The Child and Family Health Program offers all Victorian children a health assessment in their first year at school. The program is delivered by registered school nurses. It gives parents/guardians, teachers and nurses an opportunity to work together for the wellbeing and educational progress of children.
In order to carry out a health assessment the nurses need to know information that only parents or guardians have about their child.
Prior to the school nurse's visit, parents will receive a School Entrant Health Questionnaire which will assist them in providing information. Parents are encouraged to consult the school nurse at the time of her visit to discuss any concerns they may have. All information is confidential. The health assessment is not intended to replace your normal source of health care. Upon request, school nurses are also available to see children whose health is causing concern to parents or teachers. For further information please contact the Principal or child's teacher.
The school has developed a Student Engagement & Wellbeing Policy in conjunction with staff, School
Council and parents, which outlines our approach to student behaviour and welfare. It emphasises a proactive approach, where positive strategies encourage the development of desirable, co-operative and engaged behaviour in students. It also outlines the processes followed when behaviour becomes unacceptable. Parent surveys indicate high parental support and acceptance. The Code has been printed in a booklet which is available to parents.
General current information about the school can be accessed via the school’s Newsletter which is usually published and distributed each Wednesday.
Tiqbiz is an easy to use app that can be installed on any smartphone, tablet or computer and can be used to receive newsletters, messages, show calendar events and receive updates such as, “the school excursion bus is running late.” Messages can be sent to the entire school community or just to individual classes or particular parent groups such as Parents & Friends. This tool even has the ability for you to sign permission forms digitally and return them to school.
We will continue to distribute our weekly newsletter, however Tiqbiz has become our most powerful form of communication.
Communication With Parents cont….
This app is a free download, just search for ‘Tiqbiz’, Once installed, you search for Orrvale and choose the year levels your children are in and any other parent groups you may be involved with. Otherwise, further instructions on the setup of the Tiqbiz App are available from the school office.
COMMUNITY LIBRARY: Commencing Term 2 Week 2
Every Monday morning following the whole school assembly, parents of pre-school age children from within and beyond the Orrvale school community are invited to attend a short book-sharing session in our school
Library. A variety of guest presenters will read a picture storybook to children who will then have the opportunity of borrowing a library book for the week.
This is a wonderful way to encourage a love of books and reading from an early age.
If unhappy with the service or care provided by the school, there is a process that should be followed if you wish to make a formal complaint. This process is based on the assumption that treating everyone with dignity and respect is the cornerstone of effective communication.
The school’s Complaints Policy and the ‘Dignity and Respect’ Statement can be found as Appendices 4 and 5 in this booklet.
All classes contribute to, and participate in the end-of-year concert held in Term Four each year. This is a relaxed family event held on the school’s oval (weather permitting).
Parents picking up their children are asked to observe the disabled signs and parking bays. These have been established primarily for use of parents with children who have severe intellectual or physical disabilities and priority should be given to parents dropping off and picking up these students.
The culture of the school is based around the five pillars of Emotional Intelligence (EQ): Self Awareness;
Self Control; Motivation; Empathy and Managing Relationships. Weekly formal and informal social skill lessons are conducted in every classroom around these pillars. Proverbs are used by classes as a discussion point for social skill training and to reinforce our school values.
It is most important that the school has accurate student and parent details, particularly addresses, phone numbers and emergency contacts . We would appreciate advice of changes to details on enrolment forms as they occur.
Parents are required to sign a permission form allowing a child to attend an excursion and to authorise staff to seek medical attention if necessary . These forms are to be returned to the child’s teacher 2 days before the planned excursion so numbers and details can be finalised. The school is unable to take children on excursions without written permission.
Head lice are a problem in all schools. Children’s hair should be checked each week for any sign of lice. If your child has lice eggs, treatment can be obtained commercially. If your child has live lice, it is necessary to use the same treatment on a recurring basis until the lice completely disappear. It is imperative that the lice and eggs are removed from the hair as soon as possible after their detection. Remember to check each family member’s hair, including parents. The preparation purchased must be used strictly as directed to ensure the head lice and their eggs are eradicated from the whole family. Your child is not excluded from school, provided treatment has commenced.
Every student at Orrvale Primary School is a member of one of our four House teams. They are: ACACIA
(symbolised by the colour GOLD), BANKSIA (GREEN), BORONIA (BLUE) and WARATAH (RED).
Siblings are placed in the same House team. House teams are used to establish the concept of teamwork and belonging as well as providing a wonderful opportunity for students of different age levels to get to know each other.
Initially when a child is ill at school, he/she is required to rest quietly in the Sick Bay. If the child is not feeling any better after a short period of time, an attempt will be made to contact parents with a request to take the child home. If your child attends the Sick Bay during recess or lunchtime, a First Aid trained teacher on Sick Bay duty will attend to him/her.
If the child suffers a significant knock to the head, office staff will make contact with parents.
In the event of an emergency situation, it is extremely important that we can contact parents or carers.
School records MUST be up to date.
If you have a change of address / telephone number / contact person, please inform the school immediately so records can be altered.
In the event of serious illness or accident, the school will not hesitate in calling for an ambulance. Please ensure your ambulance cover is up to date in order to avoid significant personal cost.
Representatives from Grades 2-6 form the Junior School Council (J.S.C.). J.S.C. meets on a monthly basis and is led by our two School Captains and supervising teachers. The J.S.C. play a key role in the overall decision making processes within the school. A report from the J.S.C. is presented at monthly School
Council meetings.
All students at Orrvale Primary School have the opportunity to learn a language additional to English. The school provides a specialist Italian teacher who conducts weekly classes in all grades from Foundation through to Grade 6.
See School Library .
Lunchtime commences at 12.55 p.m. at which time children eat their lunch in the classroom under supervision of the class teacher for a 10 minute period before heading out into the playground. Children return to their classrooms at 1.50 p.m. for the last session of the day.
We appreciate that some students may require a mobile phone with them at school as a safety precaution if parents are at work when children get home from school.
However, the school bears no responsibility for the phone during the school day and such devices are not to be seen, switched on or used by students during the day. If parents wish their children to have a mobile phone in their possession at school, they should complete a permission form at the main Office. For further information, please contact the school or read the Mobile Phone Policy (Appendix 3).
All money and cheques should be enclosed in an envelope with the child's name and his/her teacher's name on it. The child should hand this envelope to his/her teacher or directly to Office staff. Please make sure cheques are payable to 'ORRVALE PRIMARY SCHOOL' if not advised otherwise. Receipts will be issued.
Most families will receive the Newsletter by email and Tiqbiz while a few families will rely upon the eldest child in the family to take their copy home each Wednesday. The importance of this task will be impressed upon the child at school. The newsletter is a vital link between the school and homes. The newsletter can also be accessed through the Orrvale School website ( www.orrvaleps.vic.edu.au).
Other important notices may be sent on any day of the week. Please check with your child each day as to whether there are any notes from school in your child’s bag.
Orientation Day is held in December each year. Pre-school children come to school from 9:00 a.m. to 11 a.m. and spend the session in their classroom, usually with their teacher for the following year.
All Year Six students attend their prospective secondary colleges for the whole day.
Parental participation in student learning is viewed as a vital component of all children’s learning and development. Where appropriate, parent involvement in school activities is encouraged and welcomed. Many parents assist with such things as reading, hands-on classroom activities, clinic groups
(sharing a particular skill or talent they may have) and assisting with working bees, excursions and camps.
At the beginning of the year parents are given the opportunity to indicate their interest in assisting at school.
Please take the opportunity to become involved in your child/children's programs.
By law, the School Council requires a Working With Children check for all parents who coach, team manage or help with excursions where they will be in charge of students other than their own.
Working With Children forms are available from Australia Post.
Parents & Friends Club provides a wonderful opportunity for parents from all grade levels to meet together and participate in school activities. Parents & Friends Club is both a discussion group and support group for every aspect of school policy. Suggested modifications and improvement to school programs, policy or facilities can result from this involvement. The contentment and welfare of all school pupils is of prime concern. Times and venues for meetings are notified in the newsletter. All families are urged to take an active interest in the club. This club provides support for the school through fundraising activities, and also provides a link between parents and the school administration.
At the beginning of each school year, a Hello Night will be held at the school. This is an informal evening aimed at allowing parents to meet their child’s teacher and for the teacher to share any general information about classroom routines and rules.
At the end of second term, parents/carers will receive a written report as well as being invited to attend a
Student Learning Conference. This takes the form of a three-way conversation between parents, the teacher and the student, focusing on the student’s progress and future goals.
A second written report is prepared at the end of Term Four. This may be accompanied by a meeting with the teacher should it be requested by either the teacher or the parents. In addition to this, information evenings on various programs may be held throughout the year.
Please remember that parents are able to make an appointment with their child’s teacher at any time during the year if they have concerns.
There is limited parking available for staff and parents at Orrvale Primary School. Should you be after a quick drop off or pick up of children, we would ask you to use the roundabout in the staff carpark (see
If you need to come into the school, only limited allocated car parking is available at the front of the school which means that often, cars are parked on the verge of Channel Road. In this case, families are asked to take the utmost care getting children in and out of cars, as Channel Road can be extremely busy during peak periods.
There are two Disabled Parking bays at the front of the school (see ‘Disabled Parking Sign).
The gate to the school oval is opened daily for short term parking prior to and after school.
Private property brought to school by students is not insured and the Department of Education and Early
Childhood Development does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage.
Staff and students are discouraged from bringing any unnecessary or particularly valuable items to school.
See Appendix 1.
Orrvale Primary School has a highly respected and successful integration program that promotes understanding, empathy and appreciation of diversity. Orrvale Primary School provides optimum opportunities for each child to reach their full potential and participate in all aspects of the school program.
The roundabout is the preferred drop off and pick up point at the school. After school each day, staff are on duty at the rounda bout gate. They quickly get to know each family’s vehicle and will usher children into the family car when it is safe to do so. The roundabout is designed for the free flow of traffic, so parents are asked not to leave their car unattended in the roundabout from 3 p.m. onwards.
There is also a teacher on duty at the front gate to ensure safe and orderly departure from the school grounds for all members of the school community.
An integral member of the school’s wellbeing team is our School Chaplain, John Stewart. John is available to all members of our school community needing advice or a friendly ear to listen to a problem.
Appointments can be made with John through the Office or drop in and see him personally on a Tuesday or
This elected group meet on a monthly basis. This is a group comprising of elected staff and parent representatives, who have significant input into the curriculum and financial management of the school.
Early each year, elections are held for positions on the School Council, so please give this serious consideration when nominations are called through the School Newsletter.
Membership consists of nine parent representatives, four staff representatives and an executive officer
(Principal). Council has the option of co-opting one community member on a year-by-year basis.
The charges are as follows :
a charge of $220.00 per student to cover the cost of initial supply of classroom requisites,
a $20:00 DISCOUNT if paid by 28 th February
a $50 optional Maintenance levy (per family) and
a $50 optional extra curricular fee per child (previously known as excursion levy).
The money received will be used in the following manner-
50% Grounds Maintenance including mowing and garden bed maintenance.
50% Recurrent funding for replacement of such things as computer hardware and audio-visual equipment.
By March 31 st each year, parents must have either paid the school fees in full or spoken with the
Business Manager to arrange a payment plan.
Children are encouraged to borrow school library books as part of their school program. Please show an interest in these books by reading them to your child/children at home and making sure that the books are well cared for. Children are asked to have a material library bag measuring 30 cm by 40 cm with a drawstring at the top to protect books. A tea-towel folded in half is most suitable for this. Please encourage children to return books by the due date.
Library Borrowing Policy:
All children are encouraged to borrow resources from the library.
Borrowing Book Limits-
Foundation, Grade One and Grade Two - One book at a time.*
Grades Three to Six - Three books at a time.
Loan period is for one week. This loan can be extended twice.
Children with late books will receive an overdue notice. If the book has not been returned within two weeks of this notice, it will be assumed lost. Parents will receive a bill for replacement and covering of the lost book.
5. Children can return book/s and select new titles before due date, when the library is open.
* Students from Foundation to Grade Two who pake part in the Lexile program can borrow an additional book.
Should a student have to leave the school during the day, a parent/carer must sign them out at the Main
Office. This should be done prior to going to the child’s classroom to collect them.
Upon their return to school, parents must sign their child in again at the Office.
Orrvale Primary School is a member of the Shepparton Primary School Sports Association (S.P.S.S.A.).
Each Year the S.P.S.S.A. organises sporting competitions on an interschool, zone, regional and state level.
Tennis, Swimming, Football, Netball, Basketball, Soccer, Cross Country, Tee-Ball, Athletics, Bat Tennis and a Dance Festival are available for students to participate in.
Grades Five & Six students participate in inter-school team sports during the winter months.
During the winter months Orrvale has a number of Saturday morning sporting teams in Football, Soccer and Netball.
Keep an eye on the school Newsletter for details of how to get your child involved.
As a general rule, staff meetings are held every Tuesday and Wednesday nights from 3.35 pm – 5pm.
Parents are welcome to make mutually agreed appointment times to speak with staff at other times.
Student Wellbeing is co-ordinated by Luke Simpson as Student Engagement & Welfare Co-ordinator. Our school culture is based around the principles of Emotional Intelligence: Self-Motivation; Empathy; Managing
Emotions; Emotional Self-Awareness and Handling Relationships. Social skills training based on these principles occur in every classroom every week.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) aligns seamlessly with other specialised student wellbeing programs such as resilience, anger management and leadership programs.
Every student may need more personalised help at some time in their school life, so as well as these more general preventative programs, staff have strong links to outside agencies and the North-Eastern Victorian
Region Wellbeing staff who can assist in tailoring wellbeing plans to suit individual students and their families.
Orrvale Primary School is a Sun Smart school.
We use a combination of sun protection measures for all outdoor activities in Terms One and Four and whenever UV levels reach 3 and above, which is the level that can damage skin and eyes.
See our ‘Sun Smart’ Policy (Appendix 2).
There are at least three teachers on duty in the yard every recess and lunchtime. (When one or more section/s of the school are away on camps or excursions this number may change but will still be in line with DEECD supervision guidelines.)
Before school:
A teacher is on duty at the front of the school from 8:30 a.m. Students are then supervised in their classrooms from 8.45 a.m. Children are not to arrive at school before 8:30 a.m.
After school:
After school, children are supervised by staff until they are picked up by their supervising adult. All children should have vacated the school grounds or be in the care of their supervising adult by 3.40 p.m.
It is recommended that all children are picked up from the side gate in the car park (roundabout), unless parents have to come into the school on business. Parents are asked to notify the class teachers or office if alternative arrangements are made for their child/ children’s collection.
Classrooms use computer and iPad technologies as a tool for learning. A 1:1 iPad program operates from
Grades 3-6, while Foundation to Grade 2 students have access to class sets of iPads.
A Computer Laboratory houses 24 desktop PCs for classes to use for teaching and testing purposes.
Each class has an Interactive Whiteboard which is used in various learning situations.
See ‘Communication with Parents’.
All students are expected to wear the approved Orrvale Primary School Uniform. Please ask at the Office for a copy of the Uniform Policy. Uniforms can be purchased at the Uniform Shops in Shepparton. Some second-hand items are available upon request at the Office but quality and correct sizing is not assured.
The school community ’s agreed values are: Respect, Responsibility, Empathy, Personal Excellence and
These values are reinforced by staff and leaders to students and parents at every opportunity and underpin the school’s culture.
All visitors to the school need to sign in at the main office and receive a Sign In slip before proceeding to other areas of the school. Upon departure, they must return to the Office to sign out.
The School Council has set $50.00 per family as a voluntary contribution towards school funds. Although this is not compulsory, we do encourage all families to contribute. Some families have chosen to pay the full amount in one instalment and others have chosen to pay in term-by-term instalments. Any of these payment plans are most welcome. Money raised from voluntary contributions goes towards purchasing school equipment in all subject areas and improvement and maintenance of grounds and play equipment.
See ‘School Fees” also.
Normal school hours will be observed, but the children will remain indoors at recess and lunchtime if it is deemed to be too wet or too hot (over 35 ° C) to be outdoors. Students will be supervised in classrooms during wet/hot weather days.
It’s important to have a healthy balance of ultraviolet radiation (UV) exposure. Too much UV can cause sunburn, skin and eye damage and skin cancer. Over-exposure to UV during childhood and adolescence is a major factor in determining future skin cancer risk. Too little UV can lead to low vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is necessary for the development and maintenance of healthy bones and muscles, and for general health.
Staff are encouraged to access the SunSmart UV Alert at sunsmart.com.au
to find out daily local sun protection times to assist with the implementation of this policy.
We use a combination of sun protection measures for all outdoor activities from Terms 1 and 4 and whenever UV levels reach 3 and above, the level that can damage skin and eyes.
As part of general skin protection our strategies are to :
1. Encourage the wearing of appropriate hats that protect their face, neck and ears, i.e. legionnaire, broad brimmed or bucket hats, whenever they are outside. Baseball or peak caps are not considered a suitable alternative when outdoors.
Sun protective clothing is included in our school uniform / dress code and sports uniform. School clothing is cool, loose fitting and made of densely woven fabric. It includes shirts with collars and longer sleeves, longer style dresses and shorts and rash vests or t-shirts for outdoor swimming.
2. Promote the provision of adequate shade for all outdoor activities including sporting carnivals and outdoor event
3. Maintain shelters and trees that provide shade in the school grounds.
4. Provide SPF30+ broad spectrum, water resistant sun screen for staff and student use whenever possible. Strategies are in place to remind students to apply sunscreen before going outdoors (e.g. reminder notices, sunscreen monitors, sunscreen buddies).
5. Incorporate programs on skin cancer prevention into the curriculum.
6. Regularly reinforce the Sun Smart Policy in a positive way through newsletters, parent meetings, student and teacher activities.
7. Direct children not wearing hats or covering clothing to play in an area protected from the sun.
8. Encourage children to use available areas of shade for outdoor play activities.
9. Outdoor activities to be held in areas of shade, whenever possible.
10. Encourage staff to act as role models by practising Sun Smart behaviours : a) wearing appropriate hats and clothing for all outdoor activities; b) using a broad spectrum 30+ water resistant sun screen for skin protection; c) seeking shade whenever possible.
11. Inform the parents of newly enrolled children of the School's Sun Smart policy.
12. The sunsmart recommendations on uniform will be included as part of the enrolment package.
The above may be changed or reviewed with the permission of school Council after consultation with school community.
Relevant Documents / Links
DEECD School Policy & Advisory Guide (SPAG) Sun & UV protection (2011)
DEECD Health, Safety & Workcover
Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF)
Building Quality Standards Handbook (BQSH): Section 7.5.5 Shade Areas
Education and Training Parliamentary Committee Inquiry into Dress Codes and School Uniforms in Victorian
Schools -Government Response
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
Radiation Protection Standard for Occupational Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation (2006)
Safe Work Australia: Guidance Note for the Protection of Workers from the Ultraviolet Radiation in Sunlight
To provide guidelines for the acceptable use of mobile phones by all school staff, students, parents and visitors on the school premises and during school activities that occur offsite.
The use of mobile phones has now become the norm rather than the exception in our society. Our core business of teaching and learning needs to be conducted in an environment free from unnecessary distraction or disruption. Therefore the school discourages the bringing of Mobile
Telephones to school by students but we accept there are times when it might be deemed important. We are therefore prepared to allow them on the premises only within the parameters of this policy and only when it is deemed necessary by parents.
School administration, teachers, parents and visitors are required to take steps to ensure that mobile phones are used responsibly at school. This policy provides the guidelines for acceptable use of mobile phones at Orrvale Primary School.
This policy recognises that:
Mobile phones are a useful tool, that enhances communication and can be used for a variety of educational applications;
School staff and students will have differing needs for mobile phone use
Current school policy (other than mobile phone use) and practice should not change to accommodate mobile phone use
Mobile phones are brought to school entirely at the owner’s risk. The school will not be involved in disputes and / or investigations over damage, loss, theft or use.
Access and use of a mobile phone should not:
Be disruptive to teaching, learning and the conduct of meetings;
Be used in any manner that is disruptive to the normal routine of the school;
This policy applies to mobile phone use on the school premises and during school activities that occur off site (school camps and excursions, professional development sessions).
Personal mobile phones are brought to school at the owner’s risk. Neither the school nor DEECD can accept responsibility for the loss or damage or investigate such.
Teachers in charge of all excursions and camps must ensure that mobile phones accompany each trip and that the school’s number and all other numbers of staff attending the trip are keyed into the memory of their phone.
The school has a mobile phone available for staff to use on camps and excursions. The phone and charger can be collected from the office and signed in and out of the Equipment Loan Book.
Personal mobile phones are to be either switched offor turned to silent in class and during scheduled school meetings.
Mobile phones may be used:
In matters of emergency or safety, with the approval of the school principal.
On school excursions and camps as a point of contact for staff and parents, with the approval of the school principal..
Mobile phones should not be used for personal calls, texts or accessing social media during class time or any other time when directly responsible for a student or students;
The ‘Permission to Have a Mobile Phone’ at school form should be used by parents who wish their child to have a mobile phone at school.
Filming or taking photos with a mobile phone is not allowed.
Students are not to have mobile telephones in their possession during school hours and phones must be switched off and kept in the student’s bag.
Mobile phones are brought to school entirely at the owner’s risk. The school will not be involved in disputes and / or investigations over damage, loss theft or use.
Parents / guardians are not to contact students by mobile telephone. If parents or guardians need to urgently contact a student they should follow normal procedure and contact the school who will then contact and support the student as necessary.
Mobile phones may not be taken on camps and excursions by students. If parents / guardians need to urgently contact a student they should follow normal procedure and contact the school or the emergency number provided, who will then contact and support the student as necessary.
If these procedures have not been followed, the phone will be confiscated from the student and the parent / guardian will be asked to collect it from the school office. As a result, the privilege of having a mobile phone in their possession whilst at school will be withdrawn.
Parents, Guardians, Volunteers and Contractors:
All parents or guardian, visitors and contractors are asked to turn their mobile phones to silent while in teaching and learning areas.
All incoming and outgoing calls are to be taken outside teaching and learning areas.
Exemptions from the expectations of this policy can only be approved by the Principal and then only in exceptional circumstances.
This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Privacy Policy, particularly in relation to use of photos and videos.
Orrvale Primary School is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment where diversity is valued and everyone is treated courteously, efficiently and fairly. Our approach to handling concerns and complaints is based on our values of:
Keeping the best interests of students at the core.
Respect – speaking truthfully and communicating openly.
Honesty – understanding differences and individuality.
Responsibility – accepting rewards and consequences for our actions.
Consistency – being fair and predictable (with generosity of spirit).
Trust – building supportive relationships based on loyalty.
Learning – developing knowledge and skills to use throughout life.
The value of positive parent-school partnerships.
The types of concerns and complaints covered these procedures are:
Behaviour that breaks Code of Conduct/Student Engagement and Wellbeing Policy.
Bullying or harassment in classroom or schoolyard.
Learning programs offered by the school or assessment and reporting.
Communication with parents.
School payments.
Any other school related matter.
Matters not covered by this policy, for which there are existing rights of review or appeal include:
Student discipline matters including expulsions
Child protection issues
Criminal matters
Student critical incident matters
The Principal or Regional Office can advise about specific procedures for complaints of this nature.
At Orrvale Primary School it is expected that a person raising a concern or complaint is to:
Do so promptly, as soon as possible after the issue occurs
Provide complete and factual information about the concern or complaint
Maintain and respect the privacy and confidentiality of all parties
Acknowledge that a common goal is to achieve an outcome acceptable to all parties
Act in good faith, and in a calm and courteous manner
Show respect and understanding of each other’s point of view and value difference, rather than judge and blame.
Recognise that all parties have rights and responsibilities which must be balanced.
Raising concerns or complaints
In the first instance, parents should take their concern or make a complaint directly to the school as outlined below.
Concerns and complaints relating to a school are most effectively addressed by the school itself. Any complaint raised with the regional office that has not been raised at the school level will be referred to the school for resolution (unless there are special circumstances which prevent the school from managing the complaint). Schools are required to make every effort to resolve a concern or complaint related to it before involving other levels of the Department.
At Orrvale Primary School all parent complainants should telephone, visit after making an appointment or write to:
The student’s teacher about learning issues and minor incidents that happened in their class or group.
Assistant Principal about issues relating to staff members or complex student issues.
Principal or Assistant Principal about issues relating to school policy, school management, staff members or very complex student issues.
If parents/caregivers are not sure who to contact, they should contact the Principal or Assistant Principal.
Managing parent concerns and complaints information
Staff at Orrvale Primary School receiving a concern or complaint should consider recording the following details of all complaints received, even if the complaint appears to be minor:
Name and contact details (with permission) of the person with a concern or complaint.
The date the concern was expressed or complaint made.
The form in which the concern or complaint was received (such as face ‐ to ‐ face, by telephone, in writing, by
A brief description of the concern or complaint.
Action taken on the concern or complaint.
The outcome of action taken on the concern or complaint.
Any recommendations for future improvement in the school’s policy or procedures.
However, in the first instance, when the complaint is easily resolved in a telephone call, a brief note in the person’s diary recording the issue and the resolution may be all that is required.
Help with raising concerns or complaints
Complainants can seek the services of an advocate when they feel they are unable to express their concern clearly.
An advocate can be a friend or someone who is available through an appropriate support organisation who does not receive a fee for service.
All parties involved in addressing a complaint may seek the services of a mediator when there is difficulty coming to an agreement.
At Orrvale Primary School the DEECD Complaint Management Process as follows:
Unreasonable complainant conduct
Unreasonable complainant conduct at Orrvale Primary School is behaviour that:
Is clearly and significantly outside the expectations of confidentiality, cooperation, courtesy and respect.
Calls for staff resources and time unjustified by the nature or significance of the complaint.
Is vexatious (that is, an action or complaint that is brought without merit, often to cause annoyance to another
Is oriented towards conflict.
The school Principal, Regional Director or the General Manager, Group Coordination Division will determine if a complainant’s conduct is unreasonable. If so determined, they will:
Develop a plan to address the complaint and the complainant’s interaction with the DEECD.
Inform the complainant of the plan
Ensure all Departmental officers adhere to the plan as closely as practicable
Should the complaint involve complex issues, Orrvale Primary School will take advice from the Department’s regional office which may take more time. The school will tell the complainant the new timeline for addressing the complaint and the reasons for any delays. In all cases, Orrvale Primary School will try to resolve a concern or complaint within
20 school days.
At Orrvale Primary School if a concern or complaint is substantiated the examples of following remedies will be
implemented. For example, at its discretion and depending on the circumstances, Orrvale Primary School might offer:
An explanation or further information about the issue.
Mediation, counselling or other support.
An apology, expression of regret or admission of fault.
To change its decision.
To change its policies, procedures or practices.
To cancel a debt (such as for school payments).
A fee refund.
Referral of concerns or complaints
If a person with a concern or complaint is not satisfied with the outcome determined by Orrvale Primary School, they should contact the Department’s Regional Office.
Hume Regional Office
Postal address: PO Box 403, Benalla, Victoria 3672
Phone: (03) 5761 2100
Fax: (03) 5762 5039
Email: hume.region@edumail.vic.gov.au
Website: http://www.hume.vic.edu.au
The officer from the region will ask the complainant for a complete and factual account in writing of the concern or complaint and the complainant’s opinion about why the school did not resolve it to their satisfaction. If the complaint cannot be resolved by the complainant, school and regional office working together, the regional officer may refer it to the Department’s Group Coordination Division.
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
GPO Box 4367
Melbourne, Vic, 3001
Phone: 9637 2000
If the complaint cannot be resolved by the complainant, school and regional office working together, the regional office may refer it to the Department’s Group Coordination Division.
The Division will ask the complainant for a complete and factual account in writing of the concern or complaint and the complainant’s opinion about why the school and regional office did not resolve it to their satisfaction and will ask the complainant to outline their view on the course of action required to resolve the complaint.
Where the complainant is unable to provide a written account the officer from Group Coordination Division should act on the information provided.
Communication and training
The school will make information about procedures for addressing concerns and complaints readily available to parents and the school community, in clear and easy-to-understand language. The information will include:
How a person can make a complaint.
The person’s responsibilities.
Information to be provided by the person.
Who the person should contact and their contact details.
The process and timeframes for managing complaints.
Information about the school’s procedures for addressing concerns and complaints will be published on the school’s website. The school will brief all members of staff about its procedures to address concerns annually.
The School will monitor parent concerns and complaints and consider issues raised through the parent complaints process, and any other relevant information from the parent opinion sur vey, when undertaking a review of the school’s policies, procedures and operations.
The School Council will regularly review its policy and procedures to effectively address parent concerns and complaints as part of its cyclic policy and procedures review schedule.