ATLAS Forward Protons: A (10) Picosecond Window on the Higgs Boson Andrew Brandt, University of Texas at Arlington A picosecond is a trillionth of a second. This door opens ~once a second, if it opened every 10 picoseconds it would open a hundred billion times in one second (100,000,000) Light can travel 7 times around the earth in one second but can only travel 3 mm in 10 psec Yes, I know it’s a door, not a window! January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 1 Outline Part I: Introduction to ATLAS Forward Proton (AFP) proposal and physics motivation Part II: Details of the AFP fast timing system January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 2 ATLAS Forward Protons (AFP) AFP: Proposes to use double proton tagging in conjunction with the ATLAS detector as a means to measure properties of Higgs (quantum numbers+mass) and other new physics NEW Central Exclusive Production (QCD) Central Exclusive Production (QED) 3 CEP: Momentum lost by protons goes entirely into mass of central system Central Exclusive Higgs AFP concept: adds new ATLAS sub-detectors at 220 and 420 m upstream and downstream of central detector to precisely measure the scattered protons to complement ATLAS discovery program. These detectors are designed to run at a luminosity of 1034 cm-2s-1 and operate with standard optics (need high luminosity for discovery physics) beam 420 m LHC magnets p’ AFP Detector 220 m H p’ You might ask: “Why build a 14 TeV collider and have 99% of your energy taken away by the protons, are you guys crazy or what??” The answer is “or what”!—ATLAS is always (or at least for a few weeks last December) losing energy down the beam pipe, we just measure it accurately!!! Note: the quest for optimal S/B Ex. The leading discovery channel for light4 SM can take you to interesting places: Higgs, H , has a branching ratio of 0.002! SM Higgs Branching Ratio • We know (we think) that the Higgs gives particles mass through MH= 140 GeV Br ( H bb ) Br ( H WW *) their coupling to the Higgs field • Theory constraints imply that the Higgs is “light” < 200 GeV (not soooo light) Br ( H ) 0.002 •Various channels contribute discovery sensitivity depending on the exact Higgs mass Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 5 AFP Evolution • 2000 Khoze, Martin, Ryskin (KMR): Exclusive Higgs prediction Eur.Phys.J.C14:525-534,2000, hep-ph/0002072 • 2003-2004: joint CMS/ATLAS FP420 R&D collaboration forms • 2005 FP420 LOI presented to LHCC CERN-LHCC-2005-0254 “LHCC acknowledges the scientific merit of the FP420 physics programme and the interest in exploring its feasibility” • 2006-2007 Significant R&D funding in UK, modest funding in U.S. and other countries, major technical progress, RP220 formed • 2008 RP220 and AFP420 merge to form AFP, R&D continues, Cryostat design finalized with CERN, LOI to ATLAS submitted • 2009 “AFP year in review”, FP420 R&D document published in J. Inst (2009_JINST_4_T10001) • Nov. 2009 ATLAS approves AFP to develop a Technical Proposal January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 6 Who is AFP? Institute University of Alberta Charles University, Prague Institute of Physics IRFU-SPP, CEA Saclay Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen Calabrian University Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow Glasgow University Manchester University Cockcroft Institute/Manchester University Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - PPD Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - EID University College, London University of Texas at Arlington State University of New York (StonyBrook) Country Canada Czech Republic Czech Republic France Germany Italy Poland UK UK UK UK UK UK USA USA Other institutions have expressed interest—there is plenty to do! January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 7 What is AFP? 1) Impressive array of rad-hard edgeless 3D silicon detectors (same sensors to be used in IBL upgrade) with resolution ~10 m, 1rad 2) Timing detectors with ~10 ps resolution for overlap background rejection (SD+JJ+SD)—more on this in Part Deux 3) New Connection Cryostat at 420m 4) “Hamburg Beam Pipe” instead of Roman Pots AFP is a rather vanilla name for this precision instrument: I prefer VF3DSPDwithPST! (Very Forward 3-D Silicon Proton Detector with Picosecond Timing) For more information: e-mail me at or better yet, come to bonus session Su Dong has arranged at 3 pm January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 8 AFP in Pictures Timing to reject Newdetectors connection cryostat where protons and Movable beam pipe background with integrated movable system from3-D different houses 3-D silicon andcentral beam pipecome houses Test Beam interactions in same bunch crossing timing detectors silicon and timing detectors proton 1 Cryostat (warm-cold transition) 2 Support table for movable beampipe 3 Detector station 4 Vacuum valve January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar QUARTIC 9 What does AFP Provide? Acceptance >40% for wide range of resonance mass Combination of 220 and 420 is key to physics reach! 420420 420220 220220 • Mass and rapidity of centrally system M 12 s 1 y ln(1 / 2 ) 2 • where 1,2 are the fractional momentum loss of the protons (ex. =0 for elastic proton) • Mass resolution of 3-5 GeV per event Allows ATLAS to use LHC as a tunable s glu-glu or collider 10 while simultaneously pursuing standard ATLAS physics program What is Special about CEP? Typical Higgs Production + “ pp gg H +x ” = “ ” CEP Higgs pp p+H+p • Extra “screening ” gluon conserves color, keeps proton intact (and reduces your ) • CEP defined as ppp+X+p , where protons are scattered at small angles, but remain intact, with all of their lost energy going towards production of the system X • Central system produced in Jz=0++ (C-even, P-even) state, this results in di-quark production being suppressed • More importantly: if you observe any resonance (for ex. Higgs), you automatically know its quantum numbers are 0++ January 12, 2010 Find a CEP resonance and you have measured its quantum numbers!! 11 Does CEP Process Exist? CDF says yes! 1) Observation of Exclusive Dijets : (CDF) PR D77, 052004 (2008) σ(excl, jetETmin = 15 GeV) 112+84-50 pb. In agreement with ExHuME MC which incorporates Khoze, Martin, Ryskin (KMR) model for CEP (x3 theor. uncertainty) Why we care: same diagram as Higgs but with u/d loop instead of top loop 2) Observation of Exclusive χc : (CDF) PRL 102, 242001 (2009) dσ/dy(y=0) = 76 +/- 10 +/- 10 pb. Prediction (KMRS) = 90 pb Why we care: same diagram as Higgs but with c loop instead of top loop These support the prediction of KMR for standard model Higgs at the LHC (3 fb @ 120 GeV) Phenomenological Studies of BSM Higgs Since the KMR SM Higgs cross section prediction is pretty small: ~3fb, most of the recent theoretical work has focused on BSM Higgs, which can lead to enhanced cross sections for pp pHp H bb 1) MSSM (H->bb, H->ττ, H->WW*) – Heinemeyer, Khoze, Ryskin, Stirling, Tasevsky, Weiglein [Eur.Phys.J.C53:231-256,2008] – Cox, Loebinger, Pilkington [JHEP 0710:090,2007] 2) NMSSM (H->4τ) – Forshaw, Gunion, Hodgkinson, Papaefstathiou, Hodgkinson, Pilkington [JHEP 0804:090,2008] 3) CP-violating Higgs sector (H->bb, H->ττ) – Ellis, Lee, Pilaftsis [Phys.Rev.D71:075007,2005] – Cox, Forshaw, Lee, Monk, Pilaftsis [Phys.Rev.D68:075004,2003] 4) Triplet Higgs (H->bb) – Chaichian, Hoyer, Huitu, Khoze, Pilkington [JHEP 0905:011, 2009] I will go through a few details of MSSM and then get back to the SM Higgs January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 13 MSSM Higgs sector • In order to implement electroweak symmetry breaking into the MSSM, two Higgs doublets (H1, H2) are needed. 8 degrees of freedom 3 are absorbed from the H mechanism and give masses to W± and Z (as for SM Higgs) 5 physical Higgs bosons 2 CP even (h, H), 1 CP odd (A) and 2 charged H± The MSSM Higgs sector (at tree level) is determined by 2 free parameters: MA and tanβ=v2/v1 ( the ratio of the vacuum expectation values of the 2 Higgs doublets) Courtesy of Giorgos Dedes Seminar : Physik am Large Hadron Collider (LHC) January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 14 MSSM and CEP Models with extended Higgs sectors, such as the MSSM, typically produce a light Higgs (h) with SM-like properties and a heavy Higgs (H) which decouples from Gauge boson. This implies: •no HVV coupling (V=W, Z) R=(MSSMH)/(SMH) tan H→bb, mhmax, • no weak boson fusion μ = 200 GeV • no HZZ R=300 • big enhancement in H bb H • pseudoscalar A does not couple to CEP mA (GeV) For the MSSM and related models, AFP is likely to provide the only way to determine the Higgs quantum #’s and the coupling to b-15 quarks, and will provide an excellent mass measurement. MSSM Higgs discovery/exclusion • Heinemeyer et al. studied CEP coverage of MSSM parameter space in mA-tan plane. • Plots show the 5σ contours for the light Higgs scalar boson (above) and heavy (below) for 60fb-1 and 600fb-1. • For large tan , Tevatron can already exclude part of the region. h/H→bb, mhmax, μ = 200 GeV TeV LEP 5 contours, Hbb 16 Observing Higgs in the MSSM Cox. (JHEP 0710:090,2 007) Better pileup rejection • Pick: tan=40, mA=120 GeV, mh=120 GeV (MSSM h/SM H =8) and do detailed analysis including experimental efficiencies determined using TDR resolutions. January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 17 H4 in the NMSSM • NMSSM Higgs sector consists of 3 neutral scalars and 2 neutral pseudo-scalars (and charged Higgs). • Most ‘natural’ part of parameter space results in light scalar Higgs (~100 GeV) Haa (`a’ is lightest pseudo-scalar) • Preferred decay of pseudo-scalar is a (thus two a’s4 taus). • ATLAS standard search channels are difficult and likely cannot measure the Higgs quantum numbers • Predict approx 7 CEP events after ~100fb-1 with no appreciable background (JHEP 0804:090,2008). (Trigger on e tau decays) • BONUS: information from forward protons gives good pseudo-scalar mass measurement! January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 18 HWW* in the SM and MSSM • Cox (Eur.Phys.J.C45:401407,2006) showed that the semileptonic decay of SM HWW* was Enhancement with respect to SM possible for 130< mH <200GeV, using single muon/electron triggers for 30fb-1 of data. • Also have golden fully leptonic decay channel: small signal but negligible background. • Note: in the MSSM, cross section can be enhanced for lighter Higgs boson in the WW* channel as well by up to a factor of 4 relative to SM cross section. January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 19 AFP Internal Studies • AFP manpower primarily dedicated to detector R&D and technical studies, however… • We performed ATLFast and Full Sim studies over the last few years to validate the predictions choosing 120 GeV for H bb and 160 GeV for H WW * •We validated the exclusivity cuts needed to reduce the overlap background, including tracking rejection with full detector simulation, trigger studies etc., but I can’t tell you about that yet! January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 20 Central Exclusive Photon-Photon Does it exist? Yes. Q.E.D. (a little Latin humor) Exclusive two-photon processes are characterized by exchange of virtual photons from protons. Photon fusion results in a system X of particles centrally produced and two intact protons, scattered at small angles.[1] For pair production, significant crosssections (fb-level) are expected [2], with clean and unambiguous final states. Offers a novel possibility for the search of BSM particles [1] K. Piotrzkowski, Phys.Rev.D63(2001) 071502: Tagging two-photon production at LHC [2] Louvain photon group, arXiv: 0908.2020, High-energy photon interactions at the LHC 21 Anomalous Quartic Gauge Couplings Event counting: for AFP trigger on 2 high pT leptons (WW) 95% CL limits for the AQGC for L=30fb-1: LEP (Opal) ATLAS no AFP 1) ATLAS w/AFP 2) aoW / 2 2 x 10-2 2 x 10-5 2.6 x 10-6 acW / 2 4 x 10-2 3.2 x 10-5 9.4 x 10-6 >103 improvement over LEP limits, and 3-8x ATLAS w/o AFP •The inclusion of AFP is critical for rejection of background from partonparton production of W pairs. (cross-section x BR x lepton acceptance = 1pb) •Potentially sensitive to Higgsless models or other new physics 1) 2) P.J. Bell, arXiv:0907.5299 22 C. Royon, E. Chapon, O. Kepka, arXiv:0909.5237 ; O. Kepka,, C. Royon, (DAPNIA, Saclay) Phys. Rev. D78:073005,2008. Charged SUSY Production • Photon-photon production of charged SUSY pairs investigated in arXiv:0806.1097. • Benchmark points consistent with WMAP data examined. • Fully leptonic final states considered: – Two forward protons measured in forward detectors – Two leptons with opposite charge. (pTe > 10GeV, pT > 7GeV). 5 discovery with 25 fb-1 for light SUSY scenarios 23 N.Schul and K.Piotrzkowski, arXiv: 0806.1097, Detection of two-photon exclusive production of susy pairs at the LHC But Wait, There’s More… • CEP dijets: measure unintegrated PDFs and can be used to calibrate jet energy scale • Diffraction: extends studies at HERA and Tevatron on dPDFs, survival probabilities (relevant to VBF) • Hard SD and DPE: dijets - sensitive to gluon dPDFs SD B-meson -sensitive to gluon dPDFs SD W/Z - sensitive to quark dPDFs SD Top – because we can • p: jet production to study the factorisation breaking in direct and resolved processes observed by H1, extend to xp<0.1 • single top: measure CKM matrix element V_tb • anomalous single-top: study anomalous single-top coupling • Odderon interaction in • Charged Higgs in January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 24 AFP Summary AFP will provide ATLAS with a new sub-detector enabling a rich complementary physics program (our physics is your physics) Central Exclusive Production (QCD) • With sufficient luminosity, BSM Higgs bosons can be observed in CEP in a variety of mainstream models, many of them non-trivial for standard ATLAS techniques • The WW* channel looks very promising for SM Higgs of 130 GeV or above. • CEP provides excellent mass resolution • Observing CEP Higgs determines quantum numbers (0++) Central Exclusive Production (QED) • Superb anomalous quartic gauge coupling sensitivity could uncover new physics • Complementary SUSY sensitivity . Plus a variety of SM physics and speculative physics. Note: theoretical investigations of AFP capabilities are still in early stages. January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 25 FP420/AFP Fast Timing WHO? UT-Arlington (Brandt), Alberta, UC- WHY? Background Rejection for Diffractive Higgs London, Prague, Saclay, Stonybrook, Giessen, Manchester, Fermilab, Louvain, Kansas Ex: Two b-jets from one interaction and two protons from another How? How Fast? January 12, 2010 Use time difference between protons to measure z-vertex and compare with tracking z-vertex measured with silicon detector 10 ps or better (to get x20 rejection) Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 26 Ultra-fast Timing Issues Time resolution for the full detector system: 1. Intrinsec detector time resolution 2. Jitter in PMT's 3. Electronics (AMP/CFD/TDC) 4. Reference Timing • • • • • 3 mm =10 ps Radiation hardness of all components of system Lifetime and recovery time of tube Backgrounds Multiple proton timing January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 27 Timing System Requirements • 10 ps or better resolution • Robust: capable of operating with little or no intervention in radiation environment (tunnel) • High efficiency • Acceptance over full range of proton x+y • Segmented (multi-proton timing) • Two main options: 1) one very precise measurement (GASTOF) 2) multiple less precise measurements (QUARTIC) January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 28 FP420/AFP Timing Two types of Cerenkov detector are employed: QUARTIC – two QUARTIC detectors each with 4 rows of 8 fused silica bar allowing up to a 4-fold improvement over the single bar 40 ps measurement GASTOF – a gas Cerenkov detector that makes a single 10 ps measurement Both detectors use Micro Channel Plate PMTs (MCP-PMTs) January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 29 Micro-Channel Plate Photomultiplier Tube (MCP-PMT) e - + + photon Faceplate Photocathode Photoelectron Dual MCP DV ~ 200V DV ~ 2000V Gain ~ 106 MCP-PMT DV ~ 200V Anode 30 ATLAS Solution: Option 2) • Choosing multiple measurements with modest resolution on 30-40 ps scale simplifies requirements in all phases of system 1) We have a readout solution for this option (later) 2) We can have a several meter cable run to a lower radiation area where CFD’s can be located, while TDC’s can be located even further away (the cable distortion is much more significant for sub-10 ps measurement) 3) Segmentation is natural for this type of detector January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 31 QUARTIC Ray Tracing 15mm Quartz/75 mm air ~ 5 pe’s accepted in 40 ps 20 ps 90mm Quartz ~ 10 pe’s accepted in 40 ps 40 ps 40 ps 32 QUARTIC Prototype Note: prior to June 2008 test beam, results marginal for QUARTIC 15mm bar: 80 ps/bar 80% efficient; allows you to reach close to 20 ps, but not 10 ps HC HH HE Testing long bars 90 mm (HE to HH) and mini bars 15 mm (HA to HD) Long bars more light from total internal reflection vs. losses from reflection in air light guide, but more time dispersion due to n() 33 QUARTIC Timing 2008 CERN TB Npe=(area/rms)2 56.6/1.4=40 ps/bar using Burle 64 channel 10 m pore tube including CFD! Dt t ( t1 )2 ( t2 )2 2 t1 so if 1 2 then t1 t / 2 Time difference between two 9 cm quartz bars after Louvain constant fraction implies a single bar resolution of 40 ps for about 10 pe’s (expected 10 pe’s from 34 simulations). Need to demonstrate N (more later) (a)All tracks (b)Tracks with (Bonn Silicon Telescope) a Quartz bar on 6mm (c) Efficiency Shape due to veto counter with 15mm diameter hole Events QUARTIC Efficiency CERN TB 6 mm Use tracking (b)/(a) to determine that QUARTIC bar efficiency is high and uniform 35 Strip # Timing Progress in 2009 • • • • Established UTA Picosecond Test Facility (PTF) for laser tests Developed in depth understanding of MCP-PMT performance Investigated rate and lifetime issues Formed collaborations with Arradiance, Photek, and Photonis (including submission of UK and UTA funding proposals) • Built a new prototype detector • Validated readout electronics • Albrow obtains 20-30 ps for a single 90 mm QUARTIC bar with single channel Photek 3 m pore PMT (T979 at FNAL) January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 36 Rate and Current Limits • The baseline QUARTIC detector could see rates of up to 15 MHz in the hottest 6mm x 6mm pixel of the MCP-PMT. If the current: Anode Current = proton frequency x number of photo-electrons generated by each proton x charge x gain I R Npe e G is too high (~10% of strip current) the tube saturates (gain is reduced) • To keep the current at tolerable levels, lower gain and less pe’s are desirable, but precise timing requires as many pe’s as possible (and conventional wisdom also indicated that high gain was necessary*). Smaller pores both reduces the current in any one pore and improves the timing • With 10 pe’s expected for a QUARTIC bar, if a gain of 5x104 were possible instead of the canonical 106(!), we would require a maximum current of about 3 A/cm2, a factor of several higher than standard MCP-PMT’s, but possible for new generation of Photonis MCP-PMT’s 37 *Stay tuned for laser test results! Lifetime Issues Lifetime due to positive ions damaging the photocathode is believed to be proportional to extracted charge: Q/year = I*107 sec/year Q at maximum luminosity is up to 35 C/cm2/yr ! (assuming 5x104 gain!) Without a factor of 20 reduction in gain, the current and lifetime issues would make MCP-PMT’s unusable, with it the rate is borderline, but lifetime off by a factor of 50— tube dies every week! Solution: Graduate student camps out in tunnel to exchange 38 tubes as needed. (Sorry Ian) Lifetime Measurements N. Kishimoto, et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 564 (2006) 204. Relative QE as function of wavelength shows damage is much less in UV than visible Barrier Aluminum ion barrier layer on top of MCP suppresses positive ions, increases lifetime by x5 to 6 No barrier Options for Improved Lifetime MCP-PMT • Ion barrier, already demonstrated, this promises a factor 5 to 6 lifetime improvement (at the cost of a 40-50% collection efficiency reduction) • Electron scrubbing, already demonstrated internally by Photonis, promises a factor 5 to 10 lifetime improvement • Z-stack, already demonstrated, this promises a factor of 10 lifetime improvement (A.Yu. Barnyakov, et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 598 (2009) 160) • Arradiance coated MCP’s, to be demonstrated, this promises a factor of 10 or more lifetime improvement (Grants submitted by UTA and Manchester to fund insertion of Arradiance MCP’s in Photonis and Photek tubes: “Development of a Long Life Microchannel Plate Photomultiplier Tube for High Flux Applications through the Innovative Application of Nanofilms”) • Various combinations of these factors are possible and should give multiplicative improvement factors, except for the electron scrubbing and Arradiance coating, which would be expected to be orthogonal January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 40 Conclusions of Internal Lifetime Note Combination of lower gain running and higher current tube implies that expected rates/currents at 1034 are acceptable with existing technology. After accounting for lower gain running the discrepancy factor for the lifetime required for tube to survive 1 LHC year at 1034 luminosity is about a factor of 50 at 220 m as current QUARTIC detector design require a 35 C/cm2 MCP-PMT Pursuing the funding necessary to develop 50x longer life MCP-PMT’s. Given the different possible lifetime options, we have no doubt that this can be achieved with MCP-PMT technology January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 41 Laser Test Goals • Develop flexible laser test facility • Study properties of MCP-PMT’s • Optimize electronics Some issues to address: 1) How does timing depend on gain ? 2) What is minimum gain for 10 pe’s? Need to validate low gain operations. 3) What is maximum rate at which tube can operate? 4) Evaluate amp/CFD/TDC choices at detector working point 5) Eventually lifetime tests January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 42 PTF LeCroy Wavemaster 6 GHz Oscilloscope Hamamatsu PLP-10 Laser Power Supply Picosecond Test Facility featuring Undergraduate Laser Gang (UGLG) Undergraduate Laser Youths? (UGLY) Laser Box mirror beam splitter MCP-PMT filter lenses January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar laser 43 Timing vs Gain for 10 m Tube Measured with reference tube using CFD’s and x100 mini-circuits amps, with 10 pe’s can operate at ~5E4 Gain (critical for reducing rate and lifetime issues) With further optimization have obtained <25 ps resolution for 10 pe’s. 44 Timing vs. Number of PE’s 45 40 Time Resolution (ps) 35 30 HV 2350 25 HV 2450 20 HV 2650 HV 2750 15 HV 2850 10 5 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 #PE No dependence of timing on gain if sufficient amplification! 45 Transit Time Spread for Burle 64 Channel Planacon (10 m pores) • Jerry Va’vra has measured 32 ps for TTS (SLAC-PUB-13573) so we should have about 10 ps (32/10 for 10 pe’s! ) • This is true only if you ignore 2nd backscattering peak January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 46 UTA Transit Time Spread for Burle 64 Channel Planacon (10 m pores) testing/modelling of response of PMT to late light and evolution of timing from one to several pe’s in progress Current/area for 10 m Tube Relative Gain vs. Calculated Output Current 1.2 Relative Gain 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1.0E-04 1.0E-03 1.0E-02 1.0E-01 1.0E+00 Calculated Output Current (μA/cm2) January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar Last 2 points are 0.4 and 2.0 μA/cm2; we need to reach about 3 μA/cm2 at 1034 Photonis has made Planacon with 10x higher current capability which would meet our rate requirements (even with 1.0E+01 saturation we still obtain the same 48 time resolution!!!) New Multi-Channel Laser Setup January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 49 Rate Tests 1.20 Normalized Pulse Height 1.00 XoX 0.80 ooX Xoo 0.60 ooo 0.40 oooooooo 0.20 0.00 1.0E+03 1.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+06 1.0E+07 Laser Frequency (Hz) No rate dependence on number of pixels hit (that’s a good thing!) January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 50 Beam vs Fiber Fiber timing not as good, butAndrew allows us SLAC flexibility January 12, 2010 Brandt Seminarfor some characterization 51 tests SQRT(N)? From averaging time of four measurements on event-byevent basis If single fiber gives 35 ps then 4 fibers should give 17 ps; but note that with many fibers plugged in, individual pixel gets light leaking from neighboring channel, need to test that this effect is reproduced in test beam 52 Components of AFP Fast Timing System Mini-circuits ZX60 3 GHZ or equivalent QUARTIC: Photonis planacon 10 m pore 8x8 or equivalent Photek MCP-PMT Louvain Custom CFD (LCFD) HPTDC board (Alberta) Reference HV/LV UTA QUARTIC/PMT Development Timing Stonybrook AMP to HPTDC Optomodules/ ROD Ref. time SLAC +LLNL <1 ps ! Manchester/UCL LCFD ZX60 3 GHz amplifier Louvain developed LCFD (Louvain Constant Fraction Discriminator) mini-module approach tuned LCFD mini-module to Burle and Hamamatsu rise times; 12 channel NIM unit Excellent performance : <10 ps resolution for 4 or more pe’s Remote control for threshold January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 54 Alberta HPTDC board 12 ps resolution with pulser. Successfully tested at UTA laser test stand with laser/10 m tube/ZX60 amp/LCFD LCFD_Ch01_No12_spe, high level light, May 6, 2009, UTA laser test RMS resolution = 13.7 ps 6000 5000 counts 4000 3000 2000 1000 January 12, 2010 13.7 ps with split LCFD signal 0 800 810 820 830 840 850 bin number 860 870 55 880 890 900 Fast Timing Summary • Have tested detectors and electronics chain capable of ~10 ps timing • R&D still in progress to optimize all components (and reduce rate/pixel) • Prototype system test beam including readout planned for this summer • PMT lifetime is an ongoing issue, but pursuing options with vendors that seem likely to provide solutions on 3 year timescale (prior to max luminosity) January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 56 AFP allows ATLAS to cover all the possibilities! January 12, 2010 Andrew Brandt SLAC Seminar 57