Spanish 101 Syllabus
Professor: José Santos
Class Time: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 4-6pm
Location: TBD
Required Textbooks: (College Bookstore sells complete packages for $TBA + tax)
 Textbook 1: ¡Arriba! Comunicación y cultura, 5th edition
ISBN-10: 0132223279
Publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall
Authors: Eduardo Zayas-Bazán; Susan M. Bacon; Holly Nibert
Textbook 2: Student Activities Manuel for ¡Arriba!: Comunicación y cultura
ISBN-10: 0132397463
Publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall
Authors: Eduardo Zayas-Bazán; Susan M. Bacon; Holly Nibert
Course Description: This beginning course emphasizes listening, speaking, reading, writing, and
helps to develop an appreciation of cultural diversity through the study of differences and similarities
between cultures.
Course Objectives: This introductory course to the Spanish language will enable students to
accomplish the following goals.
 Students will be able to respond to formal and informal greetings, written and orally.
 Understanding conversations based on material studied throughout the class course and
 Asking and answering questions and carrying on brief conversations based on assigned
 Reading Spanish passages with clear pronunciation, and translating English sentences into
Spanish, and Spanish sentences into English.
 Students will be writing short compositions, dialogues, and taking dictation with correct
 Use newly acquired grammatical structures to communicate orally, and in writing.
 Identify the basic characteristics that distinguish the Spanish speaking cultures.
 This course shall cover chapters 1 through 6.
Important note: Proficiency in these areas will be evaluated as the student completes textbook
assignments, compositions, oral presentations, tests, and participates in class discussions and
activities. To make these goals more practical, internet, video material, music and periodicals will be
used in class.
Learning outcomes: Upon successful completion of Spanish 101, students will do the following:
communicate and comprehend basic Spanish at a basic level; write simple sentences; demonstrate
knowledge of basic Spanish grammar; and demonstrate an understanding of the general aspects of
culture, history, and geography of the Hispanic world.
(you are encouraged to keep track of your own scores):
Tarea (10%).
Scores: c1___ ___ c2___ ___ c3___ ___ c4___ ___ c5___ ___ c6 ___ ___
On the calendar you will see columns labeled “text” and “SAM” (Student Activities Manual. You are
responsible to prepare all readings, writing assignments, listening exercises, etc. before coming to class on
the designated day (with the exception of the first day of class) in both the text and the SAM. There are
SAM assignments that correspond to the text assignments for each chapter. You must complete all the
exercises in the SAM for each chapter. On the days that the evaluaciones auditiva y de gramática are
given, you will turn in the SAM. Your instructor will briefly check to make sure you have completed and
corrected all exercises. Please do the SAM in pencil or a dark pen and correct it in a clearly distinct
color. You will lose points for each incomplete/uncorrected exercise. Bring chapter 6 of the SAM with
you to your oral interview.
Quizzes (10%).
Scores: c1___ ___ c2___ ___ c3___ ___ c4___ ___ c5___ ___ c6 ___ ___
Quizzes will normally cover the text/workbook/lab assignment for that day. They may be aural, oral,
writing, reading, or cultural checks. There are no make-ups. If you walk in after the quiz has started, you
may quickly take the quiz in the remaining time. If you arrive when the quiz is being collected or later,
you will not be able to take the quiz.
Evaluación de escritura (5 = 15%).
Scores: c1___ c2___ c3___ c4___ c5___
You will write five brief essays in class to demonstrate your writing proficiency. Your instructor will
explain the expectations thoroughly, and you will practice before you produce a final draft. You cannot
make up missed essays.
Evaluación de lectura (5 = 10%).
Scores: c1___ c2___ c3___ c4___ c5___
You will be given five brief evaluations in class to allow you to demonstrate your reading proficiency.
Your instructor will explain the expectations thoroughly, and you will practice before you take the
evaluation. You cannot make up missed evaluations.
Evaluación oral: Presentación. (2 = 10%).
Scores: #1____ #2____
You will give two three-minute presentations in pairs or in groups of three in order to demonstrate your
oral proficiency. Your instructor will explain the expectations thoroughly. Practice several times with
your group outside of class before you give your presentation to the class. The group cannot use more
than three minutes (including prep time). Use your time wisely and efficiently to show your instructor
your mastery over the language concepts being studied.
Evaluación oral/auditiva: entrevista (10%).
Score: _____
You will complete an individual interview with your instructor at the end of the class covering course
material. You cannot cram for this interview. The only way to be prepared is to study diligently
throughout the semester. Some suggestions: read all your homework out loud; watch Spanish TV;
practice speaking with a classmate or, even better, with a native speaker in the community; keep a daily
journal in Spanish.
Evaluación auditiva y de gramática (5 = 20%).
Scores: c1___ c2___ c3___ c4___ c5___
At the end of each chapter you will be given a brief evaluation to allow you to demonstrate your aural and
grammatical proficiency. These evaluations will be similar to the exercises you complete in your text,
workbook, and lab manual. If you have completed your work and corrected it, you should be prepared for
these evaluations. You can make up missed evaluations with a penalty. Read make-up policy below.
Final Exam (10%).
Score: _____
This course has a final exam that will be given during exam week. The exam will allow you to
demonstrate your aural, writing, reading, and cultural proficiency. Please arrange your schedule
accordingly. The exam will be cumulative. A significant portion will cover chapter 6, but there will also
be sections of the exam covering chapters 1-5. More information will be provided well before the exam.
PPAC: Participation/Preparation/Attendance/Courtesy (5%).
Absences (date): _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Tardes (date): _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
PARTICIPATION means that you will actively contribute to class and group discussions both by asking
and by answering questions. This also means that you will willingly engage in class activities and that
you will use the language of the course always, i.e., Spanish.
PREPARATION implies that you will have read the reading, written your homework, and accomplished
any other pertinent assignment in advance of the class in which it will be discussed.
ATTENDANCE refers to the expectation that all students will attend every day (including the first day of
class) and arrive on time. Absence from class will affect your grade, as will tardies, early departures, and
regularly entering and leaving the room while class is in session. Note attendance policy below.
COURTESY: please recognize that MP3 players and other electronic devices, phones, food, and gum in
the classroom interfere with course goals and, therefore, are not permitted. Please respect the cultural and
linguistic diversity of the class. Please understand that listening attentively and participating
enthusiastically manifests respect for your classmates, for your professor, and for the learning experience.
Grading Scale:
60-69=D 59 =F
Drop Class Policy: It is your responsibility to drop this class. Failure to do it may result in an “F”.
Class Etiquette:
 Absolutely no eating during class. Only water and other drinkable fluids (like coffee for
example) on a very secure cup or container.
 Disruption of class and improper behavior will not be tolerated and you will be removed
from class. This includes cell phones ringing during class. Silence them, please.
Absolutely no texting or using your smart phones during class
Last Important Note: Make-up Exams - There are none, unless you make arrangements based on a
family crisis or illness. Personal crisis and/or Car troubles are not acceptable excuses for missing
exams. Students late for an exam will not be given additional time to complete it. So, make sure you
arrive on time.
Text Assignment & Daily Activities
Introduction; 2-7 saludos y despedidas
8-12 alfabeto, números hasta cien
12-17 días, meses, estaciones del año, Comparaciones;
¿Cuánto sabes tú?: 16
18-24 Vocabulario: “En la clase”; sustantivos, artículos
24-29 adjetivos, pronombres de sujeto, ser; ¿Cuánto sabes
tú?: 28; Observaciones
30-37 Panoramas, Ritmos, Páginas; Evaluación de lectura
C1: 35; Repaso: 37
ENTREGAR: WB/LAB C1; Evaluación de escritura C1:
Evaluación auditiva y de gramática C1; 39-44
Vocabulario: “¿Quiénes somos?”
44-48 la hora
48-53 preguntas y negación; Comparaciones; ¿Cuánto sabes
tú?: 52
54-60 Vocabulario: “¿Qué haces?; verbos -ar
60-65 verbos -ir/-er, tener/tener que; ¿Cuánto sabes tú?: 64;
66-71 Panoramas, Ritmos, Páginas; Evaluación de lectura
C2: 70; Repaso: 73
ENTREGAR: WB/LAB C2; Evaluación de escritura C2:
Evaluación auditiva y de gramática C2; 75-81
Vocabulario: “Qué estudias?
81- 85 números y adjetivos posesivos
85-89 tener; Comparaciones; ¿Cuán to sabes tú?: 88
90-95 Vocabulario: “¿Dónde esta…?”; Silabeo
95-102 ir, hacer, estar; ser/estar; ¿Cuánto sabes tú?: 102
103-10 Observaciones, Panoramas, Ritmos, Páginas;
Evaluación de lectura C3: 109 Repaso: 113
ENTREGAR: WB/LAB C3; Evaluación auditiva y de
gramática C3
Evaluación de escritura C3: 111-12; 115-19 Vocabulario:
“La familia”
119-24 Verbos de cambio de raíz
125-28 el objeto directo, el pronombre del objeto directo y la
a personal
128-131 poner, salir, traer; ¿Cuánto sabes tú?: 130;
132-36 Vocabulario: “El Socio”
1-1 to 1-13
1-14 to 1-20
1-21 to 1-31
1-32 to 1-46
1-47 to 1-68
1-69 to 1-74
2-1 to 2-7
2-8 to 2-11
2-12 to 2-26
2-27 to 2-40
2-41 to 2-59
2-60 to 2-66
3-1 to 3-7
3-8 to 3-17
3-18 to 3-24
3-25 to 3-32
3-33 to 3-56
3-57 to 3-67
4-1 to 4-6
4-7 to 4-15
4-16 to 4-24
4-25 to 4-33
4-34 to 4-38
137-42 adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos, saber y
4-39 to 4-55
¿Cuánto sabes tú?: 142
143-50 Observaciones, Panoramas, Ritmos, Páginas
4-56 to 4-67
Evaluación de lectura C4: 149; Repaso: 153
Presentación 1:
5-1 to 5-8
ENTREGAR: WB/LAB C4; Evaluación auditiva y de
gramática C4
Evaluación de escritura C4: 151-52; 155-59 Vocabulario:
“Actividades diarias”
159-62 reflexivos, construcciones reciprocas
5-9 to 5-19
163-67 Comparaciones de igualdad y de desigualdad,
5-20 to 5-30
¿Cuánto sabes tú?: 166; Comparaciones
168-73 Vocabulario: “Quehaceres”
5-31 to 5-41
173-78 superlativos, presente progresivo; ¿Cuánto sabes tú?: 5-42 to 5-52
179-84 Observaciones, Panoramas, Ritmos
5-53 to 5-59
184-87 Páginas; Evaluación de lectura C5: 185; Repaso:
5-60 to 5-62
6-1 to 6-8
ENTREGAR: WB/LAB C5; Evaluación auditiva y de
gramática C5 Evaluación de escritura C5: 186 // 189-94
Vocabulario: “Comidas y bebidas”
195-97 decir, dar, el objetos indirecto y el pronombres del
6-9 to 6-16
objetos indirecto
198-201gustar; ¿Cuánto sabes tú?: 200; Comparaciones
6-17 to 6-26
202-06 Vocabulario: “En la cocina”
6-27 to 6-36
207-10 el pretérito regular
6-37 to 6-43
210-212 el pretérito irregular, Observaciones; ¿Cuánto sabes 6-44 to 6-53
tú?: 212
Nótese: La evaluación auditiva y de gramática y las
evaluaciones de lectura y de escritura del capítulo 6 se
hacen en el examen final. (Panoramas, Ritmos, Páginas,
Taller, Repaso: 221)
6-54 to 6-63
Presentación 2
ENTREGAR: WB/LAB C6; Entrevistas orales
ENTREGAR: WB/LAB C6; Entrevistas orales
Exámenes finales. Páginas claves para repasar: C1: 16, 28, 37; C2:
52, 64, 73; C3: 88, 102, 113; C4: 130, 142, 153; C5: 166, 178, 187;
C6: 200, 212, 221