File - Morristown Bands

2015 – 2016 System Handbook
Morristown Jr./Sr. High School Bands
Table of Contents:
Attendance Policy…..Pg. 2
Grading/Assessment Policy…..Pg. 3
Performance Attire…..Pg. 5
Practice Suggestions…..Pg. 5
Private Lessons…..Pg. 5
Instruments, Lockers & Music…..Pg. 6
School Owned Instruments & Percussion…..Pg. 6
Solo & Ensemble Contest…..Pg. 7
Repair & Accessories…..Pg. 7
Student Agenda Notebooks…..Pg. 9
Communication…..Pg. 9
Contact Information…..Pg. 9
Handbook Signature Form…..Pg. 10
Please Keep and Refer To This Handbook All Year Long
Band website:
Band Student’s Name
pg. 1
Band Class Period ______ Instrument
2015-2016 Morristown Bands Handbook
Welcome to another exciting year in the Morristown Jr./Sr. High School Band Program. The bands at Morristown
have a tradition of excellence and are recognized and respected throughout Indiana and the Midwest. When
students join the band program, they are making a commitment to work hard, practice, and to be able to play their
part. Just “coasting” is not acceptable. A regular routine of practicing should be established and enforced at home.
Treat practicing like homework and students complete their homework prior to watching TV, playing video games,
talking on the phone. The band classes are full year classes and students will not be allowed to drop out part
way through the year. Students who get frustrated with band and or who do not like it after awhile are generally
students who do not practice and therefore do not experience success. It is important for students to learn the lesson
that hard work leads to success and then enjoyment. This is an important life lesson in addition to the value of
learning to appreciate and understand music through the playing of a band instrument.
I will do my best to communicate with parents throughout the year. If you have a concern, something positive to
share, or a question, please give me a call/email. I will make every attempt to get back to you promptly. Please be
aware that anytime there is a concert, contest, or band trip, I may not be able to respond the same day. When you
call, please leave your name, your child’s name, a brief message, and your daytime phone number. I ask you to
please hang on to this band handbook and to refer to it 1st when you have a question. Many questions can be
answered either in the handbook or at the web site (
The community and school are very proud of the bands and their levels of achievement throughout the state of
Indiana and throughout the Midwest. They have received numerous Gold ratings at the Indiana State School Music
Association (ISSMA) contests for concert band, marching band, jazz band, and solo and ensemble. The Pride of
Morristown Marching Band & Guard has also been recognized at the Mid-States Marching Band Finals and the
ISSMA State Marching Band Finals.
I. Concert/Extra Rehearsal Attendance Policy
The bands at Morristown are performance-based classes, which make them co-curricular. This means that
ensembles will meet during as well as outside of the school day. Students who are enrolled in band classes need to
understand that attendance is required at all performances and extra rehearsals. Parents are to notify the
director by phone or email as soon as they are aware that the student will not be able to attend a
performance/competition. Check the full band calendar on the band website for all performances and extra
rehearsals. Excused absences will be granted in the following circumstances only:
The following is a list of absences that are approved for being excused from a performance or practice.
1.) Death in the family
2.) Illness, with proper documentation from a physician
3.) Marriage/Anniversary in the immediate family
4.) Religious Holiday
5.) Family Crisis
The following are not excused
1.) Work
2.) Oversleeping
pg. 2
3.) Missing a bus/Don’t have a ride
4.) Vacation (This includes non-school activities)
5.) Any other absence not specifically excused above
If you are not sick enough to go to the doctor, you are well enough to perform or practice.
*Absences from performances will be handled through the director only. You need to fill out an Excused Absence
Form at least seven days prior to the performance. Only absences meeting the criteria above will be excused.
Please contact the band director as soon as possible for absences for emergencies.
*Excused Absence Forms can be found in an envelope on the board outside director's office.
For all excused concert absences, a recorded/live performance by the student of all band music for that concert
must be given to the band director within 3 school days after the student’s return to school or a grade of “0” will be
awarded. Only a CD, Flash Drive, or MP3 recording will be accepted. Students unable to make a recording must
set up a time to play for the director.For all unexcused concert absences, NO alternative assignment will be given.
Any student not contacting the director about their absence will receive a “0” for their grade.
Students who cannot adhere to this policy may be removed from their respective ensembles. Notes, emails or
phone calls must be received prior to the concert whenever possible and no later than the next day the student is in
Even one student who is absent from a band concert/contest can adversely affect the performance. If there are any
changes that need to be made to the band calendar, you will be notified immediately. Always check the event
calendar on the Band website, as it is the most accurate.
II. Grading Policy
All band classes are graded on a percentage/weighted system. The following Shelby Eastern Schools grading
system will be used:
90%-100% equals a grade of A-, A & A+
80%-89% equals a grade of B-, B & B+
70%-79% equals a grade of C-, C & C+
60%-69% equals a grade of D-, D & D+
59% and lower equals a grade of F
It is my policy that students are graded on their own improvement and not a rigid set of standards. This mastery
learning approach allows students of all talent and ability levels to be judged fairly and according to their own
efforts. As students progress through the various levels of the Band program, more effort is expected of them.
Students’ grades in Band will be based on several different modes of assessment:
1. Concert Participation
Concert attendance is both required and graded. Full points are earned by:
a. Being there on time (please attendance policy)
b. Wearing the proper attire (please see concert wear policy)
c. Having all necessary materials
d. Being professional in your conduct
2. Playing Exams and Written Assignments
Playing exams will measure growth and effort in selected musical passages and basic music skills
periodically throughout the semester. Written assignments will cover a wide range of music related
subjects. Late assignments may be turned in for up to 50% credit while missing assignments will be
counted as 0%.
3. Attendance, Participation, and Effort
pg. 3
Attendance will be taken on a daily and weekly basis. Please see the attendance policy for a list of
acceptable reasons for absences. Effort and participation will be evaluated on a daily basis.
4. Self-Evaluations
These assignments will be completed during class following selected performances.
5. Equipment Checks
The first equipment check will take place on August 24th and will happen periodically thereafter. See the
equipment list for what will be checked on.
Finally, a Final Exam will be given each semester worth 20% of the student’s final grade. This exam will cover
concepts discussed during the semester and will also include a playing examination.
Below you will find an expanded description of each graded criteria.
20%APE (Attendance, Participation, & Effort)
Attendance will be taken daily in class at the beginning of the period. Any student not in his or her assigned seat by
one minute after the bell will not receive attendance credit for the day. Unexcused absences will also result in loss
of attendance points. However, students with an excused absence will not be penalized.
The participation component of a student’s grade is based upon the following 4 criteria:
1.) The student is prepared for class by having his or her instrument, music, and other materials necessary for
the day’s activity
2.) The student contributes to the class with proper behavior
3.) The student contributes to the class with appropriate comments and discussion
4.) The student contributes to the class by performing alone and with the ensemble
Not meeting the above criteria will result in a loss of points for the day. An unexcused absence will result in the
automatic loss of participation points for the day.
30% Performances
The culmination of studying and rehearsing any piece of music literature is the performance. Therefore,
performance attendance will count as a large portion of the final grade. Occasionally a student may have to miss a
performance for a legitimate reason. Excused absences from a performance can be made up by performing the
concert literature or an approved solo in front of the ensemble during the week after the performance. See the next
page for list of excused absences. An unexcused absence implies that no effort was made to participate in a
performance; therefore, no unexcused absence can be made up.
20% Written Assignments
Throughout the semester, various worksheets, papers, and projects will be assigned which will focus on music
theory, ear training, composition techniques, musical analysis, and the historical as well as cultural background of
various genres of music. Student will be expected to complete and turn these assignments in on time. Late
assignments will be accepted for the grade of “F” (50% credit). Missing assignments will be counted as a zero (0%
10% Performance Exams and 20% Final Exam
Approximately two or three times a semester, students will be asked to perform selected scales and excerpts in
preparation for upcoming events. If this is done individually a standard evaluation form will be used to determine
results. Other times, it may be necessary to have an additional group rehearsal outside of standard class time in
order to prepare for an event. Attendance and participation in such an extra rehearsal will also count as a
performance exam..
pg. 4
Extra Credit:
These points will occasionally be offered but will never be of a significant amount. Do not expect to greatly
improve your grade via Extra Credit!
III. Band Uniforms/Concert Attire
Concert Attire is required for all band members. We are judged at contest on our appearance and professionalism.
All students are required to wear the following items for your ensemble. Students who do not wear the complete
band attire will have points deducted from their concert grade. The Morristown Bands have received numerous
compliments for their concert attire looking like a professional ensemble. This is a very important part of the
ensemble’s performance.
Junior High Bands (6th, 7th, & 8th Grade)
-Black Dress Slacks/Skirt, Black Socks, and Black Dress Shoes. Students will NOT be allowed to wear sneakers or
jeans. These students will also wear a charcoal Morristown Band Polo shirt, which will be ordered through the
Band Boosters. The cost for this shirt will be $18.00. Please order your child’s shirt on the parent return page of
this letter, page 10. The form will NOT be accepted without the payment.
High School Concert & Jazz Bands
LADIES: Black Dress Slacks/Skirt, Solid White or Black Blouse and Black Dress Shoes. Students will NOT be
allowed to wear sneakers or jeans.
GENTLEMEN: Black Dress Slacks, Black Socks, White Button Down Collared Shirt, Black Suit Jacket, Black Tie
and Black Dress Shoes. Students will NOT be allowed to wear sneakers or jeans.
Marching Band members will be issued a uniform consisting of a shako, jacket, bib pants, black marching shoes
and black gloves. Students are required to supply plain black calf-length socks and under uniform consisting of a
black t-shirt and athletic shorts. Color Guard members will be issued a uniform and accessories for the fall show
which will vary from year to year, marching shoes and gloves.
IV. Practice Suggestions
All band students are required to maintain a regular practice schedule in order to be successful. How much a
student practices depends on how good he or she desires to be, however a good amount of time to shoot for is 1-2
hours per week. Remember, each student’s goals for band should include being able to play each page in the book
and each piece of sheet music by the assigned due date.
1. Band members should take their instrument home a minimum of 3 times a week including weekends.
2. Band members should warm up correctly. This time is usually 1/5 of the total practice time. Warm up
includes long tones, lip slurs, scales and breathing exercises. It also includes rudiments and hand-to-hand
exercises for the percussion.
3. Students should also work out of their method book as well as any sheet music given to them by the band
director or a private teacher.
4. Consistent practice time is a must. This time should be uninterrupted, concentrated practice time set aside
at approximately the same time everyday. The practice area should be free of all distractions. Students
must constantly practice in order to not only maintain, but also improve their skill level.
VI. Private Lessons
Private lessons are very important to the success that each student can have on their instrument and they are very
important to the success of the bands. Students are strong encouraged to take private lessons with a master teacher
on their instrument. Please contact the band office if your student is interested in taking private lessons, there are
many great teachers within easy driving distance!!!
pg. 5
VII. Instruments/Lockers/Music
Students are to keep their instruments in their assigned band locker during school hours. The students should have
their name on their case and you should record the instrument’s serial number. Students are to only play/handle
their own instrument. Also, due to the number of students in the band room at any given time, all students are to
keep their instrument case and all other items in their instrument locker during band class or under their chair and
not on the floor of the band room. Students who do not adhere to this rule will receive an automatic grade
deduction under the participation category of 5 points. Everything not used for band during class must remain in
the student’s band locker.
A. Lockers:
All instruments and cases are to be placed in the locker when not in use. Students who do not correctly place their
instrument in its case, set it on the shelf or close the case completely, will have their locker taken away for an
extended period of time. Any student who plays a school owned instrument must use their assigned locker at all
times or they will not be allowed to continue using the school owned instrument.
B. Sheet Music:
All students are provided sheet music for performing at concerts/contests and for practice. There is no charge for
the first copy. If the music is lost or destroyed, additional copies are $1.00 per piece. This is to instill a sense of
discipline and responsibility into each student. The director may not always have time to go to the music library,
retrieve the part, and then copy lost music. Remember, ALL students must have ALL of their music daily. The
procedure for obtaining a replacement copy of lost music is as follows:
-Fill out a request form located on the band room table.
-Pay director $1.00 per lost piece. No replacement parts will be given out until the fee is paid to the
-Pick up the new copy when it is ready from the front desk—new copies may take a few days to obtain.
There will be a lost music box provided in the band room. This is not to be used as a place for students to keep
their music or their folders. If a student misplaces their music, they should look first for it in the box. The box will
be emptied and discarded weekly by the director. If a student cannot find their band book, they will need to
purchase a new one.
VIII. School Owned Instruments and Percussion
The school does own a small amount of instrument inventory. All students are encouraged to rent through Paige’s
Music store. Rentals from Paige’s will include FREE repair and many other great benefits for your student. If
renting through Paige’s Music is not feasible, please contact the director to discuss any other options that might be
cost to students is $25.00 per semester and $50.00 per year. Students and parents must complete and return a
school bond form to the band director before the instrument will be issued. The instruments will be inspected and
issued in good playing condition. Any damages incurred while the instrument is in the possession of the student
will be billed directly to the parents of the student. We have worked hard to acquire these instruments and ask your
help in ensuring that they are well taken care of at all times. Parents who have a son/daughter that plays a school
owned instrument should send in a check/cash/money order for $25.00 (1st semester) or $50.00 (entire year) made
out to Morristown Band Boosters before the instrument is issued. 2nd Semester Payments will be due by the end
of the first week of school in January.
pg. 6
Percussion: We must also charge all percussionists for the use of school owned percussion instruments in class.
The cost to replace the drum heads, instruments and mallets has become quite expensive. We therefore have a
yearly fee of $25.00 for all Morristown Percussionists (NOT including beginning percussionists). This will help us
to keep our equipment in good working order. Please send this in by the end of the first week of school. A payment
plan may be set up by an adult.
If payment cannot be made on time, arrangements MUST be made with the director prior to the due date
either by phone, email, or written note.
IX. ISSMA Solo and Ensemble Contest
Solo and Ensemble Contest will be held on January 30th 2016. State Solo and Ensemble will be on February 27th,
Band students may take a solo or an ensemble (or both!) to contest and are strongly encouraged to do so. I will try
to provide a list of people that may be available to be piano accompanists for soloists. The director will select
ensembles and ensemble music along with solo music. Ensembles are voluntary and must be entered in approved
ISSMA categories of approved instrument combinations. Most ensemble rehearsals will take place after or before
school. Last year’s costs for this contest were $13.00 per soloist and $7.00 per ensemble member. Parents and
students will receive more information as the registration deadline nears.
X. Repairs and Accessories
Paige’s Music Store and Musician’s Repair & Sales sends a road man one-day each week to deliver pre-paid orders
and to pick up and return instruments for repair. If you are renting your instrument from Paige’s it is still under
warranty and most of the repairs will be made free of charge; otherwise a bill will be sent to you. If you need a
repair or an accessory, please call Paige’s Music and place an order for a loaner instrument and or an accessory. No
accessories will be sold through the Band Office.
Steps to Take To Have Your Band Instrument Repaired:
A. Take it to the Music Store Yourself, obtain a loaner, pick up when ready
B. Call Music Store and arrange for pick up at school AND Delivery of a loaner instrument.
C. Fill out a repair tag and leave instrument (minus mouthpiece, reeds, and supplies) under the table by the
band office. Students will be informed which day of the week pick up will occur for the entire year.
Stores must be phoned in advance. Pick up and drop off of the loaner instrument must be arranged by the
Paige’s Music: 317.842.2102 5282 E. 65th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46220
Musician’s Repair & Sales: 317.635.6273 332 N. Capitol Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46204
Parents are NEVER to take a Morristown owned instrument to any music store to be repaired. The director will
take care of that and secure a loaner. Please contact the director directly if your school owned instrument is not
working properly.
pg. 7
In addition to an instrument in good playing condition, (personal or school owned) all students are required to have
these basic supplies. They may be purchased at the local retailers or online.
Flute: Cleaning rod and soft cloth
3 good WOODEN reeds*
Recommended: Jones Medium
Film canister/reed soaker
Cork grease
Cleaning swab
3 good reeds*
(See note about reeds below)
Reed guard (holds 2-4 reeds; NOT the clear ones
that come in the reed box!)
Cork grease
Cleaning swab
Neck strap (sax and bass clarinets only)
* You must have at least 3 working reeds at all times, so just buy a big box now (and plan on buying one again
later in the year!). High school players should have a minimum strength of 3—we do NOT want to see any 2½‘s.
Use your reed guard to ROTATE your reeds—they will sound better and last longer.
As soon as a reed is at all chipped or cracked, it’s time to throw it away. You will sound much better! Brands to
consider include Mitchell Lurie (preferred) and Vandoren.
Trumpet*, Horn, Euphonium, Tuba:
Valve oil (I recommend Hetman)
Tuning slide grease (cheap is fine)
Trombone*: Slide cream and spray water bottle
(Slide oil is NOT recommended!)
Tuning slide grease (cheap is fine!)
Basic yarn mallets (such as Balter BB2)
One pair of WOODEN snare sticks (such as Vic Firth SD-1)
Pitch pipe for timpani tuning (Master Key Chromatic Pitch Instrument would be my suggestion; it’s a round pitch
pipe with all 13 pitches).
Stick bag with name tag,
Medium hard rubber mallets (such as Balter BB8)
One pair general Timpani mallets (such as Vic Firth T1)
*You MUST label your sticks and mallets since most students end up with similar equipment. Every year many
sticks are lost or “borrowed” by other students.
A Tuner/Metronome combination is an invaluable and recommended tool for HS musicians. They are available
through many music stores for around $20. There are also online tools and iPhone applications available for
students practicing at home which are less expensive or free.
pg. 8
XI. Student Agenda Notebooks
All Morristown students are required to have their agenda notebook with them at all times. Passes will not be signed by
the director if students do not have them. Students will only be allowed to leave the room with a pass for an emergency.
Students who are not in the classroom are not learning. If students need to use the restroom and do not have their
notebooks with them, they will need to take a tardy for band that day. This includes sending students back to their hall
lockers for instruments, music, or sending a student to the nurse. Students will also be expected to write their band
assignments, due dates, and concert information in their notebooks. Parents, you can monitor your student’s notebook use
at home by checking them on a regular basis.
XII. Communication
Please help us make your child’s band experience the very best that it can be.
1. Help them arrange a practice schedule and enforce it at home. Please make sure they have a music stand!
2. Check to make sure their instrument does not need to be repaired, and if it does, please make sure you follow the
procedures in the handbook.
3. All band students know their band grade ALL the time. Please keep up with their progress and test scores and check
your student’s grades on a regular basis. If their band test grade has dropped, it means they failed a playing quiz/test.
Therefore, they need to practice more frequently and carefully. If their Readiness grade has dropped, they are not bringing
everything for band to class.
4. Please make sure your child has all accessories (reeds, oil, etc.) all the time. They will need replacements on a regular
5. Add your contact information to the requested page 10 to receive up-to-date news and information regarding the
Morristown Bands.
6. Make sure your student has brought home an itinerary for each performance 1-2 weeks prior to the event. Make your
student responsible and accountable for bringing information home to you.
There is limited prep time each day to repair instruments, copy music, make phone calls, respond to emails, enter
computer grades and attendance, arrange the band room for the next class, fill out entries for contest, pay bills, order new
equipment and music, just to name a few tasks. You can help by keeping this handbook and refer to it when you have a
question. Your student should also be able to answer most questions.
If you keep this handbook, regularly check your student’s grades, make sure your student is practicing on a regular basis,
visit our band web site, ask your child for itineraries one week prior to all performances, and stay involved, your child will
have success in band. I truly think that Morristown has outstanding band students and parents, and I thank you in advance
for your support and cooperation of this fine program.
Director Contact Information:
Mr. Jordan Black, Director of Bands
Morristown Jr./Sr. High School
223 South Patterson Street
Morristown, IN 46161
Email: Band Office: 765.763.1221 Ext: 3122
“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents
the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”- unknown
Morristown Band Department Handbook Signature Form 2015 – 2016
(DUE Friday, August 21st)
Please check the music performance classes of which the student is a part.
6th Grade Band ______ 7th Grade Band ______ 8th Grade Band ______ Junior High Jazz Band ______
High School Concert Band ______ Marching Band/Color Guard ______ High School Jazz Band ______
Student’s Name Printed _____________________________ Student’s Signature ______________________________
“I have read the Morristown Band Department Handbook for the 2015 – 2016 school year and I agree to follow the rules
and policies stated within. By signing this I am making a personal commitment to put forth my best effort in band for the
entire school year.”
Parent’s Name Printed _______________________________ Parent’s Signature _____________________________
“I have read the Morristown Band Department Handbook for the 2015 – 2016 school year. I agree to support my child in
band and to help them to follow the rules and policies stated in the handbook.”
Parent’s Email 1:_____________________________________ 2: ___________________________________________
This form must be returned to the band director by Friday, August 21st for a grade. Students who have not turned in the
signed handbook form by August 21st will receive a point deduction for each day the form is late. Students in the
Morristown Bands are expected to be responsible students. Exceptions may be made in extenuating circumstances and
students will always have at least 1 week to have the paper signed and returned.
All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students will wear a charcoal polo shirt with the Morristown Bands logo embroidered on
the front. This will be part of the required performance attire for all junior high bands (6th – 8th grade), so plan
accordingly with your students’ size.
Returning students in 7th and 8th grade may continue to wear their polo for past years if it still fits and looks
appropriate. If a new shirt is needed, fill in the size on the blank below.
Shirts will be ordered based on the size that is listed on this sheet. Shirts are $18.00 and we accept cash, check, or
money order. We do have a few gently used polo shirts in select sizes available for $10.00. These are first-come,
first-served. Money must be sent in along with the shirt order form. All checks and money orders should be made
out to the Morristown Band Boosters.
ADULT SIZES: S _____ M _____ L _____
XL _____ XXL _____
I will be wearing my polo shirt from last year _____