
Spanish 101
Spring 2014
Span 101 sec.M01 MW 9:00-9:50 287A,
T 9:00-10:50 206
Texts: Vistas Text, Workbook & website, 4th edition
Nancy Crane
Phone: 844-8211 ext. 4281
Office: adjunct office room 122
Office Hours: Tues. 11-12 & by appointment.
This is a beginning Spanish course. No prior knowledge of Spanish is required.
Students will develop skills in oral and written communication and will be introduced to
different aspects of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world as represented in Spain,
Latin America and parts of the United States. At the end of the semester students
should be able to express themselves in Spanish both verbally and in written
composition in the present and past tenses, as well as give simple commands; they will
learn vocabulary and expressions used in authentic, everyday situations (time, weather,
classroom, restaurants, shopping, clothes, the family; names and culture of Hispanic
countries, their capitals, and their location).
Methods of
Course format will be a combination of lectures about grammar and syntax mixed with lots of
class participation. Students will work together as a class, in small groups and individually. In
addition to lectures, there will be videos and other audio materials. We will use the audio and
video exercises on the Vistas supersite ( Students are
encouraged to visit the language lab in the Baker Learning Center for additional practice.
Additionally, students will perform original skits that integrate the vocabulary and grammar from
the chapters studied. Each student will meet individually with the instructor during the semester
for a speaking test.
Textbook homework, workbook, video and lab exercises and article reviews
Preparation and participation:
Written tests
Skits and speaking test
Final exam
Students are expected to do the exercises in the textbook for each chapter as well as
other written assignments indicated on the syllabus. They should complete each daily
assignment BEFORE coming to class. In order to learn more about the Spanish-speaking
world, students will read 4 newspaper articles about Spanish-speaking Latin America or
Spain from a Latin American or Spanish news source. They will write a paragraph
summary of the article (and include the URL for the article) and write another paragraph
in which they discuss the importance of the event mentioned and their reaction to it.
We will be going over the homework in class and some class activities are built on the
homework so it is important to complete it for each class. To encourage timely
completion of homework assignments, there will be periodic homework checks, which
will be factored into the preparation and participation grade.
In order to learn more about the Spanish-speaking world, students will read 4
newspaper articles about Spanish-speaking Latin America or Spain from a Latin
American or Spanish news source. They will write a paragraph summary of the article
(and include the URL for the article) and write another paragraph in which they discuss
the importance of the event mentioned and their reaction to it.
The articles could cover current events, sports, cultural happenings, politics, education...etc
but they must focus on something happening in the Spanish speaking country. Articles
should not focus on international events about China, India, etc. nor news about Brazil,
Trinidad, or other non-Spanish-speaking countries. ) Students must use a news source from
Spain or a Spanish Speaking country. Students should select an article that is long enough to
do this kind of analysis.
Links to English language newspapers from Spanish speaking countries (and a few teacher approved U.S. sites). (costa Rica) (panama) Spain mexico (honduras) Chile argentina Dominican Republic Dominican republic chile Bolivia Cuba U.S.A- a newspaper about issues that effect many US Hispanics Costa Rica
Preparation &
participation: This includes classroom effort, preparation and performance. Students are expected to come
prepared and actively participate. They should bring their textbook and answers to textbook
exercises to every class. Preparation includes learning the new vocabulary and verbs
assigned for each day before coming to class so that class time can be spent practicing the
material. Obviously, if a student does not attend, he/she cannot participate nor practice his/her
speaking and oral comprehension. For that reason and because we will be covering materials
not included in the text, attendance is very important. Students are allowed up to 3 absences
(excused and/or unexcused) from the class. After that, one percentage point will be deducted
from the student's final grade for each additional absence. This grade is not simply an
attendance grade. Students are expected to participate actively in Spanish. If a student is not in
class, s/he must e-mail me any exercises that are due for that class period by class time. Students
are expected to speak in Spanish in every class. Students active participation IN SPANISH will be
considered when evaluating the participation grade. All electronic devices (cell phones, laptops,
etc.) must be turned off during class. Use of these devices is disruptive and will result in a poor
participation grade.
Tests &
There will be 4 hourly written tests covering the grammar, vocabulary, telenovela and
cultural readings covered in the chapter. Periodically there will be
grammar and vocabulary quizzes. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped but no makeup quizzes will be allowed. Unless a student can prove extenuating circumstances, no
make-ups will be allowed for any tests.
Oral assessments:
Skits/conversations- at the end of each chapter, students will perform brief skits
incorporating the vocabulary and grammar being studied. They will perform these for
the class without reading.
Oral exam - students will meet once individually with the instructor to converse about
the grammar and vocabulary being studied.
Final Exam:
This test is cumulative and will have the same general format as the chapter tests. Please note
the date of your section's final exam on the course schedule and make your travel plans
Academic Integrity: Any written work submitted by student and speak his or her own. If the student uses the
words or ideas of someone else, he or she must cite the source by such means as a footnote. Our
guiding principle is that any honest evaluation of the student's performance must be based on
that student's work. Any action taken by student I would result in misrepresentation of someone
else's work or actions as the student's own such as cheating on a test, submitting for credit a
paper written by another person, or forging an advisor signature is intellectually dishonest and
deserving of censure. Potential sanctions for a violation of the college's policy on academic
integrity include, but are not limited to: reduction in grade, elimination of grade, and failure for
the course.
Student Disability Services: It is the College’s policy to provide, on an individual basis, reasonable accommodations
to students with disabilities that may affect their ability to fully participate in program or
course activities, or to meet course requirements. Students with disabilities should contact
Carolyn Boone, Coordinator of Access and Equity Services at (607) 844-8222 (ext. 4283)
or to discuss their particular need for accommodations.
This material is available in alternative formats upon request.
Mon. 1/27
Introduction, go over syllabus, buy textbook
Tues. 1/28
Study vocabulary pages 2-3 in text., map of Spanish speaking countries, Do
workbook exercises 1-2 on page 1 in workbook and exercises 1,2, and 3 on
page 1 of lab manual. Alphabet, culture on pages 10-11 Study Spanish alphabet on page
9 in textbook. Do exercises 1,2,3 on page 2 in lab manual. Read Saludos y besos en los
países hispánicos on page 10-11 in text and answer reading comprehension questions
Pg. 11) in textbook.
Wed. 1/29
Study 1.1 nouns and articles, and 1.1 (nouns and articles) on pages 12-13. , do
inténtalo on pg 14 in textbook and 1-5 on pages 1 and 2 in workbook. and #1,2,3 on
page 3 in workbook Do exercises 1,2,3 on page 3 in lab manual.
Mon. 2/3
Study 1.2 numbers 0-30, Do inténtalo page 16 in text, #2, and 3 on page 17 in
text, Do exercises 1 and 3 on page 4 of lab manual and #1 and 2 on page 4 of
Tues. 2/4
quiz on numbers and alphabet Study 1.3 ser, do inténtalo on pg. 21, Do exercises 1, 3
and 5 on page 5 of lab manual. Do page 5 #2 in workbook. Study 1.4 telling time, Do
inténtalo page 25, do #2 on page 26 of text, do exercises 1 and 3 on page 6 of lab
manual. Do #1 and 2 in workbook on page ** Fotonovela,
Wed. 2/5
quiz on ser and telling time, Read panorama Estados Unidos on pages 36-37 in text and
answer reading comprehension questions on page 37 / review
Mon. 2/10
in class skits
Tues. 2/11
Wed. 2/12
test on chapter 1
Mon. 2/17
Study vocabulary on page 40-42 of text, chapter 2 Do #6 and 7 on page 42 in
text, do exercise 1 on page 7 of lab manual. Do #1 and 3 on pages 11-12 in workbook.
Tues. 2/18
Study 2.1 Regular AR verbs and gustar, Do inténtalo page 52 of text, #1 on
page 53 of text. Do exercises 1, 2 and 4 in lab manual on page 9. Do #1-3 on page 13 of
workbook. 2.2 Study 2.2 Forming questions, question words. Read "La elección de una
carrera universitaria" on pages 48-49 in text and answer reading comprehension
questions on pages 48-49, Do exercises 1, 3 and 4 on page 10 of lab manual. Do #1,2 on
page 15 in workbook.
Wed. 2/19
Study 2.2 Forming questions, question words. Read "La elección de una carrera
universitaria on pages 48-49 in text and answer reading comprehension
questions on pages 48-49, Do exercises 1, 3 and 4 on page 10 of lab manual. Do #1,2 on
page 15 in workbook.
Mon. 2/24
Study 2.3 Ser/Estar, quiz on AR verbs and gustar, Do inténtalo page 60 in text,
and #2 on page 61 in text., Do exercises 1 and 3 in lab manual on page 11. Do #1,3 and
4 on pages 17-18 in workbook. Do #2 on page 19 in workbook.
Tues. 2/25
Study 2.4 Numbers larger 31, Do exercises 1 and 2 in lab manual on page 12,
Do #2 on page 19 in workbook. Fotonovela,
in class skits, Read panorama España on pages 74-75, answer reading comprehension
questions on page 75 in text.
Mon 3/3
Tues. 3/4
Test on chapter 2
Wed. 3/5*
Study vocabulary pages 78-79, draw your family tree including 3 generations.
Label the relationship between each family member and yourself. (example
write "hermano" under your brother's name. Look at the family tree on page
78-79 for an example of how to draw a family tree. Do exercises 1, 2 and 3 in lab
manual on page 13. Do #1 on page 23 of workbook.
Mon. 3/10
study 3.1 descriptive adjectives on page 88-90, Do inténtalo on page 90 in text,
#1 and 2 on page 91 in text. Do exercises 4 and 5 on page 15 of lab manual.. Do #1 on
page 25 of workbook
Tues. 3/11*
Study 3.2 possessive adjectives page 93, Quiz on descriptive adjectives, Do
inténtalo on page 93 in text, # 1,2 and 3 in text on page 94. Do #1, 2 and 3 on page 27
of workbook. Study 3.3 Present tense of ER and IR verbs pages 96-97, Do inténtalo on
page 97 in text and #1 on page 98 in text. Do exercises 1, and 4 in lab manual on page
17.Do #1 and 2 on page 29 of workbook.
Wed. 3/12*
Quiz on ER and IR verbs. Study 3.4 present tense of Tener and Venir and tener idioms
pages 100-101, Do inténtalo on page 101 in text, exercises 2 and 3 on page 102 in text.
Do exercise 5 on page 18 in lab manual. Do #1 and 2 on page 31 of workbook.
Mon. 3/24
Read panorama pages 112-113 and answer reading comprehension questions in the
textbook on pages 112-113. Watch fotonovela. Review
Tues. 3/25
Skits. Review for test on chapter 3
Wed. 3/26
Test on Chapter 3
Mon 3/31
Study vocabulary on pages 116-118, Write a paragraph about what you do in
your free time (sports or other leisure activities) and what you like to do on
vacation. Incorporate the vocabulary from the chapter. Do exercises 1 and 2 on page 19
of lab manual. Do #1 and 2 in workbook on page 37.
Tues. 4/1
Study 4.1 the verb IR on page 126, Do inténtalo page 126 and exercise 1 on
page 127 in text. Do #1 and 3 on pages 39-40 in workbook. Study 4.2 Stem changing
verbs on pages 129-130, Do inténtalo on page 130 and exercise #1 on page 131. Do #1
and 2 on page 41 in workbook.
Wed. 4/2*
Quiz on stem changing verbs (pages 129-130), Study 4.3 e-i stem changing
verbs on page 133, Do inténtalo on page 133 and #1 on page 134. Do #1 and 2 on page
43 of workbook.
Mon. 4/7
Study 4.4 Verbs with irregular yo forms on pages 136-137, Do inténtalo on
page 137 and #1 on page 138. Do #1 and 2 on page 45 of workbook.
Tues. 4/8
Quiz on verbs with irregular yo forms stem changing verbs continued. skits in class
Wed. 4/9
Read No solo el fútbol on pages 142-143 and answer the questions "Después
de leer" on pages 142-143 in text.
Mon. 4/14
Review for test on chapter 4
Tues. 4/15
Test on chapter 4
Wed. 4/16*
Study vocabulary to chapter 5 on pages 152-155. Do exercises 5 and 6 on page 155 in
text. Do lab exercises 1-4 on page 25 of lab manual.
Mon. 4/21
Quiz on vocabulary. Study 5.1 (Estar with conditions and emotions) on page 164 in text.
Do inténtalo on page 164 , exercises 1 and 2 on page 165. Do exercises 1 and 4 on page
27 of lab manual.
Tues. 4/22
Study 5.2 Present progressive on pages 166-167. Do inténtalo on page 167 and #2 on
page 168 in text. Do exercises 1 and 3 on page 28 in lab manual. Study 5.3 SER and
ESTAR on pages 170-171. Do inténtalo on page 171 and #2 on page 172 in text. Do
exercises #1 and 5 on page 29 in lab manual.
Quiz on present progressive. Study 5.4 Direct Object nouns and pronouns on page 174.
Do inténtalo on page 175 and #1 on page 176 in text. Do #1 on page 30 in lab manual.
Quiz on Direct Object Pronouns,
Tues. 4/29
Watch fotonovela, In class skits using vocabulary and grammar from Chapter 5
Wed. 4/30
Mon. 5/5
Tues. 5/6
Speaking tests
Mon. 5/5
review for final
Final exam
5/12 to 5/16 Date to be announced.