AP Human Geography Info and Summer Assignment Welcome to


AP Human Geography Info and Summer Assignment

Welcome to AP Human Geography, AKA “AP HUG,”

Although you will be expected to know and understand locations on a map, this course takes in a myriad of geographical aspects: population, culture, politics, economics, agriculture, and religion, just to name a few.

AP HUG truly is a “current events” course, and most students find that they leave the course in June much more globally aware than they had been in August.

As the first and only AP HUG teacher (with assistance from Ms. Shangraw) at Dominion High, I have realized that students are often overwhelmed by the vocabulary associated with this course. Therefore, this year the vocabulary will be the focus of the summer assignment.

Attached is a list of most of the words that are pivotal to success in this course. I have come to realize that students who know and understand the vocabulary of the course have a definite advantage over those who don’t on the AP Exam. For example, even if a Free Response Question (FRQ) is unclear, if a student understands the key vocabulary words used in the question, they will be able to write a fairly cohesive answer.

Therefore, your SUMMER ASSIGNMENT is to create a dictionary of the attached 195 words. You should purchase an AP Human Geography study guide for this course, and if you buy it early (one of the larger books store or Amazon.com carries them) you should find most of the definitions contained there. You can also the internet , http://www.studystack.com/APHumanGeography , is one of the better sites,to seek out the explanations of the terms, theories or concepts to define. The dictionary of terms must be hand written.

You can create a notebook of terms, or use index cards as your personal dictionary. The final product should be something that can be used throughout the course as a study guide for both the chapter tests, as well as the AP Exam in May.

This will be worth 100 points, and will be the first recorded grade for you in AP HUG. The summer assignment is due the last class day of the second week of school. Assignments handed in on Zero Day will receive a 5% bonus. Although I’m sure you believe this to be tedious (and it may be), I honestly believe this will be a great way for you to commit some of the extensive vocabulary to memory and become a successful resource for you for the entire course.

My goal for you is to leave this course with a satisfactory grade on the AP exam, as well as becoming more aware of the world around us.

David Snyder




1. Absolute distance- the distance between 2 places, that can be measured with a standard unit of length, feet, mile, kilometer.

2. Absolute location

3. Accessibility

4. Acculturation

5. Activity space

6. Age Distribution


7. Agrarian

8. Agribusiness

9. Agricultural density

10. Agricultural Industrialization

11. Agricultural location model

12. Animism


13. Annexation

14. Anthropocentric

15. Apartheid

16. Arithmetic density


17. Assimilation

18. Azimuthal projection

19. Balkanization


20. Biodiversity

21. Bio revolution

22. Biotechnology

23. Blockbusting

24. Brain Drain

25. Bulk Point

26. Buddhism

27. Buffer state

28. Bulk

29. reducing Industry

30. Carrying capacity

31. Cartogram

32. Caste

33. Census Tract

34. Central Business District

35. Central Place Theory

36. Centralization

37. Centrifugal forces



38. Chain migration

39. Choropleth map

40. Collective farm

41. Commercial Agriculture

42. Compact state

43. Concentric Zone Model

44. Confederation

45. Connectivity

46. Contagious Diffusion

47. Core/Periphery

48. Crop Rotation

49. Cultivation regions

50. Cultural Adaptation

51. Cultural Convergence

52. Cultural Ecology

53. Cultural Identity

54. Cultural landscape


55. Cultural Realm

56. Cyclic movement

57. Decentralization

58. Demographic equation

59. Demographic momentum

60. Demographic regions

61. Demographic Transition Model

62. Demography

63. Dependency Ratio

64. Dependency theory

65. Development

66. Devolution

67. Diffusion

68. Dispersed Settlement

69. Distance Decay


70. Doubling Time


71. Economic base

72. Edge city

73. Emerging cities

74. Enclave/exclave

75. Energy consumption

76. Environmental determinism

77. Epidemiological Transition Model

78. Ethnic Religion

79. Expansion Diffusion

80. Extractive Industry

81. Federalism

82. Food Chain

83. Forced Migration

84. Foreign direct investment

85. Formal Region

86. Fragmented state

87. Franglais

88. Friction of Distance

89. Functional (Nodal)

90. Functional Region

91. Gentrification

92. Geopolitics

93. Geothermal Energy

94. Gerrymander

95. GIS

96. Globalization

97. GPS

98. Gravity model

99. Green Revolution

100. Gross Domestic Product

101. Hajj

102. Hearth

103. Heartland/rimland

104. Hierarchical diffusion

105. Hinduism

106. Human Development Index

107. Immigrant state

108. Infant mortality rate

109. Intensive Subsistence Agriculture

110. Interregional Migration

111. Intervening Opportunity

112. Islam

113. J curve

114. Judaism

115. Less(Least) Developed Country

116. Lingua Franca

117. Literacy Rate

118. Maladaptation

119. Maquiladora

120. Market Gardening

121. Mechanization

122. Mercator projection

123. Metropolitan Statistical area

124. Microstate

125. Monotheism/polytheism

126. More(Most) developed Country

127. Mortality

128. Multinational state

129. Nation state

130. Natural Increase Rate

131. Neo Malthusian

132. Nomadic herding

133. Nucleated Settlement

134. Overpopulation

135. Pandemic

136. Pattern


137. Perforated State

138. Periphery

139. Peters Projection World Map

140. Physiological density

141. Place Name


142. Place Utility

143. Planned Economy


144. Population densities

145. Population distributions

146. Population pyramid

147. Possibilism

148. Primary Sector


149. Purchasing power

150. Push

151. Pull Factors

152. Quality of Life Index

153. Rate of natural increase

154. Redlining

155. Refugee

156. Relative distance

157. Relative location

158. Religious Culture Hearth

159. Relocation diffusion

160. Rural Settlement

161. Sacred space


162. Scale

163. S curve

164. Second Agricultural Revolution

165. Secondary Sector

166. Sector Model

167. Secularism

168. Sequence Occupancy

169. Shamanism

170. Sharia law

171. Shifting Cultivation

172. Site

173. Situation

174. Sovereignty

175. Space

176. Spatial Distribution

177. Stages of Growth

178. Standard of living

179. Step Migration

180. Stimulus diffusion

181. Survey Patterns

182. Sustainability

183. Technology gap

184. Technology transfer


185. Third World

186. Toponym.

187. Topographical map

188. Transmigration

189. Truck Farm

190. Unitary State

191. Urbanization

192. Vernacular Region

193. Voluntary migration

194. World Systems Theory

195. Zero population growth
