What is Moodle PowerPoint presentation

What is Moodle?
(Modular Object Oriented Distant Learning Environment)
(including G & T)
Learning styles
National strategy on
Virtual Learning Environment Use
“The aspiration is that by 2010 all schools will have integrated
learning and management systems…
…There are four key areas of functionality, all of which will
contribute to a personalised learning experience:
Communication tools:
email, messaging, or discussion boards, to enable dialogue between
peers and mentors
(Moodle has messaging, discussion forum, peer assessment tools , polls,
wikis and glossaries)
Individual working space:
to enable the creation and sharing of learning resources which can be
accessed online, outside lesson time and from any location
(Moodle has online assignments where learners can upload a single or a
series of assignments.)
(Learning platforms and personalising learning: An essential guide. BECTA 2007)
National strategy on
Virtual Learning Environment Use
“The aspiration is that by 2010 all schools will have integrated learning and
management systems…
…There are four key areas of functionality, all of which will contribute to a
personalised learning experience:
Management tools:
so teachers can manage e-learning resources and assess, monitor and track
individual and group progress
(Moodle provides easy control of resources provided for pupils (resources and
assignments made available at specified times)
Online Mark book and Activity Reports)
Access that is safe and secure, at any time and from any internet
enabled device.
(Moodle can only be accessed using a valid user name and password
Can be accessed from any device that can browse the Internet
Logs of user activity for monitoring purposes)
(Learning platforms and personalising learning: An essential guide. BECTA 2007)
Progress in 2008 to 2009
A series of Moodle CPD sessions provided throughout
the year covering:
Introduction to VLEs and Moodle.
Setting up a learning course and providing learning resources to
Setting up assignments and using the online mark book to monitor
the progress of these assignments and to provide feedback.
Using the built in quiz maker to produce quizzes that be used for
formative assessment.
Using discussion forums
One to One sessions provided for individual staff
Representatives from other schools attending Moodle
Progress in 2008 to 2009
Law Department
“Pretty much all course resources that can go on Moodle are on Moodle,
broken down into exam units and then topics”
“There are also past papers where available/mark schemes
(depending on where we are at in the year, I occasionally hide
these), tests, some quizzes … (hidden until used then available for
self testing), articles for extension activities etc..”
“We have used forums to varying success.....I do think I need to keep
plugging away at these and create a culture....”
“I also like the way I can save updates etc.. Normally with law I might see an
article etc and then print it and stick it in a file to use for handout updating later
in the year. Now I just upload to Moodle.”
Karen Reynard
Progress in 2008 to 2009
Computing Department
“The major way I use Moodle is as an online mark book and
“…I can link to websites and upload computer based training resources
such as web pages, training videos and quizzes.”
“By making my own videos and uploading these I can
“I can check whether students have accessed the resources as Moodle
monitors their activity. So if they say they have uploaded work I can check
whether they did and can confirm the data and time of submission.”
feedback tool…this means there is a permanent record of the
feedback I have given. It sorts out the logistics of monitoring a
large amount of coursework.”
demonstrate precise skills.”
Julie Sharp
Progress in 2008 to 2009
History Department
“I have used Moodle as a forum for Y12 students to submit their
projects and then evaluate their classmates. In previous lessons we
have looked at the work in class which whilst extremely useful is
extremely time consuming .”
Margaret Stanley
“…It has really helped us to develop the use of PowerPoint and extend the students'
independent learning.”
“Although I have only used forum activities in combination with PowerPoint, I consider
the Moodle lessons to be effective because the students have been able to view
presentations which have links to websites and then have to write posts to a
“The most able follow all the links and really stretch their
knowledge. They then go on to make the most detailed posts or to
show the best conceptual thinking in a concise style. .”
Colin Williamson
Progress in 2008 to 2009
Sociology Department
“…Once set up, the course is user friendly and very easy to
“…It has really helped us to develop the use of PowerPoint and extend
the students' independent learning.”
“…You can even place important dates onto the system
to share with the student, such as upcoming exam
dates. It really helps with creating a community and allows
both the teacher and student to be more creative and
develop their knowledge, understanding and skills.”
Caroline Newton
Progress in 2008 to 2009
Media Studies Department
“Media is currently mostly using Moodle as the hub for the students
coursework productions. I provide lots of resources and various
assignments & tasks which the students can respond to and
upload relevant responses.”
“…I can set deadlines and highlight specific tasks, I can immediately
see who has done what and I can separate students into their
“…student work is easy to access and assess; I can also do this
from home and don't have lots of paper to cart around & keep safe.”
Stephen Adams
Progress in 2008 to 2009
Chemistry Department
“…{Year 12} have now done two pieces of homework which have been
automatically marked and instant feedback given to .”
“The usual problem of students claiming they hadn't got
access to a computer at home and the sixth form
computer room being full happened BUT only four
students didn't complete the set work.”
“...{Paul} has uploaded pupil resources to Moodle so they can be accessed at
home (or anywhere in the world!)”
“…Both of us have uploaded some homework exercises …We've both put in
links to external websites as well.”
Heather Bowden
Parents comments on Moodle use
“Good to know what {pupil} was doing and how well she
was progressing…”
“…my daughter doesn’t always seems to put 100% effort
into everything but still does well – knowing i could have a
look and ask questions is a useful tool for a parent!...”
“I think this is a positive step forward … this helps
the parent/school relationship – as i am sure you
know asking ‘what have you done at school
today’ of a teenager doesn’t always tell a
parent much!”
Parents comments on Moodle use
“I think it's a great idea to be able to monitor my
child's progress with Moodle ({pupil} had to show
me what to do though!) ”
“…I just think it's good to be able to keep an eye
on progress.”
“Hope it will continue when he is in year 10?”
Parents comments on Moodle use
“The use of Moodle was useful, up to a point. My
main problem was in interpreting the
information presented...”
“I was able to notice that {pupil} had, on at least
one occasion, logged on in the early hours of
the morning. I think that we should have been
notified of this when it happened. Perhaps the
system should not allow access by pupils during
the night?”
Plans for 2009 to 2010
Starter courses
Promoting Moodle features that lead the way for
personalised learning by
Providing hands on cpd sessions on
 using discussion forums
 Peer assessment tools
 Using the online mark book and assignments to monitor pupil
 Learning tools:
 Glossaries
 Wikis
 Polls, surveys and questionnaires
 Quizzes (that get automatically marked!)
 Third party learning packages
Supporting individual staff and departments through sessions,
ongoing support and coaching.
Plans for 2009 to 2010
Creating links with and/or supporting other schools that
use (or are starting to use) Moodle.
Larger parent user base
Exploring the possibility of feeder schools using Moodle
to provide prior learning evidence.
Developing Moodle use in supporting Gifted and
Talented provision.
Explore collaborative activities with higher education
Plans for ICT Dept 2009 to 2010
Moodle to be integrated in all ICT learning
from Year 7 upwards.
Lead the way in fully exploiting Moodle as a
personalised learning tool.
Demonstration Time