Volume 131, 10 October 2013 Short communication L. Mander, L. Marie-Orleach, M. Elliott The value of wader foraging behaviour study to assess the success of restored intertidal areas ............................................................................................................................... 1 C. Antony, A. S. Unnikrishnan Observed characteristics of tide-surge interaction along the east coast of India and the head of Bay of Bengal ................................................................................................................. 6 Research papers O. Beauchard, S. Jacobs, T. Ysebaert, P. Meire Avian response to tidal freshwater habitat creation by controlled reduced tide system ............................................................................................................................... 12 X. Jiang, B. Lu, Y. He Response of the turbidity maximum zone to fluctuations in sediment discharge from river to estuary in the Changjiang Estuary (China) ........................................................................... 24 G. N. Katselis, D. K. Moutopoulos, E. N. Dimitriou, C. Koutsikopoulos Long-term changes of fisheries landings in enclosed gulf lagoons (Amvrakikos gulf, W Greece): Influences of fishing and other human impacts ............................................................................................................................. ....................... 31 A. Markert, W. Esser, D. Frank, A. Wehrmann, K.-M. Exo Habitat change by the formation of alien Crassostrea -reefs in the Wadden Sea and its role as feeding sites for waterbirds ................................................... 41 G. Chust, A. Albaina, A. Aranburu, Á. Borja, O. E. Diekmann, A. Estonba, J. Franco, J. M. Garmendia, M. Iriondo, I. Muxika, F. Rendo, J. G. Rodríguez, O. Ruiz-Larrañaga, E. A. Serrão, M. Valle Connectivity, neutral theories and the assessment of species vulnerability to global change in temperate estuaries ..................................................................................................................................... 52 S. O. Fernandes, M.-J. Gonsalves, V. D. Michotey, P. C. Bonin, P. A. LokaBharathi Denitrification activity is closely linked to the total ambient Fe concentration in mangrove sediments of Goa, India .................. 64 A. Mengoni, A. Focardi, G. Bacci, A. Ugolini High genetic diversity and variability of bacterial communities associated with the sandhopper Talitrus saltator (Montagu) (Crustacea, Amphipoda) .................... 75 M. Yücel Down the thermodynamic ladder: A comparative study of marine redox gradients across diverse sedimentary environments .................................................................................................................. 83 P. Bergström, S. Lindegarth, M. Lindegarth Temporal consistency of spatial pattern in growth of the mussel, Mytilus edulis : Implications for predictive modelling ............................................................................. 93 C. Barberá, P. Sanchez-Jerez, J. C. Sorbe Population structure and secondary production of Siriella clausii, a dominant detritus feeding mysid in Posidonia oceanica meadows (W Mediterranean Sea) ... 103 A. Arias, A. Richter, N. Anadón, C. J. Glasby Revealing polychaetes invasion patterns: Identification, reproduction and potential risks of the Korean ragworm, Perinereis linea (Treadwell), in the Western Mediterranean ................................................................................................................ 117 A. Gredilla, S. Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo, G. Arana, A. de Diego, J. M. Madariaga Long-term monitoring of metal pollution in sediments from the estuary of the Nerbioi-Ibaizabal River (2005 – 2010) .......... 129 G. I. Zardi, K. R. Nicastro, J. Ferreira Costa, E. A. Serrão, G. A. Pearson Broad scale agreement between intertidal habitats and adaptive traits on a basis of contrasting population genetic structure .............. 140 J. P. Cannizzaro, P. R. Carlson Jr., L. A. Yarbro, C. Hu Optical variability along a river plume gradient: Implications for management and remote sensing .................................................................................. 149 G. M. S. Abrahim, R. J. Parker, M. Horrocks Pollen core assemblages as indicator of Polynesian and European impact on the vegetation cover of Auckland Isthmus catchment, New Zealand ........................... 162 J.-C. Dauvin, Y. Méar, A. Murat, E. Poizot, S. Lozach, K. Beryouni Interactions between aggregations and environmental factors explain spatio-temporal patterns of the brittle-star Ophiothrix fragilis in the eastern Bay of Seine .......................................................................................................... 171 J. Tournois, F. Ferraton, L. Velez, D. J. McKenzie, C. Aliaume, L. Mercier, A. M. Darnaude Temporal stability of otolith elemental fingerprints discriminates among lagoon nursery habitats ....................................................................................................................... .................................... 182 I. Galparsoro, Á. Borja, V. E. Kostylev, J. G. Rodríguez, M. Pascual, I. Muxika A process-driven sedimentary habitat modelling approach, explaining seafloor integrity and biodiversity assessment within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive ................................................................ 194 D. March, J. Alós, M. Cabanellas-Reboredo, E. Infantes, A. Jordi, M. Palmer A Bayesian spatial approach for predicting seagrass occurrence ............................................................................................................ 206 R. S. K. Barnes, S. Hamylton Abrupt transitions between macrobenthic faunal assemblages across seagrass bed margins ..................................................................................................................................... 213 A. Canion, H. L. MacIntyre, S. Phipps Short-term to seasonal variability in factors driving primary productivity in a shallow estuary: Implications for modeling production ............................................................... 224 M. A. Marcoval, J. Pan, Y. Tang, C. J. Gobler The ability of the branchiopod, Artemia salina, to graze upon harmful algal blooms caused by Alexandrium fundyense, Aureococcus anophagefferens, and Cochlodinium polykrikoides .................................................................................................. 235 J. M. Testa, D. C. Brady, D. M. Di Toro, W. R. Boynton, J. C. Cornwell, W. M. Kemp Sediment flux modeling: Simulating nitrogen, phosphorus, and silica cycles ................................................................................ 245 D. J. B. Simith, F. A. Abrunhosa, K. Diele Chemical induction in mangrove crab megalopae, Ucides cordatus (Ucididae): Do young recruits emit metamorphosis-triggering odours as do conspecific adults? ............................................................................................................................. ......................... 264 R. J. K. Dunn, D. Robertson, P. R. Teasdale, N. J. Waltham, D. T. Welsh Benthic metabolism and nitrogen dynamics in an urbanised tidal creek: Domination of DNRA over denitrification as a nitrate reduction pathway ........................................................................................................................................... 271 N. Dupont, D. L. Aksnes Centennial changes in water clarity of the Baltic Sea and the North Sea ..................... 282 J. M. Knight, L. Griffin, P. E. R. Dale, M. Sheaves Short-term dissolved oxygen patterns in subtropical mangroves ...................................................................................................................................................... 290 K. G. Rogers, S. L. Goodbred Jr., D. R. Mondal Monsoon sedimentation on the ‘abandoned ’ tide-influenced Ganges – Brahmaputra delta plain ..................................................................................................... 297 M. Waeles, G. Dulaquais, A. Jolivet, J. Thébault, R. D. Riso Systematic non-conservative behavior of molybdenum in a macrotidal estuarine system (Aulne-Bay of Brest, France) ................................................... 310 A. J. Mehta, J. V. Letter Jr. Comments on the transition between cohesive and cohesionless sediment bed exchange .............................................................................................................................................. 319