March 14, 2016 YIHS 20th Century American History Frank Kroncke 608-606-9419 Overview of Course Curriculum and Schedule All documents and links accessible at Contents PART 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 2 CLASS MEETINGS AND ANTICIPATED ACTIVITIES & CONTENT ................................... 2 PART 2...................................................................................................................................... 10 RESEARCH PROJECT/PAPER PRESENTATIONS ................................................................. 10 A. OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................ 10 B. TEAMS —tentative as of December 23, 2014 .............................................................. 10 C. TOPICS—to be selected during first class session ........................................................ 10 D. 1) Sexual culture and morality ........................................................................................ 10 2) Sports .......................................................................................................................... 11 3) Religion ...................................................................................................................... 12 4) Technology/Robotics .................................................................................................. 13 WEBSITE RESOURCES [partial] ................................................................................ 14 Sexuality ................................................................................................................................... 14 Sports ........................................................................................................................................ 14 Religion ..................................................................................................................................... 15 Technology ............................................................................................................................... 15 1 March 14, 2016 PART 1 CLASS MEETINGS AND ANTICIPATED ACTIVITIES & CONTENT M-T-W-Th-F 8:35 to 10:25 am “20th Century American History” Monday January 05 Introduction to the course Theme: What is “history”? Personal introductions Review of Syllabus Team formations & rubric o Debate topics o Research project/paper Class format and rubrics Class participation rubric Research project/paper rubric Grading scheme In classroom threads Discussion: “Starting Point: Millennial “Global Citizens” in Cyberspace in the Age of Globalization” Overviews of “History” frames & methodologies Biblical/Christian, Modern/Secular/ Scientific, Post-modern, Ecological, and Digital. Course texts Document downloads and video links at Watch: Sagan’s “Pale Blue Dot” p86BPM1GV8M Watch: What is cyberspace? VfCkLLIkia0 Watch: Cyberspace (Air Force) ?v=OL2IORXwg2E Review: “Dominant Ideology Wheel” Listen: Lennon’s “Imagine” XLgYAHHkPFs Your historical Big Story and “personal Story”: What “Age of” are we living in? Read: Blanco’s “My tribe” Presentation: “Identity formation and storytelling—Big Story and personal Story.” Assignment: 900 words, “My historical identify formation and Big/personal story.” Due Friday January 9. Explore: History resource website(s) 20 and 21st Century America timeline htm Digital resources 20th Century America 2 March 14, 2016 Team formations & assignments (30 minutes) Tuesday January 06 Themes: Discussions: 1) “American Exceptionalism” 1) “American exceptionalism: people without a history?” 2) “American Empire” Roots of notions 2) American Empire: “Slave America”? Indian Removal Act (1830s) Religious and secular roots Cyberspace “I” and “We” Memoir: personal history Assignment: 300 word personal event. Due Monday January 12. Wednesday Theme: (continued) January 07 Watch: American Exceptionalism (conservative) nuv0K8H8ILM Watch: Bill Maher on American Exceptionalism r5SE1BVcKVg Watch: Howard Zinn on American Empire Arn3lF5XSUg Read: Declaration of Independence Read: Jefferson’s edited paragraph on slavery in the Declaration Maps of military bases and nuclear silos Team work (30 minutes) Is either a vision for Read: “Walker’s Appeal” globalization? or Demise of “America”? Read: Cobb on Scriptural basis for slavery Militarization of police Read: Black Panther Party Manifesto (1966) Ghetto as prison Watch: Slavery Team work (30 minutes) Ajn9g5Gsv98 3 March 14, 2016 Watch: Slavery today qEKrAkey3o Watch: Human trafficking _tQDYvPrE6k Watch: Free Market Capitalism VNRl4J-ndrY Watch: Crony Capitalism Hpe1_OtHtLY Thursday January 08 Theme: Challenges of writing history in the age of multicultural globalization. Challenges of writing “history” in digital era. Scientism and Secularism as antihistorical movements Watch: Militarization of Police QZqlumo-1rE Read: Jensen’s “20 Premises” Watch: : Kurzweil, OC0DBvhuaY Read: Vatican II excerpts Ethnic, liberation, dystopian histories. Discussion: “Big Brother Robot” or “Dawn of the (cyber)Apes”? or “Rise of the People of God/dess”? ~Ending scene of “Star Trek: the movie” Read: UN Declaration of Human Rights hr/ Globalization images: of good and evil “Re-mythologize” movement: feminist, Greens, Goddess/Gaia 4 March 14, 2016 Team work (30 minutes) Friday January 09 Theme: (continued) Team work (30 minutes) Read: “Living Earth.” Watch: Star Trek merger of man and machine Xla4BnppeUM Monday January 12 Theme: “History of Consciousness” school of thought and the “Living Earth” (Gaia theory) Timelines: the arrow of time or the circle of eternity? Watch: James Lovelock on Gaia 44yiTg7cOVI Intro to History of Consciousness school of thought Watch: Gaia Hypothesis VjLC3GjFMv0 Intro to Gaia theory Tuesday January 13 Theme: “When did the 20th century begin?” Can there be “history” in the Nuclear Age? Team work (30 minutes) Significance of Atomic Bomb, Ethnic cleansing, government torture, and “citizen as terrorist suspect”. Discussion: Is it too late? To avoid apocalypse: ecological, nuclear, genetic, robotic, and/or religious? Watch: Overview 20th Century CZ69LTlQkRk Watch: Technology 20th Century ZbfeO6XCbFM Watch: Media 20th Century rbdo2vbPYu0 Review: Images of Good and evil Wednesday Theme: The 1960’s. January 14 Team work (30 minutes) “The times they are a’changin’” Black Power Feminism Peace Movement God is Dead Watch: “I have a dream” video 2) text and voice only c6OhPpYqkBU 5 March 14, 2016 Team work (30 minutes) Assignment: 900 word Team historical event. Due Monday January 19. Watch: Daniel Ellsberg, The most dangerous man in America w0bIOMQIAKs&list=PLheatLifcoUWsy6DJBUJzDom7k0i7kV M&index=2 Watch: Pentagon Papers 3yTIe-wiNXc Watch: “Peace Crimes” ews/2008/03/watch_the_peace_crim es_backsta.html Thursday January 15 Theme: (continued) Discussion: Are women useful? (Handout of historical sexist quotes.) Read: “A call to resist illegitimate authority” pdf document or 06/documents/resist.html Read: SCUM manifesto Read: Vatican II excerpts Watch: Gloria Steinem 8zl5qeF0aqs Watch: 3 waves of feminism 1dKOMq-ab7Q Team work (30 minutes) Watch: 3rd wave of feminism cCQI-ougLsg No class. No class. No class. Theme: History of Mother Earth: an obituary? Discussion: Is Derrick Jensen truly (in)sane? Review: Jensen, “20 Premises” Friday January 16 Monday January 19 6 March 14, 2016 Watch: “Fierce Green Fire” DVD in classroom Discussion: database for globalization vision Team presentations “Sexual culture and morality” Tuesday January 20 Theme: Alternative and esoteric histories in the age of globalization. Mormon history of America. The New World Order The Federation of Light Team work (30 minutes) Aliens, Illuminati, Freemasons, elite conspiracies, and New Age histories. Trilateral commission Davos Group Nonviolent peace force Book of Mormon (indigenous American religious history) “Federation of light” http://thefederationofli Images of aliens on Earth; crop circles Watch: “Burning Rage” Earth Liberation Front 60 Minutes show IVjQs4WWds8 Watch: Animal Liberation Front cHYOWBdDibQ Watch: Cry of the Earth _gaoIuF-atI Watch: Illuminati FTzqg921RII&index=4&list=PLE68 5FB601E5A2DCC Watch: Trilateral Commission B4GcuIhsShM Watch: Mormons, 7h09PA1AX9s (negative source) Watch: Pleiadian Message to Lightworkers So7KGdGZwDo Review: Hidden Histories website http://www.hiddenhistoryhumanity.c om/ Discussion: database for globalization vision Team presentations “Religion” Team work (30 minutes) 7 March 14, 2016 Wednesday Theme: Hollywood as history’s January 21 scribe: truth and lies. Dystopian future: 1984, THX 1138, Hunger Games, Divergent ... Black: The Butler Native: Lone Ranger Women: Thelma and Louise. Discussion: database for globalization vision Team presentations “Sports” Theme: The Future of “American history”. Theme: “You” are a globalization visionary. Watch: The Butler (trailer) FuojHqfe4Vk Watch: The Lone Ranger (trailer) Mqe-Ye9z-KA “Occupy” American history! Presentation: David Noble, “Debating the end of history” Read: Noble, “Historians Against History” and “Ecologist on why history will never end.” Discussion: database for globalization vision Watch: Integral movement 1bqrwTjUxWU Team presentations “Technology/ Robotics” Friday January 23 Watch: THX 1138 (trailer) 4hLXOVCZr-8 Watch: Thelma and Louise (trailer) PRr0HY9MPZ0 [Last scene] 4z88U915uq8 Read: Bellah, 1) “Civil Religion,” and 2) “Civil Religion notes.” Team work (30 minutes) Thursday January 22 Watch: 1984 h9JIKngJnCU “Intimacy” and the Atomic Bomb Watch: Anonymous 3DUL37QE474 Watch: Anonymous message to the American People HrXyLrTRXso Read: “Earthfolk imagery” Discussion: Wrap-up! 8 March 14, 2016 9 March 14, 2016 PART 2 RESEARCH PROJECT/PAPER PRESENTATIONS A. OBJECTIVES form teams for enhancing shared intelligence and imagination o teams meet in class and outside of class select a topic—research theme for 20th Century History compose an up to 15 minute presentation, using any and all forms of communication media formats and channels after presentation lead another 15 minute discussion with Q and A o team presentation schedule is listed in “Class Meetings and Anticipated Activities & Content” segment B. TEAMS —tentative as of December 23, 2014 1. 2. 3. 4. Justys Grenier, Seamus Riordan, Thea Stinson, Ray Danielson Andrew Hysel, Jaali Parrish, Julius Parrish, Jack Corbin Eva Rising, Leo Shonka, Izzi Xiques, Hannah Eddy Cedar Kellum, Cecilia Kouba, Eleanore Staffanson, Charlie Townsley C. TOPICS—to be selected during first class session A. B. C. D. Sexual culture and morality Sports Religion Technology/Robotics 1) Sexual culture and morality Identify dominant ideology o hegemonic source Christian Church, Bible, Hugh Hefner Others: Identify counterculture ideology o impact of the Jazz Era; Beatniks; Hippies o attitudes in Hollywood o drugs, prostitution, and “hipster” culture (“Playboy Philosophy”) o Others: Focus on a theme o How answers changed over the decades in answering the question, “Is pornography good for you?” moral model health model 10 March 14, 2016 freedom model Others: What caused shift? o technologies, re: social media/ internet; world wars; global capitalism, etc. o Church attitudes, re: “Liberal” Protestantism o General secularization, re: impact of studies on sexuality (major reports) o Single-parent homes; working “middle-class” women; feminism o Others: Global dynamic o impact of shifts in global patterns of multi-cultural interchange based upon globalization of consumer capitalism o “multi-cultural relativism” ... Tantric Yoga; Swedish sexual habits o Others: Conclusions o Strive to articulate 1) standards textbook conclusions so that you can 2) critique them and 3) provide some imaginative insights. Presentation o All media formats acceptable. You can dance your presentation! or Make it a stand-up comedy routine. Objectives: Be curious ... Imagine! 2) Sports Identify dominant ideology o hegemonic source Greek “sound body/sound mind”? Olympic ideal Notion of the “amateur” President Teddy Roosevelt “muscular Christianity” Others: Identify counterculture ideology o sports is child’s play in industrial society o glorification via attitudes in Hollywood, e.g., Lou Gehrig o NCAA and rise of college athletics ... “Jock culture” o sports as “war games” in warrior culture o Others: Focus on a theme o How answers changed over the decades in answering the question, “Should sports be a spectator culture?” moral model health model freedom model economic model Others: What caused shift? 11 March 14, 2016 o technologies, re: early radio and TV o financial attitudes, re: Big Bucks entertainment o women and Title IX o “Bread and circuses” for the working class? Re: stop the worker revolution! o Others: Global dynamic o impact of shifts in global patterns of multi-cultural interchange based upon globalization of consumer capitalism Make the world free for American {Baseball, Football, Tennis...}. o Others: Conclusions o Strive to articulate 1) standards textbook conclusions so that you can 2) critique them and 3) provide some imaginative insights. Presentation o All media formats acceptable. You can dance your presentation! or Make it a stand-up comedy routine. Objectives: Be curious ... Imagine! 3) Religion Identify dominant ideology o hegemonic source Christian, Biblical ... “New” World New England Puritan’s “Errand into the Wilderness” American exceptionalism, re: all the “New” area, e.g., New Jersey, New York, New Haven, etc. Religious roots of “democracy” (Deism and Natural Theology) Others: Identify counterculture ideology o outsiders, re: Jews, Catholics and “heathens” o Rise of revivalism (re: no dominant state religion) o Impact of “The Frontier,” re: Christian culture if not state religion o 1960s ... the heathens arrive, re: Zen, Yoga, etc. o Others: Focus on a theme o How answers changed over the decades in answering the question, “Is America a Christian Nation?” social gospel movement nonviolent protests, re: ML King, Cesar Chavez, Roman Catholic anti-war how religious is secularization? Re: readings on “Civil Religion.” Others: What caused shift? o technologies, re: impact of Cable TV’s interfaith shows and internet access to all world religions at a “click” o “self-help” and “self-realization” movements, re: psycho-babble o women, Wicca, and the Goddess movement 12 March 14, 2016 o Endless war and ceaseless ecological destruction, re: Resist! o Others: Global dynamic o impact of shifts in global patterns of multi-cultural interchange based upon globalization of consumer capitalism Pax Americana is Christian Pax! o Others: Conclusions o Strive to articulate 1) standards textbook conclusions so that you can 2) critique them and 3) provide some imaginative insights. Presentation o All media formats acceptable. You can dance your presentation! or Make it a stand-up comedy routine. Objectives: Be curious ... Imagine! 4) Technology/Robotics Identify dominant ideology o hegemonic source Christian, Biblical ... Nature vs. Supernatural Garden of Eden and “Dominion” Inquisition and scientists as faggots! (Burned at the stake!) Rise of Scientism, re: “evolution” Science as Big Business/Global Empire Others: Identify counterculture ideology o Luddites ... early machine destroyers o 1960s ... Turn on. Tune In. Drop out. “Turn the TV off!” o Impact of arrival of Buddhism, Native Religions, and certain New Age movements against materialism o Others: Focus on a theme o How answers changed over the decades in answering the question, “Are we humans merely proto-robots?” Kurzweil’s “Singularity” vision Is the brain just a computer? Clones not robots? Terminator vision: rise of the machines! Others: What caused shift? o technologies, re: creation of the transistor started it all!” o “self-help” and “self-realization” movements, re: search for ultimate fulfilment in the now! o Cryogenics: possibility of eternal life! o Vatican II’s openness to science? (Scientists praised not burned!) o Others: 13 March 14, 2016 Global dynamic o impact of shifts in global patterns of multi-cultural interchange based upon globalization of consumer capitalism o Others: Conclusions o Strive to articulate 1) standards textbook conclusions so that you can 2) critique them and 3) provide some imaginative insights. Presentation o All media formats acceptable. You can dance your presentation! or Make it a stand-up comedy routine. Objectives: Be curious ... Imagine! D. WEBSITE RESOURCES [partial] Sexuality 1. History of Human Sexuality in Western Culture A blog by Gabriella Pastor, Chelsea Mageland, & Sarah Findley 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Straight State (book review) History of Sex (youtube) “Sex: Unfinished revolution” pdf file “Playboy Philosophy” pdf file “A Bunny thing” (Playboy clubs) 7. 20th Century history 8. Digital resources Sports 1. Sports History 2. History of Sports 3. “Themes in the history of sports” ... pdf file 4. Images for sports to google “images for sports history” 5. Irish Americans and the 1908 Olympics ... pdf file 6. Black power and Olympics 7. America and Olympics 8. 20th Century history 9. Digital resources 14 March 14, 2016 Religion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 20th Century history 20th Century Digital resources Go here and Search on “Christian America” and other words/phrases PBS programs Americans for Separation of Church and State Salon “America is not a Christian Nation” Gregory Boyd (youtube) “Myth of Christian America” Technology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 20th Century history Digital resources Smithsonian encyclopedia 20th Century History channel “Inventions” /fxk 15