revised proposal form template

Appendix C – Proposal Form (revised and posted to BC Bid on March 17, 2015)
Proponents should use the Proposal Form provided. Although the Proposal should maintain the same
format and layout of this form, additional lines or cells may be added.
Information provided outside of this Proposal Form may not be assessed, unless requested by the Province.
The Proposal Form consists of five (5) parts:
1. Proponent Declaration Letter
2. Executive Summary
3. Appendix C-1 – Proponent Qualifications
4. Appendix C-2 – Proposed Program
5. Appendix C-3 – Budget
Note to Proponents:
The Proposal should be submitted in accordance with the instructions set out in this CFP.
b) Proponent may request funding for more than one (1) program. To ensure each program is given full
consideration, Proponents is required to submit a separate Proposal Form for each standalone program.
If a Proponent is proposing an integrated program, which includes more than one (1) Core Service Area,
only one (1) Proposal Form is to be submitted.
d) All revisions that are new to the March 17, 2015 version of Appendix C- Proposal Form are highlighted in
The intent of the revisions is to improve clarity of what is being asked from the Proponent and address other
Proponents are advised to review all of the Addenda that are posted on BCBid prior to submitting a response
to this solicitation.
Employment Services and Supports Program
Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
Revised March 17, 2015
Appendix C - Page 1 of 19
CFP ON-002612
Proponents Declaration Letter
Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
c/o Procurement Services Division
3rd Floor 563 Superior Street
Victoria, BC V8V 1T7
Pelle Agerup
Subject: Employment Services and Supports Program – CFP ON-002612
The enclosed proposal is submitted in response to the above-referenced Call for Proposals, including all Addenda.
We have carefully read and examined the Call for Proposals and have conducted such other investigations as were
prudent and reasonable in preparing the proposal.
By submission of our proposal, we agree to all of the terms and conditions of the Call for Proposals.
Yours truly,
Note to Proponents: As per the BC Bid Terms and Conditions for electronic bidding, the use of the electronic key
(“e-Bidding Key”) is the legal equivalent to its authorized signature and indicates its agreement to be bound by the
statements and representations to which the e-Bidding Key is affixed.
If you are submitting by e-mail, this letter should be signed by an authorized representative and a scanned copy
submitted. In any event, your submission of a Proposal by e-mail indicates that you agree to all of the terms and
conditions of the Call for Proposals.
If you are submitting hard copies, this letter is required to be signed by an authorized
representative. See the CFP Cover Page for hard copy submission instructions.
*For Aboriginal Community Based Training Partnerships proposals, as the Proposal is required to include a
Partnership between an Aboriginal Community and a Public Post-Secondary Institution, the signatories in the
declaration letter must include the President or Vice-president of the Public Post-Secondary Institution and the
representative of the Aboriginal Community (Chief and Council, Tribal Council Chair, or Executive Director of an
off-reserve Aboriginal organization).
Signatory’s Name:
Signatory’s Phone Number:
Signatory’s E-mail Address:
Facsimile Number:
Legal Name of Proponent:
Doing Business As Name
(if applicable):
Street Address
(and Mailing Address, if different):
Employment Services and Supports Program
Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
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CFP ON-002612
Website Address:
Proponent’s Main Contact
(if different from the Signatory):
Contact’s Phone Number:
Contact’s Email Address:
Executive Summary
NOTE TO PROPONENTS: The Proposal should maintain the same format and layout of this form. When
responding, additional lines or cells may be added.
1. Proponent Name:
2. What Core Service Area(s) are you proposing? Is it a single Core Service Area or an integrated program? Please
mark an X beside the appropriate Core Service Area (s) listed below.
Aboriginal Community-Based Training Partnerships
Industry and Trades Training
Entrepreneurial Skills Training
Skills Training for youth
Essential Skills Training
Integrated Program
Job Readiness Training
2a. If you indicated you are proposing an “integrated program” above, please estimate the proportion of the
total budget that will be allocated to each of the Core Service Areas for the full life of the proposed “integrated
program”. Please use your best efforts to provide this estimate and ensure that the numbers sum to 100%.
Note 1. The Ministry intention is for proponents to use their best efforts in presenting an allocation of budget by
Core Service Area. The Ministry understands that there may be differences between these estimated proportions
and how budgets are ultimately spent. Proponents are not expected to spend undue time and expense on this
calculation – estimates need not be “precise” but should fairly represent the expected allocation of budget by Core
Service Area.
Note 2. For more information on “integrated program”, please see Section 2.2 – Eligible Services.
Aboriginal Community-Based Training Partnerships
% Job Readiness Training
Entrepreneurial Skills Training
% Industry and Trades Training
Essential Skills Training
% Skills Training for youth
3. Which of BC’s Development Regions will the proposed program be offered in? (see CFP section 1.2) Please mark
an X beside the appropriate Development Region listed below.
Vancouver Island/Coast
North Coast and Nechako
3a. Identify the Communities/Aboriginal Communities that the proposed program will be offered in
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Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
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4. Program Name (The name should provide an immediate understanding of what the proposed program is, who it
is for, and where the program will be offered. For example: Business Skills for Youth in Prince George):
5. Proposed Program Start Date and End Date:
Start Date – day/month/year
End Date – day/month/year
6. Total Funding Request by Fiscal Year:
April 1, 2015-March 31, 2016
April 1, 2016-March 31, 2017
April 1, 2017-March 31, 2018
Total Request
7. Proposed Number of Participants Served (total and Fiscal Year breakdown):
April 1, 2015-March 31, 2016
April 1, 2016-March 31, 2017
April 1, 2017-March 31, 2018
Total Request
8. Average Cost Per Participant (total funding request divided by total number of Participant):
9. Program Partnerships (identify all entities that are partnering in the delivery of the program):
10. Proposal Summary (describe your Proposal in two or three bullets).
Employment Services and Supports Program
Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
Revised March 17, 2015
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CFP ON-002612
Appendix C-1 – Proponent Qualifications
The Province will be assessing the Proponent’s corporate capability to deliver the proposed ESS Program to
Eligible Participants. In particular, the Province will be considering the Proponent’s mandate, its capacity, and
its experience in providing employment services and supports programs.
1. Capability and Capacity
Proponents should:
a) Be a legal entity that is entitled to operate in British Columbia.
b) If registered, be in good standing with the BC Corporate Registry; and
c) Have corporate history, mission, and strategic direction that relates to this CFP’s requirements.
Note 1: Please note that Item b) from the original version of Appendix C- Proposal Form is now removed and is
no longer applicable.
Proposal Requirements:
To demonstrate their capability and capacity to provide the requested services, Proponents should provide relevant
information in a clear and concise manner.
a) Number of Years Operating in BC:
b) Number of Years Delivering Labour Market Programs/Services:
c) Identifying Number (such as business number, registered charity incorporation number, Canada Revenue
Agency number, etc.):
d) BC Corporate Registration Number (if applicable):
e) Organization Type (Aboriginal Community, Not-for-Profit, Private or Public) Please mark an X beside the
appropriate Organization Type listed below.
Aboriginal Community
f) Using the following categories, select which one(s) best describes your organization(s):•
Aboriginal Community or organisation
Association of Workers and/or Employers
Non-governmental organizations with a focus on
employment services
Employment Services and Supports Program
Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
Revised March 17, 2015
• Business, incorporated or unincorporated with a
focus on employment services (please specify)
• Public Post-Secondary Institution
• Other (please specify)
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CFP ON-002612
g) How many physical locations do you currently operate within the province and where are they located?
h) Briefly describe your Mission and Strategic Direction.
i) What core services and functions do you currently offer, and in the past? List the funding sources for the core
services and functions. Identify any current relevant services and programs you are delivering.
Describe your corporate administration and financial processes.
Describe your (i) corporate management, (ii) financial, (iii) operational and (iv) human resources capacity.
Describe how you would incorporate your proposed program into your existing infrastructure.
If corporate services, oversight and administration will be subcontracted, provide the name of the
subcontractor, and describe their corporate management, financial, operational and human resources
Note 1: The Ministry intention is for Proponents to provide a high-level summary of item (i) through (iv) above.
Note 2: Human resources capacity refers to the management staff you have or intend to have for management of the
proposed program including their management functions. Proponents are to provide a short summary of practices
and systems, and are not to provide their policies, procedures, manuals and other management processes in
response to this question.
k) Describe your processes and practices for collecting and keeping personal information secure.
Note 1: The Ministry intention is for Proponents to provide confirmation that they have the capability and capacity to
comply with the Schedule D, E, and G in Appendix A- Contract Form. In this context, capacity means that the
Proponent has, or can access, the staff needed for these processes and practices, and that the Proponent has policies,
procedures, manuals and other management processes in place. Proponents are not to provide their policies,
procedures, manuals and other management processes in response to this question.
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Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
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Provide a description of any major organization changes within the past two (2) years, such as, but not limited
 changes to leadership in the board of directors or at the executive level,
 an important reduction, increase or turnover in staff,
 a merger with or split from another organization,
 a change in mandatory or main activities, or
 a major shift in source funding
If you have no major organization changes, state “Not applicable” below.
m) Market Recognition - Describe any areas of recognized expertise in the marketplace, including any awards or
industry recognition for designing and delivering employment services and supports program.
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CFP ON-002612
2. Demonstrated Experience
Proponents should have the scope and breadth to provide the requested services. To demonstrate their experience,
Proponents are to provide three (3) examples involving similar requirements: in size and scope, geographic location,
and target Participants to the program they are proposing. Preference will be given to Proposals with three (3)
references involving similar requirements that were provided within the past five (5) years.
The Province considers “similar requirements” as projects/programs involving employment services and supports
programs which may include one (1) or more of the following:
a) delivering publically funded projects or programs offering similar services to the ESS Program;
b) employment related projects and programs funded from sources other than government;
c) working and delivering services in proposed regions/Communities/Aboriginal Community;
d) working and delivering services to proposed client groups; and/or
e) working with employers.
Proposal Requirements:
Proposals should include both a description of the length and breadth of the Proponents experience, and three
examples of past related experience. The examples should include the name and contact information for a
reference for each one. To assist in determining suitability, acceptability, and credibility of Proposals, the
Province may contact references without first notifying the Proponent.
a) Describe the length and breadth of your experience in delivering labour market programming.
1. delivering employment and training services;
2. delivering services in the proposed Core Service Area(s);
3. working in the proposed and/or other region/Community/Aboriginal Community;
4. working with employers; and
5. delivering strong results (i.e. completion rates, employment, higher skills training, etc.).
Note 1 : The addition of the word “and/or other” in item 3 above clarifies that experience in delivering labour
market programing in another region/Community/Aboriginal Community is acceptable.
b) Example Program/Project One
Project/Program Name:
2. Project/Program Start Date and End Dates:
3. Provide an overview. Summarize the project/program scope of work and how it relates to this CFP’s
requirements, including the region/community the program was offered, who the target participants
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Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
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CFP ON-002612
4. Describe the funders (private, public etc., any partnerships etc.):
5. Funding Total:
6. List the targets and the outcomes that were achieved.
7. What lessons were learned from this project/program? That is, what would you have done
8. Reference contact person name, title, organization and phone number:
c) Example Program/Project Two
Project/Program Name:
2. Project/Program Start Date and End Dates:
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CFP ON-002612
3. Provide an overview. Summarize the project/program scope of work and how it relates to this CFP’s
requirements, including the region/community the program was offered, who the target participants
4. Describe the funders (private, public etc., any partnerships etc.):
5. Funding Total:
6. List the targets and the outcomes that were achieved.
7. What lessons were learned from this project/program? That is, what would you have done
8. Reference contact person name, title, organization and phone number:
d) Example Program/Project Three
Project/Program Name:
2. Project/Program Start Date and End Dates:
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CFP ON-002612
3. Provide an overview. Summarize the project/program scope of work and how it relates to this CFP’s
requirements, including the region/community the program was offered, who the target participants
4. Describe the funders (private, public etc., any partnerships etc.):
5. Funding Total:
6. List the targets and the outcomes that were achieved.
7. What lessons were learned from this project/program? That is, what would you have done
8. Reference contact person name, title, organization and phone number:
e) Resource Substitution Process – Proponents should have a process to manage resource substitutions in the
event of an unforeseen circumstance, such as an instructor no longer being able to continue with the program.
Describe your process. Consideration will be given to the completeness of the resource substitution process.
Describe your process for substituting resources. Has this process been tested? If yes, under what
circumstances? What was the impact of the process?
Conflict Resolution Process –Describe your process for resolving conflicts that may arise during program
delivery (for instance, if conflicts with program Participants, funders, employers etc.). Has the process been
tested in the past? What were the results?
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Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
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CFP ON-002612
Appendix C-2 – Proposed Program
3. Demand Driven
The Proponent should have knowledge and understanding of the local labour market needs and how these
needs relate to the program the Proponent is proposing. For example, if a Proponent proposes training for
heavy equipment operators, the supporting documents need to demonstrate that heavy equipment operator
jobs are available. If a Proponent is proposing general training, such as job readiness, the Proposal needs to
demonstrate there are jobs available in the Communities/Aboriginal Communities that the program is being
proposed for.
Proposal Requirements:
Proponents are to demonstrate there is a need for the proposed program, and describe how the program is
tailored to meet demonstrated labour market needs within a Development Region, Community or Aboriginal
Community, verified by local labour market information and employer support. Proponents can use the LMI
provided in Appendix E, Development Region Labour Market Indicators and Top Occupations by
Development Region, of the CFP to set the context for the need for the proposed program. Also, Proponents
are required to provide relevant, detailed local Labour Market Information (LMI) and other information that
supports the need for the services and training being proposed.
Proponents should provide supplemental information, such as Letters of Support from local employers that
identify specific, current or upcoming job openings that could be filled as a result of the training, as an
appendix to this Proposal Form.
Note 1: Proponents are advised to review Addendum 3 question 52 when preparing a response to this
4. Not Duplicative
The proposed program should address unmet need(s) or gap(s) in existing programming.
Proposal Requirements:
Proponents should:
a) identify the gap in services your proposal in aiming to address
b) provide information on related services and training already available in the region and/or
Community/Aboriginal Community;
c) identify how the proposed programming will supplement (not duplicate) what is currently available.
If the service is already available in the region/Community/Aboriginal Community, state how the
proposed program is different or how it will complement or leverage the existing programming. If
the proposed service is not available in the region/Community/Aboriginal Community, demonstrate
how the program fills an unmet need or the labour market gap; and
d) identify how you propose to work and or coordinate with other service providers that may be
offering similar or related services (identify the steps you have taken prior to submitting your
Employment Services and Supports Program
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Proposal to build relationships and provide evidence of collaboration where applicable).
5. Aligned with Provincial Priorities
The proposed program should align with the priorities identified in the BC Jobs Plan, BC’s Skills for Jobs
Blueprint: Re-Engineering Education and Training (BC Blueprint), the Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education
and Training Policy Framework and Action Plan, The British Columbia 2022 Labour Market Outlook and/or
BC’s Top Occupations. Priorities include (but are not limited to):
 increasing the labour market participation of people across the province, notably Aboriginal people, Youth,
Persons with Disabilities and other under-represented groups;
 enhancing access to skills and apprenticeship training throughout the province;
 targeting skills training to high demand occupations;
 supporting workplace-based Essential Skills development to support employment;
 Community-based skills training for Aboriginal people.
Proposal Requirements:
Describe how the proposed program aligns and is connected with British Columbia’s Priorities (the BC Jobs
Plan, the Blueprint, the Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education and Training Policy Framework and Action Plan,
and BC’s Top Occupations) and the objectives of the Core Service Area.
Specifically state how and why your proposal aligns with a specific priority(s), and which one(s).
If your proposal supports one or more of the Top Occupations, specifically state which one(s).
6. Relevant to skills development and employment
The proposed program should be directly connected to developing skills for and obtaining employment and to
achieving the outcomes identified in section 1.4.4 of the CFP.
Overall, the ESS Program is intended to lead to increased labour market attachment for Participants. Increased
labour market attachment is defined as securing and maintaining employment. The Program will measure
outcomes along a continuum of not participating in the labour force to full-time employment. Therefore,
outcomes are expected as follows:
 For those not in the labour force – seeking employment, in further education and training that leads to
employment, or employed
 For those Unemployed – in further education and training that leads to employment
Employment Services and Supports Program
Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
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CFP ON-002612
Where Participants are employed and low-skilled – skills developed that are needed for labour market
attachment, and better prepared to find and maintain employment or Sustainable Employment
Success of the ESS Program will be evaluated based on achievement of these outcomes.
The following will also be considered:
a) the completeness and clarity of the proposed program description;
b) relevance of the proposed services and training to the Core Service Area;
c) how the proposed program meets the expected outcomes of the ESS Program; and
d) the Proponent’s ability to track and demonstrate results, over and above the standard reporting
Proposal Requirements:
A) Describe the proposed program model, including types of services/training, activities, timelines, how and
where services will be delivered. Identify how the program will prepare British Columbians to obtain
employment or be ready to search for employment and/or continue onto further education and training.
Specifically, identify:
Describe your program, including:
a. The general services and Core Service Area specific services and training Participants will receive.
b. Details on how and where services and training will be delivered.
c. The components of the program, including program content, course descriptions, start and end
dates of program modules and overall program start and end dates.
d. Details of intake model (cohort, continuous intake, etc.)
e. If training is purchased from a Third Party Trainer, please describe how this process would occur
and who the Third Party Trainer would be. Refer to section 4 of the CFP for the definition of Third
Party Trainer, and Refer to section 2.2.1 of the CFP for any specific requirements that may apply to
individual Core Service Areas.
f. The course/program laddering and/or job/employment pathway.
g. Whether differing service levels will be provided to program Participants.
h. For Aboriginal Community-Based Training Partnerships, describe how cultural supports will be
integrated into the program and the protocol and policies for protection of Indigenous knowledge.
B) Provide a case study of a Participant in the program from entry to completion and exit. If Participants
could receive different levels of services and training, provide a case study for each.
C) Identify which specific services and training will be delivered by the Proponent and those delivered by
subcontracted resources.
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CFP ON-002612
For services and training that will be delivered by the proponents, identify the roles, responsibilities and
qualifications. Identify their experience and expertise in relation to the identified role. Provide a complete
description of the roles, and full time equivalent hours that will be allocated to the program.
For services and training that will be delivered by subcontracted resources (including Third Party Trainers),
identify the roles, responsibilities and qualifications of each subcontractor. Identify their experience and
expertise in relation to the identified role. Please identify where subcontractors are located.
D) Provide a project implementation plan, including a description of what steps are required to start the
proposed program and the associated timelines.
E) Participant description, relevance to Core Service Area, recruitment methods, selection methods, means of
assessing suitability/eligibility, number of Participants.
Specifically, describe:
1. Participants served (i.e. Aboriginal people, Youth facing barriers to employment, all Youth, any
Unemployed Non EI Eligible individuals, etc.)
2. Participant Targets – number of Participants entering the program and completing the program. If it
is anticipated that Participants may potentially receive different types and level of services and/or
training, be specific in identifying the various levels and the percentage of Participants that will
receive each level of service. If you are requesting multiple year funding, provide targets by fiscal
year (April 1 to March 31). For Aboriginal Community-Based Skills Training proposals the number of
ESS eligible and non-ESS eligible clients should be identified. Note: ESS Program funding is
anticipated to be relatively consistent over the next three years. Accordingly, it is expected that
proposed program budgets and corresponding Participant targets for multi-year programs will also
be consistent year over year.
3. Participant recruitment method, (i.e. through interviews and/or information sessions, referrals from
other agencies, case managers and other community organizations), marketing activities (be specific,
and there must be a clear demonstration that the marketing activities will be directly related to the
proposed training and target population as opposed to general marketing activities for the
organization and/or trainer);
4. Basis for selection/suitability* of Participants for the services and training you are proposing and for
the employment opportunities that are available;
5. Participant assessment process(es) and how you will ensure participant readiness for the program
(for Aboriginal Community Based Training Partnerships describe how you are using leading practices)
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6. Where participant supports are required, describe how you will assess participants need for
supports, and how participants will access those supports.
7. Individual learning or training plans that will be used.
8. Means by which Participants' eligibility will be verified.
9. Describe how you will monitor and support Participants for the duration of the Program and describe
any steps you will take to mitigate issues and barriers to success.
10. Interventions that will be used to ensure participant retention and success.
*NOTE: Participant suitability should include, but is not limited to:
 gathering information on Participants' background, education, skills and goals;
 assessment of suitability for the training and for jobs directly connected to the training;
 confirming participants' interest and motivation to enter the labour market; and
 documenting participant suitability results.
F) Proponents are to demonstrate how the proposed program will lead to the expected outcomes of the ESS
program (refer back to section 1.4.4 of the CFP)
Identify which expected outcomes of the ESS program that your program supports, and identify specific
performance targets that your program will achieve
Identify any additional performance measures beyond the performance measures outlined in section 1.4.4
that you will use to track performance of your program. These performance measures should directly
relate to the activities and services in your proposed program. Identify specific performance targets for
these performance measures and the processes you will use to track these results.
Describe how your specific activities/services will support program participants in a way that then leads to
the outcomes you have identified. Be specific about how the general services and Core Service Area
specific services will support program participants, and how then program participants will realize the
7. Demonstrates Partnerships within the Region/Community/Aboriginal Community
The Proponent should partner with other organizations to leverage additional and existing resources for the
proposed program.
Proposal Requirements:
Describe any Partnerships that will contribute to the offset of proposed program costs.
1. List who the partners are (including employers), the specific roles they will play, how they will contribute to
the success of the project.
2. List any cash contributions – including value (and what they will be applied to).
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3. List any In-Kind Contributions – including value (and what they will be applied to).
4. For Aboriginal Community-Based Training Partnerships Proposals,:
a) Describe the partnership between the Aboriginal Community / Communities and the BC Public PostSecondary Institution including a summary of the engagement process (including what was done,
when, and where), and how leading practices in partnership development and Aboriginal engagement
have been used.
b) Indicate which local Aboriginal post-secondary institute(s) (e.g. Indigenous Adult Higher Learning
Association members) are involved in the program, or explain why this is not possible.
c) Indicate which local Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy (ASETS) Partner(s) are involved
in the program, or explain why this is not possible.
d) Describe the involvement of First Nations Education, Training, Employment and Social Development
Departments, or explain why this is not possible.
5. Proposals for Aboriginal Community-Based Training Partnerships are required to attach:
a) a copy of the signed Partnership agreement between the Aboriginal Community and the Public PostSecondary Institution; and
b) a letter of support from the Aboriginal Community.
NOTE: Do not include organizations or individuals that will be paid to provide activities, services and
training. That is, subcontracted resources should not be listed here; unless they provide contributions
beyond the services they will be paid to provide.
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Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
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Appendix C-3 – Budget
8. Program Budget
The evaluation committee will evaluate the reasonableness of the program budget based on the type and
extent of training. Consideration will also be given to reasonableness of the budget as it relates to the stated
labour market demand.
Note 1: The Ministry will evaluate reasonableness by:
Alignment with training costs standards;
Comparison to costs of similar existing, previous programs and/or proposed programs, including per
participant costs;
Staffing costs to deliver the program; and
Location and its effects on program costs.
Proposal Requirements:
Proponents are to provide their program budget using the Budget Template included with this CFP.
Proponents are to complete all applicable fields. For budget line items where rationale is requested (e.g.
support costs), to receive full consideration, Proponents must provide their rationale below.
Using the Budget Template (Appendix C3a, see accompanying file on BCBid), Proponents are to provide their
proposed budget for the proposed program. The proposed budget must be broken down into fiscal years (April
1st to March 31st). Proponents are to note that no carry over funding from year to year will be permitted. As
ESS Program funding is anticipated to remain consistent over the next three years, Participant targets and
corresponding budgets are expected to be relatively consistent for multi-year projects.
To assist Proponents in preparing their proposed budget, the Province created the included “Budget
Submissions Details and Requirements” document (Appendix C3b, see accompanying file on BCBid).
State your rationale for all Support Costs requested. Support Costs may be requested for extenuating
circumstances only. A rationale is required for each category of Support Costs you will be requesting. The
rationale should include target Eligible Participants that are likely to receive the support, identify the specific
barriers the Support Costs will address and identify how providing the Supports Costs will contribute to
Participant success.
Assumptions – In evaluating this criterion, the evaluation committee will be assessing the assumptions made
by the Proponent in determining their proposed program budget. State any assumptions made in
determining the proposed program budget.
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9. Leverages Other Funding Sources
The Proponent should leverage other funding sources, including in-kind resources, funding from the federal
government, the private sector/industry, and other non-government sources.
Proposal Requirements:
To support your budget submission, please describe any additional sources of funding you will leverage to
offset the delivery of your program (including in-kind resources).
Note 1: When identifying additional funding that can be leveraged, Proponents are reminded that they must
continue abiding with all financial and reporting obligations under other contracts or arrangements, including
other government funding arrangements. For example it would not be appropriate to donate staff time or
rental space currently being paid for by other funders where the parties under those other contracts or
arrangements have not agreed to make an In-Kind Contribution to contracts under this CFP. This section
should identify how additional funding sources could be leveraged to gain financial or other efficiencies in your
proposed program, which may include items like rent and staff resources providing there is no conflict with the
terms of any existing contracts.
Employment Services and Supports Program
Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training
Revised March 17, 2015
Appendix C - Page 19 of 19
CFP ON-002612