Hamlet King Hamlet – the king of Denmark who was recently killed

King Hamlet – the king of Denmark who was recently killed by Claudius
Hamlet – Prince of Denmark – the son of King Hamlet
Claudius – Hamlet´s uncle, brother of the dead king, becomes the new king after
marrying Hamlet´s mother.
Gertrude – Hamlet´s mother, marries Claudius after the king´s death.
Polonius – the king´s counselor
Ofelia – daughter of Polonius and Hamlet´s girlfriend
Laertes – Polonius son and Ofelia´s brother
Horatio – Hamlet´s friend
The king of Denmark – King Hamlet - was killed by his brother Claudius. King
Hamlet came back as a ghost and told prince Hamlet, his son, to avenge him.
When King Hamlet died his brother Claudius married Gertrude, prince Hamlet´s
mother, and became the new king of Denmark.
Hamlet hired some actors to perform the killing of the king in a play. He wanted
Claudius to know that he knew that Claudius killed his father.
When Hamlet talked to his mother a man was hiding behind the curtains. Hamlet
thought it was Claudius and killed him. Though it wasn´t Claudius, it was
Polonius, his girlfriend´s father.
Claudius wanted to get rid of Hamlet and sent him to England, to get him killed.
Claudius men didn´t succeed in killing him. Hamlet was caught by pirates on his
way back to Denmark but managed to escape.
Ofelia, Hamlet´s girlfriend and Polonius daughter, went mad because Hamlet
broke up with her, and also because of her father´s death. She fell into a river and
Laertes, Ofelia´s brother, came back from France and heard about the deaths of
his family. Claudius told him Hamlet was the one to blame for their deaths.
Laertes then wanted to kill Hamlet, to avenge the death of his father and sister. He
started fighting with Hamlet and Hamlet was badly injured by the poisoned sword
of Laertes. In the fight the swords got mixed up and Hamlet now killed Laertes by
the same poisoned sword.
Before Hamlet died he killed Claudius by forcing him to drink the same poisoned
drink that killed his mother Gertrude.
Hamlet´s last wish was that the Norwegian King would become the new king of
The themes of the play – revenge, life and death, love
What does Hamlet mean with his words:
To be or not to be, that´s the question.
After the death of his father he is in grief. He doesn´t know if he wants to live
or die (be or not to be). And what is he going to do with his uncle? Is it ever
right to kill another person? Should his uncle live or die?
Sonnet 18
Shall I compare thee to a summer´s day?
Den person Shakespeare pratar om (oklart om det är en han eller hon) lever
upp till sommarens skönhet, men är så mycket mer. Sommaren räcker inte till
för att beskriva den skönhet han talar om.
Sommaren tar slut och tappar sin skönhet, precis som människan gör när hon
åldras. Men skönheten hos denna person försvinner inte. Så länge dikten om
henne finns kommer hennes skönhet leva vidare. Hon får evigt liv i och med
Länkar till filmer vi tittat på, om du missat något:
Om Romeo och Julia – Du får bland annat svar på vad som menas med citatet
”What´s in a name?”
Berättar om karaktärerna och handlingen i Hamlet. Endast på engelska.
Berättar om vad Hamlet menar med det kända citatet ”To be or not to
be…”Det räcker att titta på de första fem minuterna.