Vocabulary List 11 Roots are basic words which have been carried over into English. Stems are variations of roots brought about by changes in declension or conjunction. Word Root or Stem mal Part of Speech Meaning bad, evil Meaning 1. malevolent adj. wishing evil or harm to another or others; showing ill will; illdisposed; malicious: His failures made him malevolent toward those who were successful; evil; harmful; injurious: a malevolent inclination to destroy the happiness of others. 2. malediction n a curse; slander 3. malefactor n a criminal; a person who does harm or evil 4. malfeasance n the doing of a wrongful or illegal act, especially by a public official 5. maladroit adj. clumsy, awkward, inept; bungling; tactless (adroit: skillful) 6. malady n sickness; disease (social maladies; malady of the spirit) 7. malapropism n the humorous misuse of words, especially by the confusion of words that are similar in sound 8. malign v speak harmful untruths about; speak evil of; slander; defame: to malign an honorable man. evil in effect; pernicious; baleful; injurious: The gloomy house had a malign influence upon her usually good mood; having or showing an evil disposition; malevolent; malicious. adj. (Other words with this root are maltreat, malicious, malice, malpractice, malignant, and malaria) 9. manifest Root or Stem man, manu adj. v Meaning by hand readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain: a manifest error. to make clear or evident to the eye or the understanding; show plainly: He manifested his approval with a hearty laugh. 10. manacle n v a shackle for the hand; handcuff to handcuff; restrain, inhibit 11. manumit v to release from slavery or servitude (voluntarily) 12. emancipate v to free from restraint or influence; to free a slave from bondage (with or without the consent of the owner) (Other words with this root are manual, manuscript, manicure, manipulate, and manufacture) Root or Stem mar, mari, mer Meaning sea 13. maritime adj. connected with, or living by, the sea 14. mariner n a sailor (Other words with this root are mermaid, marine, and submarine) 15. missive Root or Stem mit, miss, mitt n Meaning to send a written message; a letter 16. transmit v to to send or forward, as to a recipient or destination; dispatch; convey; to communicate, as information or news; to pass or spread (disease, infection, etc.) to another; to pass on (a genetic characteristic) from parent to offspring: The mother transmitted her red hair to her daughter. 17. intermittent adj. stopping or ceasing for a time; alternately ceasing and beginning again: an intermittent pain. (Other words with this root are missile, admission, admit, dismiss, remit, and emit) 18. admonish 19. premonition Root or Stem mon, monit v n Meaning to warn to caution, advise, or counsel against a sense of anticipation or anxiety before an event Root or Stem mori, mort Meaning to die 20. moribund adj. dying; near death; on the verge of extinction 21. immortal adj. / n not capable of dying; remembered or celebrated through all time (Other words with this root are mortuary, mortal, mortify, monitor, and remorse) Root or Stem nav Meaning ship 22. navigate v to move on, over, or through; to find one’s way; to direct or manage on a course 23. circumnavigate v to sail or fly around; to maneuver around (Other words with this root are naval and navy)