2nd 9 weeks Test Questions

2nd 9 Weeks Test Review
Chapter 11 (pages 238-255):
1. What is a joint resolution? ___________________________________________
2. Who was the third person to become president of the Republic of Texas?
3. What is archives? ___________________________________________________
4. What was the result of the Archives War? _______________________________
5. What happened to the members of the Mier expedition after they were
recaptured? _______________________________________________________
6. What problem did the new republic of Texas have with Mexico?
7. During the first presidential election of Texas, a majority of voters casted their
votes for what? ____________________________________________________
8. How was Mirabeau B. Lamar and Sam Houston different in their approach on
handling the Republic of Texas? _______________________________________
9. For what is Lamar’s presidency best known for? __________________________
10. Why was the first attempt to annex Texas blocked? ______________________
11. What did Sam Houston do differently during his second term as President of
the Republic of Texas? _____________________________________________
12. What prevented Sam Houston from running for a second term immediately
after his first? ____________________________________________________
13. What happened to the redback during Lamar’s term as president?
14. How did the Texas government attract settlers to the new nation?
15. What were Lamar’s views on Native Texans? ___________________________
Chapter 12 (pages 264-280):
1. What was the next step for Texas after it was admitted into the United States?
2. What are the different branches (positions) that run the state of Texas?
3. Why did Mexico refuse to accept the Treaty of Velasco? ___________________
4. After the United States’ annexation of Texas and Mexico’s threat of War, what
happened next? ___________________________________________________
5. Describe the terms of the Compromise of 1850. __________________________
6. If Texas had been able to secure all the territory that it had claimed for itself,
which city would have been within the borders of Texas? ___________________
7. Why did the United States declare war on Mexico in 1846? _________________
8. What was President Zachary Taylor’s position on admitting California to the
United States? ____________________________________________________
9. What were the terms of the Texas and New Mexico Act? __________________
Chapter 13 (pages 286-298):
1. What happened at the beginning of the famine in Ireland? _________________
2. What was the common food crops in Texas? _____________________________
3. What did Governor Elisha M. Pease promote during his term? _______________
4. What was needed in Texas to help the cotton fields be successful?
5. What is the “wedges of separation” that divided the North and the South?
6. Why is William Goyens a significant figure in Texas history?
**Test on Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2014**