How Clean is the Thames? Martin J Attrill Marine Biology & Ecology Research Centre University of Plymouth Plan of Lecture: How clean is the Thames • Historical context – Background – Uses – History of pollution and recovery • Where are we now? – Trends from 1970s to present day • What about the future? – Current and impending problems Historical Context: Background • 110 km long Teddington Weir - Southend, via London Change in the size of London End of C19th – world’s largest city (4.7 million people) Major potential impact on the estuarine system Historical Context: main uses of the estuary and their impact 1. Navigation • Construction of weirs • By 1809 - 26 on Thames • Impacted migratory fish Salmon caught at Boulter’s lock Romney weir - Windsor Historical Context: main uses of the estuary and their impact 2. Bankside development • Loss of surrounding marshes • Narrowed estuary – deeper • Intensive Flood defences • Removed natural foreshore River Tyburn Thorney Island Historical Context: main uses of the estuary and their impact 3. Drinking water supply • Thames has always supplied London’s water • Originally taken from upper estuary • Water companies set up from 1600s to deliver water UCLA 1856 map of regions served by different water companies Historical Context: main uses of the estuary and their impact 4. Waste disposal • C19th – waste in streets & tributaries flushed into estuary • Cholera – 1849 Historical Context: main uses of the estuary and their impact 4. Waste disposal • Major impact on water quality in estuary • 1858 – the year of the “Great Stink” Come, my dear! Come to the old Thames and have a nice bath! Punch, June, 1859 Historical Context: Plans to rehabilitate the estuary: 19th Century • 161 km gravity interceptor sewer constructed (1860s) • Sewage discharged at Barking • London cleaner…but not the mid-estuary • Extensive “mud” banks • Fishery destroyed (1320 men employed) Historical Context: Plans to rehabilitate the estuary: 19th Century • 1878 “Princess Alice” disaster • Settlement ponds introduced – sludge dumped in outer estuary (continued until 1998) Historical Context: Plans to rehabilitate the estuary: 19th Century • By end of 19th Century water quality improved • Fish returned (e.g. sprat) Historical Context: It all goes wrong again: 20th Century • Post WWI – massive increase in population • WWII – huge damage to London infrastructure • No funds for repair and improvement to old and damaged sewer system Historical Context: It all goes wrong again: 20th Century • 1950s – worse the Thames had ever been • 52 km dissolved O2 <5% • 20 km no measurable oxygen • No fish populations for 69 km of estuary (KewGravesend) Tubifex Historical Context: The second rehabilitation: 1960s-1970s • 1960s – economic recovery • Investment in sewage works – tertiary treatment at outfalls • By 1976 all sewage fully treated - dramatic increase in water quality Crossness STW outfall Historical Context: Trends in fish recovery: 1960s-1980 • Fish used to monitor recovery of system • Combination of methods, including power station intakes • First returning fish recorded in early 1960s Eel Flounder Whiting • Steady increase in species recorded • Some unusual species encountered Cumulative species number Historical Context: Trends in fish recovery: 1960s-1980 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 Year Where are we now? Trends in water quality since rehabilitation Analysis of long-term data from Environment Agency Naturally rivers and estuaries Less muddycan than carry lots of mud particles (e.g. pre-1992 Amazon). “Dirty” does not always mean polluted! 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 Year 05 20 03 20 01 20 99 19 97 19 95 19 93 19 91 19 89 19 87 19 85 19 83 19 81 19 79 19 77 40 20 0 19 Suspended Solids (mg/l) 1. Suspended solids (Kinks – “Dirty Old River”) Where are we now? Trends in water quality since rehabilitation 2. Heavy Metals (mainly from industry, since 1980) Can be toxic to estuary life, e.g. copper, nickel, mercury, zinc Power, Attrill, Thomas (1999). Water Res. 33: 1672-1680 Where are we now? Trends in water quality since rehabilitation 3. Pesticides (mainly from agriculture runoff, since 1988) Exponential decrease in both metal and pesticide contamination since 1980s Power, Attrill, Thomas (1999). Environ. Pollut. 104: 31-39 Where are we now? Trends in water quality since rehabilitation 4. Fertilisers (mainly from agriculture, since 1980) Can cause eutrophication, algal blooms, etc. 10 Nitrogen 8 7 6 Significant decrease over last 30 years 5 Year 05 20 03 20 01 20 99 19 97 19 95 19 93 19 91 19 89 19 87 19 85 19 83 19 81 19 79 19 77 4 19 Nitrogen (mg/l) 9 Where are we now? Trends in water quality since rehabilitation 4. Fertilisers (mainly from agriculture, since 1980) Can cause eutrophication, algal blooms, etc. Phosphate 2 1.5 1 0.5 Significant decrease over last 18 years Year 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 0 1988 Orthophosphate (mg/l) 2.5 Where are we now? Trends in water quality since rehabilitation 5. Dissolved Oxygen (essential for life, affected by bacteria breaking down organic material) 65 60 55 50 45 40 Lowest average oxygen since mid 1970s 35 Year 05 20 03 20 01 20 99 19 97 19 95 19 93 19 91 19 89 19 87 19 85 19 83 19 81 19 79 19 77 30 19 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l) 70 Where are we now? Trends in water quality since rehabilitation Year 05 20 03 20 01 20 99 19 97 19 95 19 93 19 91 19 89 19 87 19 85 19 83 19 81 19 79 Worrying decline in minimum oxygen 19 77 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 19 Minimum Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l) 5. Dissolved Oxygen Where are we now? Trends in water quality since rehabilitation 6. Fish community More recent returns Sea lamprey Number of species per sample - rolling mean 22 20 18 16 14 . 12 10 1974 1992 Year Twaite Shad Number of species in power station fish samples Continued improvements to fish biodiversity Where are we now? Trends in water quality since rehabilitation • Summary – Metals, pesticides and nutrients all show significant declines. Thames now likely to be cleanest in living memory in terms of these pollutants. – Amount of suspended solids in the water has stabilised at a lower level than previous years. – Most expected fish species are present – Recent years, however, have seen a decrease in levels of oxygen in the estuary. – WHY? Current problems in the Thames Estuary 1. Water temperatures – global warming Temperature (° C) 20 18 Average annual water temperature 16 14 12 10 Year 2.7C increase in 30 years… linked to: 05 20 03 20 01 20 99 19 97 19 95 19 93 19 91 19 89 19 87 19 85 19 83 19 81 19 79 19 19 77 8 Current problems in the Thames Estuary 2. Dissolved Oxygen Sags in Summer Sewer system cannot cope with summer flash floods Aug 2004 Combined Sewer Overflow Current problems in the Thames Estuary 2. Dissolved Oxygen Sags in Summer From Thames Tideway Strategic Study • Warm water • Fast bacterial breakdown • Oxygen removed quickly • Elevated E. coli counts (health risk) Current problems in the Thames Estuary 2. Dissolved Oxygen Sags in Summer From Thames Tideway Strategic Study •Thames Bubbler – treats symptoms • Build new interceptor system under estuary? Linked to… Current problems in the Thames Estuary 3. Drought conditions 1976 – no water coming over Teddington Weir Kew, 1990 • Increasing demand in drinking water for London. • Reduced flow impacts ecology of estuary and rate of pollution dispersal (e.g. CSO incidents) Current problems in the Thames Estuary 3. Drought conditions Abstraction (million m3) Rate of abstraction 250 200 150 100 50 0 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year flow Exacerbates CSO and STW input problem 1400 River Flow (million m3) Rate of Thames flow rolling mean 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1900 1920 1940 1960 Year 1980 2000 Current/Future problems in the Thames Estuary 4. Sea level rise Predicted sea level rise Global Sea Level Rise (mm) 700 Canvey Island 1953 600 UK Met. Office 1998 500 Greenland ice 400 300 Glaciers etc 200 100 Thermal exp 2100 2080 2060 2040 2020 2000 1980 1960 1940 1900 1860 0 FCDE Annual Sea Level Sheerness London 2100? Current/Future problems in the Thames Estuary 4. Sea level rise - Need to plan now…but what to do? Managed realignment? Canvey Island Example of a 'hard' flood defence option: Build bigger defences? Example of managed realignment: Current/Future problems in the Thames Estuary 4. Sea level rise - Need to plan now…but what to do? Outer Estuary Barrier? End of estuary as we know it Thank you! Keep up to date on what is happening on the Thames with: