
Choose 1 workout from each section and make it happen
Sprint work (start with 7-10minute run)
1. 5x25m, 4x50m, 3x75m, 2x100m,
2. 10x50m, 5x25m, 2x200m
3. 4x50m skips for speed, 4x50m skips
for height, 4x50m skips for distance,
4x50m backwards skip, 2x200m
4. 4x200m, 3x100m, 2x50m 4x50m
5. 4x25m high knees, 4x25m hamstring
kicks, 4x50m, 3x100m, 2x200
6. 8x50m side skip, 4x50m A-skip,
4x50m B-skip, 4x50m Lunge
Plyometric work
1. Line Drills- 1 hop skier’s, 2 step
skier’s, 1 leg hop line, 2 leg hop line,
2. 4x1 minute single leg hops
3. 4x1 minute wall taps
4. 4x25 squat jumps into a static lunge
5. 4x1 minute 4 different box heights
6. 4x1minute single leg box jumps
7. 10x25m squat jump to sprint
1. 8x20 second burpees with rest of 10
2. 8x20 second mountain climbers with
hop with rest of 10 seconds
3. 1xMat run 1minute, 45seconds, 30
seconds, 15seconds. 1xMat jumps
4. 5x 20 Pendulum Kicks (mountain
climber position with alternate leg
5. 5x20 Plank position side jumps (side
steps if too complicated)
General Strength
1. 4x50 4 inch partial crunch, 4x50
reverse crunches
2. 4x1 minute planks, 4x1 minute
reverse planks, 4x1 minute side
3. 4x25 push-ups, 4x25 calf raises
4. 4x25 bench dips, 4x25 elevated push
5. 2x20 wide arm push-ups, 2x20 close
arms, 2x20 normal
***Proper Warm Up &Cool-Down 7-10 minute light jog***
Weight Room Sprinters, Jumpers, Hurdlers
Hips, Calf, Core
4x50 single leg press
4x50 single leg calf raises
4x25 Roman Chair
4x25 plated knee
4x25 plate squats and turns
5x10 ball plank up-downs
5x10 ball hammy curls
5x10 squats
Arms and Back
4x25 lateral raise
4x25 arm extensions
4x50 Single Leg Extensions
4x25 bi-curls
4x1minute iso squat with weight
4x25 kickbacks
4x25 pull downs
10x5 chin-ups
3x Weight circuit- each person has an exercise and rotates every 30 seconds with 15
second recovery