Jargon - noun The specialized language of people in the same profession. •“Bernice was puzzled by all the jargon in the cookbook. What did braise mean? Or sauté? Or mince?” Skirmish - noun a minor battle in war After this battle, he was forced back into Virginia in a series of bloody skirmishes. Billowing - verb curling or rolling; rising in big waves The clouds were billowing in the sky. Plausible having an appearance of truth or reason;credible; believable. (adjective) Jack had a plausible excuse for not doing his homework last night. SENTENCE: Haughty adjective DEF: excessively proud or arrogant Harry gave Hermoine a thunderous glare as he stalked haughtily past her. Trick: If you’re a hottie, you might be haughty Pliable – adjective Definition: easily bent, flexible; easily influenced When you're a silver-lining guy, dreams are pliable. Trick: You can use PLIers to help you BEND things like this copper wire OBLIVIOUS – adjective unmindful; unconscious; unaware (usually followed by ‘of’ or ‘to’) She was oblivious of his admiration. Braggart - noun Definition: a loud arrogant boaster There's a kid at school who is an unbearable braggart. Obliterate - verb Definition: to remove or destroy all traces of; do away with The lab explosion obliterated the classroom. broach –verb (used with object) 1. to mention or suggest for the first time <to broach a subject> Because we feared his reaction, we did not broach the subject of moving our father to a nursing home. Riddled – verb Definition: holes 1. To pierce with numerous 2. To spread throughout “The jeep was riddled with gunfire”. Lethargic - adjective •Tired, weak, groggy “If you don’t eat breakfast and get enough sleep, don’t be surprised if you feel lethargic during the school day.” SPARSE (adj) - not thick or dense; thin Sometimes men use the “comb over” technique to mask the sparse amount of hair they have. Ludicrous Definition: adjective Ridiculous, laughable, absurd. Sentence: At the rodeo, the ludicrous antics of the clown distract the angry bull. Desist. verb. To stop; discontinue The Grasshopper refused to desist, and chirped louder and louder. Predicament – noun A difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation. I was in quite the predicament, as I had locked my keys in the car with my baby still in its car seat. caustic Adjective Able to dissolve from chemical action; sharp and biting Synonyms: corrosive, stinging, pungent, venomous The caustic substance must be handled very carefully in the lab Inclination - noun A person's natural tendency to act or feel in a particular way; an interest in or liking for. I have an inclination for desserts that use chocolate. Pristine (adjective) – uncorrupted, pure, original The lake was a pristine shade of blue. Sensuous adj.- gratifying to senses Synonyms: luxurious, lush, passionate, attractive The music was so sensuous; it was almost overwhelming. precedent (noun) •Definition: any act or decision that acts as guide for future similar events •Synonyms: example, model, pattern, standard Mrs. Hummel set a precedent for cell phone usage in the class. mar (verb): to spoil; damage Caleb’s basketball shooting reputation was marred when he lost three games of “Horse” to Granny Anita. Usurp •(v.) to seize and hold a position by force or without right •To take power that does not belong to you •In some countries power is transferred by usurping the position rather than in a democratic election. Discern - verb •To see clearly, to recognize, to detect. Sue’s hair extension looked so real that it was difficult to discern which parts were her real hair. Finesse- noun a delicate skill, or cleverness •To become a champion, a tennis player needs to combine power with finesse. Apprehensive – adj. Uneasy or fearful about something that might happen. He was very about his upcoming apprehensive audition. “He Said- She Said” discrepancy 2 different stories that have DISCREPANCIES DEF = (n.) a difference, a lack of agreement SYN = disagreement, divergence, inconsistency ANT = agreement, convergence, consistency WORD CONNECTION: DIS = negative prefix DISagreement There is a DISCREPANCY on this tree. Some of the apples have been eaten and some haven’t. infallible DEF = (adj.) free from error; absolutely dependable The English teacher was infallible WORD CONNECTION: Infallible An infallible person will never fall. An infallible person will never fail. 100% A+ Good JOB! Definition: to show off (something) Part of Speech: verb Sentence: The ghost had to flaunt how well he could haunt the old mansion. Solicit – verb Definition: Ask for something from someone Synonyms: beg, implore, ask, request Peter tried to solicit the answer from the teacher. Disdain •Contempt, Intense dislike. P.O.S- Noun, Verb. •Some people disdain pets, but I love them. •The judgmental elderly lady looked at the teenagers with disdain. COERCE •verb •to compel by force, intimidation, or authority •Ex: The police coerced the innocent man into signing the document. Fraudulent – adjective Definition: Obtained, done by, or involving deception, esp. criminal deception She used fraudulent means in obtaining a driver’s license. To Collate (Verb) DEF: To assemble in a proper sequence The hardest part of writing an essay is researching and collating all of the evidence in support of the thesis. Instigate - verb •to urge on; to stir up, provoke, start, incite. •The man instigated the fight. Stoke - verb Definition: Encourage or incite (a strong emotion or tendency) •His composure had the effect of stoking her anger. •I’m so stoked! Wary – adjective •Definition: careful, cautious •Syn: watchful, alert, suspicious •Ant: careless, reckless You would be wary walking down a scary street! Belligerent - adjective Definition: Inclined or eager to fight; hostile or aggressive. The teacher sent the belligerent child to a time out room. Rescind Definition (verb) to take back, repeal Example The company rescinded its offer of employment after discovering that Jane’s resume was full of lies. Bolster - verb 1 : to support with: reinforce 2 : to give a boost to <news that bolstered his spirits> You can bolster your grade by doing some extra credit. THWART – (VERB) TO PREVENT FROM TAKING PLACE, TO STOP —“But no, the gods thwart his passage. Yet I tell you the great Odysseus is not dead(83). Portend - verb 1. A sign or warning that is likely to happen. Synonym: foreshadow The high winds, black clouds and distant thunder portend a storm. obstreperous •Adj.-to resist control; unruly and boisterous •The substitute could not handle the obstreperous class. Hypochondriac - noun A person who is abnormally anxious about their health. Wow, Kelly is such a hypochondriac it's just a little paper cut!