File - World History with Mr. Pierce


At a time of European Expansion

And the End of the Great Ming Naval Expeditions

What is a dynasty?

• In sports?


• A line of people from the same family who rule a country

China’s history is a history of dynasties

Begins with the Qin dynasty – 221 BC

• United various kingdoms

Last two: Ming & Qing

1368 – 1644

Begins when Ming Hong Wu overthrows Mongols


• Expanded territory

Strengthened Great Wall

• Naitonwide School system

Bureaucratic government

Improved Infrastructure

Expanded Navy

 Then Disbanded Navy…

Emperor Yong Le 1402 –


• “Perpetual happiness”

Led many of the great

Ming accomplishments

• Moved capital from

Nanjing to Beijing

Construction of the

Imperial City

Grand Canal

Sponsored naval voyages to Africa

Yong Le sponsored 7 naval voyages to Africa

Led by Zheng He

Sailed in LARGE ships called junks

Established trade in

Africa & India

Brought back riches & exotic animals from Inda

& Africa

BEFORE Europeans found sea passage around


Voyage stop after Yong Le’s death

More traditional Chinese bureaucrats in charge of gov’t

Main reasons:

Voyages were costly – money and lives

Diverted attention away from immediate domestic/security concerns – Mongols

• Rather strengthen Great Wall

Trade seen as an inferior occupation

Portuguese arrive in 1541

• Establish trade

First contact w/ Europe in long time

• Christianity introduced

Chinese not bothered at first

Portuguese later expelled

Further trade greatly restricted

Ming dynasty falls in 1644

Incompetent, young rulers

Corruption & high taxes

• Famine & sickness

1644 peasant revolts force

Ming out of China

• Emperor commits suicide

Peasants now control China

• Opportunity??

Manchus from the North soon march on Beijing

• Easily defeat unorganized peasants

• Announce new Dynasty: Qing or


Force Manchu culture on


• Queues

Eventually restore peace and end economic/social problems

And Japan’s Isolation

For centuries Japan operated according to a strict feudal system

Emperor/Shogun at top

• Shogun = Supreme millitary commander

Daimyo next

• Ruled the different territories like governors


Warrior class •

Farmers, Artisans,

Merchants at bottom

• In that order!

Japan was divided into

250 “hans” or territories

Each was controlled by a different Daimyo

But Daimyo were not all loyal to the Emperor

Samurai were loyal to respective Daimyo

Led to much Civil War

Land disputes & power struggles for centuries

3 Great Unifiers

Oda Nobunaga

Toyotomi Hideyoshi

• Tokugawa Ieyasu

Unite Japan through military measures and economic improvements

Tokugawa Ieyasu completes unification

Family rules Japan from 1603

– 1868

“Tokugawa Shogunate”

“Edo Period” or “Great


How to keep Daimyo loyal?

Hostage System

• Daimyo had to maintain two homes

External threats


• Rulers fearful that citizens’ allegiances would be with the West



• Rulers fearful that western tech would fall into the wrong hands

Edicts issued in 1635 that essentially ban all foreign trade

(coming in and going out)
