Article II – The President


Unit 5

Executive Branch

Article II Outline

The Presidency

Section 1

• Clause 1 – Term

1. President’s term is 4 years

2. 22 nd Amendment limits it to two terms

3. Inauguration is January 20 th @ noon – established by the 20 th


Clause 2

• Electoral College

• (explained in a minute)

Clause 3-Election of

President & Vice President

• 1. Winner of the Electoral college is

President, the one with the SECOND highest votes becomes Vice


• (that’s how it used to be) ask John

Adams when he ran against George


• 2. Changed by the 12 th Amendment in 1804 – voted on separately (ballot)

Clause 4 – Date of


• General Election Day is …….

Clause 5 – Qualifications

• 1. 35 years old

• 2. Lived in the US for 14 years

• 3. A NATURAL born citizen

Clause 6 – Vacancy


The powers of the Presidents shall dissolve on the Vice President in case of death, disability, removal, or resignation


Presidential Succession Act of


VP, S of H, PPT, SoS, SoT, SoD and other cabinet members in the order the cabinet position was created.

3. 25 th amendment changes to the “Vice

President shall become President”

Clause 7 –


• 1. Salary of $400,000 – can not be changed while in office +

$50,000 expense budget

• 2. Use of White House, Air Force

One, Marine One, and Camp


Clause 8 – Oath of Office

• “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the

Office of President of the United

States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Section II

Clause 1 – Military and

Civilian Powers

• 1. President acts as Commanderin-Chief has authority to deploy troops

• 2. War Powers Act of 1973 a. Within 48 hours of sending troops President must report to Congress b. Combat troops must be withdrawn within 60 days without Congressional Approval c. Congress may end the combat commitment at any time with a Concurrent Resolution

• 3. May grant pardons, reprieves, or clemency (commute a sentence)

• 4. May veto legislation from

Congress that they feel is unsatisfactory

Section II Clause 2

Treaties and Appointments

• 1. President may make treaties with other nations, but they require a 2/3 approval vote of the Senate

• 2. President may make an executive agreement with foreign nations, does NOT require Senate approval

• 3. President appoints Supreme Court

Justices, Federal Judges, Cabinet members, and other heads of

Executive Offices/Agencies

Clause 3 – President’s

Powers and Duties

• 1. Give the State of the Union


• 2. Prepare the Federal Budget

• 3. Receive representatives from foreign nations

• 4. Ensure the execution of all laws

Clause 4 – Impeachment

• 1. May be impeached for

Treason, Bribery or other high

Crimes and Misdemeanors
